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Dwellbird is simplifying Rental Housingusingafully Automated Marketplace that allows Discovery,TransactionandCommunication between Landlords and Tenants. We'reNOTBrokers,rather a Technology Platform that Facilitate LandlordsandTenantsto deal with each other directly throughout theRentingLifecycle.10 Reasons to Download:1. MANAGE YOUR RENTAL PROPERTIES:We know how difficult it is to Manage your RentalProperties.Listyour property once on Dwellbird and you are done.Dwellbirdknowwhen you're searching for a Tenant and auto-publishyourpropertyto potential tenants. We have everything so that youmanagetheshow yourself profitably without any brokers.2. FIND THE RIGHT HOME:Did it ever happen to you while you're searching a home, thatit'snolonger available? Sometimes, you liked a particular homeanddon'tknow when will it be available next. Dwellbird savesyourtime andeffort by sending Advance Alerts on Availability forhomesyou liked.Make your home search more meaningful and avoid thewildgoosechase.3. DEAL WITH TRUST:Dwellbird brings Certified Homes from Genuine LandlordsforVerifiedTenants. Let's not be unknown to each other.Profiles,References,Reviews and Rating will help bringing LandlordandTenant closer sothat you deal with trust, suretyandconfidence.4. SCHEDULE & MANAGE VISITS:Just set your free time and get Visit Request fromPotentialTenants.See who all are coming to see your property atwhat time.You canCancel or Re-schedule the visits without taking asinglecall.Dwellbird also Tracks the Visit and sendtimelyReminders.5. BOOK HOMES ONLINE:Have you ever missed Booking a house that you liked somuch?Also,Imagine if you're shifting from City-A to City-B. Findingaplaceis such a pain. No more! Never miss out on yourfavouritehome,just Book it in a jiffy from anywhere.6. SWITCH TO SMART PAYMENTS:No more Checks, Cash and Sharing your Bank Account.SecurelyAutomateall your Rental Payments. Pay, Collect and Trackreal-timewithoutany confusion and disputes. Get in-app alerts sothat youalways payon time.7. ONLINE DOCUMENT STORAGE:Get free from the mess of handling physical copiesandloosingdocuments. Now easily access your RentalAgreements,ExpenseReceipts, Rent Receipts, Refund Reports etc.anytime.WithDwellbird, Create, Download and Store all yourimportantRentalDocuments safely at one place.8. REPORT AN ISSUE:This is for the Tenants out there. Whether you want tocreateaTerrace Garden or have a Faulty Door Lock or aNeighbourhoodissue,you can now easily report to your Landlord viaDwellbird.Simplyadd a time-stamped photo, some descriptions and aprice(ifapplicable) and just report. You can mark it as Urgent andevenaskfor Landlord's Approvals all through the app.9. E CHECK-IN AND CHECK-OUTWe let Tenants & Landlords initiate E- Check-inandCheck-outwith a single touch of a button. We make Tenantsowelcomed intheir new home. Whenever, you want to Vacate thehome,just clickExit and initiate E Check-out and Settlement.Theproperty is backon Search to find New Tenants. Else, with justonetouch Renew yourAgreement10. CHATS AND MESSAGESTenants can Chat with their Landlords using Dwellbird App.NomoreE-mails, Calls and SMSs. Let all your conversation be atoneplace.This feature is coming soon.