Top 22 Apps Similar to Integral Clinica Veterinaria

Vetemecum 2.1.0
Vademecum for veterinary where you have hundreds of doses of drugs.
Help for Vets Agrovet Market 1.17
VetHelp Agrovet Market is an spanish languagebasedindispensabletool specially designed for veterinarians andanimalhealthprofessionals. Provides a quick and easyreferenceofpharmacological active, values ​​andphysiologicalconstants,specific calculators for veterinarypractice, among manyotherfeatures. Download VetHelp AM to access: •Form of nearly600active ingredients for veterinary medicine • Morethan6,000interactions between active • Constants physiologicalandclinicalvalues ​​for 11 animal species • 13 scientificcalculatorsandveterinary (conversions, dosage, animalage,pregnancy,transfusion, hydration, etc.) • Complete HandbookonAgrovet MarketAnimal Health Keywords: Vethelp, agrovetmarket,veterinarian,animal health, pharmacology, veterinarymedicine,animal production
Vet Smart Cães e Gatos 7.8.0
Vet Smart
We are the largest technological platform in the veterinarymarketin Brazil.
Vet Smart Bovinos e Equinos 7.8.0
Vet Smart
We are the largest technological platform in the veterinarymarketin Brazil.
Bulário Veterinário FREE 2.27
**** 2.500 BULAS CADASTRADASAPROXIMADAMENTE****IMPORTANTE: VERSÃO COM ANÚNCIOS.SUCESSO NA VERSÃO DE REMÉDIOS PARA PESSOASTO AJUSTE DA TELA TORNANDO ASSIM A VISUALIZAÇÃO EM TABLETSCOMTELA CHEIA (necessário android 1.6 ou superior).OPÇÃO DE MOVER O APLICATIVO PARA UM CARTÃO DE MEMÓRIA EXTERNOSD(necessário android 2.2 ou superior).*********************************************O MAIS COMPLETO BANCO DE DADOS DE BULAS VETERINÁRIAS DOANDROIDMARKET, COM APROXIMADAMENTE 3.000 BULAS DE REMÉDIOSCADASTRADAS,RECUPERADAS DA WEB.AS BULAS PODEM SER VISUALIZADAS SEM NECESSIDADE DE CONEXÃO COMAINTERNET.VOCÊ PODERÁ REALIZAR BUSCA POR NOME DO REMÉDIO,CLASSETERAPÊUTICA E PRINCIPIO ATIVO ATRAVÉS DE UMA LISTA OUFILTRANDOPELAS LETRAS CONTIDAS NO NOME DO REMÉDIO, BASTA DIGITAR NACAIXA DETEXTO ACIMA DA LISTA.AS BULAS SÃO RECUPERADAS ATRAVÉS DE BUSCAS AUTOMÁTICAS NAWEB,TODAS AS INFORMAÇÕES AQUI DIVULGADAS NÃO SUBSTITUEM DE FORMAALGUMAO DIAGNÓSTICO MÉDICO VETERINÁRIO, CONSULTE SEMPRE OMÉDICOVETERINÁRIO ANTES DE UTILIZAR QUALQUER MEDICAMENTO.======================================Aviso LegalDeclinamos toda e qualquer responsabilidade legal advindadautilização das informações acessadas nesse App, o qual temporobjetivo a informação e divulgação de bulas de remédios.Tais informações não deverão, de forma alguma, serutilizadascomo substituto para o diagnóstico médico veterinário outratamentode qualquer doença sem antes consultar umveterinário.Todas as marcas registradas de terceiros pertencem aseusrespectivos proprietários.Advertências:Todo medicamento deve ser mantido fora do alcancedascrianças;Não use medicamento sem o conhecimento do seu médico. Podeserperigoso para a saúde do seu animal;Informe ao veterinário o aparecimento dereaçõesindesejáveis;Siga a orientação do médico veterinário, respeitando sempreoshorários, as doses e a duração do tratamento;Não interrompa o tratamento sem o conhecimentodoveterinário;Não use o medicamento com o prazo de validade vencido. Antesdeusar observe o aspecto do medicamento.======================================As informações aqui divulgadas não deverão ser utilizadascomosubstituto para o diagnóstico médico veterinário ou tratamentodequalquer doença sem antes consultar um veterinário.DIRECTIONS FORUSEREGISTERED APPROX 2500 **** ****IMPORTANT: VERSION WITH ADS.SUCCESS IN VERSION OF MEDICATIONS FOR PEOPLETO ADJUST THE SCREEN MAKING SO IN TABLETS WITH A VIEW FULLSCREEN(android 1.6 or higher required).OPTION TO MOVE THE APPLICATION FOR AN EXTERNAL MEMORY CARDSD(android 2.2 or higher required).*********************************************The MOST COMPREHENSIVE DATABASE OF DIRECTIONS FOR USEOFVETERINARY ANDROID MARKET, WITH APPROXIMATELY 3,000REGISTEREDmedicine leaflets, RECOVERED FROM THE WEB. The inserts can be viewed WITHOUT THE NEED FORINTERNETCONNECTION.YOU MAY MAKE SEARCH BY NAME OF MEDICINE, AND THERAPEUTICCLASSACTIVE PRINCIPLE THROUGH A LIST OR BY FILTERING LETTERSCONTAINEDIN THE NAME OF MEDICINE, JUST TYPE IN TEXT BOX ABOVELIST.DIRECTIONS FOR USE AS ARE RECOVERED THROUGH THE WEBSEARCHESAUTOMATIC, ALL INFORMATION DISCLOSED HEREIN DO NOT REPLACEANY WAYDIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL VETERINARY, VETERINARY ALWAYS CONSULT ADOCTORBEFORE USING ANY DRUG.======================================DisclaimerWe decline any liability arising from the use of theinformationaccessed in this App, which aims at the disseminationofinformation and medicine leaflets.Such information should in no way be used as a substituteforveterinary medical diagnosis or treatment of any diseasewithoutconsulting a veterinarian.All third-party trademarks belong to their respectiveowners.Warnings:All medication must be kept out of reach of children;Do not use the medicine without your doctor's knowledge. Itcanbe dangerous to your pet's health;Tell the vet the appearance of undesirable reactions;Follow the veterinarian's instructions, respectingschedules,doses and duration of treatment;Do not stop treatment without the knowledge oftheveterinarian;Do not use the medicine with expiry date. Before using thewatchaspect of medicine.======================================The information provided herein should not be used asasubstitute for veterinary medical diagnosis or treatment ofanydisease without consulting a veterinarian.
Veterinária - Anamnese 3.7
Prontuário dos animais que passampelaclinicaveterinária com os seguintes funcionalidades:- Cadastro do paciente.- Foto de identificação.- Anamnese por questionário.- Galeria de fotos ( com texto explicativo ).- Estatística de respostas.- Estatística dos pacientes.*** Deixe seu comentário que iremos avaliar a mudançadosistema***Faça o prontuário eletrônico dos animais que passamporconsultaem sua clinica veterinária com esse aplicativo.Com ele é possível ter um cadastro com a identificação do animaledodono, um histórico dos dados coletados emconsultasanteriores.A anamnese é feita através de um questionário, comopçõesderesposta. Essas perguntas já são pré inseridas no sistemamas háapossibilidade de alterar ou criar novas.É possível incluir a foto de rosto do paciente, queseráexibidatodas as vezes que for feita a busca.Descrição das Telas:1) Pode-se decidir entre Incluir ou Consultar umanimalnosistema.2) A inclusão ou consulta do animal possuí os seguintesdadosdepreenchimento: Nome do Animal, Nome do Dono, Especie, Raça eDtdeNascimento ( com o calculo automático da idade ),endereço,bairro,cidade, estado e telefone.3) Consulta de animais cadastrados do sistema, exibe em umalistaosdados junto com a foto do paciente.4) Cadastro de Perguntas da anamnese junto com asopçõesderesposta.5) Histórico de consulta, ordenado por data.6) Nova anamnese, com uma tela separada para cada pergunta7) Estatística - porcentagem de resposta para cada pergunta8) Estatística do paciente - com isso é possívelanalisarquais,especies e raças mais atendidas. De quais bairros ecidadeestãovindo os animais da clinicaAtualização: 29/01/2013 - Inclusão da data denascimentonocadastro do animal.Atualização: 25/02/2013 - Validação de data de nascimentoAtualização: 25/02/2013 - Dados demográficos do pacienteAtualização: 25/02/2013 - Estatística do paciente (raça,especie,bairro, cidade e estado )Atualização: 25/02/2013 - Salva a foto do paciente semquefiqueocupando espaço na galeria de aparelho.Records ofanimalsthatpass through the veterinary clinic withthefollowingfeatures:- Registration of the patient.- Photo identification.- Medical history questionnaire.- Photo Gallery (with explanatory text).- Statistics for answers.- Statistics of patients.Leave your comment *** we will evaluate the system change***Do the electronic medical records of the animals thatpassthroughquery in your veterinary clinic withthisapplication.With it's possible to have a register with the identificationoftheanimal and the owner, a history of the data collectedinpreviousconsultations.The interview is done through a questionnaire, withresponseoptions.These questions are already pre-entered into thesystembut there isthe possibility to modify or create newones.You can include a photo of the patient's face, whichappearseverytime a search is made.Description of Screens:1) You can decide whether or Include Consult an animalinthesystem.2) The inclusion or query the animal possess fill thefollowingdata:Name of Animal Owner's name, species, breed and Dtof Birth(withautomatic calculation of age), address, neighborhood,city,state andphone number.3) Consultation of animals registered in the system,displaysthedata in a list along with a photo of the patient.4) Registration Questions of history along withtheansweroptions.5) History query, sorted by date.6) New interview with a separate screen for each question7) Statistics - percentage response for each question8) Statistics of the patient - with which it is possibletoanalyze,breeds and species met. Which city neighborhoods andtheanimals arecoming from clinicUpdate: 29/01/2013 - Inclusion date of birth registrationintheanimal.Update: 25/02/2013 - Validation of date of birthUpdate: 25/02/2013 - Patient demographicsUpdate: 25/02/2013 - Patient Statistics (race,species,neighborhood,city and state)Update: 2.25.2013 - Save the photo of the patientwhileallowingoccupying space in the gallery of the device.
AnyPetz by VetFinder24 3.6.5
Autentek GmbH
One app for all pets AnyPetz by VetFinder24 wasdevelopedanddesigned in collaboration with pet owners andveterinarians.Errormessages and suggestions for improvement arealways welcome.Whatawaits you - worldwide veterinary search -Emergencyservices,veterinary clinics, on-call services -animal-like goodexcursiondestinations - Service provider aroundpets - Create andreceivewarnings - Report missing pets andparticipate in searches -Createand remember events - Dog swimming(outdoor dog pool) -Anamnesisat the push of a button - MediCal, themedication reminder-inoculation memory - weight monitor - birthdaycalendar -chocolatecalculator - insurance comparison - and muchmore specialhealthrecords for the following pet species - dogs -cats - horses-leporidae - small animals - birds - reptiles -amphibiansAnyonecan join in - suggest new places - Suggestmissingveterinarians -Create events
VetHelp - Cálculo de Dosis 2.1
★ Vet Help, aplicación gratuita para elcálculode dosis de fármacos en Animales.★ Opción entre mg, UI, g y µg.★ Aplicación realizada para médicos veterinarios, estudiantesdemedicina veterinaria, técnicos en medicina veterinaria y más.★ El uso de la aplicación queda a revisión del mismo usuario,laaplicación sólo es un cálculo lógico para la medicación deunanimal.★ Vet Help,freeapplication for calculating drug doses in animals.★ Choice between mg, UI, g and g.★ Application realized for veterinarians, veterinarystudents,veterinary technicians and medicine.★ Using the application is reviewed by the same user,theapplication is only logical for medication of ananimalcalculation.
DermatoVet UNESP Botucatu
Welcome (a) the issueVeterinaryDermatology.The veterinary dermatology, among the existing specialtiesinveterinary medicine, is presented differently,beingmultifactorial, with possible systemic involvement ornot.The current preoccupation with diseases with zoonoticpotential,arising from factors such as immunosuppression bydiseases such asAIDS or by factors such as age and submission totreatments such aschemotherapy or post-transplant suppression,associated with anincreased contact between animals and humanspotentiated theimportance of dermatology today.The skin is considered anatomical and physiological barrierbetweenthe organism and the environment, and largest organ of thebody,providing protection against physical, chemical and /ormicrobiological attacks. Possessing receptors fortemperature,pressure, pain and itching.By being so exposed skin, or integument, accounts for 20-75% ofthesample of clinic small animals and is characterized bysufferingand anguish both animals and owners, which leads us to avery bigconcern with the formation and update of personnel, and forthemarket.Each of the conditions met in this specialty can be difficulttodiagnose, always requiring a thorough clinical examinationinaddition to the aid of a device for microscopy only afterpropertreatment it is recommended.For good care and diagnosis, in order to improve the prognosisofthe case must avail ourselves of some exams, and the vastmajorityis done by the dermatologist himself, such asparasitologicalexamination by skin scraping, aspiration cytology,biopsy andhistopathology, mycological cytology, mycologicalculture,examination of brushed hair coat, ribbon printing acetate,mycologyby Wood's lamp, trichogram and mycological culture.Here you will find interesting information, educationalmaterials,scientific, links and disclosure of events in thearea.The aim is to contribute to the education of students andtheimprovement of professionals working in veterinarydermatologyarea, or not, always with the use of semiotics andworkup.The material contained here is a compilation of materials usedinour routine of Veterinary Dermatology Service FMVZ UNESPBotucatucampus, having the function of disseminating knowledge. Ifanycontent does not have a duly referred to authorship, we pledgetoupgrade the data after receiving the correct reference.
AAV 1.2
Herramienta de uso veterinario
Fluidoterapia Free 1.0
Fluid therapy is one of the therapeutic measures used inveterinarymedicine.
Vet Calculator 1.16
The essential calculator for vets
Ophthalmology in Dogs (Free) 1.2.1
FREE VERSION WITH ADS. For the ad-free version please referto: tool for professionals and students belonging totheveterinary ophthalmology field. This APP for mobile /tabletdevices consists of a 3D anatomic atlas which it is possibletointeract with, allowing the rotation, zoom or isolation ofthedifferent systems and components the canine eye is composed by.Fora better comprehension of how this organ works, theapplicationalso offers an interactive game in order to show howsome of theeye components function, such as the pupil dilation andcontractionaccording to the environmental light exposure. Moreover,itincludes a step-by-step tutorial on the Hotz-Celsussurgicalprocedure for entropion. FEATURES: * 3Dhyper-realisticrepresentation of the canine visual system. *Detailed informationof every part and system that compose the eyeof the dog. *Capability of isolating or focusing each component ofthe eye for abetter visualization and analysis. * 3D schematicdiagram (sagittalview) of the palpebral part of the eye. *Interactive game tocomprehend how the pupil works. * Tutorial onthe Hotz-Celsusprocedure for the entropion surgery.
Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso 1.4
DD Mobile Dev
the FIRST APP that allows you to have the medical records ofthepuppies in my pocket
Guia de Exames 7.1.1
Ideia Mendes
Guia de exames é uma ferramenta de referênciaàestudantes, profissionais da saúde e demais pessoas querendosanarsuas dúvidas.O aplicativo tem uma interface compreensível, fácildenavegar.Todos os exames estão divididos em categorias:Bioquímica,Hematologia, Microbiologia, Parasitologia e Imunologia;e ainda ousuário tem disponível a possibilidade de utilizar a buscaparaencontra um determinado exame.Além de poder consultar os valores normais dos exames,oaplicativo possui comentários indicando seu uso, e o significadodevalores diminuídos ou aumentados.Para abrir o aplicativo pela primeira vez é necessárioestarconectado(a) a uma rede de dados ou wifi.* Referência à mão com atualizações semanais;* Mais de 300 tipos de exames para consulta;* Categorias: Bioquímica, Hematologia, Microbiologia,Parasitologiae Imunologia;* Descrições da metodologias utilizadas;Atualizações gratuitas quando novos examessãodisponibilizados;Aviso: Este aplicativo é apenas uma referência, asinformaçõescontidas não devem ser utilizadas como diagnóstico outratamentomédico. Todas as informações são atuais, mas tendo emvista apossibilidade de erro humano ou mudanças nas diretrizesmédicas,deve-se sempre confirmar as informações contidas.Não somos responsáveis pelas formas de uso do aplicativopelousuário. Orientamos sempre buscar um diagnóstico etratamentoprofissional em qualquer condição médica.Exam Guide is areferencetool for students, health professionals and other peoplewantingtheir questions answered.The application has a comprehensible interface, easytonavigate.All tests are divided into categories: Biochemistry,Hematology,Microbiology, Parasitology and Immunology, and the userstill hasavailable the possibility to use the search to find aparticularexam.Besides being able to see the normal values ​​of tests,theapplication has no comments indicating its use and significanceofdecreased or increased values.To open the application the first time you must be connected(a)a data network or wifi.* Reference hand with weekly updates;* More than 300 types of examinations for consultation;* Categories: Biochemistry, Hematology, Microbiology,Parasitologyand Immunology;* Descriptions of the methodologies used;Free updates when new tests are available;Disclaimer: This app is just a reference, the informationshouldnot be used as medical diagnosis or treatment. Theinformation iscurrent, but in view of the possibility of humanerror or changesin medical guidelines, one should always verify theinformationcontained.We are not responsible for forms of application usage by user.Weguide always seek professional diagnosis and treatment inanymedical condition.
Canitas Veterinaria 1.0
La seguridad social de tu mascota.Por 12,90 € mes, todo lo que necesita tu macota incluido.Llama ahora y descubre todas las ventajas de ser socio.Social security foryourpet.€ 12.90 per month, all you need your macota included.Call now and discover all the benefits of membership.
Bulário Veterinário PREMIUM 2.5
**** 3.000 BULASCADASTRADASAPROXIMADAMENTEVERSÃO PREMIUM ****SEM ANÚNCIOS, COM MAIS OPÇÕES DE BUSCA E MAIS BULAS.APROXIMADAMENTE 3.000 BULAS CADASTRADAS.SUCESSO NA VERSÃO DE REMÉDIOS PARA PESSOASAS BULAS PODEM SER VISUALIZADAS SEM NECESSIDADE DE CONEXÃOCOMAINTERNET.OPÇÃO DE CRIAR LISTA PERSONALIZADA COM AS BULAS QUEVOCÊMAISACESSA MONTANDO ASSIM UMA LISTA DE FAVORITOS.POSSIBILIDADE DE SOLICITAR DIRETAMENTE NO PROGRAMAATUALIZAÇÕESDEBULA.AUTO AJUSTE DA TELA TORNANDO ASSIM A VISUALIZAÇÃO EMTABLETSCOMTELA CHEIA (necessário android 1.6 ou superior).OPÇÃO DE MOVER O APLICATIVO PARA UM CARTÃO DE MEMÓRIAEXTERNOSD(necessário android 2.2 ou superior).*********************************************O MAIS COMPLETO BANCO DE DADOS DE BULAS VETERINÁRIASDOANDROIDMARKET, COM APROXIMADAMENTE 3.000 BULAS DEREMÉDIOSCADASTRADAS,RECUPERADAS DA WEB.VOCÊ PODERÁ REALIZAR BUSCA POR NOME DO REMÉDIO ATRAVÉZDEUMALISTA OU FILTRANDO PELAS LETRAS CONTIDAS NO NOME DOREMÉDIO,BASTADIGITAR NA CAIXA DE TEXTO ACIMA DA LISTA.AS BULAS SÃO RECUPERADAS ATRAVÉZ DE BUSCAS AUTOMÁTICASNAWEB,TODAS AS INFORMAÇÕES AQUI DIVULGADAS NÃO SUSBSTITUIEMDEFORMAALGUMA O DIAGNÓSTICO MÉDICO VETERINÁRIO, CONSULTE SEMPREOMÉDICOVETERINÁRIO ANTES DE UTILIZAR QUALQUER MEDICAMENTO.======================================Aviso LegalDeclinamos toda e qualquer responsabilidade legaladvindadautilização das informações acessadas nesse App, o qualtemporobjetivo a informação e divulgação de bulas de remédios.Tais informações não deverão, de forma alguma, serutilizadascomosubstituto para o diagnóstico médico veterinário outratamentodequalquer doença sem antes consultar umveterinário.Todas as marcas registradas de terceiros pertencemaseusrespectivos proprietários.Advertências:Todo medicamento deve ser mantido fora doalcancedascrianças;Não use medicamento sem o conhecimento do seu médico.Podeserperigoso para a saúde do seu animal;Informe ao veterinário o aparecimento dereaçõesindesejáveis;Siga a orientação do médico veterinário, respeitandosempreoshorários, as doses e a duração do tratamento;Não interrompa o tratamento sem o conhecimentodoveterinário;Não use o medicamento com o prazo de validade vencido.Antesdeusar observe o aspecto do medicamento.======================================As informações aqui divulgadas não deverão serutilizadascomosubstituto para o diagnóstico médico veterinário outratamentodequalquer doença sem antes consultar um veterinário.DIRECTIONSFORUSEREGISTERED **** 3000 **** ABOUT PREMIUM VERSIONWITHOUT NOTICE, WITH MORE OPTIONS AND MORE SEARCHDIRECTIONSFORUSE.APPROXIMATELY 3,000 DIRECTIONS FOR USE REGISTERED.SUCCESS IN VERSION OF MEDICATIONS FOR PEOPLEThe inserts can be viewed WITHOUT THE NEEDFORINTERNETCONNECTION.CREATE CUSTOM OPTION LIST DIRECTIONS FOR USE WITH YOUMOREACCESSRIDING SO A LIST OF FAVORITES.APPLY DIRECTLY ON THE POSSIBILITY OF BULL PROGRAM UPDATES.AUTO ADJUST SCREEN VIEWING THUS MAKING IN TABLETS WITHFULLSCREEN(android 1.6 or higher required).OPTION TO MOVE THE APPLICATION FOR AN EXTERNAL MEMORYCARDSD(android 2.2 or higher required).*********************************************The MOST COMPREHENSIVE DATABASE OF DIRECTIONS FORUSEOFVETERINARY ANDROID MARKET, WITH APPROXIMATELY3,000REGISTEREDmedicine leaflets, RECOVERED FROM THE WEB.YOU MAY MAKE SEARCH BY NAME OF MEDICINE THROUGH A LISTORBYFILTERING LETTERS CONTAINED IN THE NAME OF MEDICINE, JUSTTYPEINTEXT BOX ABOVE LIST.DIRECTIONS FOR USE AS ARE RECOVERED THROUGH THEWEBSEARCHESAUTOMATIC, ALL INFORMATION DISCLOSED HEREINSUSBSTITUIEMNOT IN ANYWAY DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL VETERINARY, VETERINARYALWAYSCONSULT ADOCTOR BEFORE USING ANY DRUG.======================================DisclaimerWe decline any liability arising from the use oftheinformationaccessed in this App, which aims todisseminateinformation andmedicine leaflets.Such information should in no way be used as asubstituteforveterinary medical diagnosis or treatment of anydiseasewithoutconsulting a veterinarian.All third-party trademarks belong to their respectiveowners.Warnings:All medication must be kept out of reach of children;Do not use the medicine without your doctor's knowledge. Itcanbedangerous to your pet's health;Tell the vet the appearance of undesirable reactions;Follow the veterinarian's instructions,respectingschedules,doses and duration of treatment;Do not stop treatment without the knowledgeoftheveterinarian;Do not use the medicine with expiry date. Before usingthewatchaspect of medicine.======================================The information provided herein should not be used asasubstitutefor veterinary medical diagnosis or treatment ofanydisease withoutconsulting a veterinarian.
Energy Calculator (Cat & Dog) 1.0.4
Energy Calculator is an applicationdesignedforveterinarians as well as veterinary students,nurses,technicians andnutritionists.It calculates the estimated energy density of dog or catfoodfromits proximate analysis.- You enter the diet proximate analysis.- You obtain the metabolizable energy density estimatedaccordingtothe NRC 2006* equation (crude fibre and total dietaryfibre, catordog), the Atwater and the modified Atwater equations aswell asthegross energy.- You obtain the relative contribution of macronutrientstothecalories (% of metabolizable energy) based on themodifiedAtwaterequation.- You select one energy density and you obtaintheamount/energyratio of the main nutrients (mg/Mcal or mg/MJ).*National Research Council. Nutrient Requirements ofDogsandCats. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press,2006.
Barkibu 1.0.2
Barkibu S.L.
Barkibu es una app que permiterealizarconsultas gratuitas online con veterinariosprofesionalescolegiados.* Barkibu Para Dueños de Mascotas- Puedes preguntar a un veterinario acerca de nutrición,salud,embarazo, cuidados o cualquier otra duda que tengas- Navega entre nuestros miles de consultas para aprender sobretumascota- Encuentra los mejores veterinarios de tu ciudad y provincia- Consulta información sobre las clínicas veterinarias detuciudad* Barkibu Para Veterinarios- Ayuda a miles de mascotas asesorando a sus dueños para quelosanimales estén en perfecto estado.- Respondiendo en Barkibu posicionarás tu nombre y tu clínicaenGoogle cien veces más rápido que si creases una web einvirtiesesmiles de euros en SEO.- Crear un perfil atractivo para atraer a nuevos clientes atuclínica- Asciende en el ranking para ser uno de los veterinariosmásinfluyentes en tu ciudad y provinciaDisfruta de la salud de tu mascotaBarkibuBarkibu is an appthatallows free online consultation with veterinaryprofessionalassociations.* Barkibu for pet owners- You can ask a vet about nutrition, health, pregnancy, care oranyother questions you may have- Browse among our thousands of consultations to learn aboutyourpet- Find the best vets in your city and province- Consultation about veterinary clinics in your city* Barkibu For Veterinarians- Help thousands advising pet owners to keep the animals inperfectcondition.- You answered in Barkibu posicionarás your name and clinicinGoogle hundred times faster than if a web creases andinvirtiesesthousand in SEO.- Create an attractive profile to attract new clients toyourclinic- Upgrade in the ranking to be one of the mostinfluentialveterinarians in your city and provinceEnjoy your pet's healthBarkibu
الطب البيطري
Sanad Alharbi
تحديث جديد لتطبيق موسوعة الطب البيطريوالذييهدف ليكون موسوعة بين يدي الإطباء البيطريين والمهتمين فيمجالالثروة الحيوانية ومحبي تربية الحيوانات وتم الإخذ بالاعتبارجميعالملاحظات التي وصلتنا من جميع المستخدمين لهذا التطبيق من أساتذهفيكلية الطب البيطري والثروة الحيوانية بجامعة الملك فيصل وعدد كبيرمنالاطباء البيطريين من داخل المملكة العربية السعودية وبعضالدولالعربية كمصر و الجزائر وتونس والكويت وسلطنة عمان بالاضافة الىتعديلبعض الاخطاء العملية هذا التحديث :يشمل على :1- تصميم جديد كلياً2- تحديث دوري لتطبيق من خلال الاتصال بالإنترنت عند توفره3- يمكنك تصفح التطبيق دون الحاجة الى الاتصال بالإنترنت4- عرض موضوع يومي وتفعيل التنبيهات لتذكير يومي للقراءه5- إستحداث قسم جديد خاص بإخبار الطب البيطري6- إمكانية التسجيل في موسوعة الطب البيطري لتصلك رسائل خاصةبإخبارالطب البيطري عن طريق SMS و Emailنامل منكم مشكورين في حال ملاحظة خطاء علمي التواصل معنا لنعملعلىتصحيحة عن طريق:الاتصال بنا على الرقم (0544889992).الاتصال بنا عن طريق البريدي الالكتروني ([email protected]).الاتصال بنا عن طريق موقع التواصل الإجتماعي تويتر (isanad@).ولا تنسونا من دعائكمأخوكم الطبيب البيطري / سند بن سالم الحربيNew update fortheapplication Encyclopedia of Veterinary Medicine, which aims tobethe Encyclopedia of the hands of veterinarians and thoseinterestedin the field of livestock and lovers of animal husbandryhas beentaking into account all the comments we have received fromallusers for this application of the professors in the CollegeofVeterinary Medicine and Livestock, King Faisal University andalarge number of veterinarians from inside Saudi Arabia andsomeArab countries such as Egypt and Algeria, Tunisia, Kuwait,Oman, inaddition to modify some mistakes this update process:Includes:1- a completely new design2 periodic update to the application through the Internetconnectionwhen available3 You can browse the application without the need to connect totheInternet4 display daily theme and activate alerts to remind readers ofthedaily5 Introducing a new section to tell a specialVeterinaryMedicine6 recording capability in the Encyclopedia of Veterinary Medicinetoreceive special messages telling Veterinary Medicine through SMSandEmail We hope you thankfully Note in the event ofmis-scientificcommunicate with us to work on a corrective by:Contact us at the number (0,544,889,992).Contact us by postal mail ([email protected]).Contact us via the social networking site Twitter (isanad @). And do not forget the allegationsYour brother veterinarian / support bin Salem Al Harbi
BCS Cowdition 2.1.2
Bayer HealthCare Animal Health’s innovative BCSCowditionsmartphoneApp is designed to help simplify and standardizethescoring ofdairy cows’ body condition, which is a vital partofgood herdmanagement. BCS Cowdition is an innovative enhancementofBayer´sfive-step BCS system that aided farmers and vetswithdetaileddescriptions and images of cows of varioushealthconditions rangingfrom under-nourished and ideal, tooverweight.BCS Cowdition isfree-for-download and is currentlyavailable ineleven languages:English, Chinese, Dutch, French,German,Portuguese, Russian,Ukrainian, Spanish, Turkish andVietnamese.
Diccionario médico Medicopedia 1.0
Medicopedia es el Diccionario Médico Onlineenespañol de PortalesMedicos.comCon una larga trayectoria en la web, Medicopedia es elmayordiccionario médico del mundo, con más de 27.000 conceptos yencontinuo crecimiento.Medicopedia comparte filosofía con la famosa EnciclopediaOnlineWikipedia, de forma que está abierta a la aportación decontenidospor parte de profesionales de la Salud de todo elplaneta, con lasalvedad de que han de superar una estricta fase deselección yrevisión de contenidos.De esta forma, Medicopedia es el fruto del trabajo de multituddeexpertos de las diferentes especialidades médicas para ofrecerdeforma gratuita el mayor Diccionario Médico en español.La aplicación Medicopedia ofrece también interactividad.Así,todo usuario de la app Diccionario Médico puede usar lasección"Sugerir Concepto" para solicitar la inclusión de nuevostérminosen el Diccionario, funcionalidad que aporta eldinamismocaracterístico de la Medicopedia.Además, Medicopedia se integra con naturalidad en lasredessociales, de manera que los usuarios pueden con facilidadcompartirdefiniciones, conceptos e incluso la app completa.Aunque Medicopedia está inicialmente diseñada paraprofesionalesde la Salud y estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud(Medicina,Enfermería, Psicología, Biología, Odontología,Farmacia,Veterinaria, Fisioterapia, etc.), esta Enciclopedia Médicapuedeser de gran interés para el público general, por su sencillezyclaridad a la hora de explicar los términos médicos(síndromes,enfermedades, signos, síntomas, etc.).Incluye las siguientes especialidades médicas:Alergología,Anatomía, Anatomía Patológica, Anestesiología,Bioquímica,Cardiología, Cuidados Intensivos, Ciencias de la Salud,Cirugía,Cirugía Cardiovascular, Cirugía General, CirugíaMaxilofacial,Cirugía Plástica, Cirugía Torácica, Cirugía Vascular -Angiología,Dermatología, Endocrinología, Enfermedadesinfecciosas,Microbiología, Enfermería, Farmacología,Gastroenterología,Geriatría - Gerontología, Ginecología -Obstetricia, Genética,Hematología - Hemoterapia, Historia de laMedicina, Inmunología,Medicina Alternativa, Medicina Hiperbárica,Medicina Interna,Medicina Laboral, Medicina Legal, MedicinaPreventiva, SaludPublica, Nefrología, Neumología, Neurología,Neurocirugía,Odontología, Oftalmología, Oncología,Otorrinolaringología,Pediatría, Psicología, Psiquiatría, Radiología- Radioterapia,Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia, Reumatología,Traumatología,Urología.La Medicopedia, además de una herramienta de interésparaprofesionales de la Medicina y la Enfermería, es también degranvalor para lo estudiantes de ambas carreras (Medicina,Enfermería),así como otras afines (Veterinaria, Biología, Farmacia,Psicología,etc.)Is MedicopediaOnlineMedical Dictionary Spanish for PortalesMedicos.comWith a long history on the web, Medicopedia medical dictionaryisthe largest in the world, with over 27,000 items andgrowing.Medicopedia philosophy shares with the famous WikipediaOnlineEncyclopedia, a way that is open to the contribution ofcontent byhealth professionals around the world, except that theymust pass astrict selection phase and review content.Thus, Medicopedia is the result of the work of many expertsfromdifferent medical specialties to provide for free thelargestSpanish Medical Dictionary.The application also offers interactivity Medicopedia. Thus,anyuser of the app can use the Medical Dictionary "SuggestConcept"section to request the inclusion of new terms in thedictionary,functionality that provides the characteristicdynamismMedicopedia.Furthermore, Medicopedia integrates naturally intosocialnetworks so that users can easily share definitions, conceptsandeven the complete app.Medicopedia Although initially designed forhealthcareprofessionals and students of Health Sciences (Medicine,Nursing,Psychology, Biology, Dentistry, Pharmacy,Veterinary,Physiotherapy, etc..), The Medical Encyclopedia can beof greatinterest to the general public for its simplicity andclarity inexplaining medical terms (syndromes, diseases, signs,symptoms,etc..).Includes the following medical specialties: Allergy,Anatomy,Pathology, Anesthesiology, Biochemistry, Cardiology,IntensiveCare, Health Sciences, Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery,GeneralSurgery, Maxillofacial Surgery, Plastic Surgery, ThoracicSurgery,Vascular Surgery - Angiology, Dermatology ,Endocrinology,Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, Nursing,Pharmacology,Gastroenterology, Geriatrics - Gerontology Gynaecology-Obstetrics, Genetics, Hematology - Hemoterapia, HistoryofMedicine, Immunology, Alternative Medicine, HyperbaricMedicine,Internal Medicine, Occupational Medicine, LegalMedicine,Preventive Medicine, Public Health, Nephrology,Pulmonology,Neurology, Neurosurgery, Dentistry, Ophthalmology,Oncology,Otolaryngology, Pediatrics, Psychology, Psychiatry,Radiology -Radiotherapy, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation,Rheumatology,Orthopedics, Urology.The Medicopedia also a tool of interest to medicalprofessionalsand nursing, is also of great value to the students ofboth races(Medicine, Nursing) and other related (Veterinary,Biology,Pharmacology, Psychology, etc.. )