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Russische Grammatik 1.0.3
Kurzüberblick über die russischeBasisgrammatikAllgemeines- Das Alphabet- Aussprache- FälleNomen- Geschlecht- Plural- DeklinationPronomen- Personalpronomen- Das Reflexivpronomen „Cебя“- Demonstrativpronomen- Possessivpronomen- Interrogativpronomen (Fragewörter)- Indefinitpronomen- Das Pronomen „Весь“- Das Pronomen „Друг дрyга“- NegativpronomenAdjektive- Deklination- Komparation- Substantivierung- Adjektivendungen- KurzformenAdverbien- Komparation- Indefinite Adverbien- Temporaladverbien- Lokaladverbien- Relativ- und Demonstrativadverbien- Modaladverbien- NegativadverbienVerben- Präsens- Perfekt- Futur- Partizipien- Imperativ- Modalverben- Aspekte- Konjunktiv- Konjugation- Infinitiv- Bewegungsverben- Verben mit der Partikel „-ся“- PräfixeZahlwörter- Kardinalzahlen- Deklination der Kardinalzahlen- Deklination der Sammelzahlwörter- Ordnungszahlen- Bruchzahlen- Uhrzeit- Datum- RechnungenKonjunktionen- Koordinierende Konjunktionen- Subordinierende KonjunktionenPräpositionen- Präpositionen mit Akkusativ- Präpositionen mit Dativ- Präpositionen mit Instrumental- Präpositionen mit Präpositiv- Präpositionen mit GenitivSätze- Negationen- FragenQuick look at theRussianbase grammarGeneral- The Alphabet- Exchange of views- EventsNoun- Gender- Plural- DeclensionPronoun- Personal pronoun- The reflexive pronoun "Cебя"- Demonstrative- Possessive- Interrogative (question words)- Indefinite pronouns- The pronoun "Весь"- The pronoun "Друг дрyга"- NegativpronomenAdjectives- Declension- Komparation- Nominalization- Adjective endings- Short FormsAdverbs- Komparation- Indefinite adverbs- Temporal adverbs- Adverbs- Relative and Demonstrativadverbien- Modal adverbs- NegativadverbienVerbs- Present- Perfect- Futur- Participles- Imperative- Modal verbs- Aspects- Conditional- Conjugation- Infinitive- Motion verbs- Verbs with the particle "-ся"- PrefixesNumber of words- Cardinal numbers- Declination of the cardinal numbers- Declination of the collective numerals- Atomic numbers- Fractions- Time- Date- InvoicesConjunctions- Coordinating conjunctions- Subordinating conjunctionsPrepositions- Prepositions with accusative- Prepositions with dative- Prepositions with instrumental- Prepositions Prepositional- Prepositions with genitivePhrases- Negations- Questions
Yazh Russian Case Declension 1.5
Learn Russian Case Declensions! The onlytoolfor Android devices to test your Russian grammar.Update: This app will no longer be available for downloadinRussia while Russian troops occupy Crimea.Try this app for free! Just do a search for Yazhfree!This app includes:- Nouns, adjectives, and pronouns- Multiple choice and typing options (requires aRussiankeyboard.)- The app customizes itself to you. Do you have more troublewithfeminine nouns which end with a soft sign in theprepositionalplural case? It will learn that and challenge you onthat moreoften.- Preferences allows you to choose what you are challengedon.Excellent for students who might be tested on a specific case,forexample.- Includes accent marks to aid your pronunciation.- A quick reference tool. All the Cases and their tables are justafew swipes away.- This app uses some of the most commonly used words, so youcandevelop your vocabulary as you go.Learning Russian Cases (Russian Endings) is often consideredthehardest part of the language. There are six cases:nominative,genitive, accusative, dative, instrumental, andprepositional. Theword endings change widely based on gender, thelast letters used,and plurality. Worst still, the adjectives andpronouns need toagree with the case, gender, and plurality. Evenindividuals whohave been speaking the Russian language for tenyears as theirsecond tongue have trouble with it. Challengeyourself and becomean expert on Russian Cases! Learn RussianGrammar!
Polyglot. Learn German. Pro 2.14
Learn German in 16 hours!
German Declension 1.4
German declension tables dividedbyDefinite/Indefinite/No Article or Possessive PronounsandNominative, Accusative, Dative and Genitive. A great helpforpeople who are learning German!
German Article Test App 2.2.0
Stephen Young
This app is for sale. I can adapt it toyourfit in with your corporate identity and offer it with orwithout amaintenance contract. There is an extended versionavailable whichalso enables testing on adjective and pronounendings. Contact mevia the email address below for moreinformation.Learning the gender of nouns is the biggest hurdle inlearningGerman grammar. All too often we learn the noun but forgetto learnthe gender at the same time and without knowing the genderof anoun one cannot speak or write correctly using thenominative,accusative, dative or genitive.I developed this tool as a practice and learning aid forrememberingthe gender of a noun and it is also useful forremembering when touse the nominative, accusative, dative orgenitive.You can paste your own German text into the text area and thentestthe definite or indefinite article or, probably much moreuseful,you can let the app select some text for you from the latestnews.You can select from the following topics: News, Finance,Sport,Politics, German Politics and Foreign Politics. You can alsodecideon how long you want the text you are to be tested on to be,thereare five lengths of text available.Once you have selected your topic and length of text you clickonDefinite or Indefinite according to whether you want to betestedon the definite article (die, der, das etc,) or theindefinitearticle (ein, eine, etc.).The screen is then replaced by your text with all of thearticlesreplaced by selection boxes for you to select the correctarticle.When you click on "Get Score" the correct article willbehighlighted in green and incorrect ones in red.I hope you enjoy this app and find it useful!