Top 20 Apps Similar to BBC Hausa

BBCHausa News 1.1.1
Trusted News
Samu dukkanin shirye-shiryen BBCHausa,Siyasada Al'adu da Wasanni da Labarai da dumi-duminsu na Afika daduniyabaki daya. Tare da jin shiryr shiryen mu na radio da DamarSaukeSautin Mu.Labaran DuniyaWasanniMujallaRahotanniBidiyoShirye ShiryeHotunaemail: [email protected]
Hausa Radio 5.0.20
Stay up to date with the world with the Hausa Radio.
World News Stream 16.0
Live stream community, join the news aggregator community andwatchmsnbc live tv app msnbc now cnn
BBC Mundo
BBC Mundo, more than the news in SpanishBBC Mundo’s distinctive content is now easier and faster toaccessfor free on your Android phone.The app is simple to use, with stories in Spanish arrangedintocategories covering Latest News, Latin America, World,Business,Technology, Science, Health, Society & CultureandVideos.You can also view all stories within the app in chronologicalorderor according to their popularity among the users.With the BBC Mundo App you can:• Keep up to date with the latest headlines• Read and watch the most popular news stories• Get in-depth features and analysis of big stories• Personalise the app, choosing the News categories thatmostinterest you• Increase or decrease the story text size• Share stories by email, Facebook and Twitter• Read the top three stories from each category even whenyou'reoffline• Watch video content over Wi-Fi and 3G connectionsWe welcome your comments and feedback.App will run on v2.3.3 and above.The app will scale for any screen size but is optimum at smalltomedium screens (phones up to 7inches)Some Android devices may experience play difficulties withcertainvideos; if you experience this please try to download theh.264Main Profile codec or a player that supports it for yourdevice orrefer to your device manufacturer.
BBC Horizons 1.5
Discover the latest hi-tech innovationswiththe BBC World News Horizons app. Find out how the CEOs of someofthe world’s leading companies believe science and technologywillshape the planet in the decades to come. There’s also thechance tosee the work of globe’s most inspiring academics andinnovators.All the interviews, inventions and experiments areavailable on theapp.By downloading the BBC Horizons app you can:Watch reports from five seasons of the BBC World News seriesView clips based on your locationExplore beautiful infographics on key global megatrendsSee behind-the-scenes video diaries and extended interviews withkeycontributorsCustomise the app by selecting your favourite video reports
BBC+ 3.2.0
Clips, just for you.
BBC Russian
BBC Russian, more than the newsinRussianBBC Russian distinctive content is now easier and faster toaccessfor free on your Android phone.The app is simple to use, with stories in Russian arrangedintocategories covering Latest News, Russia, Economics,Science,Society, UK, Sports, Video and Audio.You can also view all stories within the app in chronologicalorderor according to their popularity among the users.With the BBC Russian App you can:• Keep up to date with the latest headlines• Read and watch the most popular news stories• Get in-depth features and analysis of big stories• Personalise the app, choosing the News categories thatmostinterest you• Increase or decrease the story text size• Share stories by email, Facebook and Twitter• Read the top three stories from each category even whenyou'reoffline• Watch video content over Wi-Fi and 3G connectionsWe welcome your comments and feedback.
Farsi News-Latest 1.0
Insaf Apps
Your comprehensive and personalizedviewofheadline stories and local news from BBC Persian. Shows youallthelatest news headlines as soon as published.Key Sources-BBC Farsi RSS feedSputnik Farsi RSS feedDW Persian RSS feedIran News RSS feedOther news feed from international news portal
BBC History Magazine 8.5
Ancient civilisations to modern military, social &politicalhistory
Somali FM 5.6
xyZed Studio
Podcast, audio & other entertainment.
BBC Knowledge Magazine 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
BBC Knowledge is a magazine for young inquisitive mindswherewell-researched, handpicked stories are matched withbreath-takingvisuals to cover science, history and nature.Writtenby renownedInternational and Indian experts, its wide range offeaturesprovide rivetting and up-to-date information on topics asvaried astechnology, archeology, natural history and spaceexploration. Withmaterial meant to stimulate the mind, BBCKnowledge looks toempower a generation of young readers.
Arabic News 1.1
Insaf Apps
Your comprehensive and personalizedviewofheadline stories and local news. Shows you all thelatestnewsheadlines as soon as published.
News: BBC Afrique 1.0
Sparxs inc
BBC Afrique est la section enlanguefrançaisedu Service Mondial de la BBC. Nous diffusons àdestinationdeplusieurs millions d'auditeurs dans une vingtainedepaysafricains. BBC Afrique vous apporte toutes les nouvellesduMondialcomme ils se cassent en langue française. il estsympathiquece quirend facile à utiliser et à comprendrel'utilisateur.télécharger et profiter!
华闻头条-翻墙必看热点新闻,大陆政治军事消息,今日头条海外版 2.43.1
★ 汇聚所有你想看而看不到的新闻资讯信息 ★★ 涵盖海量翻墙才能看到的独家秘闻和真相 ★★ 唯一一款聚合了最全渠道禁闻的免费应用 ★—— 客观、公正、多元——还原最真实的中国 ——华闻头条覆盖主流媒体,收录海量华人网站,国内外动态一手掌握,为你带来新闻现场最新资讯,网罗海内外政治争议,报道中国时政大事,动态跟踪政坛风云,解析时局变化。7×24小时不间断更新大陆禁闻与封杀内幕,解读海外头条视角与中国官方的立场透析,关注自由言论与民主维权等热点话题,揭秘历史尘封里不为人知的另一面。提供海外禁网新闻荟萃、人民报中共高层内幕、翻墙速递、毒食品动态等最新内容。关注中国民生、民主自由相关游行、集会和示威社会事件动态;揭露政治圈、娱乐圈、资本圈、名人圈各类圈子动态。更有NBA、移民、留学、财经信息、房产信息、娱乐新闻、美女、美食、段子、汽车、体育、科技、原创等内容资源随点随看。将资讯、调查报道、博文、报纸、杂志、网络传媒、自媒体、数据新闻、人物解读、事件追踪、图片等众多内容,按照用户意愿聚合到一起,实现深度个性化定制。突发新闻推送,30秒直达你手中,重大事件权威发布,突发事件及时播报。新增视频新闻,整合YouTube,在线直播最新报道!如需使用无广告版本欢迎各位用户购买下载我们最新推出的华闻头条无广告专业版,购买下载后即可畅享阅读从此不会有广告的烦恼!【显著优势】♦更客观:揭露两岸三地和国际事务事实真相,汇聚海内外争议,还原一个最真实客观的中国。精于分析思想动态,紧扣脉搏普及新知,坦率争论碰撞思想。秉持专业,公正客观、视角中立,观点多元,致力于以专业的立场,深度解析大中华地区及国际事务,为全球华人提供中立自由的专业新闻。♦更全面:新闻视角覆盖全球,不仅汇聚文学城(wenxuecity)、多维网、万维新闻网、留园 - 6park、文学城-wenxuecity、未名空间 - mitbbs、自由亚洲、新唐人 - iNTD、博讯网、八阕 - popyard、倍可亲-backchina、阿波罗网、东网、荷兰之声、美国之音、北美华人网、BBC news、NYTimes -纽约时报、CNNnews、NBC news、欧洲时报等海外资讯;更精选新浪新闻、网易新闻、腾讯新闻、凤凰新闻、搜狐新闻、百度新闻、知乎日报等中国新闻(ChineseNews)和大陆新闻;同步更新香港新闻、台湾新闻(TaiwanNews)、大马新闻(星洲,南洋,当今大马,光华,光明,中国报...)、美国华人华侨资讯、加拿大华人华侨资讯、澳洲华人华侨资讯、东南亚华人华侨资讯、欧洲华人华侨资讯。纵横古今中外,集合历史、往事、话题人物、大腕儿、明星、娱乐、科技、财经、股票、社会、旅游、时尚、体育、军事、汽车、生活、女性、情感、星座、美食、经济、股票、风物、禁闻、军事、文学、评论、港澳台于一体。♦最鲜活:24小时直击习近平反腐等打老虎行动,探索江泽民、胡锦涛等中共高层背后隐秘活动;揭秘共产党禁闻、翻墙信息、军事行动、中共秘史等大陆封闭绝家禁闻全部一五一十地展现出来,不放过任何一条翻墙禁闻与翻墙资讯。***最新热闻提示***朴槿惠性丑闻爆发:她为何至今不结婚?韩国任命新总理?朴槿惠绝地反击?特朗普式“头疼症”来袭 人民币还hold住吗?习近平同美国总统特朗普通电话到底说了啥?山西国土局官员与情人在办公室性交 多种姿势曝光震惊!习近平出手 老兵围军委另有内情?分析:希拉里和特朗普 哪个上台对中国更有利为何有这么多国家敌视中国?真相让人充满民族自豪感京城暴内幕:“天安门文件”是江泽民的反奸计梁振英:会根据法官和人大释法处理宣誓问题,决不允许政治体制里出现“港独”【特色功能】♦智能算法:采用智能算法技术推荐个性化内容,及时高效解决信息过剩问题,是您节省宝贵注意力的最佳选择。自己感兴趣的新闻资讯优先展示,中国新闻(ChinaNews)大陆禁闻精准聚合,用得越多,推荐的越准,你关心的,尽在眼前,内容私人定制,随身携带的时尚移动新闻阅读平台。♦自定义分类:支持不同分类的个性化增减与排序功能。时政、大陆、娱乐、美食、社会、时评、段子、国际、科技、北美、港澳台、体育、汽车、财经、军事、历史、经济等类别满足各种阅读需求,随心排列,随需而变,好玩资讯优先看,禁闻资讯丝毫不漏。♦多维订阅收藏:支持自定义添加或者删除订阅板块,并且可以自定义排序。订阅自己感兴趣的自媒体与关键词,每日聚焦最为关切的精彩内容,排除一切杂音,高效省时,随时领先一步。千种精品内容源,实时更新,自由添加。更能一键收藏喜欢的新闻,收藏感兴趣的内容,稍后再读,重要内容随时回看。♦深度分析:追踪即时热点,策划专题,汇聚百家争鸣,重大突发事件发生第一时间及时推送提醒。报道事实的同时,更对事实作出解释和分析,努力阐明事件之间的因果联系,并力图对事件发展趋势作出准确预测。重视事实性质和深层蕴含的揭示,不仅报道现象,还抓住现象背后的本质。不仅叙述清楚事件本身,还揭示出事件的深层蕴含。不仅确认事件的现状,还预测事件的发展趋势。解释充分,分析透彻,不局限在中心事件上,也不局限在一事一议的小范围之内,提供有立体感和系统性的信息,开阔阅读者视野。♦更多新闻:享受无缝阅读,更多热门推荐无需跳转,24小时滚动更新,丰富阅读内容,让你随时随地获取新闻资讯。每日清晨早间新闻推送,时时追踪热点话题,突发爆点第一时间强势发布。直击第一现场,贴近时事脉搏。♦阅读体验:对正文内中文字体进行优化排版,字体大小可调,简洁精美,更加适合在手机屏幕下浏览,享受极致阅读体验。合理调整图片文字布局方式,随时随地享受流畅舒适地阅读;更有夜间模式,夜间阅读,拒绝刺眼,省电护眼,舒适体验,贴心照顾身边人。♦互动分享:支持脸书(Facebook) / 推特(Twitter) / 谷歌+(Google+) / 微信 — 朋友圈 / 微博 / 腾讯QQ/陌陌 / 易信 / 米聊/贴吧等社交平台一键无界分享,传播精彩内容,共享热门话题,打造自己的话题社区圈子,与好友辣评热闻,分享吐槽乐趣。时事、大事、趣事、禁书先人一步,使用便利简单、功能强大、省流量的App产品。最精彩的内容,最精辟的时评资讯,请关注华闻头条官方账号。本产品无需翻墙才能正常使用,大陆用户无需担心有无VPN的问题。喜欢的用户请多多支持我们哦!谢谢~【联系我们】Facebook官方账号:@华闻头条(huawenfocus)华闻头条/437123789795267Twitter官方账号:@华闻头条(huawen focus) +官方账号:@华闻头条(huawenfocus)***覆盖新闻来源列表***文学城(wenxuecity)、留园(6park)、未名空间(mitbbs)、多维、万维、博讯、倍可亲(backchina)、八阕、苹果日报(台湾)、苹果日报(香港)、阿波罗网、民主中国、自由亚洲、新唐人-iNTD、海外华闻(Haiwai24)、网易新闻、腾讯新闻、搜狐新闻、百度、知乎日报、联合早报、大马新闻、凤凰新闻、新浪新闻、澎湃新闻、海外头条、海客新闻、東森新聞、东方日报(OrientalDaily)人民网、环球网、新华网、中国新闻网(ChineseNews)、南方周末、网易新闻、新浪新闻、腾讯新闻、百度、知乎日报、Google新闻、BBC中文网(BBCChinese)、世界新闻网、侨报网、华尔街日报、美国之音、路透中文网、FT中文网、联合早报、大马新闻、东方日报(OrientalDaily)美国华府网、中国驻美国大使馆、纽约华人资讯网、我爱纽约、大地360、纽约中文网、美国同城网、波士顿生活网、波士顿留学生网、美国华人网、洛杉矶华人资讯网、美国生活在线、北美在线、缤纷休斯顿华人网、易八达、芝加哥侨学网、旧金山湾区华人资讯网、希望之声、华尔街见闻加拿大加国无忧、约克论坛、加西网、北美在线、加拿大家园网、相约加拿大、温哥华港湾、蒙城华人网、中国驻加拿大大使馆亚洲东京华人网、光华日报、香港讨论区、奋斗在韩国、星洲网、朝鲜日报网、朝日新闻网、迪拜中华网星洲日报 (星洲 Sin Chew)、南洋商报 (南洋 Nan Yang)、当今大马 (MalaysiaKini)、光华日报(光华 Kwong Wah)、光明日报 (光明 Guang Ming)、中国报 (中国 ChinaPress)、诗华日报 (诗华See Hua)、华侨日报 (华侨 Oversea Chinese)、东方日报(OrientalDaily)万维博讯文学城留园网,网易腾讯新浪搜狐百度知乎日报新闻自媒体资讯,国际名人微信微博科技娱乐八卦民生民主大纪元
Radio Afrique 1.0.1
Radio Afrique International
UK Radio 1.0
IncludingBBC,Capital,Heart,Absolute,ClassicFM,Kiss,Talksport,Gold,Breeze& XFM
Hausa News 1.0
Now you can read all your favoriteHausanewspapers fromthis app. Install the app and you'll get a list of allleading newspaper of Hausa.
Urdu News - BBC Updates 1.1
Key Features:Read news in beautiful Urdu fonts.Audio and video bulletins.Latest news from Pakistan and around the world.News categorized into sections: “First Page”,“Pakistan”,“World”,“Sports”, “Entertainment” etc.Offline reading.Fully customizable UI.Manage your favorite news items.Share news with friends.
UK Newspapers 2.2.4
Baris Efe
Access latest news, brexit news. Read all UK newspapers onlineinone app.
BBC Cymru Fyw
BBC Cymru Fyw - y newyddion a’r diweddaraf o Gymru, yn Gymraeg.