Top 2 Apps Similar to San Marino Expo

CoopExpo 1.1
Coop has made the Coop Expo App atthepresentation of the Supermarket of the Future in Expo Milano2015as an Official Premium Partner.With Coop Expo you can enjoy to define your food profile (you areaItalian Food Lover? A Wellness Consumer? Or maybe a veggie ...)andidentify products recommended for you in the various areas oftheSupermarket of the Future.Through the technology of proximity sensors, the app will show youamap of recommended products and your position in relationtothese.In the app you will also find points of interest with alltheinformation to better understand supply chains, productsandactivities related to the Supermarket of the Future.
EXPO MILANO 2015 Virtual Tour 1.0.0
Expo Milano 2015: the Virtual Tour becomesrealExpo Milano 2015 is teeming with stimulations, metaphorsandfascinating contents which the Virtual Tour also helps youtounderstand more richly through an itinerary of images. The 3Dvisitoffers two different but superimposed levels: the firstconsists ofreal images of the actual Expo, the second consists of3D imageswhich augment reality by adding further suggestions. Forexample:viewers may or may not be aware of the significance of thename“Decumano” given to the crowded main road lined by thePavilions ofthe Participating Countries. During the Virtual Tour aninteractiveicon allows the spectator to superimpose on the realimage a 3Dreconstruction of the main street in an ancient Romancity… calledthe Decumano.