Top 2 Apps Similar to Food Art Ideas - 2000+

DIY Food Art Ideas 1.0
Food Art is another great exampleofcreativityin which with the help of the food items,foodsculptures and otherfood decorations are being made.It’s really unique and interesting kind of art whichappearedonscreen because of these artists passion and of trying newthingsinreally creative ways.Decorations of food with such mind blowing design ideasgivethemtotally new look and make them feel more delicious intaste.Thisart is really time taking because it requires neatandcleancuttings with having all the small details in fooditems.And surely after looking such creative artwork usingfooditems,you will love to try such creative Food Art next timewhileyouwill go in your kitchen. This art is more in reachbecauseitdoesn’t require anything special but just the differentfooditemsto complete the task. So have a great close look to alloftheseselected examples of great artwork and share yourthoughtswith usabout this creative Food Art. Enjoy!
Engraving Art Fruit 2.0
Serve food with the beauty of art. Media used are fruit,especiallythe rounded and has a soft texture. The tools used infruit carvingis quite simple, namely, cutter, serrated knives andtoothpicks ifnecessary. Watermelon. Especially for the girl-girlfan interest,surely you amazed the view carved watermelon like thepictureabove? Honestly, I still do not understand what thisfruit-shapedflowers. Clearly, the fruit above is one flower carvingmade by thecreativity of the human hand Watermelon flower sculptureis madewith a technique that can be a bit tricky. First of all youshouldmake the end of the petals first. Once it gets to the bottom.Thecarvings on the image above could be considered truly unique.Onewatermelon can be used as two works of art and beautifulobjects.At first glance alone is wonderful, especially if we payattentionto details. This work is a remarkable work. The left siderindwatermelon carved into a half sunflower petals additionalinterest.Meanwhile, the right side of watermelon peeled and carvedwithmotifs such that forming large red roses surrounded by rosessmall.Of course, making such work is in desperate need ofcreativity anda high level of accuracy. This carving fruit carvingseems to bearguably the most frugal. Why? This is because in themanufacturingprocess, the engraver not many "throw" the flesh ofthe fruit.Carvings more play on the rind of the watermelon.However, themanufacturing process is certainly no less complicated.Especiallywith forms and some still partially peeled off the skin.It iscertain, the artist has been through the process andlongexperience.