Top 23 Apps Similar to le dernier jour d'un condamne

Le dernier jour d'un condamné dernier 1.0
Le dernier jour d'un condamné. VictorHugo.للمترشحين لامتحان الأولى باكالورياThe Last Day ofaCondemned. Victor Hugo. للمترشحين لامتحان الأولى باكالوريا
La resumeé et analyse en ARABE dernier jour 1.0
resume et analyse le dernier jour d uncondamnéen ARABEتطبيق جميل عن تلخيص و تحليل الرواية تمكنكم من الفهم اكثر اتمنىانتنال اعجابكم وشكراresume et analyseledernier jour d un condamné en ARABE                                                                                                                                                                                                           Applicationbeautifulsummarize and analyze novel enable you to understandmore. I hopethat you like it and thank you
Citations de Victor HUGO 1.3
Radiance App
Découvrez ou re-découvrez les plus belles pensées de VictorHugo!Profiter de cette application simple et agréable :+Plusieurscentaines de citations et de pensées de Victor Hugo+Super design+ Fonctionnalité de partage par mail + Mises àjourfréquentes +Fonctionne avec les Smartphones et lesTablettesAmusez-vous !
la boite a merveilles - resume BOITE 1.0
هذا التطبيق يضم خلاصة و تحليل لرواية la boiteamerveilles ، الشيئ الذي سيساعدكم من أجل إجتياز إمتحانالباكالوريابكل سهولة، أتمنى أن ينال إعجبكم و بالتوفيق للجميعThis applicationincludesa summary and analysis of the novel la boite a merveilles,thingthat will help you in order to pass an exam baccalaureateeasily, Ihope that you like and gain success for all
Poésie Fr 1.0
SSII Webnet
Plus de 6000 poèmes de langue française.====== Fonctionnalités ======* Les grands classiques : 6000 poèmes* Liste des poèmes par auteur* Recherche par mot clé dans le titre ou dans lecontenudupoème* Gestion des poèmes favoris.* Consultation off-line des poèmes favorisRetrouvez la plupart des plus grands poètes de languefrançaise,duMoyen-âge au XXème siècle, représentés parleursoeuvresphares.Parmi lesquels : Théodore de BANVILLE (61poèmes),CharlesBAUDELAIRE (159 poèmes), François COPPÉE (53poèmes),TristanCORBIERE (50 poèmes), Charles CROS (71poèmes),MarcelineDESBORDES-VALMORE (112 poèmes), Joachim DU BELLAY(198poèmes),Théophile GAUTIER (102 poèmes), José-Maria de HEREDIA(115poèmes),Victor HUGO (420 poèmes), Jean de LA FONTAINE (140 poèmes), Jules LAFORGUE(86poèmes),Alphonse de LAMARTINE (87 poèmes), Charles-Marie LECONTEDELISLE(163 poèmes), François de MALHERBE (41 poèmes),StéphaneMALLARME(58 poèmes), Alfred de MUSSET (98 poèmes), Gérardde NERVAL(55poèmes), Anna de NOAILLES (41 poèmes), Jean RICHEPIN(32poèmes),Rainer Maria RILKE (84 poèmes), Arthur RIMBAUD (61poèmes),MauriceROLLINAT (65 poèmes), Pierre de RONSARD (109poèmes),René-FrançoisSULLY PRUDHOMME (83 poèmes), Paul-Jean TOULET(89poèmes), ÉmileVERHAEREN (315 poèmes), Paul VERLAINE (194poèmes),Théophile deVIAU (33 poèmes), Alfred de VIGNY (28 poèmes),FrançoisVILLON (34poèmes), etc.http://poesie.webnet.frMore than 6000poemsinFrench.Features ====== ======* The classic: 6000 poems* List of poems by author* Search by key word in the title or content of the poem* Management of favorite poems.* Consultation off-line favorite poemsFind most of the largest French-language poets of the MiddleAgestothe twentieth century, represented by their flagshipworks.Including: Theodore BANVILLE (61 poems), CharlesBaudelaire(159poems), François COPPÉE (53 poems), Tristan CORBIERE(50poems),Charles Cros (71 poems), Marceline Desbordes-Valmore(112poems),Joachim OF BELLAY (198 poems), Théophile Gautier(102poems),José-Maria de Heredia (115 poems), Victor Hugo(420poems)Jean de La Fontaine (140 poems), Jules Laforgue (86poems),Alphonsede Lamartine (87 poems), Charles-Marie Leconte DELISLE(163 poems),François de Malherbe (41 poems), Stephane Mallarme(58poems) Alfredde Musset (98 poems), Gerard de NERVAL (55poems),Anna de Noailles(41 poems), Jean RICHEPIN (32 poems), RainerMariaRilke (84 poems),Arthur Rimbaud (61 poems), Maurice ROLLINAT (65poems), Pierre deRonsard (109 poems), René-FrançoisSullyPRUDHOMME (83 poems),Jean-Paul TOULET (89 poems), EmileVERHAEREN(315 poems), PaulVerlaine (194 poems), Théophile de Viau(33poems), Alfred de Vigny(28 poems), François Villon (34poems),etc..
Antigone resume et analyse 1.0
يضم تطبيق antigone جميع التلاخيص والتحاليلالتيستخص التلميذ لإجتياز إمتحان الباكالوريا بسكل سهولة، وهو عبارةعنتلاخيص resumes وتحاليل analyses تهم تلاميذ الأولى باك"Antigoneresume et analyse للكاتب Jean Anouilh أتمنى التوفيقوالنجاحللجميع.Includesapplicationantigone all Allakhis and analyzes that would be for thestudent topass an exam baccalaureate Biskl ease, a Tlakhis resumesandanalysis analyses charges of first-bak pupils "Antigone resumeetanalyse writer Jean Anouilh I wish success for all.
la boite a merveilles EN ARABE la boite 1.0
تلخيص الرواية la boite a merveillesبالعربيةوالفرنسية قصد تقريب الفهم للمقبلين على البكالوريا المغربية2015اتمنى ان ينال اعجابكملا تنسو التقييم بخمس نجومترقبو المزيد من المواد في جميع الشعبSummarize the novellaboite a merveilles AF intentionally rounded understanding oftheverge of Moroccan baccalaureate 2015 I hope todiminishAjabkmDo not forget to five-star RatingTriqbo more material in all divisions
دروس الفرنسية: أولى باكالوريا bac 1.0
يتضمن هذا التطبيق على مجموعة من الدروس التيتهمالتلميذ في اجتياز الباكالوريا بنجاح، أتمنى أن ينال إعجابكم،بالتوفيقللجميعThis applicationincludesa set of lessons that concern the student to pass thebaccalaureatesuccessfully, I hope to gain admiration, good luck toall
دروس الاجتماعيات 1 باك 1.5
résumés des leçons d'histoire géographie pour les classesde1bacsciences.
الفلسفة : تلخيص جميع الدروس philosofy 1.0
تطبيق سهل الاستعمال يحمل لكم جميعملخصاتدروسالفلسفة التانية بكالوريا اتمنى ان ينال اعجابكمApplication easytousebore you all summaries Altanih philosophy lessonsbaccalaureateIhope that diminish Ajabkm
Victor Hugo : Oeuvres 1.3
Application des œuvres de Victor Hugoenrichiede centaines de notes explicatives, d'introductions, denotices,d'annexes biographiques et critiques, de gravuresoriginales, pourun total de plus de 64 titres.Caractéristiques :- 64 titres (romans, poèmes, théâtre, dessins, annexes) et plusde20 000 pages de lecture !- Système intégré de sauvegarde de notes.- Possibilité de partager les notes.- Possibilité d'ajouter des signets afin de sauvegarderdesemplacements.- Système intégré de recherche de mots ou phrases- Navigation aisée et ergonomique grâce aux tables desmatièresintégrées.- Sauvegarde automatique du dernier emplacement de lecture.- Possibilité d'augmenter ou réduire la taille de la police.A PROPOS DE L'ÉDITEUR :Les éditions Arvensa sont les leaders de la littératureclassiquenumérique. Leur objectif est de vous faire connaître lesoeuvresdes grands auteurs de la littérature classique en languefrançaiseà un prix abordable tout en vous fournissant lameilleureexpérience de lecture sur votre liseuse. Tous les titressontproduits avec le plus grand soin. Le service qualité s’engageàvous répondre dans les 48h. Retrouvez les actualités et touslestitres des éditions Arvensa sur leur site.Application VictorHugo'sworks enriched hundreds of explanatory notes,introductions,biographical sketches, biographical and criticalappendices,original engravings, for a total of over 64 titles.Features:- 64 titles (novels, poetry, theater, drawings, schedules) andmorethan 20,000 pages of reading!- Integrated backup notes.- Ability to share notes.- Ability to add bookmarks to save locations.- Integrated search for words or phrases- Easy and ergonomic navigation through tablesintegratedmaterials.- Automatic save the last reading location.- Ability to increase or decrease the font size.ABOUT THE PUBLISHER:The Arvensa editions are the leaders of the conventionaldigitalliterature. Their goal is to let you know the works of thegreatwriters of classic literature in French at an affordablepricewhile providing you the best reading experience on yourreadinglight. All titles are produced with the utmost care. Thequalitydepartment is committed to respond to you within 48 hours.Findnews and all Arvensa editions of titles on their site.
Poésie Française 0.1.0
SSII Webnet
Plus de 6000 poèmes de langue française.====== Fonctionnalités ======* Les grands classiques : 6000 poèmes* Liste des poèmes par auteur* Recherche par mot clé dans le titre ou dans lecontenudupoème* Gestion des poèmes favoris.* Consultation off-line des poèmes favorisRetrouvez la plupart des plus grands poètes de languefrançaise,duMoyen-âge au XXème siècle, représentés parleursoeuvresphares.Parmi lesquels : Théodore de BANVILLE (61poèmes),CharlesBAUDELAIRE (159 poèmes), François COPPÉE (53poèmes),TristanCORBIERE (50 poèmes), Charles CROS (71poèmes),MarcelineDESBORDES-VALMORE (112 poèmes), Joachim DU BELLAY(198poèmes),Théophile GAUTIER (102 poèmes), José-Maria de HEREDIA(115poèmes),Victor HUGO (420 poèmes), Jean de LA FONTAINE (140 poèmes), Jules LAFORGUE(86poèmes),Alphonse de LAMARTINE (87 poèmes), Charles-Marie LECONTEDELISLE(163 poèmes), François de MALHERBE (41 poèmes),StéphaneMALLARME(58 poèmes), Alfred de MUSSET (98 poèmes), Gérardde NERVAL(55poèmes), Anna de NOAILLES (41 poèmes), Jean RICHEPIN(32poèmes),Rainer Maria RILKE (84 poèmes), Arthur RIMBAUD (61poèmes),MauriceROLLINAT (65 poèmes), Pierre de RONSARD (109poèmes),René-FrançoisSULLY PRUDHOMME (83 poèmes), Paul-Jean TOULET(89poèmes), ÉmileVERHAEREN (315 poèmes), Paul VERLAINE (194poèmes),Théophile deVIAU (33 poèmes), Alfred de VIGNY (28 poèmes),FrançoisVILLON (34poèmes), etc.http://poesie.webnet.frMore than 6000poemsinFrench.Features ====== ======* The classic: 6000 poems* List of poems by author* Search by key word in the title or content of the poem* Management of favorite poems.* Consultation off-line favorite poemsFind most of the largest French-language poets of the MiddleAgestothe twentieth century, represented by their flagshipworks.Including: Theodore BANVILLE (61 poems), CharlesBaudelaire(159poems), François COPPÉE (53 poems), Tristan CORBIERE(50poems),Charles Cros (71 poems), Marceline Desbordes-Valmore(112poems),Joachim OF BELLAY (198 poems), Théophile Gautier(102poems),José-Maria de Heredia (115 poems), Victor Hugo(420poems)Jean de La Fontaine (140 poems), Jules Laforgue (86poems),Alphonsede Lamartine (87 poems), Charles-Marie Leconte DELISLE(163 poems),François de Malherbe (41 poems), Stephane Mallarme(58poems) Alfredde Musset (98 poems), Gerard de NERVAL (55poems),Anna de Noailles(41 poems), Jean RICHEPIN (32 poems), RainerMariaRilke (84 poems),Arthur Rimbaud (61 poems), Maurice ROLLINAT (65poems), Pierre deRonsard (109 poems), René-FrançoisSullyPRUDHOMME (83 poems),Jean-Paul TOULET (89 poems), EmileVERHAEREN(315 poems), PaulVerlaine (194 poems), Théophile de Viau(33poems), Alfred de Vigny(28 poems), François Villon (34poems),etc..
People's New Test. Commentary 1.0
The People's New Testament by BartonWarrenJohnson.* No Internet Connection required to read (off-line)People’s New Testament CommentaryA commentary that covers the entire New Testament! Thisfamous797 Page work by B.W. Johnson is an outstanding companion toanyonewho wants to know more about the Bible.People’s New Testament Commentary contains the followingtopicsto name a few:Books of the New TestamentHarmony of the GospelsOur Lord's MiraclesOur Lord's ParablesOur Lord's Discourses and ConversationsThe Discourses in Acts of the ApostlesTables of Time, Measures, Weights, EtcA Table of MeasuresA Table of WeightsA Table of MoneyMeasures of LiquidsMeasures of Dry ThingsThe Gospel According to MatthewIntroduction to MatthewThe Genealogy and Birth of ChristThe Wise Men and the Flight into EgyptJohn the Baptist and the Baptism of ChristThe Temptation, and Christ's Ministry in GalileeThe Sermon on the MountMiracles at Capernaum and on the SeaThe Ministry at CapernaumThe Call and Charge to the ApostlesThe Message from John the BaptistThe Pharisees Take Counsel Against and Seek to Destroy JesusSeven Parables of the KingdomThe Miracles Beyond and Upon the Sea of GalileeChrist and the Pharisees: The Woman of CanaanThe Foundation of the ChurchThe TransfigurationThe Greatest in the KingdomMarriage and Divorce; The Rich RulerThe Laborers in the Vineyard; The Ambitious MotherChrist Entering JerusalemThe Marriage of the King's Son; Attempts to Entrap the SaviorThe Last Appeal to IsraelThe Judgments on the Jewish NationThe End of the WorldThe Preparation for the Lord's DeathJesus CrucifiedThe ResurrectionThe Gospel According to MarkIntroduction to MarkThe Beginning of the Ministry of ChristThe First Conflict with the Scribes and PhariseesBlasphemy Against the Holy SpiritTeaching in ParablesHealing the AfflictedThe First CommissionMaking Void the Law of GodIn the Coasts of Cæsarea PhilippiThe TransfigurationChrist's Law of DivorceThe Royal Entrance into JerusalemA Day of ControversyChrist's Discourse on the Last DaysThe Seizure, Trial, and Condemnation of ChristThe CrucifixionThe ResurrectionThe Gospel According to LukeIntroduction to LukeThe Birth of JohnThe Birth of JesusJesus Anointed by the Holy SpiritThe Beginning of Christ's MinistryChrist Teaching and HealingThe Twelve Apostles ChosenThe Widow's Son Raised from the DeadSpeaking in ParablesThe TransfigurationThe Seventy Disciples Sent ForthChrist Still TeachingJoy of Repenting SinnersIntroduction to the Gospel of JohnThe Beginning of Christ's MinistryThe First MiracleChrist and NicodemusJesus at Sychar.Jesus in JerusalemChrist, the Bread of LifeJesus at the Feast of TabernaclesChrist Teaching in JerusalemThe Man Born BlindThe Good ShepherdThe Work of the Holy SpiritThe Lord's Prayer for His DisciplesThe Risen Lord at the Sea of GalileeIntroduction to the Acts of the ApostlesThe Day of PentecostThe Sin and Punishment of Ananias and SapphiraThe Martyrdom of StephenThe Missionary Labors of PhilipThe Conversion of Saul of TarsusPeter's Defence Before the Church at JerusalemMissionary LaborsPaul at AthensPaul's Address Before King AgrippaThe Epistle of Paul to the RomansDying and Living with ChristVarious Sayings of ChristParables Concerning PrayerThe Entrance into JerusalemThe Last SupperThe CrucifixionThe Risen LordPsalm 52:8 "But I am like a green olive tree in the house ofGod:I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever."You will find this Android version of our app packed withtoolsrelevant for the ultimate Bible Scholar, devotional time, andguideas daily bread for life application.Compatible for Android Phones and Tablets (example, Xoom,andSamsung Tab).
Victor Hugo Quotes Faust
Victor Marie Hugo (26 February 1802 – 22 May 1885) was aFrenchpoet,novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic movement. Heisconsideredone of the greatest and best known French writers.InFrance, Hugo'sliterary fame comes first from his poetry butalsorests upon hisnovels and his dramatic achievements. Amongmanyvolumes of poetry,Les Contemplations and La Légende dessièclesstand particularly highin critical esteem. Outside France,hisbest-known works are theacclaimed novels Les Misérables, 1862,andNotre-Dame de Paris, 1831(known in English as The HunchbackofNotre-Dame). He also producedmore than 4,000 drawings, whichhavesince been admired for theirbeauty, and earned widespreadrespectas a campaigner for socialcauses such as the abolition ofthedeath penalty.
رحلتي بين الشك والإيمان fikrsalim
قصة المفكر الدكتور مصطفى محمود ظل يرحل بينالشكوالإيمان لعدة سنين حتى استقر على أرضية صلبة من الإيمان الراسخبوجودالله.The story of Dr.MustafaMahmoud thinker under go between doubt and faith for severalyearsuntil he settled on the solid ground of the firm belief thatGodexists.
Un Poème 1.0
SSII Webnet
Sur un-poème découvrez au hasard unpoèmeparminos 6 000 poèmes classiques de langue française.Retrouvez la plupart des plus grands poètes de languefrançaise,duMoyen-âge au XXème siècle, représentés parleursœuvresphares.Parmi lesquels : Théodore de BANVILLE (61 poèmes),CharlesBAUDELAIRE(159 poèmes), François COPPÉE (53 poèmes),TristanCORBIERE (50poèmes), Charles CROS (71 poèmes),MarcelineDESBORDES-VALMORE (112poèmes), Joachim DU BELLAY (198poèmes),Théophile GAUTIER (102poèmes), José-Maria de HEREDIA (115poèmes),Victor HUGO (420poèmes), Jean de LA FONTAINE (140 poèmes),JulesLAFORGUE (86poèmes), Alphonse de LAMARTINE (87poèmes),Charles-Marie LECONTE DELISLE (163 poèmes), François deMALHERBE(41 poèmes), StéphaneMALLARME (58 poèmes), Alfred deMUSSET (98poèmes), Gérard de NERVAL(55 poèmes), Anna de NOAILLES(41poèmes), Jean RICHEPIN (32 poèmes),Rainer Maria RILKE (84poèmes),Arthur RIMBAUD (61 poèmes), MauriceROLLINAT (65 poèmes),Pierre deRONSARD (109 poèmes), René-FrançoisSULLY PRUDHOMME (83poèmes),Paul-Jean TOULET (89 poèmes), ÉmileVERHAEREN (315 poèmes),PaulVERLAINE (194 poèmes), Théophile de VIAU(33 poèmes), AlfreddeVIGNY (28 poèmes), François VILLON (34poèmes), etc.Pour passer au poème suivant, secouezvotreTéléphone/Tablette!Site web : par Webnet : discoverarandompoem from our 6000 classic poems in French. Find most of the largest French-language poets of the MiddleAgestothe twentieth century, represented by their key works. Including: Theodore BANVILLE (61 poems), CharlesBaudelaire(159poems), François COPPÉE (53 poems), Tristan CORBIERE(50poems),Charles Cros (71 poems), Marceline Desbordes-Valmore(112poems),Joachim OF BELLAY (198 poems), Théophile Gautier(102poems),José-Maria de Heredia (115 poems), Victor Hugo (420poems),Jean deLa Fontaine (140 poems), Jules Laforgue (86 poems),AlphonsedeLamartine ( 87 poems), Charles-Marie Leconte DE LISLE(163poems),François de Malherbe (41 poems), Stephane Mallarme(58poems),Alfred de Musset (98 poems), Gerard de NERVAL (55poems),Anna deNoailles ( 41 poems), Jean RICHEPIN (32 poems),Rainer MariaRilke(84 poems), Arthur Rimbaud (61 poems), MauriceROLLINAT (65poems),Pierre de Ronsard (109 poems), René-FrançoisSully PRUDHOMME(83poems) Paul John TOULET (89 poems), EmileVERHAEREN (315poems),Paul Verlaine (194 poems), Théophile de Viau(33 poems),Alfred deVigny (28 poems), François Villon (34 poems),etc.. To move to the next poem, shake your phone / tablet! Website: Offered by Webnet:
قصة الخبز الحافي alkhoubzalhafi 1.0
قصة الخبز الحافي تحكي مأساة إنسان قست عليهظروفالحياة التي فرضت عليه أن يبقى في ظلام الأمية حتى بلغ العشرينعاما منعمره. وكانت طفولته غارقة في عالم الفقر والبؤس والعنف، فعاشفيالعوالم السفلى بين الطبقات المسحوقة التي حكم عليها القدربالحرمانوالأمراض والغوص في عالم الانحراف بكل أشكاله.لم يعرف الكاتب طعم حنان الأب، حيث كان أبوه قاسيا جدا، كانيضربهويعذبه، وقتل أخاه أمامه. كل هذه الظروف التي عاشها الكاتب محمدشكريوقعت تحت قهر الاستعمار وظروف الحرب.الخبز الحافي سيرة ذاتية واقعية وحقيقية حكى فيها الكاتب عنكلشيء.Bread Alone tellsthetragedy of human life that the conditions imposed on him bythemeasure to remain in the darkness of illiteracy until he wastwentyyears of age story. And his childhood was immersed in theworld ofpoverty, misery and violence, we lived in the lower realmsof thedowntrodden classes who was sentenced to much deprivation,diseaseand dive into the world of deviation in all its forms.    Author did not know the taste oftendernessfather, where his father was too harsh, he beat him andpunish him,and killed his brother in front of him. All of theseconditionsendured by the writer Mohamed Choukri signed under theoppressionof colonialism and war conditions. Bread Alone biography realistic and where the real writertoldabout everything subjective.
تعلم السياقة attariq 1.0
تعلم السياقةLearn driving
People's New Testament ULTRA 1.0
The People's New Testament by Barton Warren Johnson.
هل هي فعلا نهاية العالم fikra
هل هي فعلا نهاية العالمIs it really the endofthe world
Собор Парижской Богоматери 1.0
Бессмертная история Виктора Гюго - роман"СоборПарижской Богоматери"История любви и трагедии.Любви тех, кому любовь была не дана и не позволена -религиознымсаном, физической немощью или чужой злой волей.Цыганка Эсмеральда и глухой горбун-звонарь Квазимодо, священникКлодФролло и капитан королевских стрелков Феб де Шатопер,прекраснаяФлёр-де-Лис и поэт Пьер Гренгуар...И над всеми ними, над переплетениями страстей и надсредневековымПарижем довлеет незыблемая твердыня готическогособораНотр-Дам-де-Пари - Собора Парижской Богоматери....The immortal storyofVictor Hugo - the novel "Notre Dame de Paris"The story of love and tragedy.Love those who love was not given and is not allowed -religiousdignity, physical infirmity or someone else's evilwill.The gypsy Esmeralda and deaf-ringer Quasimodo, the hunchback,thepriest Claude Frollo and Captain Phoebus de RoyalFusiliersShatoper, beautiful fleur-de-lis and the poet PierreGringoire...And above them all, over and above the passions weavesmedievalParis dominates the unshakable rock of the Gothic cathedralofNotre-Dame de Paris - Notre Dame ....
دروس الباك - شعبة الاداب Adab
يضم هذا التطبيق جميع دروس وملخصاتموادالباكالوريا للشعبة الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية كالتاريخوالجغرافياواللغة العربية والإنجليزية والفلسفة، أي المواد التييجتازهاالمترشحون في الإمتحان الوطني الموحد في المغرب. وقد عرضناهابطريقةجيدة سيستفيد منها المترشح بكل سهولة. أتمنى أن ينالإعجابكموبالتوفيق والنجاح الباهر للجميع.This applicationincludesall the lessons and summaries baccalaureate materials fortheDivision of Arts and Humanities, such as history,geography,Arabic, English and philosophy, any material crossed bythecandidates in the unified national exam in Morocco. Havewepresented in a good way, which will benefit the candidatewithease. I hope to gain admiration and good luck and successforall.
البؤساء الجزء الاول 1.0
رواية للكاتب فكتور هوجو نشرت سنة 1862، وتعدمنأشهر روايات القرن التاسع عشر، إنه يصف وينتقد في هذا الكتابالظلمالاجتماعي في فرنسا بين سقوط نابليون في 1815 والثورة الفاشلةضدالملك لويس فيليب في 1832. إنه يكتب في مقدمته للكتاب: "تخلقالعاداتوالقوانين في فرنسا ظرفا اجتماعيا هو نوع من جحيم بشري. فطالماتوجدلا مبالاة وفقر على الأرض، كتب كهذا الكتاب ستكونضروريةدائماً".تصف البؤساء حياة عدد من الشخصيات الفرنسية على طول القرن التاسععشرالذي يتضمن حروب نابليون، مركزةً على شخصية السجين السابق جانفالجانومعاناته بعد خروجه من السجن.تعرض الرواية طبيعة الخير والشر والقانون في قصة أخاذة تظهر فيهامعالمباريس، الأخلاق، الفلسفة، القانون، العدالة، الدين وطبيعةالرومانسيةوالحب العائلي. لقد ألهم فيكتور هوجو من شخصيةالمجرم/الشرطي فرانسوافيدوك ولكنه قسم تلك الشخصية إلى شخصيتين فيقصته.رواية البؤساء ظهرت على المسرح والشاشة عبر المسرحية التي تحملنفسالاسم وأيضاً تم إنشاء فيلم للرواية نفسها باسم البؤساء (فيلم2012)وقد حقق مبيعات ضخمه حتى أن تقيمه قد وصل إلى 7.6/10 و قد حصلعلى عدةجوائز .[1].