Top 8 Apps Similar to Anterin Driver

Anterin 4.6.12-release-build20210829184820
Anterin is a city transporting network or amarketplaceapplicationfor online transportation. Derived fromIndonesialanguage,‘anterin’ means ‘take me along’ in English. WithAnterin,you havefreedom of choice for your travel experience,either youare usingonline transportation such as car or motoronline, ordeliveringyour packages. What kinds of freedom of choiceyou canfind inAnterin application? 1. Freedom to Choose Fare Nomore surgechargein rush hour. You are free to choose a driver thatoffer youareasonable fare. 2. Freedom to Choose a Vehicle Nomorecancelingorders, if the type of vehicle does not meetyourexpectation. Inthe Anterin application, users can view typesofvehicle and brandchoices that can fit with their travel needs.3.Free to Select aDriver In Anterin application, you mayselectfemale or maledriver. You can choose a driver with goodservice andlook too fromthe picture, rating, and reviews. Evenbetter, you cansubscribesame driver service for your daily activityas well! Well,now justdetermine your service options. Want totravel fasteverywhere? Usemotor or ‘ojek’ online with ANTERINMOTOR! But ifyou have ameeting appointment or a date, and want tokeep goodlooking untilyou arrive at the destination, just order acar onlineservice onANTERIN CAR menu. Do you want to travel withgroup offriends orfamily with a large capacity car? Just choose thetypeand brand ofthe car based on your travel needs. Leavinganimportant documentor need to send a package for personalorbusiness? Use ANTERINEXPRESS for quick and reliablepackagedelivery! Are you ready toenjoy your first travel experiencewithAnterin? Here are thesteps: 1. Download Anterin application now2.Determine the pick upand destination point of your travelordelivery 3. Select thedriver, the vehicle type, and the fare.Then,click the orderbutton and have a pleasant trip withAnterin!Anterin is foundedand developed in Indonesia. Anterin,BebaskanPilihanku. Anterinyuk!
Gojek - Food & Transportation 4.77.2
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PRO-JEK 1.2.1
PRO-JEK adalah aplikasi Tansportasi Online:Ojek Online, Taksi Online.Layanan Transportasi Online untuk masyarakat Indonesia,denganmenggunakan aplikasi android, seperti halnya Gojek, GrabdanUber.PRO-JEK menyediakan beberapa pilihan layanan sesuai kebutuhananda:Motor / Ojek, Sewa Mobil Pribadi, Taksi, Mobil Mewah/Luxury,danMobil Derek (Towing Car).Pemesanan ojek online melalui aplikasi mobile androidakanmemudahkan anda mencari ojek dengan radius yang telahditentukanoleh system, dihitung dari lokasi anda.Keunggulan PRO-JEK :1. Pilih layanan kendaraan yang diinginkan2. Anda dipersilakan memilih Gender Pengemudi sesuaiGenderanda3. Pilihan peta memudahkan mencari alamat tujuan4. Fitur Tunjuk Lokasi memungkinkan anda mencari lokasi yangtidaktercantum di peta, silakan geser peta untuk mendapatkan lokasiyangakurat5. Menghubungi pengemudi bisa menggunakan WhatsApp atauteleponlangsung6. Pendaftaran mudah, cukup isi Nama, Alamat email dan nomorhapeyang sedang digunakan, saat anda memesan perjalananpertamakali.7. Upload foto anda dalam profil PRO-JEK, langsungmenggunakankamera hape anda8. Fitur Inbox, membuat anda menjadi lebih dekat denganPRO-JEK.Dapatkan Berita terbaru dan juga tentunya Voucher DiskonPerjalananPRO-JEK9. Laporan perjalanan akan kami kirimkan langsung ke alamatemailanda.Untuk anda yang ingin menggunakan jasa transportasi yanglebihmudah, aman dan nyaman, maka gunakanlah Aplikasi PRO-JEK.Driverkami siap melayani perjalanan anda, mengantar anda ketempattujuan.tag: ojek online, projek, pro-jekKebijakan Privasi : Penggunaan : isatransportation application Online: Online Motorcycle taxi,TaxiOnline.Transport Services Online for the people of Indonesia, usingtheandroid application, as well as Gojek, Grab and Uber.PRO-JEK provide multiple service options to suit your needs: Motor/Motorcycle taxi, Hire Private Car, Taxi, Luxury Cars / LuxuryandTowing (Towing Car).Booking online motorcycle through the android mobileapplicationwill allow you to find a motorcycle taxi with a radiusdeterminedby the system, is calculated from your location.PRO-JEK advantages:1. Select the desired vehicle service2. You are welcome to choose the appropriate driver GenderGenderyou3. Map options facilitate the search for thedestinationaddress4. Show Location feature lets you find a location that is notlistedon the map, please drag the map to get an accuratelocation5. Call the driver can use WhatsApp or phone directly6. Registration is easy, just fill in name, email address andphonenumbers are being used, when you book the trip first.7. Upload your photos in a profile PRO-JEK, directly usingyourphone camera8. Features Inbox, makes you closer to PRO-JEK. Get the latestnewsand also of course Discount Travel Voucher PRO-JEK9. The trip report will be sent directly to youremailaddress.For those of you who want to use transportation servicesmoreeasily, safely and comfortably, then use Application PRO-JEK.Ourdrivers are ready to serve your trip, take you toyourdestination.tags: motorcycle online, projects, pro-jackPrivacy Policy: of Use:
Global Jek (untuk penumpang) 2.0
Global Jek adalah Jasa Transportasi diJakartayang diluncurkan dikarenakan padatnya penduduk Jakartadankemacetan Ibukota Jakarta dengan tujuan utama Global Jekadalahmembantu tukang ojek lokal untuk mendapatkan pelangganmelaluiaplikas kami.dan supaya tidak mempeributkan harga antarapenumpangdan tukang ojekGlobal Jek berada dibawah naungan PT. Win Semesta Expressyangberdomisili di Jakarta Selatan awalnya adalah jasa pengirimandandikarenakan sesuatu hal maka diputuskan untuk membuatalattransportasi berjenis motor ini dengan bekerja sama denganojek2pangkalan yang ada diseluruh Jabodetabek.Visi : Global Jek adalah membantu sesama manusiaMisi : Pelayanan yang lebih baik dengan harga yang pantasPembagian hasil Global Jek: pengemudi sebesar 80%..penyedialayanan global jek 20% dan penyedia layanan memberikansantunankepada:• Anak yatim piatu sebesar 2,5%• Tabungan pengojek sebesar 2,5% diberikan jika si pengojektidakmau ngojek lagi atau berhenti• Asuransi penumpang dan pengojek serta bea siswa untuk kuliahbagianak-anak pengojek 2,5%• Dari hasil usaha yang kami dapatkan sebagian akan kamidonasikankembali untuk orang yang kurang mampu.Kami inginkan para pelangan juga dapat membantu orang yanglemah,bukan orang yang mampu yang Anda bantu. Jika Anda membantumaka Andasudah mendonasikan sebagian rezeki Anda melalui kami.Kami buat bukan mengada-ngada tetapi kami akanmembuktikannyamelalui media tv dll dan bersama para driver GlobalJek untukmenyumbangkan hasil dari pendapatan Global Jek, Kami hadirbukanuntuk dikasihani tetapi kami hadir untuk melengkapikebutuhantransportasi Anda yang cepat, aman sampai tujuan dan fullproteksidengan mengunakan GLOBAL Jek ingat anda sudah beramaldidunia dandi akherat.Jek isGlobalTransportation Services in Jakarta, which was launched due tothedense population of the capital Jakarta Jakarta and congestionwiththe main goal is to help global Jek local motorcycle taxidriver toget customers through aplikas us.And so as notmempeributkan pricebetween the passenger and motorcycle taxidriversGlobal Jek is under the auspices of PT. Win UniverseExpressdomiciled in South Jakarta and the delivery serviceinitially isbecause something it was decided to make this motortransportmanifold cooperation with ojek2 bases that existthroughoutJabodetabek.Vision: Global Jek is to help fellow human beingsMission: Better service at a reasonable priceGlobal revenue sharing Jek: the driver by 80% ..penyedia jack20%of global services and service providers by providingdonationsto:• Children orphaned by 2.5%• Savings of 2.5% pengojek given if the pengojek not wantngojekagain or quit• Insurance passengers and pengojek as well as scholarshipsforcollege for children pengojek 2.5%• From the results of operations that we get our part willbedonated back to the less fortunate.We want the customer is also able to help the weak, notthepeople who are able to help you. If you help then youalreadydonate part of your sustenance through us.We do not invent Ngada but we will prove through the media tvetcand with the driver Global Jek to donate the proceeds of theGlobalrevenue Jek, we are here not to be pitied, but we are heretocomplement your transportation needs quickly, safely tothedestination and full protection by using GLOBAL Jek rememberyou'vecharity in the world and in the hereafter.
On-Jek 1.1
Onjek adalah aplikasi ojek online ygtelahhadirdi medan untuk membantu dan mempermudah hidupanda.Layanan kami saat iniOn-bikeLayanan naik ojek dengan tarif murahOn-foodLayanan membeli makanan dengan partner lebih dari 1000 restoranOn-courierLayanan antar barang tanpa repot dan tentunya murahOn-marketLayanan belanja barang kebutuhan sehari2 dengan mudahFollow us:www.on-jek.comtwitter = onjekindonesiafacebook = onjek.indonesiaInstagram = onjek.indonesia
Mitra Driver - Amang Ojek 2.7.3
Amang Ojek
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