Top 27 Apps Similar to Bleeding Disorder

CHE: Cardiovascular System 1.2
VitatecaVitateca is a project that mediates generallyunderstandableknowledge about health and disease, with the aim tofacilitatehealth for all people of this earth.Cellular Health Education (CHE) is a tutorial that enablestheuser to better understand the functions of his body - and thustolay the foundation for optimal health. Using interactivegraphics,the user is guided from the organ level to the cellularlevel tothe molecular level.The first chapter of this tutorial describes the largest andmostimportant organ of our body: The cardiovascular system.These apps are suitable for people of all ages who areinterestedin health.Due to its unique graphical representations, it isparticularlysuitable for modern knowledge in schools and othereducationalinstitutions.
12-Lead ECG Challenge 2.1.1
12-Lead ECG Challenge is the ideal way to sharpenyourinterpretation skills.
One Deep Breath: Relax & Sleep 3.4.3
Breathing exercises & patterns for anxiety, calm, focus,energy& sleep hygiene
Smart monitoring specialist of health
Panic Relief- stop anxiety now 1.5.4
Psychiatrist, MD PhD Marianne Geoffroy, Denmark
The best tools to deal with panic, stress and anxiety! This appcangive you instant support wherever you are - it is silent andhelpsyou stay in control. Use your favorite animations for a fewminuteswhen you feel anxiety starts to build up inside you. PanicReliefis made by a danish psychiatrist and specialist incognitivetherapy, Marianne B. Geoffroy. 4 short cartoons withanimationsshow you how to cope with the unpleasant sensations inyour bodywhile staying mentally calm and in control. Are you aprofessional,a doctor or psychologist? The app can be used as asupplement topsychotherapy and/or medical treatment for panic,anxiety andstress disorders. Typical situations where panic attacksmay start:- in supermarkets, in crowds - in public transports, inairplanes -on highways, crossing bridges, in heights - before examsor jobinterviews - in other situations where you might feel stucke.g. atthe dentist, at formal gatherings and meetings, inrestaurants etc.CHEST: helps you discover what your normalbreathing pattern atrest looks like and helps you avoid too deepand frequent breathingduring panic, also called hyperventilation.Hyperventilation causesdizziness and makes anxiety and panic evenworse. SQUARE: is awellknown CBT method often called ‘breathing insquares’. This toolgives you both visual and mental focus when youuse it duringanxiety and panic. It will make you stay in mentalcontrol whilethe body calms down. ARM: shows you a quick and easytechnique forrelaxation which will make a panic attack feel lessintense. BODY:is a visualization exercise which is usefull when youhave read thetext 'What is a Panicattack' and read about our fight-flightreflex. Follow this animation and let the turmoil inside youbecometransformed into a more pleasant sensation. MORE: Read‘More’:'What is a Panicattack', read about why some of us are proneforanxiety attacks and about why they are a normal reactionthathappens in the body. Also read why panic attacks may come andgo inperiods and find answers to other frequently asked questions.Seealso:
Use STOPP APP if you want to start to stopyourunhelpful habits: negative thinking, worry, anxiety,depression,over eating, under eating, drinking, smoking, drugs,gambling,aggression, self-harm……Developed by co-creators Michelle Ayres and Carol Vivyan,CognitiveBehavioural Psychotherapists, STOPP APP is CognitiveBehaviouralTherapy in a nutshell! CBT has an impressive evidencebase and isproven to be effective with a wide range ofproblems.Use STOPP APP to help you to change vicious, negative cyclesofbehaviour and positively enable you to make changes toyourthoughts, feelings and behaviours to live a more skilful,lessimpulsive life.Notice when you feel the URGE to ACT. Stop. Use STOPP appfirst.Then decide. Chose the best course of action.STOPP is the first skill of The Decider (32 skills) and TheDeciderLife Skills (12 skills). It was initially developed withfeedbackfrom clients in adult mental health services. Stronglygrounded intheory, the app is always ready to help you 2.5.7
Taking Healthcare Beyond Walls
Suicide Safe 4.0
The Suicide Prevention App for Primary Care and BehavioralHealthProviders
PULSOID: Heart Rate Streaming 7.16
Pulsoid allows adding your heart rate on a live stream.
Gnaural for Android 1.0.20140623
A binaural beat & isochronic tone generator intended as anaidto meditation.
ECG Challenge 2.1.1
150 clinically obtained ECGs to provide the practice&confidence you need.
Morpheus Legacy Version
Vacay GmbH
This is a legacy version, it won't be updated anymore
Bullets* 2.24.0
An education and collaboration platform for physicians andmedicalstudents.
Build a better brain
Lupus Support
MyLupusTeam: the social network for those living with lupus.
Brain Waves Pro Binaural Beats 8.0.1
Binaural Beats - Fully Customizable Waves - Pure Sound - No Loops
iAwake® Technologies 2.6.8
Tools for focus & flow, relaxation, creativity,profoundmeditation, healing.
WeCroak 1.5.8
Find happiness by contemplating your mortality with the WeCroakapp.
PanicShield - Panic Attack Aid 1.3
Stop panic attacks with PanicShield!
Polytrauma 1.5.0
The treatment of severely injured patient is complex andrequiresquick decision making. This Polytrauma App provides a quickandcompact overview of surgical knowledge helpful for managementofseverely injured patients. This App has fast and fluidnavigationand allows access when you are offline. The PolytraumaApp hasfollowing features: - Description of relevant definitionsincludingnew polytrauma definition - It provides checklists forinitialassessment of severely injured patients - Useful traumascoringsystems allow direct classification of the patient - TheInjurySeverity Score Calculator enables fast calculation of theinjuryseverity - Surgical Treatment Algorithms provide a quickoverviewof strategies in treatment of various injuries andclinicaldecision making (head, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, longbonefractures, spine, kidney and urinary tract) - Useful linksandreferences provide further information The Polytrauma Appprovidesan overview of the surgical management from diagnosis tosurgicalstrategies used according to injury severity, physiologyand injurypattern. It is definitely a useful tool in dailypractice.
HopeQure - Online Counseling & Therapy for Anxiety 1.4.13
Discover a better you, by getting HIPAA certifiedonlineCounselingplatform for the mental health & emotionalissuesaround youGive yourself a chance to bloom with some extracare,time andattention. If you are feeling lonely, anxious,depressed,worried,sad or stressed, HopeQure app is just right foryou.Download theapp for high quality online Counseling, therapyformental healthand support. You can achieve following benefitsinaddition to theOnline Counseling Psychological supportofferedthrough theHopeQure- Online Mental Health Counseling App:-👉Connect with thebest verified, registered, licensed andcertifiedonlinepsychologists and counselors for online therapythrough videocall,phone call or chat 👉Get access to session plansthatoffereffective consultation plans to cover yourpsychologicalneeds👉Access 50+ free self-assessments for evaluatingyourmentalwellness 👉Access the Knowledge Hub, that may help youdealwithyour mental health issues, psychological issues👉Availcosteffective dedicated Psychological Programs createdformentalhealth issues 👉Avail the best Online Counseling atyourconvinienceusing HIPAA certified secure online Counselingplatform👉Track andboost your mood through the mood-o-meter, thathelps youtrack yourmood 👉Professional counselors help you deal withyourfeelings byventing out your emotions,frustration,angerThousands ofpeople useHopeQure - Online Counseling for MentalHealth There is adedicatedapp for the Professional Psychologistsand Counsellors forimprovedexperience. You may learn the art ofmindfulness asHopeQure helpsyou deal with challenges of life,anxiety,depression, relationshipissues, employment and societyissues etcimpacting you emotionallyand improve your mental strengthto makeyourself stronger andprepare you for the better future. ✔OnlineCounseling andEmotional Support on Demand: Anxious,depressed,stressed, tensed,or having issues with your relations orwith yourcolleagues?Sometimes, looking for the right therapist foryou couldbe astressful and time-consuming activity, especially,when youdon’twant to discuss your emotional issues with knownpeople. Butnowyou can contact HopeQure securely and confidentiallytoconnectwith the right therapist for you. ✔ ConfidentialityandSecureConversation: The security of HopeQure platform isHIPAAcertifiedand all online video calls are secured through worldclassin-housevideo calling platform. All therapy and programsarecompletelysafe and secure maintaining full confidentiality oftheclients andtherapists. ✔ Choose the therapist that best suitsyourconcerns:The clients can select therapists for OnlineCounseling asper thechoice of experience, cost, education, genderandlanguage.They canreview the profile of therapists andprovidefeedback about theirtherapy experience. List of all types ofmentalhealth disorders,therapy programs, and specialization oftherapistsfor disorderslike anxiety, depression, stress, breakups,jobanxiety, bullying,panic attacks, insomnia, etc are addressed.Youcan try newtherapists or continue with the same therapist asperyour choiceor schedule of the therapy program. ✔ Free App inGooglePlaystore:HopeQure - Online Counseling for Anxiety &Depressionis freeto download. You can select the therapy servicelikeonlineCounseling or program basis the requirement andindividualneeds.For more information about HopeQure and its termsof use,,, .We strive hardto give you the bestpossible online Counselingexperience. If youlike our effort,please spend 15 seconds to giveus a good review.It will motivatethe team to improve further. Thisapp is suitablefor age 14+Wishing a Very Happy Mental Health toAll!
NOVID 5.3.0
Expii, Inc.
Early Warning with Ultrasonic Accuracy. Connect to YourAnonymousNetwork.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation - PMR Lite - English 1.0
SETTINGS & FEATURES Lite version • Basic Form: 17 MuscleGroups•Adjust volume of voice, music & sounds • Setbreaksforrelaxation (10-40 sec) • Set a lead time of 10-120 sec •with/without intro • Calculate total runtime • Set timertocontinuemusic / sounds • 2 music tracks & 6 nature sounds•Combine 2nature sounds Pro version (upgrade) • Basic Form,ShortForm I& II and Body Scan • Select Beginner, AdvancedorExperiencedmode • Set right or left handed • Select topracticelying orsitting • Adjust volume of voice, music &sounds • Setdurationof tension (3-10 sec) • Set breaks forrelaxation (10-40sec) • Seta lead time (10-120 sec) • with /without intro •Calculate totalruntime • Set timer to continue music/ sounds • 5music tracks& 23 nature sounds • Combine 2 naturesounds •Select a gong(sound signal) to start tensing ABOUT PMR&CONTENT OF THE APPEdward Jacobson's Progressive MuscleRelaxation(PMR) - also calledDeep Muscle Relaxation - is ascientificallyrecognized relaxationmethod that helps to get into astate of deeprelaxation throughmuscle tension and relaxation. PMRis a veryeffective relaxationmethod. It is recommended by doctorsandtherapists for manysymptoms that are mostly stress-related,suchas: • tensions •migraine or headache • inner unrest •sleepdisorders • back pain /pain • states of excitement • anxietyandpanic attacks • highblood pressure • psychosomatic complaints•burnout • stress andmuch more With regular practice, youwillalways find it easier toget into deeper states of relaxation.Onceyou have enough practicewith the long version of PMR (BasicForm),you can switch to theShort Forms and finally to the MentalForm(Body Scan). Then youcan even relax your body mentally. ALLCOMMONFORMS OF PMR • BasicForm: 17 Muscle Groups (Lite) • ShortForm I: 7Muscle Groups (Pro)• Short Form II: 4 Muscle Groups (Pro)• MentalForm: Body Scan(Pro) for Beginner, Advanced and Experienced(Pro)are taught andpracticed. FORM: 17 MUSCLE GROUPS 1. Right handandforearm 2.Right upper arm 3. Left hand and forearm 4. Leftupperarm 5.Forehead 6. Upper cheek part and nose 7. Lower cheekpart andjaw8. Neck 9. Chest, shoulders and upper back 10.Abdominal11.Buttocks and pelvic floor 12. Right thigh 13. Rightlower leg14.Right foot 15, 16, 17 (-> left side) SHORT FORM I:7MUSCLEGROUPS 1. Right hand, forearm, and upper arm 2. Lefthand,forearmand upper arm 3. Forehead, cheek part, nose and jaw 4.Neck5.Chest, shoulders, back, abdominal, buttocks and pelvicfloor6.Right thigh, lower leg and foot 7. Left thigh, lower leg,andfootSHORT FORM II: 4 MUSCLE GROUPS 1. Both hands, forearmsandupperarms 2. Face and neck 3. Chest, shoulders,back,abdominal,buttocks and pelvic floor 4. Both thighs, lower legsandfeetMENTAL FORM: BODY SCAN Guided relaxation through thewholebody,starting from the head to the feet. This guide is thelaststage ofthe PMR, in which the perception is directed toindividualparts ofthe body without tensing them. The relaxation isnow onlymental.MUSIC & NATURE SOUNDS For all exercises, you canselectamong 5music tracks and 23 nature sounds. FOR SLEEPING ORRELAXINGAllexercises can be used to fall asleep or to relax.DURATIONOFTENSION & PAUSES FOR RELAXATION Set your preferreddurationoftension and relaxation between the muscle groups.TIMERFUNCTIONAfter the end an unlimited time for music / sounds canbeset todeepen your relaxation. In very rare cases (may be:GalaxyS6) Ifthere are any sound issues in standby (timeout), pleaseusetheKeepScreenOn mode. This is initially preset and can(should)bedisabled, if not needed. LISTEN TO AUDIO SAMPLE An audiosampleofthe entire exercise "Basic Form" is available withtheapp'sdefault settingsonYouTube.
TRIPP Mobile 1.14.4
A mobile companion for TRIPPing wherever you are
Enhance Academy
Connect with Enhance Academy in an efficient and transparent manner
Deployment Tracker 3.0.8
Scott Warner
A simple and attractive application for tracking deployments.
Female Forecaster for Men 1.5
Gives men a daily forecast of a woman's moods, libido&more--based on her cycle