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Busted Diet Myths 8.9
Need to lose weight? Before you give upthelate night munching and go on a no-fat detox frenzy to kickyoursluggish metabolism into shape, read what the experts have tosayabout these popular dieting myths.Leading dietician Lyndel Costain says: 'People tend to thinktheyneed a low-fat diet to lose weight, but you should still haveathird of your calories coming from fat.'The body needs fat for energy, tissue repair and totransportvitamins A, D, E and K around the body.Lyndel Costain adds: 'As a guideline, women need 70g of fat aday(95g for men) with 30g as the minimum (40g for men).'There's no need to follow a fat-free diet. Cutting downonsaturated fats and eating unsaturated fats, found in thingslikeolive oil and avocados, will help.This may be true in the short term, but ultimately it canhinderweight loss.Claire MacEvilly, a nutritionist at the MRC Human NutritionResearchCentre in Cambridge, explains: 'Losing weight over thelong termburns off fat. Crash dieting or fasting not only removesfat butalso lean muscle and tissue.'The loss of lean muscle causes a fall in your basal metabolic rate–the amount of calories your body needs on a daily basis.This means your body will need fewer calories than itdidpreviously, making weight gain more likely once youstopdieting.It's also why exercise is recommended in any weight-loss plantobuild muscle and maintain your metabolic rate.Claire MacEvilly adds: 'Fasting can also make you feel dizzy orweakso it's much better to try long-term weight loss.'Many diets tell you not to eat after a certain time intheevening. They say the body will store more fat because it isnotburned off with any activity.A study at the Dunn Nutrition Centre in Cambridgesuggestsotherwise.Volunteers were placed in a whole body calorimeter, whichmeasurescalories burned and stored.They were fed with a large lunch and small evening meal for onetestperiod, then a small lunch and large evening meal during asecondtest period.The results revealed the large meal eaten late at night did notmakethe body store more fat.It's not when you eat that's important, but the total amountyouconsume in a 24-hour period.Lyndel Costain adds: 'It is true that people who skip mealsduringthe day, then eat loads in the evening are more likely tobeoverweight than those who eat regularly throughout the day.'This may be because eating regular meals helps peopleregulatetheir appetite and overall food intake.'