Top 33 Apps Similar to Go Fake GPS

GPS JoyStick Fake GPS Location
Allows you to test location based appsbymocking your location via an overlay joystick control!Will overwrite your current location and any third partyapps,websites or services will think you're in New York, London oranyother place in the world!This app has a "JoyStick" option which makes it simple and funtochange your location instantly.Installation:- For versions Marshmallow (6.0) or higher, simply selectGPSJoyStick as the "Mock Location" app in "Developer Options" andthencheck the "Enable Indirect Mocking" option in the app!- For older versions, or if any issues are encountered,we'veassembled a FAQ with steps on how to make this app work foryou!Please read it carefully before emailing or leaving areview: Changes GPS location instantly and easily- Select your current location or any location in the worldusingthe map or joystick- Enter latitude/longitude directly from the joystick andteleportanywhere- Change your location in any direction you point thejoystick- Have 3 customizable speeds for your joystick- Create and save a route using any number of points on a mapandwalk automatically- Pause and continue the route directly from the joystick- Use loop or reverse route mode to walk on your route overandover- Keep track of your favorite list of locations and routes- Hide option in the notification to show/hide the joystick onyourscreen- Size and opacity settings for the joystick- Lots of settings options for complete user customizationPlus this app automatically includes the best algorithmforproviding realistic GPS values. All of these variance optionsareavailable in Settings to allow complete customization for thebestand most realistic location testing.Follow us on FB for the latest news:
Fake GPS with Joystick 1.0
GPS Joystick
Fake GPS with Joystick is a app allowsyoutotest location based apps by mocking your locationviajoystickcontrol facility.Fake GPS with Joystick developed to allow developers to beathomeand can move around the map using a GPS joystickcontrollerprovidedinside the app for testing purpose. GPS Joystickwilloverwrite yourcurrent location and any third party apps,websitesor services willthink you are in Paris or any otherplaces. It issimple and greatfun other people via GPSlocation.You can also use joystick control to move aroundwithoutmovingphysically for GPS.Features :1. Tap to start for Fake GPS Joystick.2. For Setting go to setting menu and Location GPS selectforMockLocation setting.3. Go to map for walk all the direction witheachpointdirection.4. You can change location easily via joystick facility.Fake GPS with Joy Stick app is free with limitedfunctionalityandis for testing purposes only in GPS relatedapp.
Important Note: Please follow the App and GPS Instructions fromthemenu to use this application. This app is developed toallowdevelopers to sit at home and select a fake location, thanthey canmove around the map using a joystick controller providedinside theapp. Android application developers who can not go outfor thetesting purpose of their location based applications. Sowhat theycan do is download this app and read the instructions thathow tosetup it. Users can easily mark a location on the map and canpresscontroller button. A joystick window will start floating abovethescreen. User can easily move this joystick around the screen anditcan be used on any application.
GPS Emulator 2.82
Emulate your GPS position. Change your phone's GPS coordinates.
GO Maps for Gojek 2.3
KMB Team
Aplikasi ini untuk membantu Andamenemukanposisi driver GOJEK di sekitar wilayah anda.klik marker hijau untuk mengetahui koordinat driver tersebut.* Dan untuk driver bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menentukanperkiraantitik spot order yang baik, dengan melihat dimana banyakdriverberkumpul (titik hijau) disitulah biasanya titik spotyangbaik..cocok untuk driver GOJEK yang suka bolang dan yang tidak tahuspotorder didaerah yang belum paham.* Fitur baru GOFOOD MAPS buat mengetahui posisi merchant gojekdanresto rekanan GOJEK. sudah tersedia.. selamat mencoba...This application istohelp you locate the position of the driver GOJEK aroundyourarea.Click the green marker to determine the coordinates ofthedriver.* And for the driver can be used to determine the approximatepointof order is a good spot, to see where many drivers converge(greendots) and there he usually spot a good point ..GOJEK suitable for drivers who like Bolang and who do not knowthespot order area who do not understand.* New features for knowing the position GOFOOD MAPS gojekmerchantand restaurant partners GOJEK. already available .. goodluck...
Fly GPS Go 1.0
Simon Ware
You can be in Rome, London, New Yorkorsimplyanywhere in the world. It’s simple and great fun totrickpeoplewith. Trick your phone into thinking that it issomewhereelse.Youcan use the app to pull a prank or show thatyou’resomewhere elseas an excuse. It’s a simple idea with a lotofpotential.How does it work?- in the developer options enable mock locations.- set your location to be 'device only'(use onlyGPSlocation).- open the app Fly GPS GO, add longitude, latitudeorcityname.- Click Start button to set that location andopenGPSJoystick.- You can move around with help of GPS joystick in Fake GPS Go.
GO Maps For Gojek Car (Gocar) 1.2
KMB Team
Aplikasi ini untuk membantuAndamenemukanposisi driver GOCAR di sekitar wilayah anda.klik marker biru untuk mengetahui koordinat driver tersebutThis application istohelpyou locate the position of the driver GoCar on the blue markers to determine the coordinatesofthedriver
Fake Gps Controller 1.2
Delved Apps
This app is intended to aid intesting&development of GPS related apps, but can also be usefulinavariety of other situations. For example, if your GPSreadingsareinaccurate this app can help workaround that. Or, it canbe usedtosave battery life without completely disablingyourLocationsettings.Features:- Fake, mock, or spoof your GPS coordinates to any location.- Simple, intuitive user interface with integratedmapandsearch.- The best spoofing algorithm in existence.Many additional features such as:- Simulated walking mode- Customization of GPS parameters.- Fake GPS location- Easy to navigate D-Pad system to move Up, Down, Left andRightGeneral Usage:1. Tap the map once at your desired location and then clickthe"Set"button to start spoofing.2. Simply click "Stop" to stop the app!2. For best results set Location mode to DEVICE ONLY anddisableWiFiand Bluetooth scanning.When using *ANY* GPS spoofing app there's a chanceyoumayexperience rubber banding, or jumping back and forthbetweenyourreal location and the spoofed location. I'veaddedsomefunctionality to try to fix rubber banding; it's workingonmanydevices, but not all. I'll continue to research thisproblemandtry to make improvements.
KMB Team
Aplikasi ini untuk membantuAndamenemukanposisi driver grabbike di sekitar wilayah anda.This application istohelpyou locate the position of the driver grabbikearoundyourarea.
Fly GPS 1.0
GPS Joystick
Fly GPS will overwrite yourcurrentproximityelegantly so that you can prank your friends on anysocialnetworkto think you are somewhere else.Features :1. Tap to start for Fly GPS.2. For Setting go to setting menu and Location GPS selectforMockLocation setting.3. Go to map for walk all the direction witheachpointdirection.4. You can change location easily via fly GPS facility.Fly GPS joystick Find people in different cities, flyyourGPSfrom city to city without moving. Geo tag that photo evenifyouforgot to turn on location when you were taking it.GPS JoyStick let's you mock your location in anydirectionthatyou point the joystick. It also let's you movethejoystickcontroller overlay anywhere on your screen.Important Note:-> Some games will suspend your account if you will trytofakethe location.-> If you have an issue in a certain game 'GPS not found'thenyouneed to disable the Fly GPS joystick in thedeveloperoptions.DISCLAIMER : Fly GPS joystick can only be downloadedforthoseaged 13 years and above, we are not responsible forthenegligenceof parents for their children who have alreadydownloadedthisapplication.
PRO-JEK 1.2.1
PRO-JEK adalah aplikasi Tansportasi Online:Ojek Online, Taksi Online.Layanan Transportasi Online untuk masyarakat Indonesia,denganmenggunakan aplikasi android, seperti halnya Gojek, GrabdanUber.PRO-JEK menyediakan beberapa pilihan layanan sesuai kebutuhananda:Motor / Ojek, Sewa Mobil Pribadi, Taksi, Mobil Mewah/Luxury,danMobil Derek (Towing Car).Pemesanan ojek online melalui aplikasi mobile androidakanmemudahkan anda mencari ojek dengan radius yang telahditentukanoleh system, dihitung dari lokasi anda.Keunggulan PRO-JEK :1. Pilih layanan kendaraan yang diinginkan2. Anda dipersilakan memilih Gender Pengemudi sesuaiGenderanda3. Pilihan peta memudahkan mencari alamat tujuan4. Fitur Tunjuk Lokasi memungkinkan anda mencari lokasi yangtidaktercantum di peta, silakan geser peta untuk mendapatkan lokasiyangakurat5. Menghubungi pengemudi bisa menggunakan WhatsApp atauteleponlangsung6. Pendaftaran mudah, cukup isi Nama, Alamat email dan nomorhapeyang sedang digunakan, saat anda memesan perjalananpertamakali.7. Upload foto anda dalam profil PRO-JEK, langsungmenggunakankamera hape anda8. Fitur Inbox, membuat anda menjadi lebih dekat denganPRO-JEK.Dapatkan Berita terbaru dan juga tentunya Voucher DiskonPerjalananPRO-JEK9. Laporan perjalanan akan kami kirimkan langsung ke alamatemailanda.Untuk anda yang ingin menggunakan jasa transportasi yanglebihmudah, aman dan nyaman, maka gunakanlah Aplikasi PRO-JEK.Driverkami siap melayani perjalanan anda, mengantar anda ketempattujuan.tag: ojek online, projek, pro-jekKebijakan Privasi : Penggunaan : isatransportation application Online: Online Motorcycle taxi,TaxiOnline.Transport Services Online for the people of Indonesia, usingtheandroid application, as well as Gojek, Grab and Uber.PRO-JEK provide multiple service options to suit your needs: Motor/Motorcycle taxi, Hire Private Car, Taxi, Luxury Cars / LuxuryandTowing (Towing Car).Booking online motorcycle through the android mobileapplicationwill allow you to find a motorcycle taxi with a radiusdeterminedby the system, is calculated from your location.PRO-JEK advantages:1. Select the desired vehicle service2. You are welcome to choose the appropriate driver GenderGenderyou3. Map options facilitate the search for thedestinationaddress4. Show Location feature lets you find a location that is notlistedon the map, please drag the map to get an accuratelocation5. Call the driver can use WhatsApp or phone directly6. Registration is easy, just fill in name, email address andphonenumbers are being used, when you book the trip first.7. Upload your photos in a profile PRO-JEK, directly usingyourphone camera8. Features Inbox, makes you closer to PRO-JEK. Get the latestnewsand also of course Discount Travel Voucher PRO-JEK9. The trip report will be sent directly to youremailaddress.For those of you who want to use transportation servicesmoreeasily, safely and comfortably, then use Application PRO-JEK.Ourdrivers are ready to serve your trip, take you toyourdestination.tags: motorcycle online, projects, pro-jackPrivacy Policy: of Use:
Cara Pesan Gojek Terbaru 8.0
Apps ini sangatlah memudahkan bagi para pekerja,mahasiswa/mahasiswi, siswa. ataupun para traveler yang sedangberkunjungkekota Jakarta ataupun ke kota besar lain diIndonesia.Informasiyang kita dapatkan di dalam apps ini sangatlahmudahdipahami dandicerna bahkan oleh orang umum sekalipun. Ya,denganpergerakandari manusia di kota - kota besar diIndonesiapastilahtransportasi sangatlah di butuhkan dan merupakanhal yangwajibselain sandang dan pangan. Ayo, tunggu apa lagi,panduannyasangatmemudahkan bukan? Selamat mereservasi Gojek..!
My Location - Track GPS & Maps 3.003
Easily save places, share locations & track your route withMyLocation
Fake Gps Location 1.0
fake gps Allows you to test locationbasedappsby mocking your location via an overlayjoystickcontrol.Will overwrite your current location and any thirdpartyapps,websites or services will think you are in London, Parisoranyother places! It’s simple and great fun to trick people.fake gps Features:- Select a location on the map- Change GPS location to the selected location- Allows users to change location immediately with Joystick- Enter latitude/longitude directly from the joystick- Set two points on the map to create route andtowalkautomatically- For ROOTED devices you can mock locations withoutenabling"Allowmock locations" option. fake gps To do so please useLink2SDorother like app and move app to /system/appThis app is provided "as is" and we( fake gps) can notbeheldresponsible for any usage by the end users of our app. Thisappisfree with limited functionality and is fortestingpurposesonly.Teleport your phone to any place in the worldwith twoclicks!This app sets up fake GPS location so every otherapp inyour phonebelives you are there!Don't work with WECHAT and INGRESS - these apps useanadvancedmechanism of location detection (((+++IMPORTANT+++Be aware that after using FakeGPS you may find yourlocationLOCKEDTO THE LAST MOCKED LOCATION EVENT AFTERUNINSTALLFakeGPS!It's not a bug and your GPS sensor isn't broken.For ROOTED devices you can mock locations withoutenabling"Allowmock locations" option. To do so please use RootExplorer orothersimilar app and move/data/app/ru.lexa.fakegps~1.apkto/system/priv-app or to /system/app(for Android 4.3 andolder).Then change apk permissions to rw-r-rand reboot yourdevice. Ifyou find apk in /syste/priv-app disappearsafter rebootit meansthat your devices has S-ON mode enabled and sorestores/systemfolder aftear each reboot.END USER LICENSE AGREEMENTThis fake gps app is provided "as is" and we can notbeheldresponsible for any usage by the end users of our app. Thisappisfree with limited functionality and is fortestingpurposesonly.With GPS Data you can check signal quality, test gpsmodule,checkyour position/location, satellites count, signalquality, fixtimeand much more!The nicest GPS test, status and diagnose app! Ifyourgpsnavigation works horrible use this app to gps test,diagnoseandfix your problem!Check fake gps the GPS & network is connected beforeyouusethis GPS tracking app.Main Features:The User can find the location of following things.★Free and precise navigation with GPS map coveragearoundtheworld★ Signal strength and signal quality★ Detailed gps informations★ Position: latitude, longitude, altitude★ Gps fix time, accuracy, speed and bearing★ Sunset, sunrise, day-night map viewI wish this app will make your life better and more convenient
BackCountry Navigator TOPO GPS
Download topo maps for an offlineoutdoornavigator! Use your phone or tablet as an offroad topomappinghandheld GPS with the bestselling outdoor navigation appforAndroid! Explore beyond cell coverage for hiking andotherrecreation.Download topo maps for the US and many other countries inadvance,so you won't need cell coverage for navigation. Use storagememoryfor maps.New: Android Wear support to see navigation at a glanceonwristUse GPS waypoints from GPX or KML files, or enter yourowncoordinates using longitude/latitude, UTM, MGRS, or gridreference.Using GOTO makes a waypoint a locus for navigation.This uses many publicly available map sources as freedownloads.Some additional content available as an in apppurchase:-Accuterra Topo Map Source for $19.99/year. This can bepurchasedand used with or in instead of the free sources.- Boundary maps for 12 western states from the Bureau ofLandManagement(BLM) Overlay for topo maps valued by hunters.-GMU boundaries in some states-Lake Contours in several states.-Content from US TrailMaps including:-ATV, Whitewater, and Equestrian Trail MapsSee the menu under More-> "Purchasing AddOns". They can beshownon top of topo maps.You may try the DEMO version to make sure you like the maps inyourcountry.About topo (topographic) maps: Topo maps show terrain throughcolorand contours, and are useful for navigation offroad. Topo mapsandGPS can be used for hiking, hunting, kayaking, snowshoeing,&backpacker trails.You can create your own maps with Mobile Atlas Creator, or specifyacustom tile server. Built in sources include:OpenStreetMaps from MapQuestOpenCycleMaps showing terrain worldwideUS Topo Maps from Caltopo and the USGSUSTopo: Aerial Photography with markup.Canada Topo Maps from ToporamaMarine maps: NOAA RNC Nautical Charts (coastal)USGS Color Aerial photographyTopographic Maps of Spain and ItalyTopo maps of New ZealandJapan GSI maps.Many of the above sources are generally free to use.Use offline topo maps and GPS on hiking trails without cellservice.The GPS in your Android phone can get its position fromGPSsatellites, and you don’t have to rely on your data plan togetmaps. Have more fun and safe GPS navigation inthebackcountry.Use as a geocaching navigator by getting a pocket queryasGPX.Besides geocaching, use GPS for recording tracks and GPSwaypointson your trip, all the while tracking your GPS quest ontopographicmaps. It may replace your Garmin handheld GPS.Here are some of the outdoor GPS activities BackCountryNavigatorhas been used for:As a hiking GPS both on hiking trails and off trail.Camping trips to find that perfect camping site or the way backtocamp with GPS.Hunting trips for hunting wild game in rugged areas.Doing recon for a hunt or as your hunting GPSFishing: make it your fishing GPS.Search and Rescue (SAR).Trekking the Pacific Crest trail or other long term hiking.Kayak and canoe treks on inland lakes and streams or marine,coastalwaters.Backpacker trips: using topo maps of wilderness areas andnationalforests for navigation on trails with the GPS in yourrucksack orbackpack.Find your own ways to have fun in the outdoors. Be a maverickbyventuring beyond cell service boundaries with your GPS. Becomeapro at navigation with GPS for the outdoors.BackCountry Navigator has been on WM devices and preloaded ontheTrimble Nomad outdoor rugged device. This Android version ismoreflexible, featured, and fun. Create a memory with maps.For a one time fee, this a great addition to the outdoor gearyoubought at Cabelas, REI, or another outdoor store. Many havefoundthe Android GPS in a phone or tablet to substitute for aGarmin GPSor Magellan GPS, such as the Garmin GPS units Montana,Etrex, orOregon. Android can be your handheld GPS.
Locus Map 3 Classic 3.70.2
GPS navigation app for hiking, biking, geocaching, and otheroutdooractivities
GO BOX Panduan Terbaru 1.0
Gojek meluncurkan layanan jasaangkutbarangyaitu GO-BOX, kelebihan dari jasa ini adalah harganyamurahdandriver sudah tersebar di setiap lokasi terdekat anda.terdapat beberapa pilihan kendaraan yang dapat di pesanyaitu:Pickup Bak,Pickup Box,Engkel Bak,Engkel Box.Panduan ini berisi ulasan lengkap cara memesanjasatersebut.Untuk membantu masyarakat yang kesulitanmenggunakanaplikasiGO-JEK.Mohon dukungannya untuk pengembangan aplikasi panduanini,yaitudengan memberikan saran dan komentar serta rating.Terima Kasih.DISCLAIMER:gobox of gojek is not associated with the management gojekjust to let others know how to order goboxif there are parties who objected to these apps maynotifyviaemail belowGojek launchservicesthetransport of goods, namely GO-BOX, the advantages ofthisserviceis cheap, and the drivers are spread in everylocationclosest toyou.There are several choices of vehicles that can beorderedasfollows: Pickup Bak, Pickup Box, Engkel Bak, EngkelBox.This guide contains a full review on how to ordertheseservices.To help people who have difficulty usingGO-JEKapplication.Please support for application development guidelines,namelybyproviding suggestions and comments and rating.Thanks.DISCLAIMER:gobox of gojek is not associated with the management gojekjust to let others know how to order goboxif there are parties who objected to Reviews These appsmaynotifyvia email below
Cara Pesan GRABCAR 2016 1.0.0
Fast Guide
Naik GRABCAR lebih murah ketimbang taksi?yaitubenar, silakan baca panduannya dalam aplikasi ini.Panduan Cara Pesan Grabcar 2016 Terbaru, ini adalahsalahsatutransportasi online selain GoCar dari Gojek, Anda bisanaikmobilyang jauh lebih murah daripada naik taksi.Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan dalam memesannya makasilakanbacasemua panduannya disini.Anda akan mendapatkan informasi bagaimanamendapatkandriverterdekat, lowongan, dan promo diskon jika ada.Download sekarang dan buktikan sendiri.---------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is just a guide app, andunofficialfromGrabcar.Up GRABCAR cheaperthanataxi? yes it is true, please read the manual in thisapplication.Free How to Order Grabcar Recent 2016, this is one oftheonlinetransport apart from Gojek GoCar, you can take a car thatismuchcheaper than a taxi ride.If you are having difficulty in order then please readalltheguidelines here.You will get information on how to get theclosestdriver,vacancies, and promo discount if any.Download now and see for yourself.---------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is just a guide app, andunofficialfromGrabcar.
GPS 낚시 (GPS faker) 1.1.0
This app is possible to GPS fake! Before use, Please set tomocklocation enable in developer option and set enable GPS
Fly GPS Joystick 2.0
Fly GPS joystick allows you tofakeinformationabout the location of your phone by GPS andnetworkoperator.How to Useful :1. Start with Fly GPS Joystick.2. For Setting go to setting menu and Location GPS selectforMockLocation setting.3. Go to map for walk all the direction witheachpointdirection.4. You can change location easily via fly GPS facility.5. Fly GPS Joystick also have Help menu so that you canlearnfromthat help to how to used it.6. Share to other people and friends and used moreFlyGPSJoystick.Use Fly GPS Joystick so you can fake your location.Itwilloverwrite your current proximity elegantly so that youcanprankyour friends on any social network to think youaresomewhereelse.Make sure you disable high accuracylocationpositioning/mobilelocations under Android Location Settingsandleave "GPS ONLY" orcalled "Device only" on some devices.DISCLAIMER :Fly GPS joystick can only be downloaded for those aged 13yearsandabove, we are not responsible for the negligence ofparentsfortheir children who have already downloaded thisapplication.
Location Mocker Pro 2.2
This app allows you to mock your current location in real time.Youcan choose virtually any location in the world and turn thatintoyour current location. And unlike other apps, this appiscompletely ad-free and has a neat Material Design UI. TopFeaturesinclude: - Google-powered search bar with predictions tohelp youfind a place quickly. - Drop a pin by simply long-pressinganywhereon the map. - Find location via Coordinates. - Add placestoFavorites. - Satellite mode for a Hybrid view. - And the bestofall - NO ADS! It's totally ad-free. No annoying pop-upsandbanners. Tags: GPS Faker, Fake Location, Location Spoofer, FakeGPSFree
Panduan GO CAR GOJEK 1.0.0
Panduan Cara Pesan GO CAR.GOJEK memperkenalkan layanan terbaru merekaGO-CAR.Sesuainamanya, layanan ini merupakan transportasi onlineyangmenggunakanmobil. Dengan kehadiranna, mereka akan bersainglangsungdenganlayanan lain seperti UBER dan GrabCar.Dalam aplikasi Ini Anda akan mendapatkan informasi tentangGOCAR,diantaranya:- Cara Order- Lowongan- Tarif- Cara Bergabungdan Informasi bermanfaat lainnya.Instal sekarang.--------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is UNOFFICIAL app.Free How to Order GO CAR.GOJEK introduced their new service GO-CAR. As the nameimplies,isa transportation services online using a car. Withkehadiranna,theywill compete directly with other services such asUBERandGrabCar.In this application you will get information aboutGOCAR,including:- How to Order- jobs- Rates- How to Joinand other helpful information.Install now.--------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial app.
GPS Compass Explorer 1.56
GPS compass - save your position like "my car or my hotel",andnavigate back.
Karta GPS Offline Maps Nav 2.44.02
Live Traffic; Speed Radar information; Route Planner; Parking&Directions
MyBluebird 6.3.1
Mobile Reservation for Blue Bird Fleets
Sygic Car Connected Navigation 18.6.2
Display your navigation onto your car's screen via MirrorLinkorSYNC®3
Maverick: GPS Navigation 2.8
Off-road GPS navigator with offline maps support, compass andtrackrecording.
ViaMichelin GPS Route Planner 12.4.3
Route planning, maps: find all the experience and know-howofViaMichelin!
Navmii GPS World (Navfree) 3.7.22
Navmii is a free navigation and traffic appfordrivers.Navmii combines FREE voice-guided navigation, livetrafficinformation, local search, points of interest and driverscores.Offline maps stored locally, for use without aninternetconnection. Over 24 million drivers use Navmii and our mapsareavailable for more than 150 countries.• Real voice-guided navigation• Real-time traffic and road information• Works with GPS only – internet not needed• Offline and Online Address search• Driver Scoring• Local Place search (powered by TripAdvisor, FoursquareandWhat3Words)• Fast routing• Automatic rerouting• Search using Postcode/ City/ Street/ Points of interest• Heads-Up Display (HUD) – upgrade• Community map reporting• HD accurate maps• + Much, much moreWe have thousands of 5-STAR REVIEWS:- why buy a satnav when navmii does it all- unbeatable value and functionality- love, love this app!Navmii features on-board OpenStreetMap (OSM) maps, which arestoredon your device and therefore you don’t need no dataconnection(unless of course you use the connected services). UseNavmiiabroad to avoid high roaming costs!We're always eager to hear about your experience of usingNavmii.You can contact us anytime by email, on Twitter or Facebookusingthe details below:- Twitter: @NavmiiSupport- Email: [email protected] Facebook: continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life.
BackCountry Nav Topo Maps GPS
Use your Android as an offroad topo mappingGPSwith the bestselling outdoor navigation app for Android! TrythisDEMO to see if it is right for you, then upgrade to thepaidversion.Use offline topo maps and GPS on hike trails without cellservice!The GPS in your Android phone can get its position fromsatellites,and you don’t have to rely on your data plan to getmaps. Have morefun and safe GPS adventures in thebackcountry.Preload FREE offline topo maps, aerial photos, and road maps onyourstorage memory, so they are ready when you need them.Add custom GPS waypoints in longitude and latitude, UTM or MGRSgridreference. Import GPS waypoints from GPX files. Choose iconsforwaypoints much like in MapSource. (This app uses the WGS84datum,NAD27 is available in settings).Use GPS for hunting a waypoint or geocache, for recording tracksandGPS waypoints on your trip, all the while tracking your questontopographic maps.About topo (topographic) maps: Topo maps show terrain throughcolorand contours, and are useful for navigation offroad. Topo mapsandGPS can be used for hiking, hunting, kayaking, snowshoeing,&backpacker trails.The app has many built in map sources and allows you to createyourown maps with Mobile Atlas Creator. Built in sourcesinclude:OpenStreetMaps and NASA landsat data worldwide.OpenCyle Maps are topo maps that show terrain worldwide.USGS Color Aerial photography.Topographic Maps of Spain and Italy.Outdoor maps of Germany and AustriaTopo maps of New ZealandHere are some of the outdoor GPS activities BackCountryNavigatorhas been used for:Hiking both on hiking trails and off trail.Camping, to find the perfect camping site or the way backtocamp.Hunting trips for hunting wild game in rugged areas, includingreconfor the hunt.Bait fishing or fly fishing with a buddy.Search and Rescue (SAR) with GPS.Kayak and canoe trips on inland lakes and streams or marine,coastalwaters.Backpacker trips: using topo maps of wilderness areas andnationalforests to navigate on trails with the GPS.Snow adventures including snowmobiling, skiing (alpine orcrosscountry) and snowshoeing. Create a memory. Map it out.This a great addition to the outdoor gear you bought atCabelas,REI, or another outdoor store. Your android phone couldsubstitutefor a Garmin or Magellan outdoor handheld GPS! Youstorage hasmemory for maps.Find your own ways to have fun in the outdoors. Be a maverickbyventuring into new territory beyond cell service boundaries.Becomea pro at navigation with GPS.BackCountry Navigator has been previously available on WMdevicesand preloaded on the Trimble Nomad outdoor rugged device.ThisAndroid version is more flexible, featured, and fun.
GPS Speedometer - Trip Meter 2.9
Get GPS Speed, Trip Distance with GPS Speedometer Apps. AutoGPSTrip Meter