Top 16 Apps Similar to 214 Kisah Sahabat Nabi LENGKAP

Kisah sahabat rasulullah 1.2
Muslim Media
E-Book ini berisi tentang Kumpulan siroh sahabat RasulullahSAW,yang di ambil dari dari berbagai buku siroh, diharapkan kitabisamengambil manfaat dan belajar dari pribadi-pribadisahabatRasulullah SAW, baik dalam ibadah maupun muamalahmerekasehari-hari.
Kisah 25 Nabi dan Mukjizatnya 1.4
Aplikasi ini berisi sejarah atau kisah 25Nabiyang patuh di ketahuiAplikasi ini berisi tentang- Kisah 25 Nabi- Mukjizat Para Nabi- 10 Malaikat dan Tugasnya- Rukun Iman- Rukun Islam- Kisah Sahabat NabiSemoga BermanfaatTerima Kasih" AntMedia "This applicationcontainsa history or story of the Prophet 25-abiding in the knowThis application contains- Acts 25 Prophet- Miracles of the Prophets- 10 Angels and duties- Tenets- Pillars of Islam- The story of the Prophet's CompanionsHope It Is UsefulThank You"AntMedia"
Kisah Rasulullah dan Sahabat 3.0
Kisah Rasulullah dan Para Sahabat- Perjalanan Rasulullah Ke Thaif- Kisah Anas Bin Nadhar RA. Mencium Bau Surga di Dunia- Kisah Islamnya BILAL Bin RABAH dan Penderitaannya- Kisah SHUHAIB RA Memeluk Islam- Kisah UMAR RA Mendapatkan Hidayah- Amalan Rasulullah saw Ketika Terjadi Angin Topan- Kisah Amalan Anas r.a. Saat Terjadi Angin Topan- Kisah Tangisan Rasulullah saw sepanjang malam- Kisah IBNU ABBAS RA Memberi Nasehat- DLL----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aplikasi OFFLINE ( dapat berjalan tanpa koneksiinternet)- Aplikasi Ringan- Ukuran file hanya 1MB- Teks dapat di zoom- fitur searchThe story of theProphetand the Companions- Travel Messenger to Ta'if- Acts of Anas Bin Nadhar RA. Smell the smell of Paradise intheWorld- The Story of Islam Bilal Ibn Rabah and suffering- Acts of RA Suhaib Embracing Islam- UMAR RA Story Getting Hidayah- The practice of the Prophet when Happens Typhoon- The Story of Practice Anas r.a. Occurs when Typhoon- The Story of Weeping Prophet throughout the night- Story IBNU ABBAS RA Giving Advice- DLL----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application OFFLINE (can run without anInternetconnection)- Lightweight Applications- The file size is only 1MB- Text can be in the zoom- Search feature
Kisah 25 Nabi & Rasul LENGKAP 6.0
Sejarah Cerita Kisah 25 Nabi DanRasulTerlengkap Dengan Dalil Al-Quran- Aplikasi Ini Bisa Offline ( Tanpa Koneksi Internet ) JadibisaKita Baca Kapan Dan Dimana Saja Dan Inshaa Allah AkanmembawaKeberkahan bagi kita semua. Amiiiin...History Stories Story25Nabi and Rasul Complete With Dalil Al-Quran- It Could Offline Application (No Internet Connection) So CanWeRead Anytime and Anywhere And Inshaa God Will bring Blessing toallof us. Amiiiin ...
97 Cerita Islam "PILIHAN" 3.0
97 Kisah Cerita Islami "PILIHAN"TerlengkapBerdasarkan Agama Islam Diantaranya Adalah :- Rasulullah S.A.W Dan Pengemis Yahudi Buta- Kisah Nabi Salleh A.S Dan Unta Dari Batu Karang- Bidadari Untuk Umar R.A- Allah S.W.T. Menolak 1 Doa Dari 3 Doa Rasulullah S.A.W- DLL------------------------------------------------------ Text Dapat Di Zoom- Aplikasi SUPER RINGAN 2 MB- Aplikasi Bisa Dibaca Tanpa Menggunakan Koneksi Internet.- Insya Allah Bermanfaat :)97 Story StoryIslami"CHOICE" Complete Based on Islam Among them are:- Prophet S.A.W And Jewish Blind Beggar- The story of the Prophet Salleh U.S. And Camels Of Rock- Angel For Umar R.A- Allah SWT. Rejecting 1 3 Prayer Prayer Of Prophet S.A.W- DLL-------------------------------------------------- ---- Text Can Di Zoom- Application SUPER LIGHTWEIGHT 2 MB- Applications Can Read Without Using theInternetconnection.- Inshallah Helpful :)
Heaven in Islam 2.0
Jannah , an eternal place for Muslims, is the Islamicconceptionofparadise. The Arabic word Jannah is a shortenedversionmeaningsimply "Garden". According to Islamic eschatology,afterdeath, onewill reside in the grave until the appointedresurrectionon Yawmal-Qiyāmah. Muslims believe that the treatmentof theindividual inthe life of the grave will be according to hisor herdeeds in theworldly life. Jannah is often compared toChristianconcepts ofHeaven. According to Muslim belief, everythingone longsfor inthis world will be there in Paradise. The highestlevel ofParadiseis Firdaws (Arabic: فردوس), which is where theprophets,themartyrs, and the most truthful and pious people willdwell.Incontrast to Jannah, the words Jahannam and Nār are used torefertothe concept of hell. There are many words in theArabiclanguagefor both Heaven and Hell and those words also appearin theQur'anand Hadith. Most of them have become part oftheIslamictraditions. App Feature : -Have 7avalaiblelanguageEnglish,Arab,Indon,Malay,French,Benggali,Russiaand Turkish
Biografi Sahabat Rasulullah 4.0
Muslim Media
Biografi Sahabat RasulullahBerisi tentang Biografi Sahabat Rasulullah,BiografiShahabiya,Biografi Tabi'in, Biografi Tabi'ut Tabi'inDidalam ebook ini juga dimuat beberapa kisah tentang merekayangbisa kita ambil hikmahnya, seperti :Kisah Khulafaur RasyidinKisah Sahabat NabiKisah ShahabiyahKisah Tabi'inKisah Tabi'ut Tabi'inBiographyCompanions of the ProphetContains the Companions of the Prophet Biography,BiographyShahabiya, tabi'een Biography, Biography Tabi'al-Tabi'inIn this ebook also published several stories about them that wecantake the lesson, such as:Story first four caliphsThe story of the Prophet's CompanionsStory ShahabiyahStory tabi'eenStory Tabi 'al-Tabi'in
1001 Kisah Teladan Islami 1.0
Nabil Neysa
Aplikasi yang berisi kumpulankisah-kisahteladan islami yang dapat kita ambil manfaat dan teladandarikisah-kisah tersebut untuk kita terapkan dalamkehidupansehari-hariApplications thatcontainsa collection of stories of Islamic example that we cantakeadvantage and example of these stories to be applied ineverydaylife
Hell in Islam 2.0
Jahannam, is one of the names for the Islamic concept ofHell.Othernames for hell (or the different gates of hell) occurringintheQuran include: an-Nar ("The Fire"), Jaheem ("BlazingFire"),Hatamah("That which Breaks to Pieces"), Haawiyah ("TheAbyss"),Ladthaa,Sa’eer ("The Blaze"), Saqar. The hadith of IslamicprophetMuhammad,and some writings of later Islamic scholars alsodescribeJahannam.According to the Qur'an, on the Last Day the worldwillbe destroyedand all people (and jinn) will be raised from thedeadto be judgedby Allah as to whether they deserved to be senttoparadise (Jannah)or hell. Hell will be occupied by those whodonot believe in God(Tawhid), have disobeyed His laws, and/orrejectHis messengers.Onegroup that will not have to wait until theLastDay to enter hellare "Enemies of Islam", who aresentencedimmediately to Hell upondeath. Suffering in hell is bothphysicaland spiritual, and variesaccording to the sins of thecondemned.As described in the Quran,Hell has seven levels (each onemoresevere than the one above it);seven gates (each for aspecificgroup of sinners); a blazing fire,boiling water, and theTree ofZaqqum. Not all Muslims and scholarsagree whether hell isaneternal destination or whether some or evenall of thecondemnedwill eventually be forgiven and allowed toenter paradise.AppFeature : -Have 7avalaiblelanguageEnglish,Arab,Indon,Malay,French,Benggali,Russiaand Turkish
سيرة الصحابة والتابعين بدون نت 4.0
This application gives you the possibility to know the biographyofcompanions along the ten promised Paradise
Kisah Muslim 3.2.1
Fazri Labs
Kisah Muslim merupakan versi Website kisahmuslim.commerupakanwebsiteislami yang dikelola oleh Yufid. Di dalam websitetersebutbanyaksekali kisah-kisah islami yang bisa diambil ibrahdanmanfaatnyaoleh kaum muslimin. Diataranya kisah yang terdapatdalamwebsitetersebut adalah biografi ulama, kisah birul walidain,kisahhidayahislam, kisah kaum durhaka, kisah masa depan, kisah nabidanrasul,kisah orang shalih, kisah sahabat nabi, kisah tabi'in,kisahumatterdahulu dan kisah tak nyata. Versi androiddibuatuntukmemudahkan kaum muslimin dalam membaca dan mencariberbagaikisahmenarik di website Beberapakeunggulanversiandroid adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Search kisahberdasarkankeywordtertentu 2. Browse kisah per kategori 3. Kisahfavorite 4.Autoupdate artikel 5. Offline mode Demikian, semogabermanfaatbagikaum muslimin
Perpustakaan Islam Salafiyah 1.0
Bismillah… was sholatu wassalamu ala rosulillah… wa’ alaalihiwashohbihi wa man tabi’a hudah… amma ba’du:PerpustakaanIslamSalafiyah : Perpustakaan mengandungiberpuluh-puluh bukudanartikel dalam aqidah dan fiqh ............PerpustakaanAhlussunnah Wal Jama’ah المكتبة الاسلاميةالسلفية أهلالسنةوالجماعة اللغة: الإندونيسية .............Ciri-ciriperpustakaan: 1- bersaiz kecil. 2 - Tidak perlu untukmenyambung keInternet 3-Caribuku-buku..............................................................TAUHID:-Soal 1 : Untuk apa Allah menciptakan kita? Jawab:Diamenciptakankita agar beribadah kepada-Nya sertatidakmenyekutukan-Nya dengansesuatupun. Dalil dari AlQur’an:{وَمَاخَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالأِنْسَإِلاَّ لِيَعْبُدُونِ } DantidaklahKami ciptakan jin dan manusiakecuali agar merekaberibadahkepada-Ku. (QS. Adz Dzariyat:56) Dalildari sunnah: {حَقُّاللهِعَلَى الْعِبَادِ أَنْ يَعْبُدُوْهُ وَلاَيُشْرِكُوْا بِهِشَيْئًا }Hak Allah atas hamba-Nya bahwa merekamenyembah-Nya dantidakmenyekutukan-Nya dengan sesuatu pun.(Muttafaqalaih).................................... Soal 2 :Bagaimanakitamenyembah Allah ta’ala? Jawab: Sebagaimana AllahdanRasul-Nyaperintahkan. Dalil dari AlQur’an: { وَمَاأُمِرُواإِلَّالِيَعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ الدِّينَ }Dantidaklahmereka diperintah kecuali agar beribadah kepadaAllahdengan hanyamengikhlaskan diin untukNya. (QS. Al Bayyinah:5).Dalildari sunnah: ( مَنْ عَمِلَ عَمَلاً لَيْسَ عَلَيْهِ أَمْرُنَافَهُوَرَدٌّ (رواه مسلم Barang siapa melakukan suatu amal yang tidakadadalamajarankami maka amalan itu tertolak. (HR.Muslim)
Tokoh Ilmuan Muslim Dunia 1.0
Para ilmuwan dan penemu Muslim telahberhasilmembuat beberapa penemuan yang luar biasa ratusan tahunlebih duludibanding rekan-rekan mereka di Eropa. Mereka menarikpengaruh darifilsafat Aristoteles dan Neo-Platonis, termasukEuclid, Archimedes,Ptolemy dan lain-lain. Kaum muslimin pada saatitu telah berhasilmembuat berbagai penemuan di bidang kedokteran,bedah, matematika,fisika, kimia, filsafat, astrologi, geometri danbidanglainnya.yang tak terhitung jumlahnya dan menuliskankarya-karyanyadalam berbagai buku.Aplikasi "Tokoh Ilmuan Muslim Dunia" memuat informasidaftarTokoh ilmuwan Muslim yang telah memainkan peran yangsignifikanselama sejarah keilmuan. Ada ratusan ilmuwan Muslim yangterkenalyang telah memberikan sumbangan terhadap peradaban dunia,terutamaketika Eropa berada dalam Zaman Kegelapan.Informasi "Tokoh Ilmuan Muslim Dunia" dalam bentukaplikasiAndroid ini sangat praktis.Fitur yang tersedia di dalam aplikasi "Tokoh Ilmuan MuslimDunia":- Gratis- Gambar Background Beragam Agar Tidak Bosan- Selalu UpdateDownload Sekarang Juga dan manfaatkan aplikasinya.Jangan lupa untuk Rate dan Review Aplikasi ini setelahandamainkan. Terima kasih.Muslim scientistsandinventors have successfully made some remarkablediscoverieshundreds of years earlier than their counterparts inEurope. Theydraw influence of Aristotle and Neo-Platonic, includingEuclid,Archimedes, Ptolemy and others. Muslims at the time it hasmanagedto make various discoveries in the fields of medicine,surgery,mathematics, physics, chemistry, philosophy, astrology,geometryand field lainnya.yang countless and wrote his works in avarietyof books.Applications "Prominent Muslim scientists of the World"containsinformation about the list of Muslim Prominent scientistswho haveplayed a significant role during the history of science.There arehundreds of famous Muslim scientists who have contributedto worldcivilization, especially when Europe was in the DarkAges.Information "Prominent Muslim scientists of the World" intheform of Android applications is very practical.Features available in the application "ProminentMuslimscientists of the World":- Free- Diverse Background Image To Not Bored- Always UpdateDownload NOW and take advantage of its application.Do not forget to rate and review this application after youplay.thanks.
Biografi Nabi Muhammad Saw 1.0
Matrama Group
Aplikasi ini berisi informasi mengenaiBiografiDan Sejarah Nabi Muhammad Saw mulai dari kelahiran hinggawafatnyabeliau. Ada juga informasi mengenai istri istri dan anakanakbeliau.Semoga dengan Aplikasi ini kita bisa lebih mengenal sosokbeliauagar kita bisa jadikan sauri tauladan dan kita terapkandalamkehidupan kita sehari hari. AminDISCLAIMER :Content like Articles, Pictures and video in this applicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I have violatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed as soonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned by theirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliated withNetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.
Biography of Prophet Muhammad PBUH 2.3
Muhammad PBUH(c. 570 – 8 June 632), full name Abūal-QāsimMuḥammadibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim PBUH, fromMecca,unified Arabia into a single religious polity underIslam.Believedby Muslims to be a prophet and messenger of God,MuhammadPBUH isalmost universally considered by Muslims as the lastprophetsentby God to mankind. Muslims consider him to haverestoredtheunaltered original monotheistic faith of Adam A.S,AbrahamA.S,Moses A.S, Jesus A.S, and other prophets.
Kisah Dajjal 4.0
Kisah Dajjal Dalam Al-quran & HaditsMembahas Tentang :1. Kemunculan Dajjal Sang Fitnah Akhir Zaman2. Keadaan Kaum Muslimin Kala Keluarnya Dajjal3. Dajjal yang Penuh Aib, Mustahil Dia adalah Tuhan4. Kapankah Keluarnya Dajjal dan Berapa Lama Ia Berada diMukaBumi?5. Siapakah Para Pengikut Dajjal?6. Cara Menghindar dari Fitnah Dajjal7. Berakhirnya Masa Hidup Dajjal di Dunia----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aplikasi Ringan- Ukuran Aplikasi hanya 1MB- teks dapat di zoom- Aplikasi OFFLINE / dapat berjalan dengan lengkap tanpakoneksiinternet.The story of DajjalInAl-Quran & HadithDiscuss about :  1. The appearance of the Dajjal DefamationEndTimes  2. The state of Muslims Kala exit of Dajjal  3. Antichrist Full Aib, Odds He is God  4. When exit of Dajjal and How Long He WasonEarth?  5. Who are the followers of the Antichrist?  6. How Avoiding the Defamation Dajjal  7. End of Life Dajjal in World----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightweight Applications- The size of only 1MB Applications- Text can be in the zoom- Application OFFLINE / run completely without aninternetconnection.