Top 1 Apps Similar to Jordan MBC

C2C: Creation to the Cross 1.0
Using audio and visual images in thisshortpresentation, jouney from creation to the cross to understandandshare the truth of Jesus Christ. This app is a digital formatofthe “Creation to the Cross” tract, the first Bible panoramatractof its kind! The Bible stories included in the tractarebiblically-faithful and not embellished. MissouriBaptistsdeveloped it in cooperation with International MissionBoard of theSouthern Baptist Convention.“During the State Fair Evangelism Outreach this summer, Iusedthe tract to present the Gospel to a family of seven. Theywereattracted by the tract’s novelty, then moved by its message.Six ofthe seven prayed to receive Christ! Praise God for thistract.” –Mark Snowden, evangelism-discipleship strategist, MBC.