Top 14 Apps Similar to Kamus Arab Indonesia Offline

Kamus Arab Indonesia 1.0
Aplikasi Kamus Arab Indonesiayangringanlengkap dan bisa digunakan saat tidak ada paketdata.Sebagai seorang muslim biasa ataupun seorang santrisangatpentingmengetahui arti bahasa Arab dan itu pasti karenasedikitdemisedikit anda bisa pelajari di dalam aplikasi KamusArabIndonesiaini.Share kata-kata bahasa Arab yang anda temukan dalamKamusArabIndonesia ini ke teman anda untuk membuat mereka penasaranapaartikata-kata bahasa Arab itu.Aplikasi Kamus Arab Indonesia ini juga sangat membantu bagiandayangsedang belajar bahasa Arab.ArabicIndonesianDictionary application is complete lightweight andcan beused whenthere is no packet data.As an ordinary Muslim or a very important students knowthemeaningof the Arabic language, and it must be because littlebylittle youcan learn in this Indonesian ArabicDictionaryapplication.Share Arabic words that you find in this IndonesianArabicdictionaryto your friends to make them wonder what themeaning ofthe words ofthe Arabic language.Arabic Indonesian Dictionary application is also veryhelpfulforthose of you who are learning Arabic.
Kamus Bahasa Arab Offline 3.45 (AR)
Bali Media
Aplikasi penerjemah kata-kata atu kalimat dari bahasaIndonesiakebahasa Arab atau sebaliknya, untuk menerjemahkan daribahasaArabdibutukan keyboard Arabic Fitur - Penerjemah kataofflinelebihdari 85 ribu kata - Penerjemah online:Membutuhkankoneksiinternet, fitur ini dapat menerjemahkan katamaupun kalimatyangpanjang - Salin dan Share: Dengan fitur ini andadapatmelakukanshare terjemahan ke berbagai aplikasi ataumenyalinhasilterjemahan; - Text to Speech: Anda dapatmendengarkanpengucapankata atau kalimat hasil terjemahan
Kamus Arab Indonesia Offline 1.1
Applications to translate words in Arabic to Indonesian
Kamus Indonesia Arab 4.0
Indonesian Arabic Dictionary is a dictionary of the mostcompleteand most popular today
Arabic Indonesia Dictionary 1.0
Arabic Indonesia Dictionary is the appthatcantranslate from Arabic to Indonesian and Indonesian toArabic.Features on translation dictionary offline:- Easy to use, simple, and powerful- Can save favorite word translation- Contains a thousand words.- Wide choice of colors theme- Database is in the application and complete- Share to social mediaHopefully this app useful and please write a review andgiveyourbest rating.Cheer !!
Nahwu Sorof dan Bahasa Arab 1.2
Learning Nahwu Sorof And Arabic For Beginners (Basic)
Malay Arabic Dictionary 3.1
Malay Arabic Dictionary is complete dictionary and mostpopulartoday's
Kamus Indonesia Arab 1.0
Kamus Indonesia Arab adalah kamusbahasayangkomprehensif di android market.Aplikasi ini bisa menterjemahkan kamus indonesia kekamusbahasaarab atau sebaliknya tanpa ada batasan.Kamus ini adalah kamus online yang bisa membantukitadalammenterjemahkan bahsa bila berlibur ke arab atau bagimerekayangtertarik untuk belajar bahasa arab.Kamus translate ini sangat bermanfaat bagi kita semua.Fitur yang tersedia dari Kamus Indonesia Arab adalah:* Terjemahan text to spech yang akurat* Terjemahan bebas dari kata yang ada* Terjemahan kata atau gabungan kata dalam kalimat* Fitur suara yang dapat mempermudah dalam membaca kataataukalimatterjemahan* Hasil terjemahan baik berupa kata atau kalimatyanginginditerjemahkan* Dapat mengirim hasil terjemahan ke email, messenger,chattingdimedia sosial* Menyimpan semua hasil terjemahan yang tidak dihapusMari download aplikasi ini secara gratis, dan jangan lupadiratedari 2 sampai 5 ya...bukan 25 kalau bisa 100 nilainya dalam testbahsaindonesiaturkinya.Aplikasi ini digunakan sambil anda melakukan hobisepertisambilbernyanyi atau mendengarkan lagu goyang dangdut jigokoplodumangatau musically yang kita sukai belajar bahasaindonesiaarab..Terima kasih telah mengunduh aplikasi ini dan janganlupauntukdirate dan di share.============================================================================Kamus Indonesia Arab is a comprehensive dictionary intheandroidmarket.This application can translate Indonesian dictionarytodictionaryArabic or vice versa without any restriction.This dictionary is an online dictionary that can helpusintranslating Arabic language support when on vacation orforthosewho are interested in learning the Arabic language.This dictionary translate very helpful for all of us.The features available from Kamus Indonesia Arab is:* Translate text to spech accurate* Free translation of the word* Translation word or combination of words in a sentence* Voice features that can make it easier to read wordsorsentencestranslation* The translation of either word or phrase you wanttranslated* Can send the translation to the email, messenger, chatonsocialmedia* Store all translations that are not removedLet's download this app for free, and do not forget the rateof2to 5 yea ...if you can not 25 100 test values ​​in IndonesianTurkishlanguagesupport.This application is used while you are doing hobbies suchassingingor listening to rocking songs dangdut remix Jigo dumangormusicallywe like to learn Indonesian Arabic ..Thank you for downloading this app and do not forget torateandshare.DISCLAIMER:* Pictures and videos in this application were collectedfromallover the web, so if I have violated your copyright, pleaseletmeknow and it will be removed as soon as possible.* All copyrights and trademarks are owned by Reviewstheirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliatedwithCartoonNetwork Studios or any other affiliated entities.* None of the video content in this app was created ormodifiedbyus. We are a curator providing direct access tocontentpubliclyavailable on YouTube. Mobile app works best on adata orWi-Finetwork.IndonesianArabicdictionary is a comprehensive dictionary in theandroidmarket.This application can translate Indonesian dictionarytodictionaryArabic or vice versa without any restriction.This dictionary is an online dictionary that can helpusintranslating into Arabic language support when on holidayorforthose who are interested in learning Arabic.This translation dictionary is very useful for us all.Features available from Indonesian Arabic Dictionary is:* Translation text to spech accurate* Free translation of the word* Translation word or combination of words in sentences* Voice features that can make it easier to read wordorphrasetranslations* The translation either word or phrase you want translated* Can send the translation to the email, messenger, chatonsocialmedia* Store all translation results are not deletedLet's download this app for free, and do not forget at therateof2 to 5 yea ...instead of 25 if possible 100 in value in test hisTurkishIndonesianlanguage support.This application is used while you perform a hobby such assingingorlistening to rocking songs dangdut jigo koplo dumangormusically welike to learn Indonesian arabic ..Thank you for downloading this application and do notforgettodirate and shared.============================================================================Indonesian Arabic Dictionary is a dictionarycomprehensivelyinthe android market.This application can translate Indonesian dictionarytodictionaryArabic or vice versa without any restriction.This dictionary is an online dictionary that can helpusintranslating Arabic language support when on vacation orforReviewsthose who are interested in learning theArabiclanguage.This dictionary translate very helpful for all of us.The features available from Indonesian DictionaryArabicis:* Translate text to spech accurate* Free translation of the word* Translation word or combination of words in a sentence* Voice features that can make it Easier to read wordsorsentencestranslation* The translation of either word or phrase you wanttranslated* Can send the translation to the email, messenger, chatonsocialmedia* Store all translations that are not removedLet's download this app for free, and do not forget the rateof2to 5 yea ...if you can not 25 100 test values ​​in IndonesianTurkishlanguagesupport.This application is used while you are doing hobbies suchassingingor listening to rocking songs remix Jigo dumangormusically we liketo learn Indonesian Arabic ..Thank you for downloading this app and do not forget torateandshare.DISCLAIMER:* Pictures and videos in this application were collectedfromallover the web, so if I have violated your copyright, pleaseletmeknow and it will be removed as soon as possible.* All copyrights and trademarks are owned by reviewsReviewstheirrespective owners. This app is not endorsed by oraffiliatedwithCartoon Network Studios or any other affiliatedentities.* None of the video content in this app was created ormodifiedbyus. We are a curator providing direct access tothecontentpublicly available on YouTube. Mobile app works best onaWi-Fi ora data network.
Kamus Indonesia Arab Offline. 4.3
Dictionary Indonesian to Arabic Offline (dictionary munawir)
Indonesian Arabic Dictionary 1.0.2
Indonesian Arabic Dictionary is the best dictionary thatandroiduser must have
Kamus Indonesia Arab Offline 3.0
Kamus Offline ini sangat membantu andadalammenemukan terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ke Arab, Tanpaterkoneksiinternet. Anda dapat melakukan search untuk menampilkankata yangberhubungan dengan kata kunci tersebut.Fitur:1. Bahasa Indonesia - Arab (Translate)2. Arab - Bahasa Indonesia(Translate)3. Filter Search4. Bookmark5. CopyJangan lupa share aplikasi ini apabila bermanfaat.terimakasih.Offline dictionariesisvery assist you in finding the Indonesian translation intoArabic,Without connected to the Internet. You can do a search todisplayword associated with that keyword.features:1. Indonesian - Arabic (Translate)2. Arab - Indonesian (Translate)3. Filter Search4. Bookmark5. CopyDo not forget to share this app helpful when. thanks.
Kamus Indonesia Arab 1.0
Kamus Indonesia Arab Free adalahkamusuntukmenterjemahkan bahasa indonesia ke Arab.Kamus Indonesia Arab sangat berguna bagi pelajar,pengusahadanpelancong untuk mempelajari bahasa IndiamaupunbahasaIndonesia.fitur yang ada di kamus Indonesia Arab adalah fiturtulisanlatinsehingga mempermudah dalam belajar bahasa Arab,dapatmensharehasil translate keberbagai media sosial dan ada fitursuarauntukmempermudah dalam pelafalannya.IndonesiaArabFreeDictionary is a dictionary to translate IndonesiantoArabic.Indonesian dictionary Arabic is very useful forstudents,businessmenand travelers to learn the language of IndiaandIndonesian.Featured in dictionary Indonesian Arabic is theLatininscriptionfeatures making it easier to learn Arabic, canmenshareresultstranslate every aspect of social media and there arevoicefeaturesfor ease in pronunciation.
Kamus Indonesia Arab Offline 1.1
Applications to translate Indonesian to Arabic
Kamus Kecil 3 Bahasa 2.1
Alhamdulillahhirrabil'alaim,kamimengucapkanrasa syukur kepada Allah SWT,yang telah melimpahkan rahmat-Nya, sehingga kamibisamenyelesaikanPenyusunan buku kamus kecil 3bahasa(Arab-Inggris-Indonesia)ini.Kamus kecil ini dilengkapi dengan cara membacanya, gunamembantudanmempermudah cara mengucapkannya, serta artidalambahasaIndonesia.Semoga Kamus kecil ini bermanfaat dan dapat membantubagianak-anakdalam belajar. Tak lupa saran dan kritik yangmembangunsangat kamiharapkan demi kesempurnaan kamus kecilini.Alhamdulillahhirrabil'alaim, we express gratitude toAllahSWT,who had mercy on him, so that we can finish the preparationofansmall dictionary 3languages​​(Arabic-English-Indonesian)is.This comes with a small dictionary how to read, in ordertoassistand facilitate the way to say it, as well as themeaninginIndonesian.Hopefully, this small Dictionary useful and can assistchildreninlearning. Not to forget the advice and constructivecriticism soweexpect for the perfection of this littledictionary.