Top 22 Apps Similar to Jewish Holidays

Jewish Calendar 2.0.1
This calendar is a quick and handyreferencetosee Jewish dates and holidays.Shows the current month with access to previousandfuturedates.Easy to use and a handy addition to your Androd device.Shows holidays and includes minor fasts and days of the Omer.Candle lighting times for major cities like Los Angeles, NewYorkandMiami.A good app to have when you are traveling and need aquickreferenceguide.Small download size.Completely free with no limitations or restrictions!
Hebrew events calendar 11.0.1
Track Hebrew events on your Android phone or Google calendars
Hebrew Calendar 11.2.0
Jewish Calendar, Siddur, Shabbat, Zmanim, Tehillim, DateConverter,Holidays
Jewish calendar 1.0.3
Jewish calendar
Luach Colel Chabad 2.0.3
Cursor Blue
A comprehensive guide to Chabad-Lubavitch customs and practices.
Hebrew Bible + nikud תנך מנוקד 4.1.1
YO Apps
The Hebrew Bible with nikud! with original texts and hebrew fontandnarrating
Jewish Bible in English Jewish bible in English free 15.0
Welcome to the app to read and listen to the Jewish Bible.
Brochos - Jewish Blessings 1.0.3
A reference database of Brochos to say on Food and otherimportantthings
Five Books of Moses Torah book 9.0.0
Pentateuch (Hebrew. חֲמִשָּׁה חֻמְשֵׁיתּוֹרָה- Hamish humshey Torah or Hebrew. חֻמָּשׁ - Chumash), theso-calledLaw of Moses - the first five books of the canonicalJewish andChristian Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, NumbersandDeuteronomy. Pentateuch forms the first part of the JewishTanakh -Torah. The word "Torah" is a literal translation from Greek-πεντάτευχος from πεντε - «Five" and τευχος - «that book."The book of Genesis tells the story of Creation and the formationofthe Jews as a family;• Exodus has a prologue and an epilogue, separating it fromotherbooks and tells of the Exodus from Egypt, the giving of theTorahon Mount Sinai and the construction of the tabernacle - thatis,the design of the sons of Israel as the Jewish people;• The book of Leviticus is devoted mainly priestly legislationandthe temple service;• Book of Numbers tells the story of the Jews wandering inthedesert after the Exodus from Egypt;• Deuteronomy is Moses' deathbed speech, in which he repeatsthecontents of other books.
Torah Portion 1.5
Bnei Baruch
Every Saturday at shul, usually precedingthereading of the weekly Torah portion, the Rabbi talks aboutthemorals in the portion and gives it a contemporary flavor.Not in this app.Michael Laitman’s Weekly Torah Portion App offersinnovativeideas on the process of the world’s correction, known asTikkunOlam.Dr. Laitman is a Kabbalist, scientist, professor of ontology,andauthor of more than 40 books. His extensive knowledge andinnovativeperceptions make his interpretations of the Torahcontemporary andrefreshing.While touching on current affairs in politics, society,andeducation, Laitman tells the story of our souls, the soul ofeachof us, through the stories we all know and cherish.According to Kabbalah, says Laitman, the “protagonists” ineachportion are symbols, representing situations and sensations weallgo through, especially those who seek to “rev up” thespiritualside of them.Did you know, for instance, that crossing the Red Sea standsfora person shifting from egotism to altruism? And did you knowthatwithout wicked Haman, Israel would never be able to come backfromthe exile in Babylon and build the Second Temple?Laitman’sexplanations are rife with such innovative notions thatmake usexamine Jewish history in a different and refreshingway.Each week, your app will be updated with the latest insightsonthe weekly portion. These insights derive wisdom from The BookofZohar, from the Midrash, and other Jewish sources, and arespangledwith bits from science and from history. These ingredientsblendinto a refreshing piece of text that is thought-provoking anda joyto read.We hope you will enjoy your Weekly Torah Portion App andwouldlove to hear your feedback through the feedback form in thisapp sowe can make it even better for you and for all ourreaders.
WhoJew? Famous Jewish People 2.6.17
WhoJew? Famous Jewish People is an appthatlets you search famous Jewish or partially Jewish personalitiesandcelebrities in the United States. Search by first name, lastname,or full name. Browse the alphabetized list to find famousathletes,writers, actors, singers, comedians, and otherpersonalities thathappen to be Jewish as well. If you find thecelebrity you'relooking for, click on the name and you'll be takento theindividual's Wikipedia or IMDB page to find out more aboutthem.Check out the top searches of non-Jews to see whatcelebritiesare being searched for in this database.The WhoKnew? link will take you to a list of celebrities youmaynot have known were Jewish.NOTE: Our definition of "Jewish" is very liberal whichincludesany Jewish blood, ON EITHER SIDE, going back twogenerations.Obiously, according to Jewish law this is not thecorrectdefinition of Jewish. WhoJew? was created forfun/entertainment andas a source of Jewish pride, not for promotinghate oranti-Semitism, the creator of WhoJew? is Jewish.
Bedtime Shema: Jewish Children 1.3.0
The Bedtime Shema app is a fun and interactive learning aidforJewish children.
iSiddur Jewish Siddur Lite 1.2
This holy hi-tech Siddur includes prayersforthe following traditions (nusachim):*Ashkenaz*Sefarad*Nusach Ari*Edut Hamizrach.It contains:*Shacharit*Mincha*Maariv*Birkat Hamazon.It is very convenient and easy to use, since it has alltheprayers outlined for easy access.We invested many hours working to make this valuable product atareasonable price so that everyone can enjoy it! all theproceedswill be used to upgrade current version, a big mitzvah tobuy anduse daily.The siddur is in Hebrew, we will be releasing an englishandspanish version soon.Additional faeatures:* Chumash* Tehillim* Mizrach Compass (East and Jerusalem methods).* Tefillim mirror.Make your holy prayers always available!
Biblia KADOSH 4.1.2
Bible translation based Kadosh exists for E-Sword
BetaMidrash 2.01
We've teamed up with Sefaria to buildastate-of-the-art app for learning Torah. Since we will no longerbeupdating BetaMidrash, please download the new Sefaria appat all the latest texts, translations and features!-----BetaMidrash is revolutionizing the mobile Torah learningexperienceand has one of largest libraries of Torah and Jewishtexts on amobile device, with tens of thousands of Englishtranslations, andhalf a million connections between the texts. Witha user friendlydesign, easy jumping between connected sources, andadvancedsearching to help you find what you're looking for quickly,it isthe best places to study Torah on the go.Our library is from, with slightmodifications.Sefaria is breaking grounds in the world of digitizedJewish texts.It is an open source library, so if you want to addtranslations orbooks, the power is in your hands. They check theaccuracy of thecontent, making have the most accurate Talmud textfreely availableon the internet, using the Vilna shas as thestandard. One of thethings that makes Sefaria so unique is that alltheir texts arecopyright free and open for anyone to use for anypurpose.BetaMidrash isn't part of the Sefaria project, butSefaria'sopenness enables us to use the Torah.BetaMidrash contains millions of Jewish texts, and hundredsofthousands of connections between them. BetaMidrash contains oneof(if not the) largest libraries of Jewish texts available onamobile device also containing many many translations includingfulltranslation of Tanach and Mishna. Some of the textsinclude:Tanach (Torah, Neviim, Kesuvim)Commentaries include: Rashi, Ramban, Eban Ezra, Rashbam,Radak,Sforno... (many more)MishnahToseftaTamludMidrashHalakhahKabbalahTefillah (Siddur for Ashkenaz, Edot HaMizrach, and Sefard)PhilosophyChasidutMussarResponsaPlus many many more!!תנך - תורה, נביאים, כתוביםרש''י, רמב"ן, עבן עזרא, רשב"ם, רד"ק, ספורנו...והרבה עודמשנהתוספתאתלמודמדרשהלכהקבלהתפילה - אשכנז, ספרד, עדת המזרחמחשבהחסידותמוסרשו"תועוד!BetaMidrash is created and owned by JoshHerzberg,[email protected], and NoahSantacruz,[email protected] any bugs, problems, or suggestions please feel free toemailus. If you enjoy BetaMidrash, don't forget to rate it on theplaystore. You can also help support the project by going toourwebsite, also created
Hebrew Interlinear Bible 1.0.2
Hebrew Interlinear Old Testament
Jewish Bible 1.0
Igor Apps
The Hebrew Bible (Jewish Bible)The Hebrew Bible (also Hebrew Scriptures, Jewish Bible(JudaicaBible); Latin: Biblia Hebraica) is a term used by biblicalscholarsto refer to the Tanakh (Hebrew: תנ"ך‎), the canonicalcollection ofJewish texts, which is the common textual source ofthe severalcanonical editions of the Christian Old Testament. Thesetexts arecomposed mainly in Biblical Hebrew, with some passages inBiblicalAramaic (in the books of Daniel, Ezra and a fewothers).The term Hebrew Bible is an attempt to provide specificitywithrespect to contents, while avoiding allusion to anyparticularinterpretative tradition or theological school ofthought. It iswidely used in academic writing and interfaithdiscussion inrelatively neutral contexts meant to include dialogueamong allreligious traditions, but not widely in the innerdiscourse of thereligions which use its text.Hebrew Bible is a term that refers to the Tanakh (Jewishcanon)in relation to the many Christian biblical canons. In itsLatinform, Biblia Hebraica, it traditionally serves as a titleforprinted editions of the Masoretic Text.Many biblical studies scholars advocate use of the term"HebrewBible" (or "Hebrew Scriptures") when discussing these booksinacademic writing, as a neutral substitute to terms withreligiousconnotations (e.g., the non-neutral term "Old Testament").TheSociety of Biblical Literature's Handbook of Style, which isthestandard for major academic journals like the HarvardTheologicalReview and conservative Protestant journals like theBibliothecaSacra and the Westminster Theological Journal, suggeststhatauthors "be aware of the connotations of alternativeexpressionssuch as... Hebrew Bible [and] Old Testament" withoutprescribingthe use of either.
Siddur Sfaradi (Free Version) 29.0
Powered by RobertR Very lightweight application (only about300KB)Includes: * Shaharit * Minha * Arvit * Kriat Shema AlHaMitta*Birkat HaMazon * Birkat Meein Shalosh * Boreh Nefashot*TfilatHaDerech * Hanukkah (in the paid version) * "Move toSDCard"option (in the paid version) * Allows you to save allsettingsandcustomize every screen. (in the paid version) האפליקציהפותחהע"ירוברט.ר אפליקציה קלה מאוד השוקלת 300 קילו-בית בלבדאפליקציתהסידורכוללת: * שחרית * מנחה * ערבית * קריאת שמע על המיטה *ברכתהמזון *ברכת מעין שלוש * בורא נפשות * תפילת הדרך
Jewish Birkot Hanehenin 3.2
Hebrew Apps
Fully database of Jewish Birkot Hanehenin information
Hebrew English Translator
GK Apps
This free app is able to translate wordsandtexts from english to hebrew, and from hebrew to english.- very useful app for easy and fast translations, which can beusedlike a dictionary- voice input for text available- share translations with your friends and contacts- if you are a student, tourist or traveler, it will helps youtolearn the language!- Hebrew is the language of jewish people and the officiallanguageof Israel.
Tanach Bible - Hebrew/English
Browse, search and study the HebrewBible(Tanakh) with Tanach Bible, theideal study tool for the Hebrew and English Bible. TanachBiblefeaturescrisp Hebrew text with precise placement of Hebrew vowelsandcantillationmarks, and verse-by-verse synchronization between Hebrew,English,andRashiʼs commentary. Continuously resizable text allowsforcomfortableviewing on all devices (Android 4.2 or later).The Judaica Press English translation of Rashi on Tanachisavailable as anin-app purchase! This translation includes many addedexplanatorynotes andreferences to expand your understanding of both Rashi'scommentaryand theTanach. You can now study Rashi in two easy-to-view parallelcolumnsofHebrew and English.Tanach Bible is available for all Android versions. Foruserswith devicesrunning Android 4.2 or later, a new user interface withmanyenhancementshas been added. The new user interface includeseasiernavigation,pinch-to-resize for the Tanach text screens, and night mode.Tanach Bible includes the Hebrew text and Englishtranslationof:• Torah - Five Books of Moses• Nevi'im - Prophets• Ketuvim - Writings• Hebrew text of Rashi on the entire TanachGreat Features!• Easy navigation to all books of the Bible• Long press on any chapter number to go directly toanychapter/verse• Option to view Chumash by weekly and special Torah readings• Haftarah readings are associated with Torah readings• View Rashi and Hebrew text in parallel columns• View English or Hebrew text in flowing passage orinverse-by-versedisplay• View Hebrew and English text in parallel columns with Rashitextbelow• View Hebrew and English text in parallel columns• View Rashi commentary in regular Hebrew or ‘Rashi script’• Bookmark verses• Sort bookmarks by most recent or by book• Full text search in Hebrew• Full text search in English• Copy or share on social media on a verse or range of verses• Choice of English or Hebrew user interface• Add a note to a verse, search and sort notes (Android 4.2andlater only)For users running Android 4.2 or later, Tanach Bible usesnativeAndroidkeyboards to support Hebrew text input for search and notes.EnableHebrewfor your keyboard through the Android Settings, or install aHebrewkeyboardfrom Google Play.For users running earlier versions of Android, TanachBiblerequires nospecial Hebrew support. It’s built into the app!Tanach Bible is a joint project of ZigZag, Inc. andDavkaCorporation.