Top 25 Apps Similar to 【メモ帳】マイシンプルノート

Memo Widget *girls* 1.72
A cute memo notebook app for girls♪ Using this MemoWidgetwithadorable handwritten letters, you can attach To DoLists,ShoppingLists etc. to your Home Screen. Touching the widgetwilltake youdirectly to the editing screen, making it easier tomanage.Keeptrack of your notes by adding this cute Widget on theHomeScreen!(This memo pad supports English and Japanese.) WidgetSizes:3x2 or2x2 Widget Design: 24 different designs *RecommendedFor*・Userswho want to choose their own cute or stylish notepaddesign・Userswho want to use cute fonts for their note-keeping・Users whowantto jazz up their Home Screen ♪ ・Users who like polkadots,pastelcolors, hearts, ribbons etc. ・Users who want tomatchtheirwallpaper and notepad designs! 【Basic Features】・Write/EditNotes(more than one possible) ・Change Widget Design(24differentdesigns available) ・Change Widget Font Size ・ChangeWidgetOpacity・Transfer Your Notes ★What’s more, if you buy ourSWEETStyle appnow you’ll get free wallpaper images, too!★Downloadseveraldifferent wallpapers designed for girls, for free!Increaseyourgirl power with these cute Home Screen wallpapers ♪【Why YouShouldBuy The Premium Version!】 ● Create multiple memos! Attachedaseparate widget for each memo. ● Choose from over24differentdesigns! The free version only comes with 2designs,whereas youcan use all designs in the premium version. ●Adjust thewidgetfont size! You can change the font size to suityourpreferences. ●Adjust the widget’s opacity! You can adjustthewidget’s opacity,meaning you can still see that cute wallpaperatthe same time!*Terms of Use* This application includes itsownwidgets, but ifyou are using the app from an SD card, theAndroidOS will notpermit use of these widgets. When using thewidget,please ensureyou have chosen “Save to Device” duringappinstallation.《Transferring the App to your Device from an SDCard》1.Settings → 2. Apps → 3. Manage Apps → 4. Select ”MemoWidget*girls* ” → 5. Select “Move to Device” ※Depending onyourAndroiddevice, the widget may not be available to select fromtheWidgetList immediately after it has been transferred to thedevicefroman SD Card. Should this happen, please restart yourdevice andtryagain. *Wallpaper Settings* ・ Save new wallpaperimages intheGallery before changing your wallpaper. ・ Choose howyour willbedisplayed from the Wallpaper Settings Screen. Werecommendchoosingthe largest display range possible for yourAndroid device.≪How toChange Your Wallpaper≫ Hold down your fingeron thehomescreen → Wallpaper (background image)  → Select“Gallery” → Setdisplay range  → Save ≪Comments & FeatureRequests≫Please sendany bug reports, comments or feature requeststo theemail addressbelow. As it is not possible to reply directlytoCustomer Reviews,our response to any problems reported inthismanner is likely tobe severely delayed. We would greatlyappreciateif any suchcommunications could be sent directly to ourteam viaemail. ※Ifyou are using an email filter, please set thefollowingemailaddress as an approved sender:[email protected]. Itisvery likely that any customersusing mobile phones have blockedthereceipt of PC emails, so wewould be very grateful if youcouldtake the time to approve theabove email address.
Notepad - simple note 1.5.10
It is a simple free notepad. Management to smart to categorize!
Folder Notepad 1.2.8
Alone Soft
this is a simple notepad app. you can use folders and sub folders.
Music Note(Memo) 2.1.4
Yuuki Ito
This app is a notepad of superlative that can be used freeofcharge.
Notepad: Notes Organizer To Do 8.5.26
Netigen Tools
Keep your notes secure in the notepad with lock app!
Notepad 1.0.9
Easy to use notepad app.
Simple Notepad 1.1.4
Please use this "Simple Notepad" If you wanted to make a noteineveryday life.
Myメモ 〜可愛いメモ帳〜 3.4.21
my App
Cumulative series exceeded 3.2 million DL! Let's start your ownmemowith a fashionable and cute memo pad ♪
Cute Notepad 8.2.1
Easy and simple design notepad.
Notes 7.3
A simple and quick notepad. memo and note.
Sweetie Note - Free app - 1.95
【function】 - of creating, editing, and deletingnotesIntuitiveoperation you can create, edit, and delete notes.Longsentencescan also be input. Because that is managed in the formofa list,you can immediately check memo overview of. - send anotethat wascreated, such as the message and e-mail, SMS,Twitter,Facebook Itis easily shared to various apps. Note tap thesharebutton of theinput and editing screen! - password settingThepassword can beset to the application. There is no secret ofthememo can also beseen worried about a friend or boyfriend.-category name settingYou can change the category name totheirfavorite titles. Categoryis also five! Work or bytes, pleasebeclassified in a variety ofcategories, such as Circle. -themesetting Cute background photoof the girls for There are also11kinds! Good also changed to suitthe mood of the day, it isalsogood to use your favorite image. -font settings Font You canchoosefrom five types. It drew a cuteand simple font! - displayordersetting Display order can bechanged in the order of creationandupdating order title order.(descending order) Please useineasy-to-read order. - offline useWhen offline can also be usedinthe same manner as in the online.- minimal advertising Adisdisplayed a lot do not get in the wayof the memo. - TotallyFreeBilling elements do not have any. Youcan use it withconfidenceanyone. [Recommended for Travellers] -work and clubactivities, wewant to manage your notes divided inprivate. - want asimple, cutenotepad to use. - without billing,good free app. - wantto separatein a variety of categories suchas work, shopping,planning ideas,TODO. - want to quickly notethat came up suddenly. -want tofashionable management notes. -want the background of theapp towomen seems to photograph. - wantto easily manage yourbelongings,such as travel or business trip.- Once a note, you wantto share tofriends and family later. -Other people want to leave anote insecret. - want to displayorder to their liking. - want touse cutefonts. [Mistake easyapplication name] Positive: Sweetiememo False:Sweet memo, sweetnote
Simple Notepad 4.33.8
Simple sticky notes widget
めもちょーひよこ 3.7.0
It is an application that chick is me remember the memo. Hard,andlearn to work hard your words It is a notepad of chick.
Tree Notepad 2.1.3
This notepad app, by displaying a hierarchical, to organizeyourthinking.
無地メモ〜人気無料メモ帳 1.3.4
女性人気急上昇中!シリーズ累計25万ダウンロード突破!無地メモは、さくっとメモしたい人のためのかわいい無料メモ帳アプリです。人気の理由はシンプルでカンタンな機能。タブごとにメモの内容を使い分けることができるので、簡単に管理できます。まずは、お買い物のメモ、休日の予定、友人の電話番号、仕事の予定などをサクッと書いてみましょう♪※2016/03/12〜無地ノート(旧)は「無地メモ」に変わりました*こんなシチュエーションに! ・仕事のメモをすぐに取りたいとき・レストランの名前をメモしたいときに・友達の誕生日や電話番号を忘れないために・今日の夕飯の食材リストをつけたいとき・メールアドレレスやパスワードなど忘れやすいものを記録したいとき・イケメンな彼の電話番号をしっかりメモ!・かわいいあのコのメアドも忘れずメモ! *無地メモが人気の理由♪・タブごとに内容を分けて管理できます!・スワイプで簡単にタブ切り替えできます! ・サイドメニューからタブタイトルを変更可能!・ワンタップでメモ追加!・メモはタップで簡単コピー♪ ・カラーテーマを変更して自分だけのメモ帳がつくれます♪*嬉しい完全無料無地メモは完全に無料アプリなので、安心してご利用いただけます。 *こんな人にオススメ・シンプルな機能のメモ帳をさがしていた・無地なデザインが好き ・質素でかわいいメモ帳を探していた・他の難しいメモアプリは使いこなせない・仕事とプライベートでやることを分けて管理したい ・無料でメモアプリを使いたい・毎日の料理の買い物リストをメモ帳につけたい・何気ないアイデア、目標を大事にしたい ・リアルなノートやメモ帳は持ち歩きたくない
コトリのメモ帳-シンプルで可愛いコトリのメモ帳 1.0.6
あの毒舌ゆるきゃら「コトリ」の新アプリ登場!ToDoリスト・リマインダーアプリ「やるコトリすと」で大人気の「コトリ」シリーズ第三弾!簡単シンプル&コトリが可愛いメモ帳アプリ。*使い方* 右上のアイコンをタップして、メモを新規作成してね。メモを書いたら、右上の「保存」をタップするよ。履歴はリストになって確認出来ちゃう!メモを削除したい時は、左上の「編集」をタップしてね。削除したいメモのゴミ箱マークをタップすると削除されるよ。メモを保存したりすると、コトリが踊りだすかも!?コトリのおもしろ可愛い動きは必見だよ〜!ゆるい×毒舌の今までにない<変な>キャラ、「コトリ」。 一度ハマるとクセになっちゃうかも!コトリのつぶやく一言も注目してね!可愛くて面白いコトリのメモ帳で、メモを残すのも楽しくなっちゃう!
Simple Notepad 1.0.17
Simple Notepad is a simple notepad application.
PassMemo 4.1.4
NSW Inc.
PassMemo is simple App. You can manage your various passwordseasilyand safely.
Simple Notepad 1.6
intuitive, lightweight notepad application
Note Pad 1.20
KUMAMOTO Surprise Character "kumamon" Note Pad
Fast Notepad 3.3
Fast and handy notepad.No ads, no redundant permissions.
TheMiniMemo 7.5.3
You can take a note on other applications!