Top 22 Apps Similar to Uni Wallet

Starving Student Card App 1.4.0
SUW Design
SSCDeals - Save at your favorite restaurants, shops, and services!
O3 Wallet 3.1.2
O3 Labs Inc
O3 Wallet A 100% non-custodial and multi-chain wallet withafriendlyinterface and high security. Aim to build a leadingcryptowallet tomake exchange, stake, storage & buy simple andsafe.As theearliest light wallet in Neo ecology. We currentlysupportBitcoin,Ethereum, Neo, Ontology, Polkadot, Binance SmartChain,and Huobi ECOChain. O3 Swap A cross-chain aggregationplatformallowing users totrade safely and simply acrossblockchainsthrough cross-chain pooland liquidity sources fromvarious DEXs.we are committed toproviding a one-stop aggregationplatform forusers and offeringdevelopers access to an open,distributed,friendly, and securetrading environment. OUR FEATURES*Create/import a wallet inseconds. Manage your crypto assetseasilyand securely. * Exchangemulti-chain assets acrossblockchains witha single click. * Yourprivate keys are completelyheld in yourhand. Never leave yourcontrol. * Never store yourpersonalinformation and data. * Freelytransaction without buying /sending/ receiving limits. * Connectwith awesome dApps and thelatestnews without sharing sensitive datawith third parties.CONTACT USWebsite: [email protected]
Paytaca v0.4.1
Paytaca Inc.
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a purely peer-to-peer versionofelectroniccash that allows online payments to be sent directlyfromone partyto another. It is sound money for the moderninternetworld. ThePaytaca wallet brings this revolutionarycryptocurrencyto everyoneeverywhere. We have the app built for thebrowser,mobile, anddesktop with features that are accessible andeasy touse both bybeginners and advanced users. Paytaca walletbrings thepower ofBCH to the hands of every user, with theirprivate keyssolelyunder their custody giving them complete controlof theirownmoney. The wallet supports not only BCH but alsoSimpleLedgerProtocol (SLP) tokens built on top of BCH blockchain,whichallowsanyone to create fungible and non-fungible tokensforanyreal-world use case -- from reward systems tostablecoins,todigital collectibles, game items, and many more.
OCBC Business Mobile Banking 6.3
Staying on top of your business is made easier with theOCBCBusinessMobile Banking app. Enjoy the freedom to access andmanageyourbusiness at your fingertips securely and on-the-go. Someofthe keyfeatures include: • Banking on the go You can log inviaSMS-OTP oraccess your business account(s) with the OCBCOneTouch™anytime,anywhere. The OCBC OneTouch™ uses thefingerprintrecognition featureto allow business account customersto accessthe app quickly. • Stayon top of your business Keep tabson yourbusiness easily by havingaccess to a comprehensive view ofyouraccount balances andtransactional activities, making paymentsandapproving transactionsthrough the app. • Confidence in asecuredplatform Bank withconfidence on the app as it is equippedwith a2-factorauthentication (2FA). Available only for businessaccountcustomerswho subscribe to OCBC Velocity in Singapore.Pleaseensure that yourmobile number is registered with OCBCVelocity.
EnTech Wallet 2.6.1
EnTech Wallet 指紋辨識冷錢包 強力問世! EnTechWallet是最新結合指紋辨識、藍芽無線傳輸的數位貨幣軍規安全等級冷錢包, 搭配EnTech WalletApp提供您離線存放數位資產,充分保障您的數位資產安全! 特點與功能:- 信用卡大小輕薄尺寸 - 軍規等級加密晶片 -AES/(3)DES / RSA / ECC的加密處理器 -安全認證驗證等級:CC EAL5 + - 指紋辨識驗證登入冷錢包功能-無線低功耗藍芽連接 - USB Docking 充電 -E-ink 視窗 直接顯示連接狀態、數位資產等資訊 (需要按壓指紋做驗證)-支援低耗電休眠模式,沒有使用冷錢包時 自動關機 -支援 BIP32, BIP43, BIP44, ERC-20 數位貨幣協議-註記詞 由加密晶片產生與硬體存放機制 高度安全 -支援 線上錢包發送接收功能 - 支援 App錢包將數位貨幣傳送到冷錢包離線安全存放 - 支援 掃描QR-CODE
Zapit 0.2.6
Zapit is a Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Wallet withPeer-to-PeerServicesPowered by a Non-Custodial Escrow > WalletFeatures •Send &Receive BCH anywhere in the world by eitherscanning a QRcode orby entering a BCH address • Send BCH to otherZapit usersbyentering their username • Full support for sendingandreceivingBCH to cash accounts. Registers a new cashaccountautomaticallywith your username on signup To learn moreabout cashaccounts,visit - >Peer-to-PeerServices •Top-up your BCH wallet • Withdraw back yourlocalcurrency >Premium Services • Coin Swap (BCH - USDH) Zapitusessmartcontracts on the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) blockchain to securethefundsin a non-custodial escrow while theusersexchangemoney/services/products in a peer-to-peer fashion.>TopupWallet Users can top-up their wallet by buying BCH withtheirlocalcurrency using either P2P exchange or the InstantExchange>Withdraw to local currency Users can withdraw theirlocalcurrencyby selling BCH through P2P exchange or InstantExchangefeature> Payment Partnership By providing liquidity forZapit,userscan earn 50% of the fees for completing orders placedbyotherusers. Payment partners receive emails for every orderplacedintheir country & can choose to accept the order bycopyingtheorder ID from the email and pasting it in thepaymentpartnershipscreen To turn on/off this feature, go tosettings andinto the"Payment Partnership" screen > Simple LedgerToken (SLP)SupportZapit also supports SLP tokens. Users can sendand receiveSLPtokens same as sending and receiving BCH. There are 4categoriesoftokens - Featured, Collectibles (NFTs), Verified&Unverifiedbased on the type of project of each token. Utilitybasedtokenprojects can be featured and will have acustomisedexperiencebased on what the project offers to its users.To featureyour SLPtoken on Zapit, contact us - [email protected]> ZAPTToken: ZAPTis a SLP token issued by Zapit for rewards andbountiesand it hasa fixed supply of 1 billion tokens. The officialTokenIdforZAPTis:ff1b54b2141f81e07e0027d369db6484dea8d94429a635c35d17a7462a659239ZAPTtokenscan be used to pay for premium services/featuresoffered byZapit& also to get benefits such asdiscounts/cashbacks whileusingthe Zapit for BCH payments. >Referrals • Earn 5 - 100 ZAPTtokensfor each order that yourreferred user completes based on theorderamount > Staking •Deposit featured tokens for staking toearn a %interest on thelocked tokens for a given period of time> TokenRewards • Sendtoken rewards in Bitcoin Cash or othertokens eitheras a Dividendor an Airdrop from the customisable toolavailable inthe app •Complete tasks like visiting a website,following a socialmediachannel, donating to a cause to earn someZAPT tokens that canbeused to avail discounts for BCH payments> Ad basedTasksRewards • Earn Zapt tokens by completing adbased taskslikevisiting a website, following a social mediaprofile, watchingavideo or more... For feedbacks, requesting morefeatures&addition of more payment methods write an [email protected] to learn more
Monarch Wallet 2.3.1
The Monarch Wallet is a mobile cryptocurrency solutionthatallowsyou to: World's First Decentralized Recurring CryptoPayments-Accept Cryptocurrency Payments on a Recurring/SubscriptionBasis-Create a Product/Service Payment Plan - Auto InvoiceGeneration-You Can Manage, View, and Analize AllUsers/Agreements/PaymentsInYour Dashboard! - Trade ETH and ERC-20Tokens viadecentralizedexchange - Earn interest on yourcryptocurrency (paidweekly)! -Buy/Sell Bitcoin and Ethereum-Send/Receive:          BitcoinBitcoinCash          Ethereum          GoChainLitecoinStellarXRP          AllERC-20TokensAll SLP Tokens - Review Market Data for mostcryptocurrencies- Keepup-to-date on blockchain and cryptocurrencyNews - Maintaincontrolover your private seed + keys - Sync withour compatibleDesktop appsRule your own financial kingdom fromthe palm of yourhand!
Keytrade Bank Luxembourg 5.4.10
Thanks to its innovative usability and design theKeytradeBankLuxembourg app enables you to manage your accounts inyour ownway,to visualize your investments as well as investingdirectly onthemain stock markets worldwide. Moreover theinteractive follow-upofthe markets is available for everyone.BANKING &TRADINGCOMBINED IN ONE APP - Consult all your accounts(currentaccount,trading account, savings account) and execute allyourbankingoperations. - Follow the evolution of the marketsandanalyze thestocks via our Global Analyzer tool. - Visualizethedistributionand the profitability of your portfolio (stocks,funds,bonds,options, warrants, trackers, etc). - Trade on themainstockmarkets worldwide. - Can be used with Keytrade IDandAccessPassword, HardKey or SoftKey. - Multiple userprofilesenabled onone device. A NEW EXPERIENCE - Personalize youraccountswith yourown pictures. - Log in or sign securely in secondswithyourfingerprint - Execute money wires in a simple gesturetointernaland external accounts. - Follow the markets viainteractiveheatmaps. - Rediscover the performance of yourportfoliousinginteractive charts. - Instantly visualize the amountand costsofyour trade . The use of the app and thetransactionsexecutedthrough the app are governed by the terms andconditions ofuse(available on the app). By downloading this app youdeclaretoagree with those terms and conditions of use.
FasterPay 2.3.3
Fasterpay Inc
Send and receive payments across the globe and makeonlinepurchasesinstantly, using the FasterPay app. Safe in theknowledgeof exactlywhere your money is with real-timenotifications.Allowing you totrack your payments from start tofinish. Allwhilst saving money byavoiding excessive exchange fees.Downloadthe FasterPay app to jointhe FasterPay community. Thiswillentitle you to a whole host offeatures: *Fast Registration*Livingup to our brand name, ourregistration process is fast!Comprisingof just a few simple steps.Our app allows you to createaFasterPay account, purely from yourmobile device, inminutes.*Encrypted Vault* Providing speed withoutcompromisingsafety. TheFasterPay Encrypted Vault allows you toSave numerouscards in asingle safe place. Giving you completepeace of mind asyour moneytravels the world. *Universal QR Codepayments* Makeonlinepurchases and send and receive payments,simply by scanningyourindividual QR Code! Whether you are making apurchase onlineorsending money to a friend. It can all be donebyeffortlesslyscanning a QR Code. This feature allows you to payviayour mobiledevice in seconds. *Instant Money Transfers* Whentimeis of theessence, you can rely on the FasterPay app to getyourmoneytransferred instantly. Our app enables you to transfermoneytoFasterPay accounts in seconds. *InternationalBankTransfer*Compatible with international banks. You caneffortlesslytransfermoney to any bank account across the globeusing theFasterPay app.*Instant Top-up* Credit your FasterPayaccount inseconds from yourmobile device. Allowing you to makeonlinepurchases, purely fromyour FasterPay account. *SpreadAcrossMultiple Currencies* TheFasterPay app allows you to splityourmoney across more than 20different currencies. With the touchof abutton, you cansimultaneously divide your balance into morethan 15othercurrencies. *Real-time Notifications* Constant peace ofmind!Trackthe progress of your money, keeping you updatedwithreal-timenotifications. *Detailed Transaction History* Keeptrackof yourspending, allowing you to search for specifictransactionsacrossyour entire transaction history. *24/7 Support*FasterPaywants toensure all of our users can utilise ourfeaturesseamlessly. Toensure this experience is as painless aspossible, weprovide 24/7support from our dedicated and friendlyteam.
J.P. Morgan Private Bank 2.26.19
J.P. Morgan Private Bank For Private Bank account-holdersoutsidetheUnited States, the J.P. Morgan Private Bank app can helpyoumanageyour accounts and information, keeping you connectedfromanywhere.ACCESS YOUR ACCOUNTS • See a comprehensive view oftotalinvestmentswith charts and graphs • View detailedaccountinformation by assetallocation, product view and positions•Access borrowinginformation, including credit line utilizationandcollateral • Viewmonth-end statements, trade advice,corporateactions and investorcommunications PERSONALIZE YOURACCOUNT VIEWS• Select your preferredcurrency and language • Setdefault viewfor your investments • Setalerts to notify you of newdocumentsand account activities ACCESSTIMELY MARKET UPDATES •Search andview stocks, and add to watchlist• Read J.P. Morgan’slatestinsights and analysis on how marketchanges may affectyourinvestments PROTECT YOUR INFORMATION • Viewcontact detailsforyour J.P. Morgan team and communicate securelywith themusingMessenger • Login seamlessly with fingerprintauthenticationPleasenote: This app is only for J.P. Morgan PrivateBankaccount-holdersoutside the United States. Depending on thecountrywhere your J.P.Morgan relationship is held, certain featuresmaynot be available.Contact your J.P. Morgan representative withanyquestions. “J.P.Morgan Private Bank” is the marketing name fortheprivate bankingbusiness conducted by JPMorgan Chase & Co.andits subsidiariesworldwide.
eZeeWallet 1.3.6
A digital wallet app that gives you control overyourspending.Through our secure, easy-to-use app, you cantransfer,deposit andspend money all in one place. Designed forbothindividuals andbusinesses, eZeeWallet makes paying and gettingpaidsimple. Getstarted in a few easy steps! Why eZeeWallet? •InstanteWalletpayments • Secure wallet to wallet transfer • Sendmoneyacross theglobe • Detailed overview of transaction data • Nocostwhenloading your wallet with most deposit options • Nofeeswhqensending or receiving money to other app users • Widerangeofdeposit options, including credit cards and 50+localpaymentmethods
QPay - Student Payments 71.18
Exploring everything happening in your campus and getaccessto1,000s of rewards and deals exclusive to yourUniversity.Featuredon The Morning Herald, ABC News, The FinancialReview,Lifehacker,The Age, and more. • Discover your campus and: •Becomemembers ofsocieties, • Pay for exclusive member or non-membereventtickets,• Buy and Sell merchandise, and • Receive deals Withmorethan 1 in4 university students using QPay, you're in goodcompanyHow itworks: • Download the app • Register using yourdetailsandUniversity name • Become a member of your favouritesocietyorsimply start browsing for deals • Enjoy :) Don’t be shy,comeandsay hello at
Grenada Co-operative Bank 2.4.3
Grenada Co-operative Bank eBanking Service provides convenientandsecure banking, anywhere, at anytime. With this service you willbeable to:- View your account balances and history- Transfer funds between your accounts- Pay your bills- Create account specific alerts- GPS locator for our banking units and ATMsMake the move to the convenience of eBanking with Co-op Bankandenjoy the flexibility of banking where, when and howyouchoose.To begin, you are required to contact Grenada Co-operativeBankLimited to obtain a User ID and password in order to accessitseBanking Service. Without a User ID and password, you willbeunable to sign in using this application. Please visit one ofourRetail Banking Units or Branches or for more information and there youcansign up too!
Cash Passport
The new updated design of the Cash Passportappallows cardholders to manage their multi-currency cardaccount,check balances, view transactions and move money betweencurrencieson their Android device. The new screens will make theapp easierand quicker to use.This app is designed to give you an easy way of managingyourMulti-currency Cash Passport card.If you are not currently a Multi-currency Cash Passportcardholder,please visit formoreinformation.For single-currency cards, please use your existing portalthroughyour browser, or contact your branch.UK customers can top-up their currency balances through themobileapp up to the equivalent of £250 per transaction.
NodaWallet 1.0.15
NodaWallet is a universal cryptocurrency storageapplication.Protect, manage and exchange your assets! it is aneasy-to-usemulti-cryptocurrency wallet that can connect and tradethroughdecentralized exchanges (Binance Dex. KyberSwap.MyEtherWallet)where you can easily buy any crypto asset.Exceptional securityyour private keys are encrypted on your deviceand never leave it.Only you have access to your funds. NodaWalletis built on top ofopen source shared libraries. The Noda Walletserver infrastructureensures that only you can access yourelectronic money /cryptocurrency. Instant sharing You can exchangea number of coinsand tokens for any other with just one click. Noexternal servicesare required. Courtesy of Changelly. Send andreceive: - Easy tosend and receive assets through a QR code or copy/ pasteDecentralization and anonymity NodaWallet is a fullydecentralizedapplication. We do not store any of your data, we donot requireany verification to obtain basic services. We never haveaccess toyour funds. Live support Our engineers are always happy tohelp youby email at [email protected] or live telegramchat.Convenient interface We focus on exceptional user experience.Theapplication is fully optimized for your device.
Airwallex 1.1.1
Empowering businesses to operate anywhere, anytime.WiththeAirwallex app, we’re making it easy to manage yourglobalbusinessfinances on the go. Access your key account featuresfromanywhereand keep your business moving, no matter the location.AppfeaturesMonitor your global balances at a glance viayourMulti-currencyWallet. Keep track of transactions and viewdetailslike status,currency rate and total fee. Airwallex businessaccountfeaturesTake the hassle out of growing your business, bothat homeandabroad. Airwallex Business Accounts are feature packed tohelpyouoperate without borders. Open Global Accountsinmultiplecurrencies Receive local account details to collectandhold moneyin over 11 currencies including USD, EUR, GBP andHKD.Avoid doubleconversions and hedge against currencyfluctuations.Instantlycreate virtual debit cards & employeecards Createvirtualdebit cards in seconds, set spending limits andcontrols,and seeall employee expenses, in one place, in real-time.Transferfundsin 23+ currencies Save on everyday business expenses,withzerointernational fees¹ and exchange rates up to 90% cheaperthanthebanks². Xero integration Automatically syncyourmulti-currencytransactions to Xero. Ensure your books arealways upto date witha quick and easy integration. *limitedfunctionality iscurrentlyavailable within the mobile app. ¹Otherfees and chargesapply.²The above estimations are calculated basedon publishedrates forthe Big Four banks.
Q Mobile Banking
Free Q Mobile Banking from Queensborough National Bank &TrustCompany - - Q works for me. To learn howweprotect your privacy, pleasevisit
Extend 2.6.0
Extend is a modern way for businesses to make andmanagepaymentswith their existing corporate cards. In thiseasy-to-useapp, youcan instantly create and send secure virtualcards toanyone inyour network, improve oversight of spending,andautomatereconciliation. Extend has partnered with a number ofmajorcardnetworks and banks to bring you a trusted platformthatmakesbetter use of the corporate card that’s already in yourwalletandsigning up is as easy as creating an Extend loginandregistering aqualified credit card. It’s absolutely freeforbusinesses with nocommitment. Key features: - Instantly createandsend virtual cardsfrom an existing corporate card - Recipientscanrequest a virtualcard from an active account holder - Setspendinglimits, activedates, and more - Create different cardsfordifferent expenses forbetter expense management - Assignreferencecodes and uploadattachments for better expense management- Getreal-time updateson spending activity and know who’s spendingwhatand where -Streamline expense processes and automatereconciliation- Capturemore spend on your company card and earnmore rewards
Moonstake Wallet 2.7.2
Take control of staking your digital assets in this safe,simpleandeasy-to-use staking app from Moonstake that lets youstakeandwithdraw at any time. Safe and secure, this app nevertakescustodyof your digital assets. Assets stay in your existingwallet,so youwon't ever worry about your account being hacked fromourplatformand your private keys & passphrases are encryptedandstored inyour local device. Moonstake supports staking withATOM,IRIS, ADA,ONT, XTZ, QTUM, ONE and coins supported willbeexpanded.What'smore, staking fees are very competitive, andtheMoonstake userinterface is sleek, intuitive and a joy to use.
University of Edinburgh Events 2023.2
Guidebook Inc
Guide to University of Edinburgh Events.
RAKBANK Digital Banking 4.3
Welcome to a whole new DigitalBankingExperience!RAKBANK Digital Banking App offers convenience and securitytoindividuals and business banking users. The app offers afresh& intuitive user experience along with many new featuresmakingit one of the best ways to bank in the UAE.Whats New• Unified login credentials - Single user name and password foranydevice• Multiple Bill Pay – View and pay all your due bills inoneclick• Live Chat – Chat for help or information from within theapp• Quick Menu –Access commonly used banking activities• Send Money –Simplified fund transfer process• RAKMoneyTransfer - Send money to India andPhilippinesinstantly• MobileCash – Withdraw cash or send money through aRAKBANKATM• Discover and Apply – Learn more and apply forRAKBANKproducts• Swipe to view- Every time you see a red line next to an itemswipeto see additional information or functionsHow to register:Users that are new to RAKBANK Mobile Banking need to downloadtheapp and click on Register. Follow simple on screen instructionstoenter card or account number along with the PIN to registerandstart using the app.Existing users can use their current mobile banking user nameandpassword to log in to set up their single user name andpasswordfor the app and web.Kindly note, this app will not work on jail broken devices.
JRF Wallet 1.3.6
JRF WALLET – The newest product service offered by JRF –JapanRemitFinance Co., Ltd. JRF has revolutionize the worldofremittanceservices and brought the easiest way ofbridgingbusinesses andpersonal remittances worldwide. The first ofitskind that allowsnew client registration withoutpersonalappearance to any of JRFbranches. Direct submission andupload ofvalid government ID’smakes it easier to transact anytime.Further,the sophisticated andlaw-abiding facial recognition ofclient uponregistration allowsautomated final confirmation thatclient islegally binding the JRFterms and conditions. Daily FXRates areconstantly updated for yourconvenience. Addingbeneficiary? Worryno more! Add your beneficiaryinformation anytimeanywhere thru theApp. This also features thestatus of transactions,checking ofload balance, auto compute ofdaily rates and charges.During busyschedules you can easily managecreating your personalremittancetransactions. JRF Wallet can bedownloaded through Androidappstore and features 24/7 accessibilityto over 81countriesworldwide for all your remittance needs fromJapan. JRFWallet usesJRF Red card for cash funding on the walletthru over25,000 JPPost ATM nationwide. JRF Wallet also recognizesyouramounttransferred from overseas countries to Japan.