Top 10 Apps Similar to #IPraytheRosary

El Santo Rosario Católico 1.0.17
El santo Rosario, esta aplicación contieneelrosario normal y el rosario para difuntos, tiene lacaracterísticade inicio rápido con misterios del día, y en difuntossepersonaliza con nombre de difunto, tocando la rosa y apareceráuncontador para las ave María, se puede cambiar de páginadeslizandoel dedo sobre la pantalla no requiere Internet y esgratuito paratodo el mundo y no contiene ninguna publicidad recemosdiariamenteel Santo Rosario.The Holy Rosary,thisapplication contains the normal rosary and rosary for the dead,hasthe characteristic of rapid onset with mysteries of the day,anddead is personalized with the name of the deceased, touchingtherose and a counter for the Hail Mary appears, is You canchangepages by sliding your finger on the screen and does notrequireInternet is free for everyone and contains no advertisingpray theRosary daily.
Catholic prayers in Latin 9.0
This application of Catholic prayers in Latin is for alluserswhoneed to pray at some point and know the originalCatholicprayers.Latin is spoken in the Vatican City and is alsothelanguageliturgical language of Catholicism. Enjoy the bestknownLatinprayers that are with us at all times. Read originalLatinprayers.
Rosary Virgin Mary 8.0
Jose A.
Youth live the Rosary of the Virgin Mary!
Santo Rosario 7.0.0
Context Apps
El poder del Santo Rosario es la oración mas poderosa despuésdelSanta Eucaristía “La Santa Misa”. En todas las apariciones,LaSantísima Virgen Maria pide el rezo del Santo Rosario porqueatravés de esta oración la Santísima Virgen nos acompaña a rezaraDios Padre y estamos reviviendo la vida de JesucristoNuestroSeñor. La Santísima Virgen dice: “El Santo Rosario es tanpoderosocomo una bomba nuclear; pero en construcción”.
Holy Rosary - Spanish Edition 2.0
Joe Meineke
Free Holy Rosary in Spanish!
#YoRezoElRosario 1.0
¡¡COMENTA PARA DAR A CONOCER LA"CHULETA"DELROSARIO!!¡¡Ahora rezar el rosario es más fácil que nunca!!Aplicación para rezar el rosario, sin más. Sin publicidad,sinmásoraciones, ¡Sólo el rosario!Esta aplicación te dice que misterios "tocan" cada díaytepermite ver cualquier otro. Incorpora todas lasexplicacionesyoraciones necesarias para su rezo.Reza el rosario donde quieras y en cualquier momento,metro,bus,etc.Ahora ya podrás rezar las letanías ;)*************************************USAR CON PRECAUCIÓN, ARMA PODEROSA*************************************COMMENT FORRELEASEOF"CHOP" DEL ROSARIO!Now pray the rosary is easier than ever!Application to pray the rosary, nothing more. No ads,nomoreprayers, the rosary Only!This application tells you that mysteries "touching" eachdayandallows you to see any. It incorporates allthenecessaryexplanations and prayers for prayer.Pray the rosary anywhere and anytime, metro, bus, etc..Now you can pray the Litany ;)************************************* USE WITH CAUTION * POWERFUL WEAPON************************************
Il Santo Rosario 1.2
Dal messaggio di Medjugorje del 25 Febbraio1988:<<...Recitate il Santo Rosario, meditando prima ognimistero;fatelo molto adagio, perché arrivi ai miei orecchi come unsoavesussurro d’amore; fatemi sentire il vostro amore di figli inogniparola che recitate.>> Il Santo Rosario è una sempliceappgratuita che non ha alcuna pretesa se non quella diavvicinaretutti alla preghiera con sincera devozione. E' possibileascoltarela recitazione e la meditazione di ogni mistero inclusalaCoroncina della Divina Misericordia. In base al giorno, l'appautomaticamente evidenzia il titolo del mistero da recitare.CheDio vi Benedica!!
Pocket Rosary 1.1.1
Pocket Rosary for Android is an interactive Catholic app forprayingtwo of the most powerful chaplets of Jesus and Mary, theChaplet ofthe Divine Mercy and the Holy Rosary respectively. Theapp may beused together with the traditional rosary beads and isnot intendedto replace the traditional rosary beads when prayingthe chaplets.This app will help you remember the prayers and willteach you howto pray the chaplets. It includes a list of the mostcommontraditional prayers and it provides you access to thedailyScriptural readings. Whenever you want to pray and spend timewithGod or pray for someone or for the whole world, this appwillaccompany you. It guides you with sincere audio recitationandbeautiful background music that you can listen to in anywayyoulike - through your phone, boost it to you car speakers whilegoingto work or use your earphones when you feel like prayingsilentlyduring your free time. Very useful app for familiarizingthechaplets which can also be used as a teaching tool, even kidswilllove! Synchronized moving text allows you to hold yourtraditionalrosary when praying and helps you focus in prayer whilereading thetexts without scrolling up and down. Technology isevolving so asJesus' love and mercy. This is a nice app toaccompany you as youpray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and theHoly Rosary byyourself or with your family and friends. In Jesusname we pray…Note: Check for info on the permissions below.Features:-------------- - Divine Mercy and Holy Rosary Chaplets -Auto andmanual selection of Rosary Mysteries - Remembers where youlastleft off - Move the beads with a touch of a button - Easybeadtracking with full view of the rosary beads on screen -Vibratefunction to support feedback in bead tracking - Praywithaccompanied audio and moving text - Pray with someone orsilentlyby yourself with earphones - Soothing background musicsuitable forprayer - Adjustable font size - Packed with 13beautiful rosarysets to choose from - Change background image -"Prayers" sectionprovides you a mini library of the basic prayersfor you tofamiliarize and reference - Unique dynamic userinterface. changesettings on the fly without interrupting thechaplet prayers. -Feature to save app in SD card. (Android 2.2feature) The app isstill in its early version. I will still beadding more features.Any feedback and comment is greatlyappreciated. If you are havingproblems with the app and itsfunctionality, please email or leavea comment and I can refund youyour money. Needs Android 2.0 andhigher to work. Permissions:CHECK_LICENSE This app checks forapplication purchase licensing.VIBRATE This app uses your phone'svibrate function for the vibratefeature in moving the beads.INTERNET This app uses internetconnection to retrieve scripturetext data and verify applicationlicensing. ACCESS_NETWORK_STATEThis app checks to see if you have avalid internet connection forlicense checking and retrievingscripture text data.
The Holy Rosary 2.5
The Holy Rosary: the app for your daily prayers. Always with you!