Top 4 Apps Similar to Where I parked?

Dónde aparqué mi coche? 2.3 Nuevo formato
Joaquin P
¿CREES QUE NO LLEGARÁS DE NUEVO AL SITIO DONDE ESTÁS? No teapures,con esta aplicación el móvil (siempre que recuerdes encenderelGPS) rápidamente te ubicará y te permitirá volver a llegarcuandoquieras permitiéndote elegir si quieres hacerlo andando, encoche oen transporte público y dándote las indicaciones. ESEXTREMADAMENTESENCILLO DE USAR, ¡¡Sólo tiene 2 botones!! 1.Almacenar dónde estoy2. Ir al sitio almacenado
Car Locator 1.1.7
Save the position of the parkedvehiclemanuallyor with car's Bluetooth,Set an alarm, save notes or take a photo to find your car.Car Locator app has Augmented Reality (AR).Car Locator app is the a part of VAiPho (VehicularApplicationsinPhones) that will be a complete driverassistant.Car Locator allow to send where are you or where is yourcarusingwhatsapp or message.Locate your vehicle where it is parked outsideautomaticallybyusing the car' handsfree by bluetooth.Car Locator reminds you your last parking, and when you areintoacomercial center, save your parking position withnotesorphotos.Car Locator Twitter @vaipho or [email protected]
¿Dónde he aparcado mi coche? 1.05
La presente aplicación te permitiráguardarladirección en donde te encontrabas en un principio, mástardecuandoen otro lugar vuelvas a esta aplicación, podrás verladirecciónguardada, así como la ruta a ella desde el lugardondefinalmenteestés.Muy útil para encontrar un punto de partida, el lugardondehasaparcado inicialmente el coche, Una estación de metro alaquenecesites volver, la dirección de tu hotel turístico,etc.This applicationwillallowyou to store the address where you were in thebeginning,later whenyou return elsewhere to this application, youwill seethe savedaddress and the path to it from whereyou'reeventually.Very useful for finding a starting point, the placewhereyouoriginally parked the car, a subway station you need toreturntheaddress of your resort hotel, etc.
Valeet - never park again 2.2
Valeet is an on-demand valet parking appwhereand when you want. With Valeet you don't have to waste timeand gaslooking for a parking spot.How does it work?1. Open the app and let us know where you are headed.2. One of our drivers will be waiting for you when you arriveandwill park your car in one of our private and securedparkinglots.3. When you are ready to leave, we will return your car back toyou,wherever you are, just with one click.Characteristics:- Our drivers are professionals who will take good care ofyourcar.- All cars are parked in private parking and supervised atalltimes.- With our 1 million Euros insurance policy with Axa, your carisalways safe.- Safe payment without cash involved through the app.Availability:- Valeet services are available in Madrid city. You will soonbeable to enjoy Valeet in more cities! Send us an email if youwantyours to be one of them.If you have any ideas or suggestions, do not hesitate to contactusthrough our [email protected] mail or through oursocialnetworks.Parking is dead, does it for you.