Top 11 Games Similar to 广告233 创意广告集锦

成语大挑战 (简体版) 17.0
Small Factory
☆TOP1 GooglePlay「最新发布」排行榜单冠军!☆上架首月下载20万次☆10万笔评价,6万个五颗星评比☆国语日报、巴哈姆特电玩疯、自由时报等多家媒体热烈报导☆☆☆☆成语大挑战故事背景☆☆☆☆相传在中国古代各大名书院中,除了丰厚的藏书之外,亦堆着非常丰富的宝藏,古代智者为了不让外人觊觎,把这些珍宝以俗语「书中自有黄金屋」的比喻包装掉,意图将现实的宝藏意象淡化,企图引人不去妄想贪图,当然书中本身蕴含的深层知识是无形宝物,但有形的实体宝藏却真实存在于这些书院某些角落中……有一天,我们发现了这些书院的秘密,我们想设法取得这些珍宝进一步的讯息,但挡在宝物前的重重关卡,是一道又一道的成语谜题……☆☆☆☆ 成语大挑战游戏说明☆☆☆☆成语大挑战是「小小工厂」所开发的一款休闲益智的猜成语游戏,利用幽默的图像来解释中国各种传统的成语,不会像啃读课本、死背诗经那样的枯燥乏味,利用趣味的图形与文字组合,让玩家可以动动脑、猜猜谜,亦可和身边的朋友互相讨论解答,让你疯狂猜成语。不用长时间一定要打到破关,您可以在公车上、捷运上、吃饭时、睡觉前、上厕所时、等车时、无聊时……就开起来猜一下成语,本游戏以最佳化的效能,制作出最简单的玩法,我们将带给你惊喜,让大家知道原来成语知识也可以这样获取喔。☆☆☆☆ 成语大挑战游戏特色☆☆☆☆★每天登入,元宝不足300都会补充元宝喔!★可爱卡哇依到不行的各种题库图画,让人爱不释手。★猜猜猜,你是否能从图片上的含意,猜出正确的成语?★超过数百道成语题目,活像成语辞典,充满趣味和挑战。★看图猜成语,动动脑和身边朋友互相讨论,乐趣无穷。★Line群求救、脸书发文询问,解答不孤单。★每天分享,元宝不足300还可以免费领元宝。★猜题免费玩,辅助功能消除、提示、换题,帮你轻松闯关。★关卡推图,有闯关的趣味和数百道关卡的层层挑战★答题正确可获得元宝回馈,答对越多拿越多喔!若您在游戏上有任何的建议,欢迎到小小工厂粉丝团交流
成语争霸 1.0.1
成语疯狂猜 1.0
非常有趣的休闲游戏,不同的玩法,趣味的成语寓意图片,根据图片的内容猜测成语,还可以查看成语的解释和成语相关的故事.玩游戏的同时,还可以了解趣味的成语故事.游戏中轻松掌握成语,学习知识.大人小孩都可受益.坐车,排队,睡前都可一试~不可多得的休闲智力趣味游戏,包罗万象的成语词汇用彩色图像直观的显示出来,让你记忆深刻,充分发挥你的想象力来闯关吧,一定能开阔你的视野,大大增强你的成语词汇量。游戏玩法:1、根据一张图片,找出正确的成语,考验自己的知识面,挑战自己和好友!2、通过微信分享可以让好友来帮忙哦?- 成语类型包罗万象,图片妙趣横生,跟你的好友一起猜猜看吧3、一共几百张幽默搞笑的成语图片,并会持续更新。4、必须准确地猜出本题目才能进入下一题哦~5、看图猜成语,真是一种享受呀Very interestingcasualgames, different gameplay, fun idiom meaning pictures,pictures ofspeculation based on the content idiom, idioms can alsoviewexplanations and idioms related story while playing a game, youcanalso learn interesting idioms.Game easily grasp idioms, knowledge. Adults and childrencanbenefit. Ride, queuing, bedtime can be a trial - arareintellectual fun casual game, all-encompassing phrasevocabularyintuitive color image display, let your memory deep, givefull playto your imagination to pass through it, will be able tobroadenyour horizons, greatly enhancing your vocabulary andidioms.How to play:1, according to a picture, find the correct idiom, testtheirknowledge, challenge yourself and your friends!2, through the micro-channel sharing allows friends to help Oh-?Idiom type encompassing, pictures and fun, with your friendsandsee Guess together3, a total of hundreds of humorous idiom pictures, and willcontinueto be updated.4, must accurately guess the title to go to the next question,oh~5, Figure guess idiom, is really a pleasure to die
知識達人 1.11.0
ling app
A "Single Player Challenge" or "Multiplayer Battle" knowledgegamecombining [Chinese, English, Geography, History,Mathematics,Science, Custom].
With me to learn idioms 1.0
This is a kind of Chinese idiomslearninggames, playing the game at the same time, you can learnChineseknowledge, increase Chinese vocabulary.Cartoon picture, you can imagine lively, rich game modes,idiomsfill in the blank, Figure guess idioms, idiom, three gamemodules,can be arbitrarily selected.Game repeated practice, increase the ease of learningandproficiency. He is learning Chinese assistant, love oflearningChinese small partners, quickly to experience it.
瘋狂猜謎語 v1.2
Guess The Idiom 2.31g
Guess The Idiom is a fun and quirky quizgamewhere you have to figure out which common phrase or sayingisillustrated in the drawing.The drawings are fun with a simplistic style that is suretoplease. You will have hours of fun trying to Guess The Idiom!In Guess The Idiom, you are presented with a colorfuldrawingthat illustrates the idea behind a common phrase or saying,alsoknown as an “idiom.” These can be things like “beating adeadhorse” or “raining cats and dogs” – they are sayings that weallknow and use but never really think about it! In this funbrainquiz, you will be asked to deduce the meaning behind thedrawingand fill in the blanks!We think that many of the drawings will make you laugh,whilesome could make you go crazy trying to figure it out! Eitherway,we want you to enjoy playing Guess The Idiom!Now go “break a leg!”
少儿猜成语-南方熊 - 学习知识,开发智力 1.4
聰明達人 1.8.0
ling app
【聰明達人】是一款整合【國文、英文、數學、科學、歷史、地理、記憶、邏輯、撲克牌、消消樂、拼圖】的遊戲,不同類型有不同關卡與過關條件,動動你的腦筋,破解所有關卡,你就是聰明達人。另外,知識六大類除了【自我挑戰模式】外,還有【閱讀學習模式】,可以用看的,也可以用聽的,讓你輕鬆學習無負擔喔。遊戲特色:★★ 知識六大類 ★★● 國文:有【成語、近義詞、反義詞、這字怎麼念、三字經、弟子規、論語、中庸、大學、唐詩三百首】。● 英文:有【中翻英(單字)、英翻中(單字)、中英對照(句)、看字猜圖、聽力測驗】。● 數學:有【加減乘除、面積體積、對稱圖、旋轉圖、找缺角】。● 科學:有【人物篇、地球、太陽系、星座、元素週期表】。● 地理:有【台灣景點、世界景點、世界之最、湖泊之最、河流之最、山峰之最、各國首都、各國國旗】。● 歷史:有【台灣歷史、中國歷史、世界歷史】。★★ 益智五大類 ★★● 記憶力:有【記數字、左左右右、配對消去】。● 邏輯力:有【猜數字1A2B、數獨】。● 撲克牌:有【排七、大老二、撿紅點、九九、抽烏龜、吹牛、接龍】。● 消消樂:有【積木消除、象棋大吃小】。● 拼圖:有【圖片拼圖、象棋滑塊、字母滑塊、圖片滑塊】。感謝各位用戶的肯定與鼓勵,以及良好的建議,這也是開發者持續讓這款 App 越來越好的動力。[People] is acleverintegration [Chinese, English, mathematics, science,history,geography, memory, logic, playing cards, Diminshing music,puzzlegames],Different types have different levels of clearanceconditions,Move your brains, to break all the barriers, you are wise uptopeople. In addition, knowledge in addition to the six categoriesofself-challenge mode [], there [mode] learning to read, can see,canalso be used to listen to, let you easily learn without theburdenoh. The game features:★★ ★★ six categories of knowledge● Chinese: there [idioms, synonyms, antonyms, word it how toread,Three Character Classic, disciples regulations, The AnalectsofConfucius, moderation, universities, Tang Poems]. ● English: There [The English translation (word), the Britishturned(word), bilingual (sentence), see Figure guess the word,hearingtests]. ● mathematics: [Math there, volume area, FIG symmetry,rotationalFIG find cutaway]. ● Science: There [People Series, the Earth, the solarsystem,constellations, periodic table]. ● Geography: There [Taiwan attractions, world attractions, mostofthe world, most lakes, rivers most, most of themountains,capitals, countries flags]. ● History: There [in Taiwan's history, Chinese history,worldhistory]. ★★ ★★ Puzzle five categories● Memory: There are [remember numbers, from side to side,pairedelimination]. ● logic power: there [Guess 1A2B, Sudoku]. ● poker: There are [row seven Big Two, pick up the red dot,ninety,pumping turtle, bragging, Solitaire]. ● Diminshing music: there is [building blocks to eliminate,eatsmall chess]. ● puzzle: there [picture puzzles, chess slider, sliderletters,photographs slider]. Thank you for user recognition and encouragement and goodadvice,which is the developer continued to make this App better andbetterpower.
學習成語 讓你知書達禮使用成語 讓你學以致用活用成語 讓你能言善道套用成語 讓你出口成章《成語100》結合益智與遊戲老少咸宜 寓教於樂闔家歡樂 愛不釋手《成語100》會有100關陸續推出共有960組成語與詩詞100句讓你閒暇之餘 舒緩壓力
Chinese Idiom Meets Idiom 1 2.15
Chinese Idiom is the Chinese intelligence! Better language,memory& do better!