Top 44 Apps Similar to CIFTIS China Service Trade negotiation Conference

淘特 -- 原淘宝特价版 5.6.672
Good source, more than special price! The money-saving shoppingappused by more than 100 million people brings low-pricedandhigh-quality source goods to consumers. At the same time,itofficially protects consumers' rights and provides ashoppingexperience that is affordable, safe to use, and decent. .
淘寶Lite – 官方專為國際及港澳台用戶打造 4.32.2
Taobao Lite is a lightweight shopping APP specially createdbyAlibaba for Chinese users around the world. It can alsorunsmoothly on low-performance mobile phones. We will provide youwitha reliable secured transaction mechanism and cross-borderlogisticsservices to help you easily purchase the goods you need.
京东 11.8.0
Live up to every love
手機天貓-官方正品在天貓 10.6.1
Tmall 618, top-of-the-line goods are in the wild!
Dianping 10.56.20
Android application for
银联钱包 9.0.2
【应用描述】快来抢银联云闪付专享优惠券!新小伙伴领取超级实用大礼包,人人有礼,还能中奖!拼人脉,拉小伙伴注册绑卡,银联红包奖不停,上不封顶,还能赢手机!拼手快!每周准点按时发,千万张优惠券券任你抢!【官方微博】@银联钱包【官方微信】Yinlian_KY【主要功能】除了刷卡,银联钱包告诉你银联卡还能干什么!优惠、打折,只需要刷银联卡就够了;呈现 您所属每一张银联卡的刷卡交易记录,明明白白花钱,轻轻松松对账 ;一元停车、出行贵宾厅服务,银联权益告诉你 银联卡还能做更多!1、线上获取优惠券、线下刷卡立享优惠,让您能省就省。2、绑定银联卡、为您提供信用卡还款、交易查询等功能。3、转账,收款,信用卡还款,手机充值,公共缴费,便捷您的生活。软件使用遇到困难?欢迎拨打中国银联客户服务热线95516进行咨询。[ApplicationDescriptionCome and grab CUP cloud lightning pay exclusive coupons!New small partners receive super practical spree, everyonepolite,but also winning!Contacts to fight, pull a small partner registration card tie, aredenvelope prize CUP stop, does not cap, but also to win amobilephone!Fight deft! Weekly punctuality paid on time, do any of youcouponscoupons grab![Official microblogging] @ CUP wallet[] Yinlian_KY official micro letter【The main function】In addition to credit card, UnionPay UnionPay card wallet cantellyou what to do!Promotions, discounts, only need to brush CUP card is enough;Showing that you belong to a credit card transaction recordseveryCUP cards, plainly money, easy reconciliation;One yuan parking, travel services Lounge, equity CUP CUP cardcantell you to do more!1. Get online coupon, the line card Get stand, so you can saveonthe province.2, binding UnionPay cards for credit card payments,transactioninquiries and other functions.3, transfer, payment, credit card payments, mobile recharge,publiccontributions, convenient your life.Software trouble? Welcome to call the China UnionPaycustomerservice hotline 95516 consulting.
京东金融-四亿人都在用 6.0.30
别样海外购 - 海淘奢品专柜直达
BorderX Lab
Special offer airline ticket hotel limited time buying
歐可茶葉 OK TEA 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
台灣網路原創茶葉品牌,以真奶茶、袋棒茶及冷泡茶產品最受歡迎。 獲得康熙來了、商業周刊、上班這檔事、蘋果日報等媒體推荐!
YICAIBAO-Yiwu Small Commodities Wholesale 1.1.8
YICAIBAO is the official B2B small commodity wholesale andretailprocurement platform, the official APP of Yiwu SmallcommodityWholesale Market. Yiwu purchases a large-scale physicalmarket(Yiwu Small commodity Wholesale Market) to move online,Supportmultilingual purchasing, with the strong strength of 75,000shops,1000,000 suppliers and 2.0million kinds of goods, asbuyers,Businesses and individuals provide controllable, credible,andtraceable transaction guarantees. A large number offoreignmerchants, 1688 wholesalers, Taobao sellers, Tmallsellers,micro-store micro-sellers, physical business households,andshop-opening entrepreneurs have chosen to purchase goodsthroughYiwu. YICAIBAO is committed to creating to be a moreefficientcross-border trade purchasing tool. Global sources,rapidpurchasing, all in YICAIBAO!
一分钱ECENTIME- 欧洲打折季折扣全集 7.1.2
Alipay is a super app designed to offer a bouquet ofservicestobring convenience into your everyday life. Trusted by450millionusers, Alipay’s offerings span from allowing its userstomakepayments (send, receive, and spend money withease),managefinances, choose a suitable insurance scheme, hail acab orevenorder in from a favorite restaurant. Visituson YOU ARE ONLY A‘TOUCH’AWAY-1. Send/Receive money from your peers 2. Transfer moneytofriendsor split the bill at your favorite restaurant 3. Cardfreepaymentat millions of merchants 4. Top up your mobile phone andpayyourutility bills 5. Place and track orders in Taobao andTMall5.Order food from local restaurants or book a taxi 6.Manageyourmoney with wealth management products 7. Freeoff-sitecross-banktransfer / credit card repayment and loans 8.Scan &Pay – Scan& use the QR code to pay at your localstores 9.BookAir/Rail/Movie Tickets, at ease 10. Enjoy hundreds ofdiscountsandpromotions from various merchants 11. Group accountfacilitytomanage expenses within family and friendscircle12.Donate/Participate in walkathons along with your friends
Mogician's Manual 10.0.1
Naco Siren
Big brother is watching you...
Zinvest 1.9.34
Investing shouldn’t be a challenge for anyone. For thoselearninghowto invest, they should be given the right tools andresourcesto doso. For those experienced in managing theirinvestments,anall-in-one solution is coveted and convenientforgrowth.Introducing Zinvest, a trading platform thatprovidesafrictionless experience for investors. With $0 tradingfees,$0management fees, and $0 deposit minimums, we giveyoutheinstruments to build your portfolio and become successfulwithyourfinancial growth. Download Zinvest and simplify yourinvestingandtrading experience today. Enjoy Fee-Free Services,AnytimeandAnywhere - Trade securities and assets with no tradingfees.-Effectively manage your account with zero management fees.-Openan account easily with no minimum deposits. RewardYourselfbyInvesting in Companies You Believe In - Invest yourwealthintosuccessful businesses that you respect. - Jumpintoinvestmentopportunities varying from Stocks, ETFs, and ADRs.-Diversify yourportfolio and invest into stock pools&internationalcompanies. Keep Up with Latest StockMarket,Financial, andBusiness News - Access a devoted news sectionformarket updatesand business reports. - Stay informed withinvestmentnotificationsdelivered right to your mobile device. - Getstockmarket insightsdirectly from industry-leading experts.FindAccurate NationalMarket Quotes Faster Than Ever - Gatheraccuratemarket data from13 international exchanges. - Utilize acatalog oftransactionrecords and data analytics. - Request andreceivemarket-leadingquotes in real-time. Dedicated Security ThatProtectsYour Data andIdentity - Securely store and manage youraccountthrough advancedprivacy protection. - Prevent anysuspiciousaccount activity withtwo-factor authentication. -Investconfidently with bankauthentication and accountnotifications.
Superbuy Shopping 5.51.2
Superbuy offers a one-stop shopping solution for global userstoshop at Taobao, Tmall, JD,1688 and other popular platforms fromtheGreater China region. Superbuy was established in 2012 byMrHaixing Gong, one of the co-founders of Tencent HoldingLtd(0700.HK), who is also the first Honorary Advisor. ThankstoSuperbuy you can order products from multiple e-commerceplatformswhich will be shipped to and stored at Superbuy’swarehouse. Onceyou would like to send them overseas, simply groupthem into abundled shipment. Various payment methods are available– PayPal,Alipay, International Credit Card, etc., More than 200regions andcountries are available to ship to, so getting yourfavoriteChinese product is a piece of cake via Superbuy-----Contactus----- Service Hotline: +86-755-33085566E-mail:[email protected] Website:
Australia seek - looking for deals Macau eat, drink
怡百购 2.3.4
Yue per share, Han Amoy good easy, shopping good mood! Quicklyandeasily with the purchase of high-quality authentic Korean
千牛-卖家移动工作平台 5.9.7
千牛-卖家移动工作平台,阿里官方出品,适用于淘宝卖家和天猫商家。千牛 = 卖家中心 + 阿里旺旺卖家版 + 插件中心 + 更多功能……卖家千牛备身,生意如庖丁解牛,游刃有余!★“千牛”主打功能:1.卖家工作台:支持子账号登录,提供店铺关键信息提醒,以及商品、交易、数据等常用操作快捷入口2.消息中心:商品消息、订单消息、退款消息、官方公告等,第一时间推送到手机3.阿里旺旺卖家版:支持手机和电脑同时登陆,联系人、聊天记录和快捷短语与电脑无缝云同步,可添加好友,查看买家个人主页4.插件中心:商品管理、交易管理、数据统计等常用功能,均有多款插件供选择,分销商卖家可订购使用供销管理插件★什么时候用“千牛”:1.周末不想守在电脑前,就装个“千牛”出门吧2.晚上想早点躲到被窝里,就在床上用“千牛”吧3.出差途中想看下店铺数据,就拿出“千牛”瞅一眼吧其他任何您不想或不在电脑前的时候,用“千牛”,随时随地,轻松做生意!★联系我们:1.旺旺:淘宝工作台2.邮箱:[email protected]
Payke-making shopping 4.42.0
Payke Inc.
We are carrying out a limited-time campaign to commemoratethelaunch!
DOKODEMO Japanese Marketplace 1.3.7
Japan's best products at your fingertips, shop as if you wereinJapan!
菠萝包轻小说-轻小说·漫画·有声书 4.9.76
Mass light novels and comics are updated every day
新三國志手機版-光榮特庫摩授權 3.0.0
《新三國志手機版》是《三國志11》港澳台新馬地區唯一由光榮特庫摩正版授權研發的手遊。原《三國志》系列作為SLG類型遊戲的經典代表作,我們也將繼承這一點,將“策略”作為遊戲的設計初衷和核心定位。在遊戲中,玩家可與數萬名其他玩家將一同置於超過100萬格的恢弘大地圖上,招募將領、發展城池、打造雄兵,做梟雄割據一方;也可與其它玩家群雄逐鹿、締結聯盟、攻城掠地、拓展版圖,一統漢室中原。遊戲採用了3D動態的策略戰鬥系統,配合兵種克制關係、武將怒氣技能、武將羈絆光環、多種軍械輔助等眾多策略元素,極大的體現戰鬥策略變化。主要特點:1、正版授權日本光榮特庫摩正版授權,全程由三國志系列製作人北見健參與監修。人氣之作《三國志11》榮譽改編,官方品質將再續經典。2、策略經典重回策略遊戲本質,以智謀奪天下。在三國志最深的回憶中,從單槍匹馬走向萬人沙盤火拼新狂潮。3、經營革新一百萬格超大世界地圖任你馳騁,數十種玩法帶你走向巔峰:不管是建城池、招武將,還是加軍團、拓版圖,總有一款玩法適合你!4、真人鬥智真實的戰場,真實的盟軍和敵人,每一塊螢幕後都隱藏著不為人知的城府與計謀。是進是退?戰火中的決策充滿挑戰。5、同屏激戰宏大的三國世界觀,磅礴的遊戲場景,攻城戰、野戰、軍團戰,演繹萬人國戰,配合士氣鼓舞與陣法加成,讓戰鬥增加一成勝算。1.本遊戲內容涉及「不當言語」-一般不雅但無不良隱喻之言語 ,依軟體分級辦法分類為輔12級,12歲以上之人始得使用2.本遊戲部分內容需另行支付費用3.長時間進行遊戲,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲
巴哈姆特 - 華人最大遊戲及動漫社群網站 10.2.4
Feel free to browse Bahamut video animation community sitethatprovides the latest and most accurate daily gaming,comicsinformation.
爱加速 - 互联网安全接入服务
Free static network security acceleration software
真雄霸三國online-全球同服三國志英雄經典策略戰爭遊戲 2.6.0
This is a Three Kingdoms game that can be played for tenyears.Let's make friends with the Three Kingdoms brothers! The lordledthe brothers of the Three Kingdoms, furious at Dangyangqiao,andthe brave army was invincible. The World Channel Taoyuanisrighteous, millions of soldiers are ready to go, the fate oftheThree Kingdoms is up to you!
豆瓣阅读 5.37.3
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Online shopping for overseas Chinese
雨扬珍品YuYoung 23.6.0
傳奇書城 2.5.1
Mass content, high-quality resources, complete male andfemalefrequencies. Support custom setting mode reading,readingbackground, font size, traditional and simplified switching,etc.More beautiful reading experience will be known at a try.
pixiv PAY 4.14.1
pixiv Inc.
"pixiv PAY "is a payment app that allows the buyer to makeapaymentby simply reading the QR code displayed by theseller.Forsettlements, you can use a credit card registered inpixiv PAY,aswell as card info registered in pixiv and otherservices managedbypixiv. In addition, since cash payments are alsoavailable, youcanalso display the total amount of the items youpurchased andhaveaccess to a "cash register", where you can recordthe numberofsales and the profits. You can shop at doujinshieventswithouthaving to carry large amounts of cash with you! Also,salesaretransferred to your bank account. If you're a seller,youwon'thave to carry cash with you back home!
The 3rd Anniversary Celebration of "Three Kingdoms KillingtheFamous General" opens! Three years of spring and autumn, thebloodis still there! Sign in to get "Chosen Gold"! There is alsoathree-year limited title for free!
The new version is here! Jizo-Monk vs Zhenwu-Taoist! The battleforthe strongest class opens
一亩三分地 1Point3Acres 2.2.0
The official android apps of one acre and three points oflandprovide comprehensive information on studying, studying,jobhunting, employment, immigration and life in the United States
A岛匿名版 - 动画,漫画,游戏,小说,二次元交流社区,A岛第三方客户端
A岛匿名版(本应用,也称蓝岛)是 A岛匿名版(的一个非官方客户端。A岛匿名版(是国内知名的匿名论坛,常被岛民昵称为A岛,Acfun匿名版等。类似于日本的2ch等匿名论坛,A岛匿名版是一个以ACGN相关及其相关衍生内容为主题的匿名讨论网站。在A岛匿名版里混迹的网民,有学者、有学生、有职员、有狂人,各色各样的人群集中在一起,每天都有不断的精彩主题出现。目前A岛匿名版共有五个大板块,分别为综合,二次元,游戏,2.5次元及三次元。
LM Pay 4.2.7
LM Pay brings you a new lifestyle. LM PAY App makes it easiertopayfor goods and services with discounts in every scenarioofyourlife. Whether it is ride-hailing,feasting,entertainments,traveling, booking a hotel or VIP conciergecar, LMPAY would beyour safe and convenient mobile paymentassistant. Youcan send andrequest money amongst friends who arealso LM PAYusers!With 24/7secure encryption technology, you caneasily trackeverytransaction and make payments with no worries. Keyfeatures:1.Customer can make payment online and offline invariousscenarios.2. Customer can make online transfer and receivemoney.3. Customercan have multiple channels to re-fill creditonline andoffline. 4.Customer can withdraw cash and settle
Nüli — Home & Gym Workouts 2.13.26
"Best app of 2020" & "Best personal growth app of 2020" ~Google
比心陪练-大神陪你打游戏 8.7.1
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BOC Direct 6.0.1
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