Top 16 Apps Similar to H24Info Maroc

Morocco Press - مغرب بريس
Explore the most important channels ofnewsfrom Morocco, by more than 80 publishers.★★★★★ ALL THE NEWS IN A SINGLE APP ★★★★★- Channels are sorted by categories : Morocco,international,cities, economy, sport, sciences & technologies,art &culture, videos.- 3 languages available : english, french and arabic.- Discover local news near your location.- Latest news pushed for your favorite newspapers.- Search articles by keywords.★★★★★ 100 % FREE ★★★★★Download this cool app for free. Enjoy.-----إقرأ آخر المقالات من مختلف الجرائد المغربية، لأكثر من 80محرراصحفيا*** جميع الأخبار في تطبيق واحد ***المقالات الإخبارية المعروضة مرتبة في عدة فئات : المغرب، دولية،مدن،إقتصاد، رياضة، علوم و تكنولوجيا، فن و ثقافة، فيديوالأخبار متاحة باللغات: العربية الفرنسية والانجليزيةإكتشف آخر الأخبار المحلية بالقرب من موقعك الحاليتوصل بتنبيهات تهم آخر الأخبار بصحفك المفضلةابحث في كل الأخبار*** التطبيق مجاني ***حمل هذا التطبيق الرائع مجانا و استمتع
Maroc info 4.1
Une liste des grands journauxMarocain.hesperss, , hespsort,telquel;almassa....les infos son à jours chaque 30 min.widegt pour consulter tous les titres rapidement.A list of majornewspapersMarocain.hesperss,, hespsort, telquel; Almassa....information to its days every 30 min.widegt to see all titles quickly.
New Services : SALAT TIME (temps de prière par ville ) -NuméroUtile- Radio LIVE - talfasa MAROC - Offre d'emploi New:catégoriesspécial pour le sports. live résultat des matchs-----la version 3.5de l'application a grande succès KHBARNA !KHBARNAMaroc toutesl’actualité de et bien d’autreencore,pour que vous nemanquiez jamais les sujets qui fontvotreactualité ! Qu’il s’agissede politique, d’économie, sport,detechnologie vous trouvereztoujours les sujets qui vousintéressent! - Rubrique spéciale Sportstous les résultats desmatch en direct, BOTOLA , LIGA , UEFA .. -classement foot BOTOLAet d'autrechampionnat international - surkhbarna maroc la Radiolive :écouter tous les radios marocaindirectement sur khbarna /Radioaswat , radio mars , chada fm ,chaine inter , sawa , capradio etd'autres.. - sur khbarna marocactualités par catégories -surkhbarna maroc sauvegardé lespublication au favoris - surkhbarnamaroc actualité en vidéos -recevoir les actualitésurgentes(on/off) vous allez supprimerplusieurs app une fois quevous avezutilisés khbarna ! خبارنا.نت أولتطبيق اخباري شامل
Akhbar Morocco - أخبار المغرب 6.2.0
Akhbar Morocco - all the news at hand
Moroccan newspapers 2.0
With this application you can get thelatestnews from Morocco: News, accidents, sports, jobs, most ofthedevelopments at the national and international level of themostimportant newspapers and electronic-Moroccan newspapers:The application gives you the events of the last 24 hours of allthenewspapers in addition you have the possibility to read and tosurfthe newspapers individuallyYou can read the abstract without InternetIn the "Help" section You can change the application languageandstyle.If you have any inquiries or suggestions please contact me andIwill work to answer your request as soon as possible.
Maroc infos 24 2.1
Maroc infos 24 est une application quivouspermet d’avoir toute l’actualité nationale en toute facilité.Nousvous rassemblons les infos à partir d'une panoplie de sources,afinde vous donner toutes l'actualité du moment d'une manièrefacile,compacte et intelligente avec votre mobile outablette.Vous pouvez accéder au menu par un simple glissement de doigtdegauche a droite sur l'écran principale de l'application etchoisirvotre source d'infos provenant des sitesd'informationssuivant:• Le 360• La MAP• Telquel•• H24 info•• Libération•• Actu Maroc• La vie eco• Maroc Hebdo• L'Économiste• Aujourd'• Infos du Maroc• Huffpost Maghreb• La nouvelle tribune• Le monde• Le Point• 20 Minutes• RFICaractéristiques de l'application:♡ Faire des Favoris♡ Choix de Thèmes♡ Partage des actualités♡ Mise a jour des sites♡ Recevez par push les derniers articles de vosjournauxfavoris.♡ Choix des journaux et sites d'actualités à afficher survotreflux♡ Ouvrir les sites d'actualités dans un navigateur standard♡ Sélectionner des Journaux et sites d'actualités pourêtretélécharger l'ors de lancement d'application♡ Mode nuit de lectureSi vous avez aimé notre travail, n'hésitez pas de noternotreapplication avec 5 étoiles ☆☆☆☆☆Morocco infos 24 isanapplication that allows you to have any national news with ease.Wegather information from a variety of sources to give you allthecurrent events in an easy, compact and smart with your mobileortablet.You can access the menu by simply sliding finger left to rightonthe main screen of the application and select your sourceofinformation from news sites following:• The 360• The MAP• As is•• Info H24•• Release•• News Morocco• Life eco• Morocco Hebdo• The Economist• Aujourd'• Morocco Info• HuffPost Maghreb• The new platform• The world• Point• 20 minutes• RFIApplication Features:♡ Make Favorites♡ Choose Themes♡ Sharing News♡ Update sites♡ Receive push the latest articles from yourfavoritenewspapers.♡ choice of newspapers and news sites to display on your feed♡ Open news sites in a standard browser♡ Select newspapers and news sites for download applicationlaunchgolds♡ night reading modeIf you liked our work, feel free to rate our app with 5stars☆☆☆☆☆
Le360 1.6 independent Moroccan website
Morocco News 24, Maroc News 4.3.5
james mimad
Morocco News 24, Maroc News is aMoroccannewsreader which puts at your disposal a simple andintuitiveinterface allowing you to view the latest news publishedon variousMoroccan news sites (Hespress, Hibapress, akhbarona,hibasport andmore to come).Morocco News 24, Maroc News : The most important regionalandglobal news in a simple and easy to use application.You can find the latest news from Morocco, Algeria,Tunisia,Mauritania and Libya.Akhbar Magharibia or Morocco News 24, Maroc News is atotallyfree application, to be updated with news of the greatMaghreb withthe latest updates of major newspapers in Arabic andFrench, asHespress, Alyaoum24, The Economist Maghreb, Al Shorouk,Al Watan,France 24 …Explore the most important channels of news from Morocco, bymorethan 60 press editors.★★★★★ ALL THE NEWS IN A SINGLE APP ★★★★★- Channels are sorted by categories : Morocco,international,cities, economy, sport, sciences & technologies,art &culture, videos.- 3 languages available : english, french and arabic.- Discover local news near your location.- Latest news pushed for your favorite newspapers.★★★★★ 100 % FREE ★★★★★Download this cool app "Morocco News 24, Maroc News" forfree.Enjoy.Morocco News 24, Maroc News : Morocco's most widelyreadnewspaper and news in this application. You can download andusefor free.Tags: newspapers morocco, morocco news, breaking news,morocco,morocco latest news, sports news morocco, morocco newsmagazine,morocco politics news, read a newspaper in morocco,morocco readnews,Morocco News 24, Maroc News, Morocco News MarocNews-----
Météo Maroc 1.1
The best weather app in Morocco- Daily notifications- More than 70 cities and regions- 10 days forecastand more...
Chhiwat maroc |شهيوات مغربية by
hicham soubki
نقدم لكم تحفة تجمع أشهى وأشهر الأطباقالمغربيةالأصيلة تطبيق يتضمن أهم وصفات المطبخ المغربي.-الطعام المغربي طعام مميز جدا لما فية اصلالة ورقي في المكوناتوتجانسها.-يعتبر المطبخ المغربي من اقدم المطابخ في العالم ويضم الكثيرمنالوصفات الشهية و المنوعةلا تحرمي عائلتك من هذة الطبخات و الاطباق الشهية و اصنعيها لهمالانمن خلال تحميلك لهذا التطبيق.نتمنى ان يعجبك التطبيق و لا تنسي اعطاء تعليق و عمل 5 نجوم وشكرا.-شكرا لتقييمكم للتطبيق مسبقاhalawiyat maghribiya jadidachhiwat bladichhiwate choumichachhiwat maroccuisine marocaineWe offer you adeliciousmasterpiece combines months and Moroccan dishesauthenticapplication that includes the most important qualities ofMoroccancuisine.-taam Moroccan very special food for the Aslalh paper plugandhomogeneity.Moroccan cuisine -aattabr of the oldest kitchens in the worldandincludes a lot of delicious recipes and diverseDo not deprive your family of these cooks and delicacies and Makeitthrough them now charged for this application.We hope that this application you like and do not forget togivecomment and the work of 5 stars Thank you.-Thank For your assessment of the application in advancehalawiyat maghribiya jadidachhiwat bladichhiwate choumichachhiwat maroccuisine marocaine
أخبار المغرب 8.0
Download the application for free and stay informed about thelatestnews Moroccan moment they occur
Maroc News 2.6
Toute l'actualité au Maroc,économie,politique,sport, culture etc... à travers les news desplus grandssitesmarocains.Possibilité de personnaliser vos sources d'actualités viauneconsolede gestion des news.AllnewsMorocco,economics, politics, sport, culture etc. ... throughthenews ofthe largest Moroccan sites.Ability to customize your news sources via amanagementconsolenews.
الدوزيم 2M 1.1
TheNEXT inc
الدوزيم 2M تطبيق مغربي يهتم بنشرالثقافةوالفنالمغربي للجاليات المقيمة بخارج ارض الوطن، من خلالهذاالتطبيقسيتمكن المغاربة من مشاهدة الفن والثقافةوالمسلسلاتوالافلامالمغربية اينما كانوا. وكذا متابعة الأخبارالمغربية من مختلفالجرائدالإلكترونية.ومن المعلوم ان المغرب (بالأمازيغية: ⵍⵎⵖⵔⵉⴱ،وباللاتينية:Marocوبالانجليزية Morocco) هي دولة امازيغية تقع في أقصىغرب شمالأفريقياعاصمتها الرباط وأكبر مدنها الدار البيضاء العاصمةالاقتصادية،ومنأهم المدن: أكادير وسلا وفاس ومراكش ومكناس وطنجة وآسفيوتطوانووزانووجدة وسطات.★ مميزات التطبيق:- أخبار المغرب- البطولة المغربية- الفن والثقافة- الاعلام الجديد (2M و Al Oula)- باقة متنوعة من الطبخ المغربيالتطبيق يشتغل على اهم اصدارات اندويد الجديدة وتم تجربتهعلىتشكيلةمن الهواتف والتابلت الجديدة. ان صادفتم مشكل في عملالبرنامجالمرجواتبليغنا وشكراً.❤ تم برمجة هذا التطبيق خصيصا للجاليات المغربيةالمقيمةبالخارج،فلا تبخلو علينا بتقييماتكم، شكراًفريق TheNEXT inc.Aldosem2MMoroccanapplication concerned with spreading the culture and artoftheMoroccan communities residing outside of the homeland,throughthisapplication will be able to watch the Moroccan art andcultureandsoap operas and movies wherever they are Moroccan. Aswell asthefollow-up to the Moroccan news from variouselectronicnewspapers.It is known that Morocco (Amazigh: ⵍⵎⵖⵔⵉⴱ, and in Latin:MarocandEnglish Morocco) are Amazigh country located in the farwest oftheNorth African capital Rabat and its largest city ofCasablanca,theeconomic capital, and the most important cities:Agadir, Salé,Fez,Marrakech, Meknes and Tangier, Safi, Tetouan andLausanne,Oujda andSettat.★ application features:- News Morocco- Moroccan league- Art and culture- New media (2M and Al Oula)- Transponder variety of Moroccan cookingThe application runs on the most important newreleasesAndwedbeen tested on a variety of phones and the newtablet. TheSadftmproblem in the work program. Please report it,thank you.❤ been programmed specifically for thisapplicationMoroccancommunities residing abroad, we do notTboukloPtqematkm,ThanksTeam TheNEXT inc.
Maroc News 1.0
Raji Web
L'application mobile Maroc NewsL'application mobileMarocNews
Rachid NINY
L’actualité Maroc, partout, tout le temps : Flash PresseAvec l’application Flash presse, suivez toute l’actualitémarocaineet internationale :• Accédez aux dernières informations à travers nos catégories:Maroc , Politique, Société, Culture, Religions, etc.• Recevez les alertes d’actualité en temps réel.• Retrouvez la diversité des contenus multimédias : vidéos,Photo,réseaux sociaux…• Participez à la création du contenue.TheMorocconews, everywhere, all the time: Flash MediaWith Flash Media application, follow all Moroccan andinternationalnews:• Get the latest information across our categories:Morocco,Politics, Society, Culture, Religions, etc.• Receive news alerts in real time.• Find the diversity of multimedia content: video, photo,socialnetworks ...• Participate in the creation of the contained.
BREFAC MAROC News جرائد مغربية 1.0.1
Journaux Marocains - Presse au Maroc-Actualitès et Medias du Maghreb - infos internationales.BREFAC MAROC est une application Marocaine faite pardesMarocains servant toute l'actualité Marocaine.Vous y trouverez tous les journaux Marocains et offrant une miseàjour à la minute.Des MILLIERS d'articles à la porté de vos mains, suivez tout cequise passe au Maroc ou dans votre région.Avec un bel affichage à thèmes vous pouvez naviguer entoutesouplesse.L'application est rapide, stylée, érgonomique...On vouslaissedécouvrir vous même :)L'application possède un moteur de recherche puissant et rapidepourtrouver tous les articles antécédents. Effectuez vosrecherchesentre des centaines de milliers d'articles.L'application est bilingue: Arabe ou Français, vous pouvezchoisirla langue qui vous convient à tout moment.Si vous aimez le sport, une rubrique est dédiée spéciale sportvousy trouverez toute l'actualité sportive.Une rubrique spéciale vidéos mise à jour à la minute, vousytrouverez des milliers de vidéos relatives àl'actualitéMarocaine.On vous laisse découvrir le reste :)Merci pour votre soutient !Marrakech - Maroc.Moroccan newspapers-Press in Morocco - News & Media Maghreb - international news.BREFAC MOROCCO is an application made by MoroccanMoroccanMoroccan for all the news.You'll find all the newspapers and Moroccans with an update bytheminute.THOUSANDS of items within the reach of your hands, followeverythingthat is happening in Morocco or in your area.With a beautiful display themes you can navigatewithflexibility.The application is fast, stylish, ergonomic ... We let youdiscoveryourself :)The application has a powerful engine and easy to find allitemsbackgrounds. Do your research among hundreds of thousandsofitems.The application is bilingual: Arabic or French, you can choosethelanguage you want at any time.If you love sports, a special section is dedicated sports youwillfind all the sports news.A special section videos updated by the minute, you willfindthousands of videos on the Moroccan news.We'll let you discover the rest :)Thank you for your support!Marrakech - Morocco.