Top 2 Apps Similar to Kalala smart Pet

Kalala Listening Station 1.0.2
Listening Center is a free applicationofKALATU wearable early educational device designed for parentsandchildren, including children’s stories, children’s song,sciencebook and many wonderful audio books, as well as functionslikerecording for parents to create special audio story and songsforchildren. Meanwhile, Listening Center features function oftheLibrary to provide abundant interactive early educational booksforchildren.Now the application includes hundreds of quality audiosanddozens of children interactive early educational books developedbyus, more content is real-time updated.
Kalala Smart Park - SLO 1.1
Kalala Smart Park, je aplikacija, kidelujezKalala čarobnim peresom in spremeni vašo tablico vnapravozapredšolsko učenje! Aplikacija je razvita za otrokestarosti 3-8letin vsebuje aplikacije in knjige, ki poudarjajoučenjebranja,pisanja in risanja, ter zagotavljajo veliko zabave.Vsebina:Otroci se bodo s pomočjo peresa, ki ga lahko kupitevboljšihtrgovinah z igračami, naučili pisanja črk inenostavnihbesed zuporabo napredne tehnologije.Aplikacija za risanje omogoča otrokom veliko kreativnosti,pričemertrenirajo fino motoriko. Otroci lahko svoje risbeshranijo,da jihstarši kasneje pogledajo ali pa naložijo v oblakzatrajnešjeshranjevanje.Po uspešni registraciji in akitvaciji izdelka, lahkouporabnikprostopresense 7 pravljic v slovenskem jeziku in 7opisovživaliGRATIS.Aktivnosti so razdeljene po starosti v različne novijeinseprilagajajo otrokovi starosti in razvitim sposobnostim.Izdelke je razvila skupina pedagogov in učiteljev.Kalala Smart Parkisanapplication that works with Kalala magic pen and modifyyourtabletdevice for pre-school learning! The application isdevelopedforchildren ages 3-8 years and contains applications andbooksthatemphasize the learning of reading, writing and drawing,andprovidea lot of fun.Subject matter:Children will be using the pen, you can buy in the beststoreswithtoys, they learned to write letters and simple wordsusingadvancedtechnology.The application allows children to draw a lot ofcreativity,beingtrained fine motor skills. Children can save yourdrawings tolookafter their parents or upload to the cloudforstoragetrajnešje.After successful registration and akitvaciji product, theusercanfreely presense 7 fairy tales in the Slovenian language and7ofdescriptions of animals GRATIS.Activities are divided by age into various newer and adapttothechild's age and abilities developed.The products were developed by a group ofeducatorsandteachers.