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investaffairs 1.3.8
investaffairs is one-stop shopping for all yourWealthManagementneeds. You can use this state of the art app tostay ontop of yourComplete Financial Portfolio with all assets: -MutualFunds -Equity Shares - Bonds - Fixed Deposits - PMS -InsuranceKeyFeatures: - Complete Portfolio report downloadincludingallassets. - View historical Performance of your Portfolioeasily-Easy login via your Google email id. - Transaction statementofanyperiod - 1 Click Statement of Account Download foranyAssetManagement Company in India - Advanced Capital GainReports-Invest Online in any Mutual fund scheme or New FundOffer.Trackall orders till the allotment of units tokeepcompletetransparency - SIP Report to be informed of yourRunningandUpcoming SIPs, STPs. - Insurance list to keep track ofpremiumstobe paid. - Folio details registered with each AMC.CalculatorsandTools available: - Retirement Calculator - SIPCalculator -SIPDelay Calculator - SIP Step up Calculator - MarriageCalculator-EMI Calculator
StockBasket | Stock Investing App | A SAMCO Brand 1.3.3
StockBasket is a platform to invest in expert-selectedbasketofstocks curated by considering 25 IntelligentStockRatingParameters. Whether a beginner in the stock market oraseasonedinvestor, StockBasket is created with a principle atheartthatwealth creation should be accessible to all.Thechallenges:Investing in stocks or shares The biggest problemthatinvestorstoday face is stock selection. Investors especiallythefirst timeinvestors want to invest in stock markets but do notknowwhichstocks to invest in. They often fall prey to random stocktipsandstock advisors. StockBasket solves this problem ofstockselectionby providing them readymade baskets to invest theirmoneyas pertheir financial goals. These baskets arealsocontinuouslymonitored by SAMCO’s expert research teamtherebyminimizing risksfor investors. Stock Picking and SelectionEachStockBasketcomprises of a list of stocks that have beencuratedusing SAMCO’sproprietary Stock Rating Matrix. It carefullytakesintoconsideration sectoral exposure, risk diversification,singlestockexposure and therefore each StockBasket tries tominimize theriskat the same time giving exposure to high returncompanies toaninvestor. These StockBaskets have been created byourResearchAnalysts who have a combined experience of more than100years inEquity Markets. Goal-Based approach to investing SavingforyourChild's education or early retirement? We got it allcoveredforyour financial goals. Each basket is carefully designedtoachievea financial goal by adding relevant expert-selectedstocks.TheInvestment value in StockBasket ranges from as low as Rs.3,000toas high as Rs. 250,000. Invest in Equities with reducedriskAtStockBasket, our primary objective is to reduce theriskofinvesting in Stock markets and generating enough returnsatthesame. Our proprietary engine evaluates over 2 Crore datapointstodetermine the quality of Stocks in your baskets everyday,reducingthe risks of your investments. StockBaskets aremonitoredbyexperts and stocks within the baskets are updatedtimely. HowdoesStockBasket work? - Login to the StockBasket Appusing yourSAMCO’saccount credentials. - Explore StockBasketscurated by ourexpertresearch team. - Select a StockBasket to invest- Invest intheStockBasket - Hold the StockBasket for 5 years(Recommended)-Watch your wealth grow over a period of time. Pricing5 YearFeeRefund Guarantee - One of the most important factorsofLong-termwealth creation is “Not to lose money”. Get acompleterefund ofyour subscription fees, If you do not make moneyinStockBaskets.For details on fees and commissions, please visitourwebsite About Samco StockBasket isaSAMCOProduct and is available exclusively for SAMCOCustomers.Onopening a StockBasket account, you can also avail thebenefitsfromSAMCO’s Flat fee brokerage and reliable tradingPlatform-StockNote. Flat Fee Brokerage at just ₹ 20 per orderacrossallsegments with no other hidden costs. Also, get accesstoSAMCO’sMutual Fund Investment platform - RankMF. For moredetailsaboutSAMCO, please visit Getting Started:- 1.Open aSAMCOAccount Online. - Sign up for free and complete yourpaperlessKYCin less than 5 min. No charges, no fees. 2. Select aStockBasket-Explore available StockBaskets, select a StockBasketthatmatchesyour investment needs and financial goals. 3. InvestandChill -Click on “Invest”, input the quantity you want to buyandpat yourback for a Job Well Done! Next Step – Do Nothing, andwatchyourwealth grow Stress-Free! For moredetails,visit or write to [email protected].
Amirtharaj Investment 6.1.8
Use this app to Plan, Invest and track your mutual fundportfolioata click.
Masteos 2.7.2
Masteos simplifie votre investissement immobilier : Qui estMasteos?Masteos, c’est une formule unique d'investissement locatifcléenmain pour les particuliers, avec 3 servicescomplémentaires:L'investissement : vous accédez à notre sélectiondebienshyper-rentables partout en France. On vous aide àtrouverunfinancement adapté, à optimiser votre investissement etàsécuriserchaque étape de la transaction. La rénovation :nosarchitectesd'intérieur optimisent votre bien, nos artisanslerénovent, notreéquipe déco le meuble et l’embellit. Vous suivezledéroulement duchantier à distance grâce à nos caméras 3D.Lagestion locative :surveillez la performance de votreinvestissementsur l’app Masteospendant nos experts sélectionnentles locataireset s’occupent destracas du quotidien. Aussi simpleque ça. Les plusde Masteos pourvotre investissement locatif :Présence locale :nous vousproposons des biens partout en France.Nos équipes dechasseurs debiens, d’artisans et de gestionnairesconnaissent leurterrain ettravaillent à proximité de votre bien.L’expertise dulocatif :pour que Masteos couvre chaque métier,chacun de nos 80experts estspécialiste de l’immobilier locatif.Rechercheimmobilière,fiscalité, travaux, ameublement, gestion… onmaîtrisetoute lachaîne de valeur de votre investissementTransparence :vous aveztoutes les cartes en main pour prendre lesbonnesdécisions. Unconseiller dédié, évidemment, et tous nos outils:visite virtuelle3D, simulateurs financiers, tableau de suivi delaperformance devotre investissement. Pourquoitéléchargerl’application ? Avecl'appli, gérez votre investissementlocatif dubout des doigts etprofitez au maximum de l’expérienceMasteos. Etde tout votre tempslibre. Tout est pensé pour que voussuiviezvotre investissementlocatif dans les meilleures conditions,enétant alerté desmeilleures opportunités et dans lesmomentscritiques de votreinvestissement, sans même quitter votresalon. Ontrouve un bien ?Vous êtes alerté. Le vendeur accepte votreoffre ?On vous notifie.Vous avez besoin de connaître la performancede vosbiens ? Toutest sur le dashboard. Vous pouvez à toutmomentcontacter votreconseiller directement depuis l'application,yuploader tous lesdocuments nécessaires et profiter de votrejournéependant qu’ongère votre investissement. Quelques chiffresclés :30M d'€investis par les clients Masteos 80% de nosclientsré-investissentavec nous ou nous recommandent à leursproches 100%de nos clientsont trouvé un heureux locataire Nosréalisations: tarifs: ---- La sociétéMasteosestdétentrice des cartes professionnelles Transaction etGestion,dela garantie financière Orias ainsi que d'uneassurancedécennalepour les travaux. Que du solide.