Top 17 Apps Similar to iCam Madrid

Metro de Madrid Official 3.06
Metro de Madrid's official app to make your trip easier.
Madrid Turismo 4.2.0
C. G. A.
Monuments, museums and leisure parks in Madrid
Madrid's Secrets 0.0.9
Madrid's Secrets will discoverthebestcuriosities of Madrid by means of one of the mostrelevantSpanishbloggers, Manu García del Moral.50 secrets for free. For 3,59€ you can unlock the100remainingsecrets.Features:* Madrid's Secrets will discover 150 secrets of the city:theoriginof its streets, anecdotes that have happened throughoutitshistoryand the meaning of its monuments or buildings.* Local alerts: Using geofencing our Local alerts willletyouunblock the secrets when you walk close to them (1secretaday).* 100% offline. Works without Internet connection.* You can create your own itinerary.* It is social. It will let you send your comments andsharetheplaces that you visit in the social networks.* It is very intuitive and easy to use.* It has been carefully designed.
Madrid Museums 1.3
Get information from the main museums of Madrid.
Experience MADRID in 5 Dimensions, 100% VISUAL, with +2000MULTIMEDIA Landmarks
Madrid: Guía turística 1.0.2
Descubra Madrid con la nueva Guía deCiudadesde Descargue gratis en su Android la guía deturismode y consulte toda la información totalmenteenespañol. Mapas, recorridos, puntos de interés, los mejoreshotelesy mucho más!Es gratis y muy fácil de usar.  Seleccione y descarguelaguía de Madrid para contar con toda la información necesariaparaaprovechar al máximo su viaje.Deslúmbrese en el Museo del Prado o en el Parque del Retiro!Armesus itinerarios para conocer cada rincón de Madrid con losmejoresdatos! Opiniones, críticas y recomendaciones de viajeros.Las Guíasturísticas de cuentan con la mejorinformación enespañol para que planifique se viaje. Todas lasactividades quepuede realizar, con el mejor asesoramiento de losusuarios.INFORMACIÓNConsulte todas las atracciones y las actividades imperdiblesparaorganizar su viaje como si fuera local. Encuentre todalainformación de Madrid, mapas, tips, recomendaciones,opiniones,críticas, distancias, ubicaciones y medios de transporteparamoverse sin problemas.QUÉ HACERDescubra un mundo de actividades! Conozca la ubicación delosprincipales puntos de interés, museos, zoológicos, plazas,parques,aeropuertos y hoteles. No se pierda los mejores lugares deMadridpara ir de compras, disfrutar los espectáculos másimportantes,aprovechar la vida nocturna o  apreciar lanaturaleza.Toda la información de Madrid estará disponible en su Androidconsólo descargar la aplicación de!HOTELESTodos los hoteles en un mismo lugar! El listado más ampliodehoteles en Madrid se encuentra en las Guías de Consulte y reserve los hoteles próximos asuubicación; precios, servicios y condiciones de contratación,yconozca las puntuaciones y opiniones de otros usuarios. Losmejoresprecios garantizados de Hoteles de!FAVORITOSSea su propio guía! Organice su lista de favoritos paratenersiempre en cuenta las actividades que no se quiere perder,marquelos lugares de Madrid que desea conocer y no pierdaningúndetalle!Descargue gratis en su Android la guía turística deDespegar.comy tenga toda la información para su viaje totalmenteenespañol.Discover Madrid withthenew Guide Cities. Free Download in tour guide and see all the information inSpanish.Maps, tours, attractions, best hotels and more!It's free and easy to use. Select and download the guideinMadrid to have all the information needed to make the most ofyourtrip.Be dazzled at the Prado Museum Retiro Park! Buildyouritineraries to know every corner of Madrid with the bestdata!Reviews, reviews and traveler recommendations. TheDespegar.comTravel Guides have the best information in Spanish toplan youtrip. All activities can be performed with the best advicefromusers.INFORMATIONSee all the attractions and activities you must do to organizeyourtrip like a local. Find all the information of Madrid, maps,tips,recommendations, opinions, reviews, distance, location andmeans oftransport to move smoothly.WHAT TO DODiscover a world of activities! Know the location of the mainpointsof interest, museums, zoos, parks, airports and hotels. Donot missthe best places in Madrid to go shopping, enjoy the showsmostimportant, make the nightlife or appreciate nature.Madrid All information will be available on your Androidbydownloading the application!HOTELSAll hotels in one place! The complete list of the hotels inMadridis in Tourist Guides. Browse and book the hotelscloseto their location, prices, services and conditions ofemployment,and meet scores and reviews from other users. Bestpricesguaranteed Hotels!FAVORITESBe your own guide! Organize your favorites to always takeintoaccount the activities that do not want to lose, mark thelocationsof Madrid who wants to know and do not miss anydetails!Download for free on your Android tourist guideandhave all the information for your trip entirely in Spanish.
EMT Parking 2.2.7
EMT Madrid’s Official application for knowing public parkingsinMadrid.
Madrid Likes You 1.0.290515.11
Madrid Likes You is the best cityguidefortravel & tourism in Madrid. If you travel to Madrid,want togosightseeing or just learn more about your city, do itthemostauthentic way with Madrid Likes You.With this Madrid travel guide we want you to enjoy thecity,forthis we have selected more than 350 quality proposals(eitherpaidor free) things to do in Madrid that you can bookonlineand/orprogram in the calendar with our innovative Planner…use itandengage in the Madrid lifestyle!Thanks to this city guide Madrid Likes You, you'redifferent:weallocate 2% of the amount of your expenses to a charityyoucanchoose in the app.With Madrid Likes You the city is in your hands!
Urban Step - Madrid 1.3.3
Interactive schedule for Madridandmetropolitan area buses.Find out when the next bus is due with a single touch.Locateyour bus stop in the map and mark it as a favorite to displayitwith a single touch.Displays text in spanish or english. Manual and changelog(inspanish) available at the website.
Madrid Barajas Airport: Flight 8.0.218
Flight arrivals and departures information for MadridBarajasAirport
Metro Madrid 1.0
Descubre la mejor forma de llegar atudestinoutilizando el Metro de Madrid.- Mapa actualizado de líneas y estaciones.- Localización de la estación más cercana desde el puntodondeteencuentres o desde una dirección introducida.- Calcula la ruta más rápida o la ruta más fácil, enfuncióndelnúmero de transbordos que quieras realizar.- Conoce todas las estaciones de cada línea de Metro.- Disponibilidad de horarios para consultar.- Noticias actualizadas.Discover the bestwaytoreach your destination using the Metro de Madrid.- Updated map of lines and stations.- Location of nearest from the point where you are or fromanenteredaddress season.- Calculates the fastest route or the easiest route, dependingonthenumber of transfers you want to achieve.- Meet all stations of each line of Metro.- Availability of times to check.- News updated.
☆ ☆ MAD CITY GUIDE is an app formobiledevicesthat can´t be missed from the smartphones oftouristsvisiting thecity of Madrid or anyone who needs a completeguide tothe Madridcity.☆ Discover Madrid before setting foot in it and if youarevisiting,do not miss a second of your trip!☆ Locate the best restaurants, bars, clubs, hotels,museums,artgalleries, places, nightlife, parks of Madrideasily.☆ Plan and manage your plans in the city of Madridmakingthemunique, with tours and unforgettable experiencesinMadrid.☆ Everything is into your mobile helping you to make yourstayinMadrid well organized and adopted according to your timeandyourpreferences.THE CITY OF MADRIDAre your holidays approaching? Thinking about visitingMadrid?Feellike going to the capital of Spain? The city of Madridisalsoknown as the Villa and Court, It is the third-largestcityinEurope, after London and Berlin, and its metropolitan areaisthethird-largest in the European Union after Paris andLondon.Madridhouses the headquarters of the WorldTourismOrganization(WTO).La ciudad de Madrid es un influyente centro cultural quecuentaconlos mejores museos de referencia a nivel internacional,entrelosque destacan el Museo del Prado, el Museo Nacional CentrodeArteReina Sofía… Además de la oferta cultural y artística,enMadrid segeneran infinidad de itinerarios interesantes parahaceren pocosdías cuando estés en Madrid.The city of Madrid is an influential cultural centre thathasthebest museums internationally, most notably the MuseodelPrado,Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía... Besidestheculturaland artistic options, Madrid generate plentyofinterestingitineraries for one who visits for a few daysthiscity.Don´t miss none of the interesting sites of the city andenjoythebest your trip!Download the MAD CITY GUIDE and have a listofsugestions,recommended places to visit and otherinterestinginformation toschedule your trip to Madrid. You have alist full ofinformationabout the most important spots and monumentsof thecapital, somesuggestions and practical information to visitthem,recommendedplaces to go and interesting options during yourvisittoMadrid.FEATURES OF MAD CITY GUIDEIf you want the best guide of Madrid! MAD CITY GUIDE makesitveryeasy and you have it in your hands with the most completelistofeverything in the city and its corners like restaurants,placesofentertainment, hotels, bars, activities, events,monuments...Whatshould I do in Madrid? MAD CITY GUIDE offers thebestactivities tomake your trip to Madrid a uniqueexperience.If you are looking for a guide to the city of Madrid, MADCITYGUIDEis "the best guide to Madrid in your phone".Are you visiting Madrid? Looking for a plan in the city?InMadridthere are so many things to do, things to see, placestodiscover,food, activities and so many amazing places to go...youhave a fewdays to get to know Madrid! MAD CITY GUIDE allows youtoplan yourvisit with the best list of places to go in Madrid andthemostcomplete city guide for your trip, your stay or your visitinthecity of Madrid unforgettable.- With your app MAD CITY GUIDE you have a snapshot of thecityofMadrid in your hand, with the best visual plane toexplorethecity.• The best listing of all restaurants,activities,entertainment,bars, discos, hotels, museums,accommodations,shopping, shows,culture, art, cines, events, parksof Madrid,events. Everythingyou want in your hand!• Find the information you need in details: addresses,openinghours,phone numbers... supported with the best user reviewsthatwill guideyou on your trip through the city.• Trace your path, your plans, your experiences, youritinerariesinMadrid quickly and appropriately.Enjoy like never before Madrid with the best guideMADCITYGUIDE!
Vivir en Madrid 4.0.0
La fundación Orient y la Comunidad deMadridhan creado esta app dirigida a todos los residentes yturistaschinos de Madrid. Con esta aplicación, cualquier inmigrantechinopodrá desenvolverse ante los retos que se le plantean en sunuevaciudad, desde cómo moverse por la capital española hastadóndesolicitar todo tipo de documentación o qué lugaresemblemáticospuede visitar.诚信基金会和马德里大区政府联合,专门为居住在马德里或来马德里旅游的华人制作了此手机应用。本应用为您提供马德里衣食住行各个方面的信息,主要的餐馆景点,另外还包括华人移民最关心的居留咨询。Funciones de la app:功能介绍:- Describe el proceso pormenorizado para poder obtener todotipode documentos oficiales en Madrid, tanto a nivel social, comoanivel laboral y de salud.详细描述办理各类官方手续的程序,包括申请和更新居留,办理医疗卡等。- Describe cómo funciona el sistema educativo español, desdelos0 años hasta la etapa universitaria.描述马德里教育体制,从幼儿教育到大学教育。- Describe el funcionamiento de sector de la vivienda enEspaña.Incluye procesos de compra, venta y alquiler.提供马德里的住房方面的信息,包括房屋买卖,租赁和旅游时的临时住所。- Describe los lugares y museos más conocidos de Madrid.关于马德里的博物馆和其它场所的介绍。- Incluye otras ayudas necesarias para cualquier inmigrantechinorecién llegado: cómo moverse en transporte público, cómoreclamarante la policía, qué pasa con las familias numerosas,dónde está laembajada china en Madrid o cómo abrir una cuentabancaria.为初到马德里的华人提供其它所需要的帮助:马德里的公共交通信息,如何报警,多子女家庭优惠,中国使领馆,银行开户等日常生活常识。The Orient and theMadridfoundation have created this app addressed to all Chineseresidentsand tourists from Madrid. With this application, anyChineseimmigrant will unfold to the challenges it faces in his newcity,from getting around the Spanish capital to where to seekanydocuments or what landmarks can visit.诚信基金会和马德里大区政府联合,专门为居住在马德里或来马德里旅游的华人制作了此手机应用。本应用为您提供马德里衣食住行各个方面的信息,主要的餐馆景点,另外还包括华人移民最关心的居留咨询。Features of the app:功能 介绍:- Describes the detailed process to get all kinds ofofficialdocuments in Madrid, both socially, as labor andhealthlevel.详细 描述 办理 各类 官方 手续 的 程序, 包括 申请 和 更新 居留, 办理 医疗 卡 等.- Describe how the Spanish educational system works, from 0yearsto the university stage.描述 马德里 教育 体制, 从 幼儿教育 到 大学 教育.- Describes operations of Spain's housing sector. Itincludesprocesses of buying, selling and renting.提供 马德里 的 住房 方面 的 信息, 包括 房屋 买卖, 租赁 和 旅游 时 的 临时 住所.- Describe the most famous sites and museums of Madrid.关于 马德里 的 博物馆 和 其它 场所 的 介绍.- It includes other aids necessary for any Chinese newcomer:howto get around by public transportation, how to complain tothepolice, what about large families where the Chinese embassyinMadrid or how to open a bank account.为初到马德里的华人提供其它所需要的帮助:马德里的公共交通信息,如何报警,多子女家庭优惠,中国使领馆,银行开户等日常生活常识。
Metro Madrid FREE 2.2.1
If you live or are visiting Madrid this appisfundamental. It includes:- The map of the city with the metro stations- The schematic map of the metro network- Metro Sur map- Metro Ligero map
Discotecas Madrid 1.6
¿No sabes a qúe discoteca de Madrid salirporla noche?Con esta aplicación te será más fácil decidir a donde ir contusamigos y pasártelo bien.Con más de 60 discotecas y creciendo gracias a la ayuda de todos.NUEVA ACTUALIZACION!Ahora puedes compartir la discoteca con tus amigos para queseenteren por donde vamos a pasar la noche!Además si no estás de acuerdo con algún dato que aparece enunadiscoteca puedes editarlo y mandarlo al servidor.Muchas gracias.
Madrid Travel Guide 4.1
The travel guide Madrid isanapplicationdesigned for the modern traveler. In a few clicksyouwill haveaccess to all information concerning MadridSome features of the application are:- Sites to see, enjoy, etc- Sites to sleep with web and phone to make reservations- Sites to eat with web and phone- Weather- Basic information about Madrid- Nearby places by category- Searcher- Reviews of internet users- High quality photos of points of interest- Integration with Google Maps and routesSave those places that you liked most as favoritesforreferenceduring your trip
Madrid Offline City Map Lite 9.0.1
An interactive map of the city including a search engineforstreets, shops, etc