Top 2 Apps Similar to Redefine International IR App

Flexicycle™ 3D 1.0
Wärtsilä is a global leader incompletelifecycle power solutions for the marine and energymarkets. Byemphasising technological innovation and totalefficiency, Wärtsilämaximises the environmental and economicperformance of the vesselsand power plants of its customers.Flexicycle™ 3D for Android Application is an interactive3Denvironment featuring Wärtsilä’s Flexicycle™solution.Comprehensive and easy-to-use interface allows fornavigation tomany locations within the Flexicycle™ 3D power plant.Informationretrieval at designated locations is available invarious forms ofmedia such as animations, publications andotherdocumentation.Wärtsilä’s Flexicycle™ 3D for Android is limited for use toAndroid4 or later. The application has been optimized for 1280 x800pixels display and scales accordingly to the width ifotherdisplays are used. The application will perform according tothespecifications of the mobile device.Wärtsilä’s Flexicycle™ solution combines the advantages ofaflexible simple cycle plant with the superb efficiency ofacombined cycle plant in a unique way, and can be optimisedfordifferent outputs in the 100 to 500 MW range.Flexicycle™ plants are based on the Wärtsilä combustionenginesranging up to 20MW each combined with a steam turbinecombinedcycle. The Flexicycle™ plants can operate on liquid fuelsandnatural gas, thus being the world’s most flexible combinedcyclesolution. With Wärtsilä Flexicycle™ plants you can choose bothhighefficiency and agility, enabling competitiveness on both energyandcapacity markets.
AEFIC android-release-v4.2
Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is holdingits2nd Asian Energy Financial and Investment ConferenceduringSingapore International Energy Week 2015 (SIEW). Mr. WangMin,Executive Vice President of State Grid Corporation of China,willkeynote the Conference and present State Grid's perspective onthechallenges and opportunities of financing the Asian energysector.SIEW draws 10,000 delegates including numerous heads ofstate,ministerial-level officials and top executives by bringingtogetherthe world's leading conferences, exhibitions, workshopsandnetworking events from across the energy spectrum in one weekandin one location. It is the foremost platform forpolicymakers,energy practitioners, and commentators to discussenergy issues,strategies and solutions.EEI has held "must-attend" financial conferences in the U.S.fornearly a half-century and an international utility conferenceinLondon since 1999. These forums provide the opportunityforthousands of global energy company representatives,analysts,investment and commercial bankers and other investors toexchangeinformation on industry issues across multiple markets.EEI's Asian Energy Financial and Investment Conference willtakeplace October 27-28 at the Marina Bay Sands Convention CentreinSingapore, creating a setting where investors and analysts canmeetwith a full range of Asian and international CEOs, CFOsandexecutives from the energy industry.The Conference is supported by- the Singapore Government- KPMG- CapAsia- CEMIG- DBS- Marsh- AES- Citi- Clifford Capital- GE Power & Water Navigant- Standard & Poor's- SunGard- Wartsila- Bloomberg- the Independent Power Producers Forum- Morgan Stanley- Platts- Standard Chartered- and the US-ASEAN Business Council.