Top 50 Apps Similar to InstaRabbi - Torah Q&A

Mishnayot Kehati 1.8.9
Mishnayot Kehati and Bartenura
Tikun Korim - תיקון קוראים bemidbar.naso
Yam Ohana
Tikun Korim is an application for learning the Torah reading
Rambam Plus - Mishneh Torah 2.6.0
Rambam Plus - All Mishneh Torah in the palm of your hand for free!
Mishnah Study 3.3.5
The Mishna Sdura & Mishnayot in Hebrew & EnglishwithBartenura
Igros Kodesh by Mafteiach 1.0.0
Igros Kodesh App: A revolutionary platform providing easysimpleandconvenient access to the Lubavitcher Rebbe'scorrespondenceandresponses, searchable by topic. The topicsincluded intheseletters include many realms of discussion, andnumerousdisciplinesof human pursuit. Its purview encompassingphilosophy(be itTalmudic, Halachic, Hasidic, mystical orother),scientificmatters, global events, counsel in privateissues,schooling, andsocial/communal proceedings.
Sefaria 6.0.4
A Living Library of Jewish Texts
Smart Siddur 7.5.279
Karri Apps
An automatic Siddur that gives you exactly what you need, onlywhenyou need it
Siddur Klilat Yofi Ashkenaz 2.4
Spectacular design with original prayer pages, times of dayandprayer direction
Torah Codes 1.3 64bit
Searching the Tora for hidden messages.
Torah, Tehilim, Hebrew-English 1.0.4
Lennox Lewis
Hebrew Bible, Five Books of Moses
OnYourWay Yesod 32.0
OnYourWay Yesod App, Tora Mishna Gmara Siddur
Routinery: Self care / Routine
Efficient timer-based routine. Morning Routine & habittracker& adhd planner
The Yeshiva 1.0.6 by Rabbi YY Jacobson
Tehillim Online 1.1
Tehillim Online is the app to read tehillim and to shareareadingeasily. Tehillim Online, To read psalms of David inHebrewortransliterated. A joint Tehillim read for the Refuahofyourbeloved ones. Daily Tehillim, Tehilim 119,TikkunHaKlali...Tehilim online. Visit us at
Tikun korim - Simana 1.1.2
Yinon Rahamim
Tikun korim and study of te'amim of Torah and Haftarah
Steinsaltz Daily Study 2.1.0
Access and enhance your daily Torah-study experience withtheSteinsaltz app
Shnayim Mikra Ve-echad Targum 3.2
Hebrew Apps
Shnayim Mikra Ve-echad Targum with Rashi and Onkelos.
Torah (Russian) 1.0.8
Lennox Lewis
Hebrew Bible (with Hebrew audio)
OU Torah 3.5.2
The OU Torah app provides instant access to the world of Torah.
Toldot siddur 3.0.17
Jewish siddur (prayerbook) “Toldot Yizchak”: Prayers in RussianandHebrew.
Daily Jewish Prayers 2.3.1
The ONLY Transliterated, Translated and Hebrew Jewish Prayersapp!!!
Wolfson Talmud
Hebrew English Interactive TALKING TALMUD Reads & Explains–Dictionary & Search
Mafteiach 1.0.0
Interactive Mafteiach - Learning the Rebbe's Sichos has neverbeeneasier
Zmanim 4.0.393
Jay Gindin
Location-aware zmanim (Jewish prayer times,Holidaystart/end).User-defined alerts for any zman, up to one hourinadvance!Includes: * 90+ different zmanim, including GR'A&MG'A-clickto select * Notification if unable to determinelocation& helpturning on sources * Manual selection of location&time zoneConfigurable Alarms prior to zmanim. Go toPreferences andchoosewhich Zmanim and how soon (zero to 60 minutesbefore). Choosethetone (if any) to play when a notification isdisplayed. GotoPreferences, and select 'Notification Sound'.Problemswithnotifications? See theFAQ: * ReceiveBootCompleted: Needed to start the alerts.* Vibrate: Allow alertstovibrate the phone. * Wake Lock:Necessary to be able to computethenext alarm. Log enhancements: orjustemail: [email protected]
Siddur Sfaradi (Free Version) 29.0
Powered by RobertR Very lightweight application (only about300KB)Includes: * Shaharit * Minha * Arvit * Kriat Shema AlHaMitta*Birkat HaMazon * Birkat Meein Shalosh * Boreh Nefashot*TfilatHaDerech * Hanukkah (in the paid version) * "Move toSDCard"option (in the paid version) * Allows you to save allsettingsandcustomize every screen. (in the paid version) האפליקציהפותחהע"ירוברט.ר אפליקציה קלה מאוד השוקלת 300 קילו-בית בלבדאפליקציתהסידורכוללת: * שחרית * מנחה * ערבית * קריאת שמע על המיטה *ברכתהמזון *ברכת מעין שלוש * בורא נפשות * תפילת הדרך
Learn Hebrew Basics 1.89
Free Application for Easy Learning of Hebrew language
Chayenu 5.3.2
A daily dose of Chitas, Rambam & over a dozen others,deliveredto your device
Jewish calendar - Simple Luach 5.9.7
Simple Luach makes it easy to follow Jewish Calendar
Access thousands of Jewish videos on awidevariety of topics and styles, including Torah classes, sermonsandcourses and live programming. Includes dozens ofspecializedchannels, including Parshah (weekly Torah portion),Inspiration& Entertainment, Viewpoints, Kosher Food,Documentaries,Israel, Jewish Holidays, DIY, Jewish Music, Kids, theRebbe andmore.If you are experiencing a technical issue, please contact [email protected] and we will work with you to resolvetheissue. We appreciate you not leaving negative feedback.
Biblical Hebrew Readers 1.1
Illustrated stories in Biblical Hebrew with audio forreadingfluency.
Torah-Box 300000.7
Torah Judaism & open access: current news, books, videos,parsha...
Hebrew Calendar 11.2.0
Jewish Calendar, Siddur, Shabbat, Zmanim, Tehillim, DateConverter,Holidays
Kabbalistic Calendar 2.5.6
Kabbalistic Calendar by The Kabbalah Centre International
Tikun Korim - תקון קוראים
Bar Mitzvah Torah Laining Training App
iTalk Hebrew 1.0.1
Do you want to speak Hebrew language with a beautifulnativeaccent?▶ Use "iTalk Hebrew" and native speakers will guideyoustep bystep. ▶ Listen, record yourself, compare and learn,havefun! ▶ It'seasy and quick – and at the end you will havethecourage go out andtalk to people – this is what we promiseyou!You will find in thisapp: ▶ the most useful day to day phrasessoYOU will be preparedfor conversations ▶ professionalvoices;excellent clarity ▶ quiztests ▶ innovative interface with“Fluid”technology Learning aforeign language is an incrediblyexperienceand a seriousconfidence booster. Use this app to achieveabeautiful accent andmore!
Brachot 1.2.3
A tour to the world of blessings
Tehilim 1.0.1
Псалмы царя Давида и Сегулот.  Рады представитьсамоепопулярноеприложение Теилим и Сегулот! Универсальноеприложениедля планшетов исмартфонов ,принесет Вам огромноедуховное иморальноенаслаждение.  Где бы Вы не находились, уВас всегдабудетвозможность прочесть Псалмы царя Давида а такжеСегулот навсе случаижизни. Программа не требует подключениекинтернету.  Для того,чтобы сделать чтение Псалмовболеедоступным и удобнымрусскоязычным евреям была созданаэтапрограмма странслитерацией Псалмов и переводом ее нарусскийязык, чтопоможет людям, не владеющим ивритом не толькопонятьсмысл Псалмов,но и произносить их на языке оригинала. Евреиповсему миручитают Псалмы царя Давида ежедневно, так, чтобызанеделю илимесяц прочесть всю книгу. И по этому внастройкахпрограммы естьвозможность разбивки чтения по Вашемужеланию. Чтоб не забытьсяВы можете выставить ежедневныенапоминание. Вы всегда смежитевидеть время наступления иокончания сближающегошаббата, для этого всписке городов выберитеВаш город либо Вашеустройство автоматическийопределит с помощьюGPS.  Напротяжении многолетней еврейскойистории книга Теилимсопровождалаеврея на протяжение всей егожизни. К ней онобращался вмоменты горя и радости, зная, что всегдасможет найти вдревнихсловах Псалмов поддержку, утешение и ответы наволнующиееговопросы. Мы понимаем, что в подобного рода программахне можетнебыть ошибок и мелкого технического брака. Обовсехзамеченныхнеточностях и опечатках просим сообщить нам,чтобыисправлениявошли в новые версии приложения. С вопросамиипожеланиями всегдаможете обратится по адресу [email protected]
Selichot Elul 1.1
Selichot Seder for Elul, Minhag Lubavitch
Messianic Bible Jewish Bible 5.0
Messianic Bible provides you with the World Messianic Bible(WMB)and enables you to have access to the entire verses inofflinemode. WMB Bible is an English translation of the Bible andiswidely used within Messianic Judaism, a religious movementthatcombines Christianity with elements of Judaism andJewishtradition. Know the best version for those who believe thatJesusis the Jewish Messiah and that the Hebrew Bible, OldTestament, andNew Testament, are all the authoritative Scriptures.MessianicBible main features: • Free Bible • Audio Bible feature:Listen tothe verses • Super user-friendly interface • Add versestofavorites • Share verses on social networks or by email. •Spreadthe words of God with family and friends. • Remember the lastverseread • Customize the text size • Different personalizationoptions• Covers both Old Testament and New Testament • Works inofflinemode (Offline Bible) Messianic Bible delivers everything youshouldexpect from a Bible app. Download Messianic Bible for free,andlisten to the voice of God or read through the verses. TheWorldMessianic Bible contains 66 books, divided into Old andNewTestament. The Old Testament (Tanakh) follows the order ofthebooks of the Jewish Bible: Old Testament: Genesis,Exodus,Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel,2Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea,Joel,Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah,Haggai,Zechariah, Malachi, Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Songs,Ruth,Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Ruth, Daniel, Ezra,Nehemiah, 1Chronicles, 2 Chronicles. New Testament: Matthew, Mark,Luke, John,Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians,Ephesians,Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2Thessalonians, 1Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews,James, 1 Peter, 2Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation.
Jewish Timeline - 6000 Years 3.00
Israel's history and heritage, from the creation of the world toourdays.
Simply Learn Hebrew 5.1.0
Loved by over 5 million language learners all over the world ❤️
ALL Hebrew Verbs - Dictionary 1.0.2
All Hebrew verb forms, universal vocabulary withpronunciations,learn simulator
Learn Hebrew - 5,000 Phrases 3.1.6
Learn common phrases for conversation. Speak Hebrew fluentlyandfast.
Tehillim by Abraham’s Legacy 1.3.2
Incorporate a Meaningful Minute into your Daily TehillimתהיליםPrayers Anytime!
Siddur Tehillat Hashem 3.1.11
Your daily "Tehillat Hashem" Siddur!* All the weekly prayers in your pocket.* Prayers are auto-adjusted to your date & time.* A "Davening Direction" screen.
Rabbi Mizrachi 22.0.0
The official application of Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi.
Today In Jewish History 15
Read about each date's significance on the Jewish calendar.
Siddur & Tehilim סידור ותהילים
Complete siddur with all the prayers and Tehilim.
Shabbat & Holiday Times
Quickly and easily get the times you need for the upcomingShabbatand Holidays.