Top 14 Apps Similar to Valparaiso tour VR

Egypt VR 360 44
Best Places to Visit in Egypt (360° and VR)
Paris VR 360 1.2
Discover the beautiful city invirtualrealitywith lots of fun facts.1- Montmartre Hill2- Lafayette Gallery rooftop3- Vendome Square4- Tuileries Garden5- River Seine6- Pont des Arts7- Concorde Square8- Eiffel Tower
London VR 360 1.0
Save your air fare and visit London'smostfamous sites in virtual 360. Start at Buckingham Palace,followedby Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, The Mall and then endyourtour in Leicester Square with Nelson's Column and TheNationalGallery!
Wild Life Animals VR 360 1.2
Wildlife VR 360 : Get closer than everbeforetothe most extraordinary creatures on theplanet...beforetheydisappear. Whale Sharks, Rhinos, Elephants,Manta RaysandLions.
Taj Mahal VR 360 1.2
Visit Taj Mahal in VR! Thebreathtaking7thwonder of the world in 360 video. The Taj Mahal isanivory-whitemarble mausoleum on the south bank of the Yamunariverin theIndian city of Agra. The Taj Mahal was designated as aUNESCOWorldHeritage Site in 1983 for being "the jewel of Muslim artinIndiaand one of the universally admired masterpieces oftheworld'sheritage".
Birmingham Palace in VR 360 1.1
The Buckingham Palace VR 360Expeditiontakesyou on a virtual tour through some of the Palace'sState Roomsandhighlights works of art from the Royal Collectionthatfurnishthem. Starting at the Grand Staircase, learn aboutthehistory ofthe Palace as a royal residence, before discoveringhowthe StateRooms are used today by The Queen forofficialevents.
Tiger 360 VR for Cardboard 1.0
How does it feel being in tiger's cage?Wehavethe answer, watch the VR video and feel the chill of theTigerlookdirectly at you from close distance!
China Airlines VR 360 1.0.6
Experience the new China Airlines 777-300ERina virtual reality 360 degrees fly-through. Go on animmersivethree-minute tour of the exterior and interior of thisstate of theart passenger airplane. Note: This app requires a VRheadset(Google Cardboard, Durovis Dive, Dodocase VR, UnofficialCardboard,etc…) for best results.FEATURES• Supports VR headsets• No touch control needed• Narration by China Airlines Chairman Huang-Hsiang Sun andDesignerRay Chen• Realistic 3D models• Musical Score
Caribbean VR Google Cardboard 1.0.4
Visit Caribbean islands in virtual reality mode with GoogleyourCarboard !
Cyprus 360 VT & VR - DEMO 1.0.0
Scandic View
This is demo/limited version of our full-feature application-"Cyprus 360 | Travel & Discover" Enjoy Cyprus - experiencetheperfect view! * High quality (HQ) interactive sphericalpanoramasall around Cyprus * Unique aerial views * Virtual reality(VR)support for Google Cardboard and other VR glasses/headsets*Interactive map with active hotspots * Informative materialaboutevery place Places you have seen before, views you haven’tseenbefore! Discover Cyprus through 360° virtualtour!=========================================================Spherical,not just 360! By spherical panorama we mean 360° x 180°- it'sspecial photograph, which covers all the space around onedefinitepoint for the angle of 360° horizontally and for the angleof 180°vertically. As most virtual tour developers use 360° x<180° bylimiting view of bottom sphere and/or top sphere, wecan definitelysay: we're ahead of them - we have NO limits! Aerialviews In thevirtual tour you'll find lots of aerial views takenfrom helicopterand advanced powerful drones. Unique views youhaven't seen before!Discover Cyprus from different angles,different perspective! Morethan 400 panoramas! [FULL VERSION ONLY]We have covered Cyprus mostpopular touristic places as well assome hidden nature treasures.You can virtually visit most popularCyprus resorts near the sea -Ayia Napa, Protaras, Larnaca,Limassol, Paphos, as well as capitalNicosia, mountain area ofTroodos and many more. You can use mainmenu on the left to choosepoints of interest from differentcategories: beaches, monuments,churches/monasteries, harbors,cities/villages, landscapes or evenstreet view. We keep followingtourist flow and reviews so ourvirtual tour is always up-to-date.Virtual reality (VR) supportThis is it! This is the future! We haveadded Virtual Realitysupport (for devices that support it). Nowwhen discovering Cyprusthrough the app you can easily switch to VRmode, connect yourphone/tablet with VR glasses/headset, put themon, and : BOOM! -You're there! Well, not quite literally, but asclose as it can getfrom your home or workplace. You can virtuallytravel to white-sandNissi beach in Ayia Napa or beautiful harbor ofPaphos or wintertime in Troodos in no time! Take a break from workto virtuallytravel to Cyprus and enjoy the sensations of what thisfuturetechnology offers. You can use any of VR glasses/headsets inthemarket, i.e. Google Cardboard, Samsung Gear VR, Carl Zeiss VROneetc. Interactive map When discovering Cyprus through the appyouhave an option to open the online map to see available placestotravel to. You can zoom in & zoom out as you want to getcloserlook of the specific area. You can tap on the hotspot togodirectly to the spherical view of the place. InformativematerialEvery place has an detailed information available. You canaccessit by tapping on information (i) button on the top rightcorner.Lot of information provided consists of history,geographicallocation & description of the area so you can getto knowCyprus even more widely. Full control of the tour &interfaceWe offer wide range of controls for your experience to beas easyas it can be. To control the view you can use differenthandgestures as well as view control buttons in the control bar inthebottom. There are navigation buttons to switch to next orpreviouspanorama as well as thumbnail bar to go directly to thechosenspot. You can hide all interface/control panels so the viewyou seegets much wider and more impressive. You can accessdetailednavigation information when tapping on "?" button.Requirements Torun this application you must be connected tointernet. Loadingspeed depends of the internet bandwidth.Starting/openingapplication as well as switching categoriessometimes can be slow.Opening the app can take up to 1 minute toload. Be little patient- it's worth it!
Paris VR - Google Cardboard
Visit Paris in virtual reality mode anddiveinto the heart of its most emblematic places at 360 ° withGoogleyour Carboard .Immerse - to the Louvre Palace , on top of the Eiffel Tower, intheheart of the defense ...Admire the Conciergerie, the Louis Vuitton Foundation , theviewfrom the bridge of Solferino, Notre -Dame ...This application is optimized forGoogle CardboardHomidoZeiss VR OneGearVRColor CrossView Master VR...but can also be used without any virtual reality helmet !
Kruger Park VR Sightings 0.2
Kruger Park Virtual Reality Sightings;Kruger National Park, in northeastern South Africa, isoneofAfrica’s largest game reserves. Its high density ofwildanimalsincludes the Big 5: lions, leopards, rhinos,elephantsandbuffalos
Valparaiso tour VR Lite 2
Ven a recorrer Valparaíso en estaincreíbleexperiencia inmersiva. Comienza el viaje en lancha desdeel marpara luego sumergirte en algunos de los rincones de nuestraciudadpatrimonio. Disfruta sus colores, paisajes y música en esteviajeúnico por la ciudad puerto. Te invitamos a disfrutar deestaexperiencia inmersiva en 360 grados con sonido envolventeeincreíbles imágenes en 3D llenas magia y color.Valparaiso go seethisamazing immersive experience. Begin the journey by boat fromthesea and then dive into some of the corners of our cityheritage.Enjoy your colors, scenery and music in this uniquejourney throughthe city port. We invite you to enjoy this 360degree immersiveexperience and incredible surround sound and colorimages in full3D magic.