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Pamphlet 1.6.1
Pamphlet is a marketing automationplatformforsmall businesses to help them target local customers onmobile.Pamphlet is a one stop solution for digital marketing needsofasmall business and has a unique value proposition whencomparedtothe managed service alternatives –Easy-to-use: Run campaign in less than 5 minutes. Nominimumspend& solution is cost effective comparedtotraditionalmedia.Location Aware: Capability to run hyper-local adstargetingcustomersonly in the vicinity of their business.Wide Reach: Integrated with Ad-exchanges, Google andFacebooktoprovide scale across mobile.How does Pamphlet Work?Fully Automated: Target customers physically locatednearyourbusiness. Run promotions on specific days and times asperyourbusiness needs. Reach only to relevant people basedontheirdemographics, interests, income range etc.Next General Flyers: Choose from a variety of objectives–websitevisits, inbound leads, online sale, store traffic tosuityourbusiness needs. Our platform dynamically creates yourpamphletandserves it across popular apps to customers aroundyou.Real-time Campaign Tracking: View how many people haveseenandresponded to your promotion. Get real timenotificationsascustomers interact with your pamphlet. Trackperformancethroughdaily and weekly email digests at the ease andconvenienceof yourphone.Engage Customers: Grow your list of qualified leadsandpotentialcustomers. Send personalized messages based onactivityandbehavior to engage leads. Trigger specificmarketingactivitiesover time to increase conversions.Key features of Pamphlet:UN-paralleled Reach: Access to popular mobileappsincludinginventory from Facebook and Google.Fully Automated: Start promotion in less than 5 mins withtheeaseand convenience of smartphone.Measurable returns: Real-time reporting of impressions,clicks,leadsas customers see your promotion.Conversion Friendly: Multiple variants of landing pagestoincreasechance of conversion.Now with Pamphlet App for Android, run promotions on thegowiththe ease and convenience of your Smartphone.