Top 17 Games Similar to It's Gonna Be OK

Brokensouls 0.0.7
A tower with some twists.
Ascensão De Cain! (Rpg PT-BR) 0.0.1
One of the only RPGs RPG totally maker in Portuguese google play
Chronicles of Chaos 0.4
William Siauw
This is my next project, a step up fromtheartapplication I made a while back. Enter the world of Aurenkaiasyouplay through a story as either Sean or Selena. Where youteamupwith up to 3 other allies, and face all odds.Please note, that this game currently is in early alpha,andthisis FAR from what it will hopefully be. Constructivecriticismwouldbe helpful.Controls:tap - move, talk to people, open doors, get into ship,chooseaction/choice.double tap - go back an interface, open main menu.This game was made using RPG Maker MV
Demo Folgarella Tales 0.1.5
"Non siamo né programmatori, négrafici,siamosolo dei Videogiocatori"VERSIONE PER PC: Tales è un RPG Fantasy creato con Rpg Maker MV.La città di Teverel, durante una buia notte, una cometantealtredel resto, venne attaccata da un uomo misterioso. Siudironodelleforti urla, tremende esplosioni e delle scossespaventose. Itettidi quelle poche case rimaste ancora in piediardevano e moltealtreabitazioni crollarono al suolo provocandograndissimifrastuoni.Regnava il caos, si poteva avvertire la paurae ladisperazionedegli abitanti, già solo dalle loro strazianti urlaedal lorosgomento...Il mattino seguente, il Duce Sergio affida a quattroeroidellacapitale il compito di investigare sull'accaduto.Con questo gioco verrai catapultato in un mondo Fantasychelasciaspazio a momenti dissacranti ed inaspettati e conunastoriaintrigata ed appassionante."We areneitherprogrammersnor graphics, we are just Gamer"VERSION FOR PC: Tales is a Fantasy RPG created with RPG Maker MV.The city of Teverel, during a dark night, one like somanyothersfor that matter, was attacked by a mysterious man.Theyheard theloud screams, tremendous explosions andfrighteningshock. The roofsof the few still remaining houses wereburning andmany other housescollapsed to the ground causing verygreat din.Chaos reigned, youcould feel the fear and desperation ofthepeople, if only by theirscreams and their dismay ...The next morning, the Sergio Duce relies on four heroesofthecapital with the task of investigating the incident.With this game you will be catapulted into a fantasyworldthatallows for offbeat and unexpected moments andintriguedwithhistory and exciting.
팩킹 하지 않은 RPG MV 게임을 안드로이드에서 실행하도록 도와주는프로그램입니다.* 사용법1. 게임내에 있는 www 폴더를 핸드폰 내부에 복사합니다.(www 폴더의 명칭을 바꾸시는걸 추천드립니다...)2. DLDB PLAYER를 실행후 해당 폴더른 선택후 /RUN INDEX를 선택하시면 됩니다.* 주의사항1. 갤럭시 노트2에서 작동 여부를 확인하였는데 다른 기종에서는 테스트를 해보지 못했습니다.2. 특정 게임들은 PLUGIN 충돌로 제대로 작동하지 않을수 있습니다.* 업데이트 예정 사항1. 기본적인 인터페이스 부분 완전 개편...2. 간단한 실행방법 도입3. 설정 도입..문의 사항은 혹은 에 해주시기 바랍니다.The game is notpackedRPGMV help that program to run on Android.* How to use1. Copy the folder within the www games onmobilephonesinside.    (Bakkusi Hou will recommend the nameofthefolder www ...)2. Run the DLDB PLAYER, please select the appropriate folderandthenselect a different / RUN INDEX.* Precautions1. determine whether the Galaxy Note 2, were working in didnottrythe other models tested.2. There are certain games may not work properlywithPLUGINconflict.* Update your plans1. Basic interface part completely reorganized ...2. How to run a simple introduction3. The introduction sets.For inquiries, please or the
Legend of Belluna 1
테스트 버전입니다. 중간에 세이브를 자주해 주세요. 이전에 실수로 공개된 버전은 삭제 하고 다시 받아주세요.안드로이드6.0에서는 자주 튕겨서 플레이하시기 힘듭니다. 【게임소개】 벨루나의 전설(Legend of Belluna)▶불가사의한탑 에서 벌어지는 영웅들의 이야기 평화로운 마을이 악마들에 의해 점령 될 위기에 놓였습니다. 그들의 목적은무엇일까요?▶2D 사이드 뷰 턴제 전투 시스템 90년대 게임 스타일의 턴제 사이드 뷰 전투 시스템! 레트로 게임의 향수를느낄 수있습니다! ▶5명의 캐릭터 4명의 전투원 모험가, 무도가, 마도사, 치유사, 연금술사 로 이루어진 파티! 하지만전투에는4명뿐... 전략적인 선택이 필요합니다! ▶12개의 테마로 이루어진 불가사의한 탑 몬스터 사냥만이 전부가아닙니다!다양한 트릭이 당신을 기다리고 있습니다! ▶새로나온 RPG Maker MV로 제작된 따끈한 작품! 모바일에최적화된UI와 그래픽을 만나보세요! 개발자 연락처 : [email protected]
Ninja Goemon & Immortal Jewel 1.0.3
Story ... Originally Iga ninja ,Goemon aiming at the master thiefofthe world in last years of civil war era...---Story---Goemon,originally the Iga ninja, and his fellow,Chutaro, themaster rat, helped a certain woman on one day and got ared jewel... Goemon is going to sell this precious jewel which istold tobring luck, but people chasing a jewel an outcome ... theyarerolled up in the plot. On earth what is the everlastingpreciousjewel? What is a wirepuller plotting a plot in the back?And whatis a thing which Goemon really has to steel back?Characters withGoemon and others, famous thieves participate! Civilwar andthieves RPG here!! ---System--- We adopt Jewel system! Put ajewelin a weapon like material of FF7 and fight! And I accumulateananger gauge, and hammer in bringing sure death! Take thetreasurechest of the random contents repeatedly and will makeGoemonstronger. ---Play times to clear--- 11~12 hours---recommended OSver.--- ・Android 4.4.4 HomePage Please come tomy homepage!! ※This game is madeby RPG Maker MV (Copyright : ©2015KADOKAWA CORPORATION./Yoji OJIMA)I use the image of Shiren andAsuka from a purchase privilege of RPGMaker. There are norelations between this product and them.
RPG Character Maker 1.0
RPG Character Makerapplication(Applicationmade using App Inventor which graphicalblock diagrams,nocode)-Make an RPG character-Add Strength and Level-Click save to save data-Load saved data
마도표류기[쯔꾸르] 6.8(Lite)
집으로 돌아가던 중 배가 침몰하여 몬스터의 섬에 갇혀버린 주인공. 몬스터를 잡아 얻은 아이템을 조합하여 새로운아이템을만들고 그것을 활용하여 몬스터의 섬을 모험해보세요. ※마도표류기에 관한 정보 공유는 '마도표류기 공식카페'에서가능합니다. 마도표류기 공식 카페 링크: ※렉최소화하는 팁1. 게임을 장시간 플레이하여 렉이 발생하는 경우 게임을 껐다 킨다. 2. 웬만하면 경험치 문자 출력이 다사라지기전까지 메뉴창을 열지 않는다. 3. 던전에 입장하기 전 저장 후, 게임을 재가동한다. ※Alert!comparisonof Fixnum 문제와 해결법 문제: 주인공의 원거리 공격이 나가는 도중 저장을 하고, 게임을 종료한다음 다시로드하면 발생하는 문제입니다. 해결법: 매우 간단합니다. 1. 다른 세이브 파일을 로드 2. 원거리 공격을 발사3.문제의 세이브 파일을 로드 4. 다시 저장하면 문제 해결 ※Alert! end of reached 문제와 해결법문제:게임을 이어하기할 때 Alert! end of reached라는 검은 메세지창이 뜨고 더 이상 진행이 안되는문제입니다.해결법: 역시 간단합니다. 1. 내 파일-indiside-com.indiside.mado폴더로 들어가기 2.세이브파일(Save숫자.rxdata)들 중 용량이 0KB가 된 파일을 제거하면 해결 이 오류는 안타깝게도 완벽한해결법은없으며, 평소에 세이브 파일을 공유되지 않는 장소에 백업해두셔야 어떤 문제에 대해서도 안전하게 대비할 수있습니다.※접근권한 및 이유 본 어플리케이션은 게임의 업데이트를 위해 'SD카드의 콘텐츠 수정 및 삭제', 게임의 실행및 로드을위해 'SD카드의 콘텐츠 읽기'의 권한을 요구합니다. ---- 개발자 연락처 : +821020139551
RogueCreator 1.6.0
"Rogue" and "Mystery Dungeon" is representedasa series. It is a very popular Rogue game series.Play with dungeons that transform and change each and everytimeyou challenge them! This game as an interesting turn basedplaystyle.Also, there is always a chance that you drop your items. Thisgivesa little element of luck and fate.Although this is an original game, it was greatly influenced bymanyold-style RPG games.Many players on various smartphones have already joined in onthefun!Alas, we come to the creative aspect of the game. Createanddesign your own games with the Rogue Creator! What will you comeupwith?You can use maps you likeitems you likemonsters you likeCreate conversation events within your floors.With Rogue Creator you can do it all!There is no need to learn any difficult programming.There is also no need for a computer or any other devicebesidesyour Smartphone.With your Smartphone you can begin creating your own gamesrightaway!When you are you are finished with your game, why not goaheadand share it with others? Post it to the Creator Web, whereotherusers will be able to download and play your creation.Download this app now to get started, and let yourcreativitycome alive!
インスタントヒーローsmart 1.0.2
★ストーリー★この世界に突如現れた魔王…勇者のあなたに残された時間は15分限られた時間で、魔王を倒す力を身に着けることができるか!?即席で世界を救うRPG!!★所要時間★1周回20分程度通勤時間に世界を救ってみてはいかが?★操作★ゲーム開始時に説明がありますBGM、ダッシュ機能の設定はオプションからどうぞ★使用ツール★RPGツクールMV★ Story ★Suddenly appeared devil in this world ...Time left to your hero is a 15-minuteIn a limited time, or the power to defeat the devil canwear!?RPG to save the world in the instant! !★ time required ★One round about 20 minutesIs try to save the world in commuting time how?★ operation ★There is a description at the start of the gameBGM, setting of the dash features please from options★ use tool ★RPG Maker MV
siakoMobi with RMMV demo app 0.0.1
此為 RPG Maker MV 引擎發佈 app 的一個效能測試。可於 app 上試玩 RPG Maker MV 開發的手機板遊戲,內容僅供測試使用。This is RPGMakerMVreleased app engine of a performance test.RPG Maker MV can demo the development of mobile board gameontheapp, content for testing only.
Undefeated 1.0.9
The Wasteland’s poison is spreading and,unlessstopped, will soon come to engulf the civilised world,bringing anation to its knees.In many ways a revitalisation of the classic JRPG,Undefeatedmakes the genre its own across a story-filled adventurefull ofwitty dialogue and self-referential humour.Marcus, Bastien and Fela are all reluctant conscripts,draftedinto an army with the sole purpose of keeping hazardousflora andfauna at bay. As they explore the world beyond the city,they aredrawn into a mystery that could prove catastrophic fortheirhomeland.From the developers of The Book of Legends andMillennium,Undefeated started life on the PC and now lands on iOSand Android.The game includes numerous customisation options thatallow playersto tailor the experience depending on theirfamiliarity with thegenre.Explore a traditional 16-bit overworld, descending intodungeonsand encountering a menagerie of mutated creatures. Withmore than30 hours of gameplay, detailed artwork and a fully scoredmelodicsoundtrack, Undefeated is the perfect pocket companion foranylover of JRPGs.HistoryFounded in 2008 by Indinera Falls, Aldorlea Games is on aquestto continue the old-school role-playing tradition set in placebythe likes of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and PhantasyStar.Previous hits include the Millennium series, The Book ofLegends,Asguaard and 3 Stars of Destiny.Features- Strategic turn-based battles with detailed enemies- Artwork by the creators of Moonchild and Opaline- Customisable difficulty for hardcore and casual players- 30+ hour play time- 25 secret rooms to discover- 16 side quests to complete
RPG Destiny Fantasia - KEMCO 1.1.5g
An extensive RPG with hours of gameplay! Save the Earth fromitsend!
Ninja Level Up 1.8.2
A ninja themed dungeon crawler style mobile RPG with handdrawncrayon graphics.
紅の侵攻βテスト 0.2.3
著作権シナリオ・一部ソースコードを含む作品の著作権は製作者である被害者Aに属します。なお、以下のものについての著作権は記載してある通りです。画像・効果音・一部ソースコード: 「©2015 KADOKAWA CORPORATION./YOJI OJIMA」本アプリケーションをデコンパイル等することを固く禁じます。本アプリケーションより画像や効果音・ソースコードを抽出等の不正な手段を用いて入手し、使用することを固く禁じます。※本ゲームはRPG MAKER MVエンジンを用いて製作しております。CopyrightCopyright of the works, including a scenario some sourcecodebelongs to a producer victim A. It should be noted, is ascopyrightare described on the following.Images, sound effects, some source code: "© 2015KADOKAWACORPORATION./YOJI OJIMA"Strictly forbidden to decompile such as this application.Image and the sound effects and the source code fromthisapplication obtained using illegal means such asextraction,strictly forbidden to be used.※ This game, we have fabricated using RPG MAKER MV engine.
RMRunner 0.3
ZF Team
RPG Maker 的安卓模拟器目前仅支持RPG Maker XP使用方法:把未加密的RPG Maker XP的工程文件夹放到手机目录,用本程序打开工程文件运行Audio和Graphics文件夹必须要有资源文件默认工程是没有资源文件的,请从RMXP的安装目录自取Tags : RPGXP, RPG-XP, RPG Maker XP, RGSS, RKC, AndroidRPGMakerAndrewssimulatorCurrently only supports RPG Maker XPHow to use:The project file is not encrypted RPG Maker XP folder intothephonedirectory, use this program to openProject file to runAudio and Graphics folder must have a resource fileThe default project is no resource file, self-createdfromtheinstallation directory RMXPTags: RPGXP, RPG-XP, RPG Maker XP, RGSS, RKC, Android