Top 4 Games Similar to Guess Who I Am! Quiz

Quiz Soy? QUIZ
Cuánto sabes de la vida de los personajesmásfamosos? Descúbrelo con la nueva App de adivinanzas QuizSoy!Con una gran variedad de personajes: desde deportistashastapolíticos, pasando por actores, personajes históricos...Quiz Soy te enganachará desde el primer momento!!Cientos de personajes estarán escondidos detrás de cada botónquetu tendrás que adivinar con tan sólo 5 pistas!Adivina los 9 personajes de cada nivel para avanzar al siguienteydemostrar a tus amigos quien es el que más sabe. Pero siteatrancas, no abandones! Investiga y pregunta hasta queconsigasacertar el personaje!Tan simple como adictivo!! Te atreves?Quiz Soy??You know about the lifeofthe most famous people? Find out with the new App'mguessingQuiz!With a variety of characters, from athletes to politicians,toactors, historical figures ...I'm Quiz enganachará you from the start !!Hundreds of characters will be hidden behind each button thatyouhave to guess just 5 tracks!Guess 9 characters in each level to advance to the next andshowyour friends who is the most knowledgeable. But if you'restuck, donot leave! Investigates and questions until you get itright thecharacter!As simple as addictive !! You dare?Quiz I'm ??
Cerdas Cermat SMP 2.5
Permainan 1 (Challenge):Permainan adu kecerdasan otak ini terdiri dari 120 level soalyangberbeda, di mana setiap level terdiri dari 10 soal campuran,dengantiga pilihan jawaban yang dua diantaranya adalah jawabanyangsalah.Permainan 2 (Freeplay):Terdiri atas 18 kategori soal di mana setiap kategori ada20pertanyaan dengan 3 pilihan jawaban.Dibuat di Yogyakarta,28 Januari 2014SiswaMediaGame 1 (Challenge):Game of intelligence of the brain contains about 120differentlevels, where each level consists of 10 questions mixture,withthree choices of answers that two of them are thewronganswer.Game 2 (freeplay):Consisting of 18 categories of questions in which eachcategorythere are 20 questions with three possible answers.Created in Yogyakarta,January 28, 2014SiswaMedia
Cerdas Cermat Islami 1.20
Mulai dari yang paling mudah hingga yangpalingsulit.Tersedia 38 level untuk Anda.Dapat menambah pengetahuan tentang Islam.Tugas kamu adalah mengikuti kuis yang terdiri dari 20 soaluntuksetiap sesi, dengan tiga pilihan jawaban yang duadiantaranyaadalah jawaban yang salah.Skor akan muncul dalam bentuk angka dari nol hingga seratus.Dibuat di Yogyakarta,27 Januari 2014SiswaMediaStarting from theeasiestto the most difficult.There are 38 levels for you.To increase knowledge about Islam.Your task is to follow quiz consists of 20 questions foreachsession, with three possible answers that two of them are thewronganswer.Scores will appear as a number from zero to one hundred.Created in Yogyakarta,January 27, 2014SiswaMedia
TheQuoteQuiz 1.0
Here you can show how well you knowyourfavorite movies. Do you recognize them even if you are onlygettinga short quote?Do you know who said about himself "I'm Mr. Napkin Head!"? Ordoyou know from which movie the quote "What made you want to beapoliceman?" - "Officer." - "What made you want to beapoliceman-officer?" is?Yes? Than this app is exactly right for you, becauseTheQuoteQuizis the new challenge for movie buffs. Guess the titleof a movieonly from a given quote. Show that you know the mostmovies and showthat you know them best.