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WhiteHat Hacking Tutorials 1.0.2
Whitebook is a growing community of WhiteHatHackers or so Called the Security Professionals, We Beginwithtutorials and Techniques to become a Security ProfessionalandLater Will Grow as a Community where with jobs updates,Projectupdates, Support and every thing related to Cyber Securityto ouruser.You can become a whitehat Hacker or Say a SecurityProfessionalby learning from our WhiteBook Tutorials, It ContainsfollowingTopics:1) Hacking Basics - Introduction to Hacking, Basic Concept ofIT,Concept of Security, Introduction to Networking, FootPrinting.2) Common Hacking Tuts - Google Hacking Database, windowsHackingand Security, Linux Hacking and Security, Virus, Worms andTrojans,DOS and DDOS, Sniffers, Network Hacking, SocialEngineering,Physical Security, Cryptography and Stenography, WI-FIhacking,FireWall and IDS/IPS.3) Vulnerabilities - Vulnerability Scanning,VulnerabilityResearch, Web Penetration Testing, Network PenetrationTesting,Server Penetration Testing and More Coming Soon,4) Security Standards ( Beta) - Security StandardsandPrinciples, OWSAP Top 10 Vulnerability, OSSTMM, SANS TOP25Vulnerabilities. ( Note: at Present We are Just Giving anOverviewin this module, We will be Soon Updating the Details)5) Exploits And Exploitation - Assembly Language,ExploitWriting, Buffer Overflow, Reverse Engineering,ExploitFrameworks6) BackTrack - Introduction to BackTrack, BackTrackMethodology,Information Gathering, Vulnerability Assessment,Exploitation UsingBT.7) Advance Tools - Acunetix, IBM App Scanner, Net Sparker,Vega,Burp Suite, W3AF, OWASP ZED Proxy, Aarachini, NMAP, Maltego,DarkComet, WireShark.8) Cyber Forensics - Hacking Incidents, Doing Forensics,DataRecovery and Analysis, Understanding Anti Forensics, CyberCrimeInvestigations ( Note: at Present We are Just Giving anOverview inthis Module, We will be Soon Updating the Details)9) Security Management - Information SecurityManagement,Policies and Documentations10) Tips and Tricks - Facebook hacking, Tips and Tricks,MobileTips and Tricks, List Sites You should not Scan.Security is a vast field and have several verticals, if youneedand other tutorials or have suggestions, We would love to hereit.We will Grow with the Best Tutorials and Content,We are also Looking for Enthusiast Professionals, who canJoinpart time to Contribute to this Growing Community.Content Creator and Mentor -Falgun Rathod - Managing Director at Cyber Octet Pvt. Ltd.andLeading Cyber Security ConsultantDisclaimers: The Information Provided on this Application istobe used for educational purpose only. TheWebsite/ApplicationCreator is in no way responsible for misuse ofthe informationprovided. All the Information in this WhitebookApplication ismeant to help the reader develop a ProfessionalSecurity Attitudein order to prevent the attacks Discussed. In noway should you usethe information to cause any kind of damagedirectly or indirectly.You Implement the information given at yourown Risk.