Top 6 Apps Similar to 本帮菜菜谱大全 - 经典家常上海菜做法

Starters Recipes 1.0
Üç Harf
All rescipes in the application;* Stir-fried warm salad of prawns and baby courgettes* Langoustines with lemon & pepper butter* Bread and tomato soup (Pappa al pomodoro)* Creamy mushrooms* Aubergine & mint bruschetta* Chestnut, rosemary & pancetta focaccia* Baked potato skins with gorgonzola, rocket and mustardfruit* Jools’ wholesome veg and bean soup* Vegan winter rolls* A taster of fresh oysters served the old-fashioned way* Superfood salad* Prosciutto & rocket forks* Beetroot, red apple and watercress salad* The ultimate spring quiche* Vegan dim sum buns* Spicy parsnip soup* Summer crunch salad with walnuts and Gorgonzola* Traditional Welsh cawl* Roast carrot and avocado salad with orange andlemondressing* Ricotta & Parmesan fritters* Salmon fishcakes* Baked paprika cheese* Mexican-style fish cakes* Store cupboard lentil soup* Seafood cocktail* Crispy tortillas with guacamole* Altamura pea soup (Minestra di piselli di Altamura)* The best marinated fish kebabs* Sicilian-style tuna carpaccio* Pork & cabbage potstickers* Party squid & harissa mayo* Apple & celeriac soup* Gennaro's pasta frittata – lots of ways* Corn salsa* Spring rolls* The easiest sexiest salad in the world* The best broad bean salad* Sweet pea and pecorino salad* Baked mushrooms stuffed with ricotta (Funghi al fornoripienidiricotta)* Prawn & papaya salad* Roast carrot & fennel soup* Chicken & asparagus crustless tart* Tuna tartare* Jamie's baked figs* Tomato carpaccio* Hot & sour soup* English onion soup with sage and Cheddar* Oysters with chilli, ginger and rice wine vinegar* Herb salad with goat's cheese* Superb cheat’s kebabs* Grilled peach salad with Parma ham & Colwick cheese* Quesadillas with guacamole* Moroccan style broad bean salad with yoghurt andcrunchybits* DJ BBQ's scallops* Creamy mushroom soup* Indian carrot salad* Crostini - pea and broad bean purée with pecorino* Smoked salmon, horseradish and cress toasts* Warm winter salad of radicchio with wild rocket and feta* Old-school chicken liver parfait* Puy lentil, parsnip & walnut salad* Mandolin salad* My favourite ribollita (La mia ribollita preferita)* Fresh smoked salmon and beetroot salad* Arancini* Tasty tabbouleh salad* Candied bacon green salad* Barbecued langoustines with aioli* Roast peach & Parma ham salad* Spicy broad bean fritters with lemon minted yoghurt* Curried cauliflower fritters* Indian pani puri* Scrumptious Spanish chickpea and chorizo soup* Roasted fennel & pine nut polpette* Sicilian fish soup* Marinated Mediterranean olives* Peruvian Ceviche* Creamy asparagus soup with a poached egg on toast* Scrummy warm rocket salad* Beef empanadas* Poached chicken and vegetable soup* Chicken soup with spring veg & pasta* Sea bass, fennel & grapefruit ceviche* Bruschetta with tomato and basil* Summer pea and watercress soup* Candied beet salad* Bad-ass cheesy corn on the cob* Summer ratatouille salad* Posh Japanese-inspired beef carpaccio* Warm salad of crispy smoked bacon and Jerusalem artichokes* Gorgeous rosemary prune skewers* Squash laksa cups* Causa croquettes* Hush puppies* Vegan mushroom rolls* Barbecued chicken dim sum* Mushrooms 'fish and chips style' with posh vinegar* New potatoes & trout* Skinny homemade houmous* Italian style baked cheesy mushrooms* Prawn & crab wontons* Early autumn minestrone (Minestrone d'inizio autunno)* Prawn salad with chilli and white cabbage* Humble home-cooked beans* Mozzarella & winter fruit salad* Crunchy raw beetroot salad with feta and pear* Seared scallops & creamy mash* Crostini - mixed herbs* Salt cod soup (Zuppa di baccala)* Radicchio and rocket salad (Insalata di radicchioerughetta)* Crostini – greens* Beautiful baked Camembert* Tear ‘n’ share garlic bread* Bloody Mary seafood platter* Waldorf salad* Garden glut soup* Vegan beetroot Carpaccio* Superb squash soup with the best Parmesan croutons
大馬(马来西亚)美食食谱-湯类 0.0.3
掌厨-中国特色美食菜谱视频大全 4.0
掌厨作为全球数量第一的视频菜谱美食应用,正以最直观的方式,最温暖的镜头,为热爱生活的您诠释每一道美食的正确打开方式——材料、做法、相关常识、相宜相克。。。各种细节的啰嗦只为让你的美食DIY之旅更加美妙!☆掌厨荣誉☆:全球移动互联网卓越成就奖《年度最佳工具应用》、App Store官方推荐精品美食应用、小米应用市场《金米奖》【主要功能】1.[食谱]:海量高清视频菜谱,同步教学,人人都能做美食;2.[喜欢]:掌厨根据您喜好的口味,精心推荐专属您的食谱;3.[食课]:每周三、六,最红美女主播、台湾美食达人倾囊相授私厨美食,带你享受台湾顶级汤料;4.[我的]:免费注册享受无数量限制本地缓存,视频菜谱任性看。【联系我们】官方微信:szzhangchu粉丝QQ群:431872026官方微博:@掌厨-视频菜谱
吃货 - 各地美食大杂烩,精选家常菜谱、私房菜和各式零食 1.0
美食大杂烩-吃货必看的各地美食甜点!本app的美食分为如下分类:美食教程,零食,家常菜,烘焙,面点,靓汤,西餐,粥品,食疗,饮品,水果。合作QQ:1256273755汇集各种精美教程:“【油焖栗子鸡】做法:1)鸡胸肉洗净切丁,用生抽酱油、料酒腌制30分钟。2)栗子去壳,鸡胸肉中加淀粉、油拌匀。3)起油锅,多加些油,葱姜入锅煸香,鸡胸肉入锅炒。4)加蚝油、酱油炒。5)栗子入锅炒,加水,盖上锅盖焖,焖至栗子6-7分熟时,加糖、盐、味精,盖上锅盖焖熟了,撒胡萝卜花,炒匀即可。”“【洋葱蘑菇牛肉法拉卷】1.牛排锤松切丝;洋葱蘑菇切粗丝;2.牛排丝上撒上盐和胡椒,腌15min;3.热锅倒入菜油,放洋葱炒香,加牛排丝翻炒片刻加蘑菇丝和盐;4.炒熟撒上黑胡椒融入一勺黄油拌匀;5.皮塔饼上放上色拉,加炒好的牛排丝,卷起来,对半切开。”“【DIY黄焖糖醋带鱼】1、带鱼切段,抹少许盐巴,放入油锅里炸,(火不要太小,不然带鱼容易粘锅);2、鱼炸好后,锅里流少许油,把炸好的带鱼放入锅中加适量的水、姜、花椒;3、小火煮沸,倒入糖和醋,(放番茄浆也可);4、中火慢慢熬,切记要翻扮带鱼直到汁熬浓为止;5、汁浓后,起锅,加葱。”好吃的详细介绍:“口感甜而不腻,泡过朗姆酒的提子干嚼劲十足,整颗大杏仁粒敲碎拌入其中,坚果香味开盖弥漫,75%巧克力融化在曲奇中充当回味使者,小巧的身材可以和朋友同事多多分享哦~~””夏威夷果,是非常好的上等的绿色干果,单果重15—16克,含油量70%左右,蛋白质9%,含有人体必需的8种氨基酸,还富含矿物质和维生素。夏威夷果(澳洲坚果)果仁香酥滑嫩可口“”【砵仔糕】是一种传统广东小吃糕点,源自广东台山,在清朝已有,名揚于广州西关,现港、澳亦颇盛行。而且因巨星刘青云和袁咏仪主演的《新不了情》而一炮走红,它晶莹剔透、爽滑可口、弹齿、不沾牙、时尚、口味丰富、价格不贵,适合各种年龄的消费人群。如今在广州已经较少见,有多少同学吃过的?“”法国MELVITA天然有机薰衣草蜂蜜,不求最贵,但求最好,舌尖上的芭蕾。“饮食建议:”活力能量早晨-菠菜软饼!1> 一束菠菜. 2> 切碎哟!:) 3>放进搅拌机,加适量的水(或者高汤),打碎4> 一个鸡蛋打散和菠菜碎液搅拌均匀!(其实不加也可以,看你喜欢咯) 5>面粉一杯,自己看量,多点少点模糊稀点稠点其实都无所谓的 6>加入你喜欢的佐料调一下味道!盐胡椒粉啥的,喜欢夹火腿或者沾酱料的话,就少放些佐料了 7>煎锅刷层油,中火煎熟,喜欢焦底的多煎一下哈!“
大馬(馬來西亞)美食食谱-糕點 0.0.3
Korean Food 800 In Chinese 1.2
- Comprehensive source of information on the 800 most popularandtraditional Korean foods and dishes. - Quick search functionbycategory: ingredients, cooking methods, andChinese/English/Koreannames. - Easy Scrap and share function fortext & image on QQ,Weibo, Twitter, Facebook. - Audio button tohear the proniunciationof Korean dishes. - Maximize your enjoymentof Korean cuisinethrough vivid images.