Top 19 Games Similar to 洪荒之戰 - 即時動作塔防

Kingdom Rush Frontiers TD 6.1.13
Set your td battle strategy at the frontiers. Lead epic towers&mighty heroes
Kingdom Rush Origins TD Game 5.8.02
The epic prequel tower defense adventure with amazing towers,levels& troops
Tiny Guardians 1.1.13
Summon guardians and embark on an epic journey in this TD gamewitha twist!
塔防無雙-經典三國正版手遊 1.15.7
正版三國手遊來襲,多重好禮享不停!立即登錄,豪禮送送送!經典塔防,不朽三國,Q版造型、萌系人物、炫酷特技,超夯手遊大作邀你入局,主宰亂世,建功立業!三國神將美人趙雲、張遼、貂蟬、小喬任你選!無束縛次世代技術,告別無腦操作,讓你的每一次滑動都有意義!大腦與雙手齊飛,彈指間滅敵千里之外!平民也有出頭日,英雄不問出處,在S級策略三國手遊里,只要懂權謀,不花錢也能挑戰土豪,反殺高手,登頂英雄榜!===== 遊戲简介=====【登錄送好禮,史詩武將免費領!】登錄并簽到,元寶名將免費領取。簽到越久,獎勵越豐厚!更有限量名將孫尚香、張星彩等你抱走唷!數量有限,請主公速速登錄遊戲抱走吧!每天任務,海量資源送不停!【充值大禮包送不完!】首充得3倍,絕版武器免費領,更有超值大禮包等你開啟。美人貂蟬、寶馬赤兔限時領,助力主公建功立業,征戰天下!【單打獨鬥英雄榜,並肩作戰成霸業!】天生王者,無所畏懼!現在登錄遊戲,挑戰各路英豪,問鼎英雄榜,海量獎勵等你搶!桃園結義,兄弟同心,其利斷金。登錄遊戲,呼朋喚友,建立你的軍團,共謀霸業,爭奪軍功、元寶,還有一堆豪禮等你來取!===== 遊戲特色 =====★★★隨時隨地,想玩就玩★★★不管坐著躺著還是站著,無論是上學上班上廁所,打開手機就能暢玩!拒絕浪費零碎時間,每天幾分鐘,也能獲得海量獎勵,更有神秘大獎從天而降!還等什麽,拿起手機,進入三國亂世!★★★無特色,不三國★★★玩法花樣百出,精彩紛呈!豐富的裝備鍛造系統,收集材料和圖紙,打造自己的專屬空間,更有28種功能各異的防禦塔讓你搭配出千變萬化的策略組合!60+幅地圖、300+關卡讓你天天都有不一樣的精彩!更有難度係數超高的精英關卡等你挑戰!各路史詩級BOSS帶著無盡寶藏獎勵和海量經驗軍功讓你刷到根本停不下來!★★★1分鐘上手8分鐘滅敵★★★符合人體力學、工程學和美學,無論新手老手鹹豬手,通通快速上手!全新觸控模式,針對玩家操作習慣設計,無論是上班途中還是夜前臨睡,都能讓你輕鬆畅玩,帶領將領征戰天下!
霸王归来-终极塔防3D 2
WeeMe Studio
WeeMe新免费游戏 悬赏飞车来袭 在这里下载年塔防重磅巨献,《霸王归来》,超帅超酷超有智慧的3D塔防!!我和小伙伴们再次惊呆了:故事讲述的是汉高祖刘邦得天下后,正安享太平盛世,未料西楚霸王项羽借助邪恶力量复活,挣脱地狱领楚鬼军一路杀回。作为汉军麾下的大将军,你正掌握着整个汉王朝的命运,你的对手已不是昔日只会跨马抡枪的西楚霸主,而是具有吞天噬地黑暗力量的地狱魔王...游戏特色:1.创新多模式多玩法:经典剧情塔防+兵临城下+单挑敌将,百玩不厌,考验你的智慧,更让你过足手瘾!2.十五张风格多变的3D唯美地图,穿越至魔幻Q版世界Hi翻战场。3.多类攻守塔可造面面俱到,多分支强化升级,烈焰毒气地震无所不有,霸气外露。4.近40种形态技能各异的敌军单位,远近高低各不同,叫声将军提防提防。5.汉军名将齐上阵,技能各领千秋,高祖御驾亲征助你联手杀鬼。6.数种辅助技能瞬间开启,啪啪……啪啪啪,畅快淋漓。7.众多天工科技可供提升,强化小塔秒杀鬼军。 8.更多精彩尽在其中…
Tower Defense® 1.3.8
Com2uS USA
★★THE BEST & THE ORIGINAL Tower DefenseonGoogle Play Store!★★★SILVER AWARD Winner by Pocket Gamer!★You may have played other “TD” games but get ready to playTHETOWER DEFENSE!In search of resources that are no longer provided on Earth,youfollowed a probe released by humans years ago in hopesofdiscovering an alternative planet. Take command of towerswithspecial weapons to hold your defense against endless wavesofenemies on the hostile alien planet.Tower Defense takes classic defense games to a wholenewworld.This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay realmoneyfor extra items.### FEATURES+40 campaign and 7 Challenge maps+4 different game play modes+9 Towers+10 Enemy units+4 Special Weapons+5 Different World Themes (Mountains, Desert, Ice,Crater,Lava)+ This game supports English, français, Deutsch, 한글, 中文简体, 中文繁體and日本語.For questions or customer support, please contact ourCustomerSupport by visiting
Tower Defense: Infinite War 1.2.6
A revolutionary classic defense game packed with actionandstrategy!
Little Commander - WWII TD 1.9.6
Cat Studio
Get tired of hard core defense games? Try this one!
Kingdom Rush- Tower Defense TD 5.8.02
Epic offline tower defense! Rush into td battles leadingtowers& mighty heroes!
Toy Defence 2 — Tower Defense game 2.23
Playtime’s over, soldier! It’s time for some real fastpacedtowerdefense action. Lucky for you, Toy Defense 2 has youcovered.Weinvite you to play one of the best defense games inthemobilegames industry, the atmosphere of battle games has neverbeensotense. Let the memories about boring defence games vanish—jumpinto epic td combat, take command of powerful vehicles,honeyourstrategy skills and become the ultimate commander of yourarmytowin any World War II battle. A new page in the industryofdefensegames was now being started. Inspired by the greatesteventsof XXcentury, these tower games will leaveyouunforgettableimpressions. Think you’re tough enough? Thensharpenyour tacticsand tackle dynamic real-time PvP battles onArena fromacross theglobe. Still looking for a bigger towerdefensechallenge? Take thenext step, develop winning strategy andcompetein tournaments torise through the ranks to the top of theratings.Embraceopportunity to play one of the best td games fortoday andsay“Bye” to boring defense games you have met before,their dayshavepassed. People from countless number of countries areusingtheirarmies to claim the title of the best defender, andhundredsofbattle games are going on right now. Conquer all gamemodes,provesuperiority of your strategy, and become a true masterofPvPgames. Be artful, choose an ingenious tactics to defendyourtowerand show your battle games rivals who is the winner!Strategywargames have never been so captivating before. They maybetoysoldiers, but this no place for toying around! World war isinfullplay and only your army can win this epic battle. Defendersofyourhome turf are fully prepared and await your orders, nosoldierwillleave his post. No matter who you are: a beginner intowergames ora sophisticated pro in strategy war games, Toy Defense2will graspyour thoughts. It’s up to you build an unstoppablearmy,take onunforgettably awesome td battles, work out thebeststrategy,conquer your enemies and seize victory! ✫ ✫ ✫ ✫ ✫ ✫ ✫✫ ✫Features:★ Three game modes: PvE missions, tournamentsandreal-time PvPbattles on Arena ★ 290 action-packed towerdefensemissions,absolutely free ★ Famous World War II campaignslike theBattle ofIwo Jima and Operation Overlord ★ Vehicles fromGreatBritain, theU.S.A., the USSR, and Germany ★ Tournaments withratingsystem ★Stunning graphics ★ Units upgradable by addingcommandersfor yourarmy improvement ★ Several nations’ armiesavailable todefend yourtowers during a td battle ✫ ✫ ✫ ✫ ✫ ✫ ✫ ✫ ✫You willdefinitelylove this epic tower defense strategy game!Follow usfortheupdates!
Radiant Defense 2.4.6
Toy Defense Fantasy — Tower Defense Game 2.19.0
Editor`s Choice 2018 in Tower Defense Strategy genre!Defendthecastle from dragons and trolls in this fun towerdefensestrategygame! Assemble an army of defenders and fight offmonsterhordesfrom destroying your medieval fantasy kingdom! Clashwith theenemyand make sure that your fortress will hold the lineinbattleagainst waves of orcs and goblins. The rush of the creepshasneverbeen so cruel, these td battles will leaveyouunforgettableimpressions. Show your courage and cunning indefense!Download ToyDefense Fantasy now and enjoy the best amongwarstrategy games,with knights and dragons. This castle defensegamewill leave youspeechless! We invite you to play one of thebestdefense games inthe mobile games industry, the atmosphere ofbattlegames has neverbeen so tense. A new page in the industry ofdefensegames was nowbeing started, and we are sure that these towergameswill leaveyou unforgettable impressions. Embrace opportunitytoplay one ofthe best td games for today and say “Bye” toboringdefence gamesyou have met before, their days have passed. Nomatterwho you are:a beginner in tower defence games or asophisticatedpro in castlegames, Toy Defense Fantasy will graspyour thoughts.Toy DefenseFantasy Features: Medieval FantasyAtmosphere! ▶Kingdoms &Castles - Immerse yourself in a fantasyworld whereyour kingdomdepends on you to defend the castle! Towerdefencegames have neverbeen so magnificent. ▶ Epic War! - Then rushintoover 96 excitingtower defense levels of fun strategicwarfare!Kingdom defenserequires courage, show your castle gamesenemiesthat no one cancommand the army better than you.DefensiveStrategies! ▶ Tactics -Make your own TD battle plans andfight offboth ground and airattacks in the game! Strategy war gameshavenever been socaptivating before. ▶ Build & Defend -Createturrets and buildyour army to crush your enemies at war! ▶TacticalUpgrades -improve, fix and heal your defenses right onthebattlefield zone!Make sure that your military is alwaysprepared,upgrade yourwarriors and make your castle defenseunconquerable.FantasyArmies! ▶ Knights & Elves - Wars don’t winthemselves!Commandyour army and help to create a good defence sothat thefantasykingdom will be protected. ▶ Turret Defenses - Buildandcommandall manner of archery, ballista and Wildfire turrettowers!Makethe kingdom defense powerful. ▶ Brave Heroes -Recruitherocommanders such as the Elite Archer, Mercenary GoblinandFireWizard. Monster Enemies! ▶ Trolls & Goblins - Destroyover9types of ugly monsters! ▶ Dragons & Mercenaries -Fightdragonsand dangerous mercenaries in battles ▶ Boss Battles -Battleevilgenerals at the end of every final wave! Even anarmystrategygames geek will be amazed. Powerful Spells &Skills! ▶MagicSkills - Cast spells such as sending lethalmeteorites toensureyour enemies’ doom! Create a unique strategydefense andbecome avictorious td battles player. ▶ StrategicAbilities -Activatepowerful shields and protect your fortress fromsiege! Evendiehardfans of defence games will be pleasantlysurprised by therush thatgives them our tower defence game. WeeklyTournaments!▶Competitions - Compete against your friends to see whohas thebestTD defenses! Clash with your friends in the arena andwin wars!▶Achievements - Get rewards and show off yourtacticalsuperiority!▶ Awards - Get top prizes when you beat yourfriends intournamentmode! Love medieval military strategy games?Thendownload now anddive into the fantasy action adventure ofToyDefense Fantasy!Perfect the skills of your warriors,builddefensive fortresses,devise tower defense strategies. Weguaranteeour td battle gamewill leave you satisfied! Be also sureto checkour games for free,they will make you feel like a realcommanderoftoys!
Global Defense: Zombie War 1.6.5
Cat Studio
Do you like shooting zombies? Fans of TD and zombie games mustnotmiss this one
Alien Creeps - Tower Defense 2.32.4
Become a hero in this strategy games with tower defenseandbattlefield!
Castle Defense 2 3.2.2
DH Games
Castle Defense 2: best strategy/arcade castle defense ever !
巨龍守護者- TDA可愛塔防新玩法 2.1.2
Carrot Defense 0.0.9
SeaStar Game
Super Cute Tower Defense Strategy Game IsHere—— Carrot Defense!Bobo accidentally crashed into an iceberg during a boattrip.Then he drifted to an uninhabited island, where he met a groupofmonsters trying to eat him. Come and summon multiple towerstoprotect Bobo from evil monsters such as yellow bird,greenchicken!PLAY TONS OF LEVELS!With 5 unique themes and 100 stages td game, a thrillingadventureis waiting for you at every turn!SUMMON UNIQUE TOWERS -- TOY PLANE!Players can summon 16 unique towers with different abilitiesandattacks. Summon the perfect combination and stop the monstersintheir tracks! Summon toy plane, flashlight, ice ice andmoreplant.COMPLETE QUESTS!Complete the 300 special quests and get the brand new PurpleCrystalTrophy along with other prizes! Super SLG game.UNLEASH MAGIC -- ICE!Dazzling magic and abilities such as “Slowdown”, “Freeze” and“Bomb”will help you acquire the Golden Carrot Trophy!PLAY NEW MODES!Brand new modes including “Two Entrances”, “MonstersFortress”,“Random Towers” ,"Dual Entrance"and “Super Boss Fight”areavailable. Check them out for even more thrilling gameplay!Challenge UP UP model with protect balloonGET SOCIAL -- PLAY with GLOBAL players.Login to Facebook to compete with your friends! Synchronizeyourgame progress and show off your achievements by logging intoGameCenter!PLEASE NOTE:- This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay realmoneyfor some extra items, which will charge your iTunes account.Youcan disable in-app purchasing by adjusting yourdevicesettings.- Please buy carefully.- Advertising appears in this game.- This game permits users to interact with one another (eg.chatrooms, player to player chat, messaging). Linking tosocialnetworking sites are not intended for persons under age13.- A network connection is required to enable certainfeatures/accesscertain content.- If you have a problem with this game, please contact us at:
Tower Defense : Epic War
You may have played other TD games butdon’tmiss to play this Tower Defense game. This is the td gamestylewith more advanced feature and creative. Let’s build yourtowerswith special weapons to hold your defense against endlesswaves ofenemy. Control the battlefield using limitless strategiesand adiverse selection of upgradeable towers.FEARTURE- Enjoy 50 exciting tower defense levels- 10 high-power towers- 15 distinct enemies- Build your own unique td strategy with a wide range ofmagicskills- Hours of gameplay with over 50 achievements- 3 difficulty modes- Great graphics and music, soundsDownload Tower Defense: Epic War and do not forget to rate 5starsfor this game!