Top 15 Games Similar to 五千年以前 - 最唯美仙俠世界

我的黑手黨男神-妳的心由我來守護 1.0
Japan high popularity dating simulation hand tour "Mafiamore",andmen of God who compose sweet and dangerous love song.
仙劍奇俠傳-全新經典逍遙遊-問情篇 3.0.1
仙劍史上首款3D MMORPG回合制手遊全明星集合、唯美古風畫面、3D飛行坐騎、即時語音、雙盟對抗、更獨家引入“仙劍之父-姚仙”訂制的專屬劇情,全新仙劍命運之輪將再次啓動,就由你我再續御劍乘風21年的經典!-遊戲特色-【仙劍全明星 才叫真經典】說起仙劍,你會想起誰?這一次收錄了1-5代仙劍系列經典人物,在全新的時空中復刻曾經的生離死別、更有熟悉的蜀山、唐家堡、仙靈島、鎖妖塔。一樣的配方,不一樣的味道,但卻同樣的經典!【仙劍史上 首款3D回合】21年仙劍史上首款回合制手遊大作,仙劍之父姚仙全力監製,唯一跨歷代、唯一全劇情、唯一全角色、唯一完整世界觀、唯一回合制的3DMMORPG手遊。勿忘初衷,感動回歸!【緣定三生 輕鬆交友】完善的社群系統,及豐富的聊天系統,同時遊戲中還收錄了雙陣營對抗、幫派、結婚、社交圈、關係表等豐富多樣的社交功能,讓你愛怎麼聊天就怎麼聊天!【特色座騎 華麗時裝】在仙俠世界中就是要能掌握飛行,遊戲中將同時擁有著蒼龍、仙鳥、飛劍、葫蘆、祥雲等多樣豐富的座騎等著你來收藏,此外遊戲中還加入了獨特的外觀系統、除了可改變造型之外,還能夠增添華麗視覺特效的造型時裝,打造屬於你自己的客制化角色!【同屏互動 實時直播】遊戲中也引進了直播的功能,讓你在閒暇之餘還能夠開啟直播介面,一邊遊戲一邊收看直播,並讓你在直播節目中學習高階玩家的技巧與心得,讓你更能增添遊戲樂趣!遊戲中如有任何問題可至遊戲內的客服回報系統來進行反應,或亦至客服信箱來進行提問。客服信箱:[email protected] of the historyofthe first turn-based 3D MMORPG hand tourAll-Star collection, beautiful antiquity screen, 3D flyingmounts,instant voice, two League confrontation, moreexclusiveintroduction of the "Legend of the father - Yao Xian"customexclusive story, the new Legend of the wheel of fate willstartagain, and then I just made you Sword 21 years of continuouswindclassic!- Game Features -[Legend of the All-Star is really a true classic]Speaking of Legend, who would you think? This time, a collectionofclassic characters Sword series 1-5 generations, life to deathhadengraved in the new time and space, more familiar Shushan,TangJiabao, fairy island, Suoyao. The same formula, not the sametaste,but the same classic![Legend of the history of the first round 3D]Legend of the first 21 years of the history of turn-handtravelmasterpiece, father of the Legend of Yao Xian full producer,theonly cross-ages, 3D MMORPG hand only full story, only fullrole,the only complete world view, the only turn-based tour. Donotforget the original intention of moving back![Edge set whose son] friends easilyImprove community systems, and rich chat system, while the gamealsoincluded a double confrontation camp, gang, marriage, socialcircle,relational tables and other diverse social functions, makeyou lovehow on how to chat chat![Features mounts gorgeous fashion]In Xian Xia world is to be able to master the flight, the gamealsohas a rich and diverse mounts black dragon, fairy birds,Feijian,gourd, clouds, etc. waiting for you to collection, inaddition tothe game also added a unique appearance of the system ,in additionto changing the shape, but also can add visual effectsgorgeousfashion modeling, create your own customizedcharacter![Live] real-time interaction with the screenThe game also features the introduction of live and letliveinterface you can also turn in her spare time, while the gamewhilewatching live, and allows you to learn higher-order player'sskilland experience in the live show, the game allows you to addmorefun!If you have any problems in the game can return to thecustomerservice system to react within the game, or also toCustomerService to ask questions.Customer Service: [email protected]
仙俠奇緣:仙魔大戰一觸即發! 1.1.3
「仙俠奇緣」六界內的派系鬥爭,仙魔大戰一觸即發!擁有八大特色,多元玩法,還有熱鬧的幫派系統,可以種菜偷菜,還可以跨服聊天!每天都有樂趣~*【8大特色】*一、輕鬆一指戰鬥系統:回合制戰鬥,自由搭配陣行,一指戰鬥,輕鬆不費力二、多樣寵物坐騎系統:寵物進化成長,百變造型寵物陪伴遊仙界!拉風酷炫的坐騎等你來收集!三、獨特神器收集系統:收集神器,屬性再增強,一起斬妖除魔,拯救六界!四、比拚戰鬥系統:三大門派比拚戰鬥,誰與爭鋒!競技場、幫會戰、劫標團…等享受戰鬥廝殺快感!挑戰百關通天塔,成為最強關主!五、豐富多元玩法,超過22種趣味遊戲小系統等你來發掘!六、不用再等待打字時間,語音系統輕鬆即時交談!七、跨服任務、跨服戰場,不只要在伺服器稱王,更要稱霸所有伺服器!八、結婚+師徒系統:與伴侶~師徒攜手闖蕩江湖不孤單===========================================================官方粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]
星辰幻想 1.3.1
Six kinds of occupations, the ten roles let you chose freelyamongdifferent occupations multiplied by grams, different wartimecareerwith unlimited fun
Deep love and sadness through time and space
*New Transcendence System implemented: make your Pilotsevenstronger! ■ Attention, Officer On Deck! Welcome to Goddess KissHQ,Commander! We've been waiting for your orders! The GoddessKissteam has gathered from all over the world to follow yourcampaignagainst the dark empire, that lurks among the darkness todestroyand reign with terror! Download Goddess Kiss now to betheircommanding officer and defend the rightful peace and bringjustice!Progressively recruit more members for your team withAnime-CuteGirls, raise their affection levels to become more closeto them!Seasonal costumes from various backgrounds, dresses /bikini andmany more fascinating looks! A kiss will changeeverything! Curebrainwashed pilots with the touch of your lips!Experience athrilling excitement of battling the front lines,strategicallyplace Mecha units into battle as you stoll forvictory! ■ MainFeatures - Talented voice-over actors for GoddessKiss Pilots willgive maximum game-play experience. - PvP Arena:Battle againstother players and show who's best! - Daily Battle:Battle againstthe enemies in different battlefields each day! -Death Match:Eliminate all the enemies that are blocking your way. -Boss Raid:Attack a colossal enemy command ship! Objective? Inflictas muchdamage as possible! - Mecha Skills: Upgrade each skills andusethem strategically to gain victory! ■ Requirements / Notes-Requires device with 2G or more RAM for smoothgame-playexperience. - Additional charges may apply due to VAT /currencyexchange rates for In-app purchases - Under our Terms ofServicesand Privacy Policy, Parental consent is required forpersons 13years or below to download and play GODDESS KISS. - Gamerequiresinternet connection at all times. ■ Mandatory PermissionNotice Thefollowing permission is required to play the game. -Access todevice photos, media, and files : This permission is usedto saveand retrieve game play data. - Access to contact information: Thisaccess is required for Facebook and Google Playfeatures(Achievement & Leader Board). - Access to device status: Thisaccess is required to check the Country Code (MCC) to setoptimumserver for corresponding country.[Facebook][CustomerSupport] [email protected] Terms of Service:URL:※PrivacyPolicy: Pleasecontactour customer support for all game related inquiries.*Game:Settings> Customer Support Copyright ⓒ DBROS Co.,Ltd. AllRightsReserved. Developer Information: - Address: Wemade Tower,3F49,Daewangpanryo-ro 644beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si,Gyenggi-do,Korea - Phone: 02-3709-2999 - Business RegistrationNumber:220-87-43147 - Communications vendor registrationnumber:2015-Gyenggiseongnam-1372
灵狐仙境(Spirit of fox wonderland) 1.2
A nine-tailed fox comes down to earth fromamythical realm, this love story between a fox and human spansfarand wide, leaving a thousand year legend to be passed downbygenerations!” Spirit of fox wonderland , the first3DMMOmasterpiece based on a Human-Fox mystic love story, isdeveloped bythe star developer group of “Loong Craft”. This gameoffersexquisite 3D scenes, gorgeous battle spectacles, 360-degreefreeflying experiences and abundant fashionable decorations, aimingatcreating the most beautiful phone game of 2017. Through CGquality3D images, this game reveals a romantic but complicatedmythicalrealm to you! Meanwhile, this game provides aroller-coasterstoryline of emotional trials and numerous characterssuch as acoquettish fox spirit, a Lolita with extraordinarystrength, ahandsome guy with super high CP, and a fine-appearinggentlescholar and more! Experience this grand love/hate story of ahumanand fox fairy told through engaging gameplay. You can alsohave aflying experience on a magical sword, hold a romanticwedding,strive for guild hegemony and stir battles between humansandfoxes. Join this game to start an incredible mythical adventure!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~【GameFeature】~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--Guild Wars with hundreds of participants, love and enmitybetweenhumans and foxes.The love/enmity between humans and foxes has lasted for overathousand years, they both have paid great prices in ordertosafeguard their races. Now in the face of a magic fruit, achoicemust be made, a loved one or a people? It will be your fatetodecide! In this game, you will join epic battles between humansandfoxes, guild wars, MMO dungeons, use a real-time voice systemtocooperate with teammates, and be overwhelmed by the mixedlove-hatefeelings provided by the epic storyline. Come on, team upwithfriends on different servers and join PVP battles, let’s createanamazing mythical legend together!--Make friends and write your own exclusive immortallovestoryThis game provides romantic gameplay, such as holding a weddingwiththousands of guests, cultivating skills with the one youlove,joining hands to unlock dungeons, becoming immortal, and more!Youcan even hold an ancient ceremony to make life-long friendswithothers!【Contact us】If you like our game, please follow our Facebook fan-page togetmore game information. We are looking forward to seeingyourcomments and messages!
御劍:再續前緣 1.7.1
Meet the beautiful pure love MMORPG mobile game
我要瘋神-首款可愛御神遊戲 1.0.17
仙魂2:经典再续 1.0.3
《仙魂2》是新一代清新唯美仙侠飞行角色扮演手游。实时语音互动玩家快速交友,大话封神;全新飞行坐骑助您游遍三界圣地,蜀山诛魔;神羽降世飞天遁地,副本争霸。游戏中共有逍遥、苍穹和星辰三大对立阵营,斩妖屠魔、渡劫飞升、结婚生子、仙盟建设、万人竞技、副本冒险、宠物养成等特色游戏系统尽在其中!多技能搭配,多样战术战斗组合,快拿起你的手机,一起共赴修仙之路,畅享清新纯粹的仙侠世界!【游戏特色】1、酷炫翅膀:获得强大和华丽的羽翼,闪耀拉风;2、千人激战:完美设计的战斗体验,感受群仙对战一统全球的爽快;3、千变魔卡:蜀山修仙,相承相克,卡牌收集获得神秘技能;4、浪漫玫瑰:撩妹,觅蜜,见证梦幻侠侣,亲爱的,我们结婚吧;5、萌宠养成:萝莉有杀气,灵仙狐缘,把喜欢的宠物培养到极致;6、强大交互:语音社交,坐标交互,跨服组队,更完美的游戏体验;7、集市买卖:告别复杂的摆摊系统,从此一键上货,一键提现;你错过了这一刻,就在别人后面,还等什么,和小伙伴一起缘定星尘,大话封神吧!【玩家服务】更多活动,请前往Facebook粉丝页:更多资讯,请前往游戏官网:更多服务,请前往客服信箱:[email protected]"Sin Soul 2" isanewgeneration of fresh beautiful Xian Xia flying roleplayingmobilegames. Real-time voice interaction players quicklymakefriends,lying Gods; new flying mounts to help you travelthroughthe threerealms of the Holy Land, Shushan punish evil;Godincarnate featherfly or a copy of hegemony. Happy game total,thesky and the starsof the three opposing camps, the demonslaughterdemons, crossingthe soaring robbery, married, SallyLeaguebuilding, athleticpeople, a copy of adventure, pet raisinggamesystems and othercharacteristics all in one! Withmulti-skilled,diverse combinationof tactical combat, quick pick upyour cellphone, to ride togetheron Cultivation of the road,enjoying thefresh pure Xian Xia world![Game Features]1, cool wings: get strong and gorgeous wings,sparklingLatinstyle;2, thousands of battle: the perfect design of combatexperience,feelthe battle to dominate the global Qunxianrefreshing;3-changing magic card: Shushan Cultivation,Xiangchenggrams,mysterious cards to collect acquire skills;4, romantic roses: tease girl, looking for honey,witnessCrazydream, dear, we get married;5, Meng pet develop: Lolita murderous, Ling Xian Humargin,thefavorite pet culture to the extreme;6, strong interaction: voice socializing,coordinateinteraction,cross-service team, a more perfectgamingexperience;7. Market trading: farewell stall complex systems, from thegoodsona key, a key withdrawals;You miss this moment, just behind the others, and sowhat,andsmall partners edge set Stardust, Westward Gods now![Service] PlayersMore events, visit Facebook fanpage: more information, please visit the game'sofficialwebsite:https: // services, please visitCustomerService:[email protected]
《花千骨》仗打三生三世! 3.1.0
※ 破億觀看修仙玄幻網路小說,完美演譯宏觀仙俠世界!※ 全球破百萬下載量,10萬人同時在線,打屁打怪不亦樂乎!【改版内容】✦飛天坐騎 正面對決!多種坐騎威猛登場,小骨帶你換裝征戰三界!✦神威靈寵 PK王登場!隱藏版魔尊釋出,戰鬥力激升,殺個他片甲不留!✦寶寶來了 親子養成!畫骨夫婦修成正果,養成屬於你們的三界「靈寶」!✦小骨農場 隆重開幕!坐騎靈寵碎片任你收,休閒養成RPG再升級!【遊戲特色】她,世間最後一個神,出生時滿城鮮花盡凋零,故取名花千骨。他,一生不負長留,不負六界,不負眾生,不負任何人,惟獨負了她。✦ 交友互動甜蜜滿載- 獨家仙緣系統,炫耀閃光最新招,戀愛感滿點!- 師徒X鮮花系統,尋找屬於你的花千骨/白子畫!- 長留24H互動派對 小骨約你泡澡沐浴享盛宴✦ 多款爽快共鬥玩法- 全新門派群戰,組隊爭奪六界第一戰隊!- 眾仙爭鳴跨服PK,高手永遠不寂寞!- 三人群戰新體驗,同心擊魔狂飆友誼好感度!✦ 多種趣味變幻系統- 靈寵元神系統,弱戰逆襲奇招克敵!- 轉職幻化功能,掌握命運浴火重生!- 神裝系統破孔位升屬性,與神的境界更近一步!✦ HD高畫質視聽饗宴- 超過500套驚艷時裝,可愛搞怪隨你搭配!- 3D炫目戰鬥技能特效,電影效果身歷其境!- 療癒型Q萌迷你跟隨寵,隨時陪伴融化你心!✦ 姊妹閨密都愛玩- 師徒虐戀揪心上演,血吻醋吻完整公開- 超萌Q版人物造型,國民萌寵糖寶、霸氣殺姊姊陪你共闖天下- 全自動托管系統,簡單體驗『仙俠奇緣』《花千骨》繁體中文版官網《花千骨》繁體中文版粉絲專頁:《花千骨》繁體中文版Youtube頻道:《花千骨》繁體中文版客服回報:[email protected]《花千骨》遊戲論壇:
仙國志-3D MMORPG 1.6.0
※說明*台港澳首款重金鍛造的正3D仙俠大型MMORPG手遊!*華麗的技能特效和千人同場PK!*360°全視覺無死角的3D新奇場景帶你體驗最真實3D遊戲的仙界生活!===遊戲說明===★首款正3D手機遊戲,360°視野無死角★巴哈姆特最受玩家期待年度多人在線手遊巨作★首日上線即突破十萬人次下載曆史記錄★首款在紐約時代廣場揚威海外的S級對戰遊戲★絕對爽快的無上限技能打擊,讓你的手停不下來啊啊啊啊啊....===遊戲特色玩法===※仙國寶貝— 海量正妹真人驗證,真實“交”友你懂的!※四大職業— 深度體驗遠攻、近身肉搏、暗殺、治療的魅力!※國戰系統— 三國分天下,國王一聲令下,千人同時攻城血拼!※跨服血戰— 伺服器的權力巔峰-“天下皇帝”劍指他服,服與服的抗爭!※鬥神戰場— 千人混戰,強者生出之地,血洗鬥神場浴血而生!※副本挑戰— 多人組隊征服BOSS,有T有奶有輸出!※絢麗裝備— 大型強化系統,令裝備光環盡顯!※巨型坐騎— 絢目多樣的坐騎,不僅外觀霸氣十足,更是跑圖利器!※巔峰畫質— 360°自由全景視角,全3D場景設計,角色精緻模型!===遊戲背景===自商湯傳至紂王。紂王受九尾妖狐附體的妲己所迷惑,殘暴無道,武王率眾伐之。紂王自焚于鹿台,妲己亦被斬首而死。然妲己九尾妖狐精魄未滅,乃采日精月華,吸天地之靈氣,又歸於通天教主門下再修得千年真身。而後攜五火七禽扇、金霞帽、傾世元纕,領諸多妖怪仙人作亂人間。靈鷲山元覺洞燃燈道人賜李靖八寶玲瓏塔一尊,下界除妖。軒轅墳前,托塔天王與九尾妖狐大戰三日,尤未分勝負。後祭起八寶玲瓏塔,金光白日之下,妖狐被壓於塔下不得動彈,其餘妖仙鬼怪俱散去,一時清平盛世,再無風浪。百年之後,塔內生變,妖氣繞塔三匝,聚而不散。猶是千年妖狐吹散芥子乾坤,令塔內道法黯滅,混沌之力驟而潰散。寶塔之內七件舉世法寶,三足金烏、瑰仙劍、驚神戟、乾坤尺、天羅傘、淨世拂塵和戰天刺俱為妖狐所得。燃燈道人料得天界有此一遭,遂命金甲力士將八寶玲瓏塔沉入大澤。不料澤有龍潭,實生龍蛇,九尾妖狐以攝魂之術控制龍之九子,螭吻,使其纏繞塔身,欲將寶塔崩裂。神功妙濟真君路過此地,恰見澤海之水翻江倒海,定有蹊蹺,遂遁入海底一窺究竟。乃見妖氣彌漫,蛟龍繞塔,便知所以。遂取出斬妖劍,插入龍嘴,定住其身,使之動彈不得。然寶塔受損,已現裂痕,經妖狐法力催動,竟碎成三塊散落大澤海底。九尾妖狐破塔而出,一時天地色變,電閃雷鳴,風雨驟生。百里之內化為焦土,千里之外水漫眾生,人間界再遭滅頂之災。===聯繫我們===※如您在遊戲內遇到任何問題,我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題, 請及時與我們聯繫!☆在線客服☆客服信箱:[email protected]※若想第一時間獲悉仙國志最新動態與優惠活動請關注我們遊戲官網!☆巴哈討論區:☆8888play粉絲團:本遊戲依中華民國法律規範應列為輔導12歲級本遊戲情節涉及性、暴力及戀愛交友注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲本遊戲部分內容或服務,需另行支付其他費用※ Description* Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao are forgingthefirst heavily Xian Xia 3D MMORPG large hand travel!* gorgeous skill effects and thousands ofpeoplein the same field PK!* 360 ° full visual novelty no dead 3D scenestakeyou to experience the most realistic 3D game Once uponalife!GameDescription === ===★positive first 3D mobile games, 360 ° field of visionwithoutdead★ Bahamut most players look forward to the annual multiplayeronlinetravel giant hand★ line on the first day that exceeded one hundred thousandpeoplehave downloaded History★ first won in overseas S-Class war games in New York'sTimesSquare★ absolutely refreshing skills unlimited strike, get your handscannot stop ah ah ah ah ah ....Thegamefeatures gameplay === ===※ baby fairy country- Massive working girl live verification, real "pay" Friendsyouknow!※ four major professional- Depth of experience far attack, close combat,assassination,treatment charm!※ national warfare systems- Three sub-world, the king gave the order, while thousands ofsiegeshopping!※ inter-service bloody- Peak power servers - the "world Emperor" to prove safety ofhisclothes, clothes and clothing struggle!※ The God of the battlefield- Thousands melee, strong birth place, God of War gamesbloodbathbloody and raw!※ copy of the challenge- Multiplayer team conquered BOSS, there are T milk output!※ gorgeous equipment- Large strengthen the system, so that the equipmentaurafilling!※ giant horse- Xuanmu variety of mounts, not only look arrogant, it is runcharttool!※ pinnacle of quality- 360 ° panoramic perspective of freedom, full 3D scenedesign,exquisiterolemodel!======GamebackgroundSinceShang Zhou spread. Zhou possessed by nine fox Dajiconfused,cruelty is no way, Wu mobilize cutting it. Zhouself-immolation inLutai, Daji was also beheaded and died.However, nine fox Daji fine soul is not destroyed, is takenNisseiYuet Wah, suck Aura, and then repair the door wasattributedTongtianjiaozhu Millennium Mami. Then carry five fireseven birdsfan, Jinxia cap, dumping the World Yuan Xiang, leadingmanymonsters immortal human rebellion.Vulture Peak Yuan Jue Li Jing-dong Enlightening TaoistEightlinglongta give a lower bound Chuyao.Regulus grave, Towering King fox with nine three-daybattle,especially not a close call. After Eight brings linglongta,underthe golden day, the fox can not be pressed to move the tower,andthe rest dispersed all immortal demon ghosts, sometimesQingpingprosperity, no storms.After a century, the tower has changed, Yaoqi Sanza aroundthetower, and leave together. Utah Millennium fox blownmustarduniverse, so dark tower off Road Act, the power of arrestandcollapsing chaos. Within seven pagoda world of magic, threegoldblack, Rose Sword, halberd scared of God, ruler of heavenandearth, day Lo umbrella, net World War days whisk and staballproceeds for the fox.Enlightening Taoist material was heaven there was this one, SuiMingKap linglongta Eight wrestlers will sink Osawa. UnexpectedlyChakLongtan, seedling snakes, nine fox control with surgeryDevil's NineDragon, Chiwen to winding tower, wishing pagoda crack.Ji Chun Kwanwonderful magic passing through here, just to seeSawaumi waterbadly, given there is something wrong, then fled to aglimpse ofwhat the seabed. See Yaoqi is filled, dragon around thetower, soglance. Then remove Zhanyao Jian, insert dragon mouth,horde theirbody, so that it could not move. However pagodadamaged, has nowcrack, pushed by fox magic, actually broken intothree large Sawaumistrewn bottom.Nine fox tower broke out, and sometimes the mere mention ofheavenand earth, lightning, wind and rain suddenly born. Scorchedwithina hundred miles, thousands of miles away water diffusebeings, thehuman world sufferedanotherdisaster.======Contact Us※ If you encounter any problems in the game,weare happy for you to solve any problems encountered in thegame,please do not hesitate to contact us!☆ Online Customer Service:☆ Customer Service: [email protected]※ For the first time informed of thelatestdevelopments and Zhi Xian promotions Follow us on game'sofficialwebsite!☆ Baja Forum: http: // bsn = 26461?☆ 8888play fans group: game should be classified in accordance with the legalnormsROC 12 years coaching levelThe game plot involving sex, violence and love datingNote the use of time, avoid indulging in gamesThis game is part of the content or services to be subjecttoadditionalfees
每一段傳說,都跟一個傳奇人物有關——皓月大陸上,也同樣有著這樣一個傳說。他是第一個,也是唯一成神的人類。領悟了星辰運轉軌跡,人獸生老病死,草木繁榮枯萎,冷暖四季變換的他擁有呼風喚雨,撼天震地的異能。他通曉古今,預測未來,因此被尊為先知之神。然而皓月歷331年,炎魔現世,生靈塗炭!先知之神被打敗,靈魂被封鎖在地底深處。炎魔身上,有著什麼秘密?國王派遣了一匹部隊前往營救,隊伍中包刮前線勇者「魔劍士」,吟誦自然之力的法術使「元素師」與攻其不備的黑暗隱者「潛行者」,冒險者們阿!快拿起武器,跟上腳步,為榮耀而戰。遊戲特色系統介紹【全新組隊玩法,各職業出頭天】可以加入別人的隊伍成為隊員,也可以創建隊伍成為隊長。在隊伍中,您能自如地和隊友交流,團隊作戰,享受一起打BOSS的樂趣。【坐騎跑酷副本,搭乘拉風坐騎】操作搖杆移動來獲取金幣,寶箱來累計積分,同時還要小心避開路上的障礙物,要是被撞倒可是會受傷扣血的。【百層勇者之塔,挑戰自我極限】冒險者們逐級而上,站在塔頂便是無上的榮耀。勇者之塔無層數限制,只要你行,只要你敢,便給你無限挑戰。【獨特翅膀系統,搭配華麗裝飾】系統贈送翅膀達到10級後即可啟動穿戴,隨著等級上升還會越變越華麗呢!穿戴翅膀不僅僅是為了酷炫,還能為人物增加額外屬性。【勇闖遺跡金庫,實現千萬富翁】冒險者們打敗遺跡中的寶箱怪,可獲得大量金幣,俗話說出門在外雖然錢不是萬能,但沒錢卻萬萬不能阿~【金銀島大探險,搜尋珍貴寶物】金銀島是護送帆船,主要能獲得聲望和金幣,也可邀請好友協助或搶奪其他玩家,點擊刷新可以刷新出海的船隻,越好的船隻收穫越大哦~※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
八家將之仙拚仙 1.1.4
小李飛刀-3D情義動作新武俠 1.0
LongE Play
3D情義新動作武俠手遊《小李飛刀》即刻登場!華人武俠世界的巨擘古龍再掀手機遊戲新浪潮兵器譜排行高手-李尋歡、上官金虹、天機老人、藍蠍子,與其他知名英雄阿飛、林仙兒、孫小紅等人,各自為了情義、名利和權勢而引發了一場江湖腥風血雨…【古龍正版授權 闖出武俠新世代】正宗古龍經典再現,2.5頭身Q萌形象,顛覆傳統驚豔江湖!【情義合體出擊 釋放華麗最終必殺】英雄組合累積能量觸發全範圍必殺技,華麗特效衝擊視覺!【首創人物滑動操控 揮別無腦戰鬥逆轉勝】彈指揮灑逆轉戰局,兼具自由與策略的多重玩法,想打哪裡由你決定!【真人即時跨服對戰 沒有最強只有更強】4v4跨服即時PVP對戰,LOL選角模式,策略與戰力一次爆發,成就你的峰頂之路!【重現兵器譜全英雄 打造屬於你的夢幻戰隊】經典傳奇英雄盡收手裡,兵器譜排行等你來改寫!【邊玩邊追劇 換個姿勢看小李】手遊新體驗,邊玩邊追劇,全彩水墨漫引領體驗經典名著!