Top 17 Games Similar to 五千年以前

九陰真經3D 1.5.6
The classic terminal game of the same name is 100%perfecttransplanted and optimized, bid farewell to the lonelymissionlevel, and experience the fun of orthodox MMORPG with allplayers!The sequel to the authentic Jiuyin spirit, creating anewgeneration of mobile games today!
Jin Yong's martial arts PK genuine new hand tour ─ "Kung Fu."HeavenDragon, Die Another Day; both a sword, who would not from!
創世破曉 3.81.17
Creation of light, dawn out! 3D Magic Hand Tour "Dawn ofCreation"server full! Come play with the team burst treasure Godinstalled!
御劍:再續前緣 1.7.1
Meet the beautiful pure love MMORPG mobile game
魔王与公主—恋爱社交の奇幻冒险 1.1.0
★《魔王与公主》Q萌冒险的3D MMOAPRG手游欢迎来到星月大陆,一场轰轰烈烈的为爱冒险之旅即将开启。你准备好了吗?属于你的恋爱故事从此展开…✔横版连招、萌斗魔王!战斗从未如此心跳战士、法师和暗影三种经典ARPG职业等待你的选择,虚拟遥杆的操纵控制,流畅绚丽的打斗画面,需要你有不错的走位意识哟,把握良好战斗时机,打败怪物,一举通关!✔放纵战斗、语音畅聊!恋爱打怪两不相误顶着萌萌的名字,套着可爱的时装,聊天的文字也是透露着少女气息,当你满怀期待的和TA语音,期待听到TA真实的声音…在游戏里发展一段迷人恋情吧!一边缠绵,一边战斗,迈向美妙婚礼的殿堂!✔坐骑时装、酷炫展示!只为遇见更好的你游戏内有数十款Q萌酷炫的时装、风格各异的坐骑,展现最拉风的形象!并且支持双人坐骑哟,玩家可以驾驶坐骑,携上心上人,在庞大的主城内兜风观光,接受小伙伴们的羡慕注视!✔萌宠相伴、约战BOSS !一起踏上冒险之路萌萌哒龙猫、小浣熊、治愈大白(●—●)、小红帽、蘑菇头等等宠物,时刻伴你左右,帮你biubiu打怪!在游戏内的多种战斗玩法,PVE副本/PVP多人、单人PK,一起在碎片时间即享受战斗乐趣!★★《魔王与公主》游戏特色★★✔名作家执笔的经典剧情✔成长线丰富的日常活动✔流畅且炫酷的战斗PK✔Q萌恋情侣的互动结婚✔坐骑萌宠的浪漫无敌✔语音聊天等你一键约起★来自开发者的提示★倾注了我们团队热情与心血的这款游戏,真的还不错噢,真♥推荐给你。★关注《魔王与公主》★Facebook粉丝页面:客服邮箱:[email protected]游戏过程中,有任何问题或者需要,欢迎大家随时联系我们(●'◡'●)ノ♥★温馨提示★第一次进入游戏前,需要在线更新约90MB的内容,根据网络情况所需时间不等,请大家耐心等待下喔!如果更新过程中,遇到任何闪退或黑屏的问题,请随时联络[email protected],我们会全力解决您的所有问题!★ "devil and princess"QMeng adventure 3D MMOAPRG hand tourWelcome to the moon and stars the mainland, a vigorousloveadventure is about to open. are you ready? Your own love storyfromstart ...✔ horizontal version with strokes, Meng fight the devil!Fightinghas never been so heartbeatWarrior, Mage and three classical ARPG Shadow career waitingforyour choice, to manipulate the virtual remote control lever,smoothgorgeous fighting screen, you need to have a good sense of yowalk,to grasp the opportunity of good fight, defeat monsters in onefellswoop clearance!✔ indulgence fighting, voice chat! Love Daguai two donotmistakeMeng Meng wore name set with lovely fashion, talking withtextalso reveal the girl breath, when you hope-filled voice andTA,TA's expecting to hear the sound ... Had a lovely romance inthegame now! While touching, while fighting towards awonderfulwedding hall!✔ horse fashion, cool show! Better just to meet youThere are dozens of game Q Meng cool fashion, different stylesofhorse, to show the image of the most pull the wind! Andsupportsdouble mount yo, players can drive the horse, carryingasweetheart, a ride in the huge main city sightseeing, acceptsmallpartners envy watching!✔ Meng Chong accompanied gathers BOSS! Embark on the roadofadventureMeng Meng da chinchillas, small raccoons, cure white (● -●),Little Red Riding Hood, etc. Pets mushroom head, always bewithyou, to help you biubiu Daguai! A variety of fighting gamesareplayed in a game, PVE copy / PVP multiplayer, single PK,togetherwith fragments of time that is to enjoy the fun offighting!★★ "devil and Princess" Game Features ★★✔ writer penned the classic story✔ line growth rich daily activities✔ smooth and cool fighting PK✔Q Meng love couple married Interactive✔ romantic invincible Meng pet horse✔ voice chat, you play a key about★ ★ Tips from DevelopersDevoted enthusiasm and effort of our team game, really goodOh,really ♥ recommend to you.★ concern "devil and princess" ★Facebook fan page: Service Email:[email protected] of the game, have any questions or need, welcome tocontactus anytime (● '◡' ●) Techno ♥★ Tips ★Before the first time into the game, you need approximately 90MBofonline updates, the time required varies depending onnetworkconditions, please be patient waiting for the next Oh!If the update process, or encounter any black screen flashbackproblems, please feel free to [email protected],we will spare no effort to solve allyour problems!
Our dark lord-Sasuyu 2-TAP RPG 1.4.2
Become the weakest dark lord in history and start your conquestofthe world!?
灵狐仙境(Spirit of fox wonderland) 1.2
A nine-tailed fox comes down to earth fromamythical realm, this love story between a fox and human spansfarand wide, leaving a thousand year legend to be passed downbygenerations!” Spirit of fox wonderland , the first3DMMOmasterpiece based on a Human-Fox mystic love story, isdeveloped bythe star developer group of “Loong Craft”. This gameoffersexquisite 3D scenes, gorgeous battle spectacles, 360-degreefreeflying experiences and abundant fashionable decorations, aimingatcreating the most beautiful phone game of 2017. Through CGquality3D images, this game reveals a romantic but complicatedmythicalrealm to you! Meanwhile, this game provides aroller-coasterstoryline of emotional trials and numerous characterssuch as acoquettish fox spirit, a Lolita with extraordinarystrength, ahandsome guy with super high CP, and a fine-appearinggentlescholar and more! Experience this grand love/hate story of ahumanand fox fairy told through engaging gameplay. You can alsohave aflying experience on a magical sword, hold a romanticwedding,strive for guild hegemony and stir battles between humansandfoxes. Join this game to start an incredible mythical adventure!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~【GameFeature】~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--Guild Wars with hundreds of participants, love and enmitybetweenhumans and foxes.The love/enmity between humans and foxes has lasted for overathousand years, they both have paid great prices in ordertosafeguard their races. Now in the face of a magic fruit, achoicemust be made, a loved one or a people? It will be your fatetodecide! In this game, you will join epic battles between humansandfoxes, guild wars, MMO dungeons, use a real-time voice systemtocooperate with teammates, and be overwhelmed by the mixedlove-hatefeelings provided by the epic storyline. Come on, team upwithfriends on different servers and join PVP battles, let’s createanamazing mythical legend together!--Make friends and write your own exclusive immortallovestoryThis game provides romantic gameplay, such as holding a weddingwiththousands of guests, cultivating skills with the one youlove,joining hands to unlock dungeons, becoming immortal, and more!Youcan even hold an ancient ceremony to make life-long friendswithothers!【Contact us】If you like our game, please follow our Facebook fan-page togetmore game information. We are looking forward to seeingyourcomments and messages!
降龍十八掌--真金庸唯一授權武俠卡牌遊戲 1.0.0
●遊戲介紹唯有正宗,才是真武俠! 全台第一,真金庸卡牌戰鬥遊戲!《降龍十八掌》磅礡登場,天下武林,誰與爭鋒!---2014暑假武俠遊戲唯一選擇---真正金庸武俠遊戲,《降龍十八掌》隆重登場。《降龍十八掌》收集了「射鵰英雄傳」、「神鵰俠侶」、「倚天屠龍記」、「笑傲江湖」…等知名金庸武俠小說場景、橋段,一個遊戲就能帶領玩家遍遊金庸筆下的江湖。《降龍十八掌》還擁有超過百位以上的金庸經典大俠:郭靖、黃蓉、東邪黃藥師、西毒歐陽鋒、南帝段智興、北丐洪七公、楊過、小龍女、張無忌、趙敏、周芷若、令狐沖、任我行、東方不敗、任盈盈…知名大俠,絕非山寨,絕不改名,盡在《降龍十八掌》任君選擇。除了擁有金庸知名場景、著名故事橋段、經典大俠之外,《降龍十八掌》裡絕世武功(九陰真經、九陽真經、降龍十八掌、打狗棍法、太極拳、乾坤大挪移、獨孤九劍、黯然銷魂掌…)和蓋世神兵(倚天劍、屠龍刀、軟蝟甲…)也都盡收遊戲之中,等待玩家的收集。在《降龍十八掌》中,你可以擁有金庸筆下的經典大俠,和他們一起學習絕世神功、找尋蓋世神兵,最後在華山論劍之中,稱霸天下、號令武林!擁有這一切,都將不是夢,因為《降龍十八掌》就是正宗金庸,2014暑假唯一真正的武俠卡牌戰鬥遊戲!●遊戲特色---易操作:上手容易,戰鬥只要排好卡牌陣型,大俠就定位後就你就有機會稱霸武林!---具挑戰:金庸筆下百張場景任君闖蕩;襄陽城危在旦夕,少了你江湖就將腥風血雨!---爭排行:英雄齊聚,華山論劍,究竟誰才是當今武林天下第一?---衝屬性:手握倚天、屠龍神兵,力催降龍十八掌、九陰真經,提昇自己成為絕世大俠,稱霸武林!---愛冒險:神秘寶物隱藏在《降龍十八掌》劇情的行走路線中,步步都是驚奇,但也步步充滿殺機!---愛收集:超過百位真正金庸大俠任君挑選,郭靖、東邪、西毒、楊過、小龍女、令狐沖…通通不是冒牌貨!通通等你來收集!《降龍十八掌》Facebook粉絲團:《降龍十八掌》官方網站:
名將鬥神-飛龍在天(超人氣情愛武俠RPG單機免激活版) 1.0.1
『一場由神秘殺手裝扮的情愛盛宴開啓了…』情愛武俠經典RPG巨作《名將鬥神-飛龍在天》必將給你一個完全不同的武俠體驗!中原武林,風雨飄搖。人心險惡,風雲暗湧。快活林,八方錢財在此彙聚!九州豪傑于斯沈淪。這裏是一方極樂,酒色財氣樣樣令人流連忘返!不爲人知的是,極樂之處,才是死亡之城!快活林中藏秘一個殺手組織,殺人于無形之中。這次,他們的目標瞄准了武林之中至高權利的擁有者,萬人景仰的江南武林盟主玉伯。精密的部署,漫長的潛伏,纏綿的愛恨,由此展開……神秘、緊張、血腥、刺激的殺手生涯,《名將鬥神-飛龍在天》將爲你呈現一個回味無窮的武俠盛宴!【友情提示】注意經常保存進度,以便應對突發情況。【遊戲特色】1、经典武俠RPG遊戲,原班人馬悉數登場2、突破性上百小時主線劇情讓你一次玩到爽3、經典RPG玩法,真武俠迷的不二選擇!【遊戲資費】遊戲免費下載免費玩,並且特推出免費激活全部劇情活動!部分特殊道具可以使用谷歌錢包選擇性購買,非強制請放心。【支持機型】本遊戲全面支持各種終端分辨率與熱門機型,尤其針對中低端機型進行完美適配。但是部分特殊屏幕(如960X540分辨率)會出現下方顯示不全的情況,請選擇性下載,也可以與我們客服郵箱聯系回報問題,謝謝。【遊戲操作】方向鍵上(或2鍵):菜單指令向上/角色向上移動方向鍵下(或8鍵):菜單指令向下/角色向下移動方向鍵左(或4鍵):菜單指令向左/角色向左移動方向鍵右(或6鍵):菜單指令向右/角色向右移動方向鍵中(或5鍵):確定/對話/開啓寶箱7鍵:劇情提示9鍵:禦鷹飛行左軟鍵:確定/遊戲中調出系統菜單右軟鍵:返回/遊戲中調出角色屬性菜單==================遊戲攻略(來自網友)一開始跟著劇情走,然後到30級(30級不難升,多多練級就好)便不要打劇情了,那時候就到靈芝仙境(你到30級的時候應該知道這是哪裏,因爲劇情要去)的右上角的角落找到那50級的槍王,打一次給500元,等你打到47到48級的時候(要用耐心!),金錢就大概12萬左右(這聽人家說的,我可沒這個耐心...),那就夠做到完美結局。接著還是跟著劇情走。完美結局的條件:1.漫天,追風,小潔(紅衣女)的武器要升到最上級,那就是說漫天要在左淩死之前升到80級以上,並在埋左淩之前,將流星遂月升到頂級。2.得到漫天,追風,小潔(紅衣女)和左淩的所有套裝。漫天的在開始得到衣服姻緣洞得到飾物。小潔在南嶺得到衣服,楊威镖局得到飾物,追風在南嶺的山洞(得到10個飛鵬令後找百曉生才能進)得到飾物,在最後打燕離雲前得到衣服。左淩的套裝在第一個殺人夜的酒店門前的台階下的NPC那裏買(操作左淩時),或者到最後找漫天時在清雅閣旁邊的NPC那裏買。3.集齊飛鵬令,(打敗花姑會得到最後一個)得到最後的飛鵬令後先去找百曉生,和小潔在山洞裏找到追風的套裝。玩家QQ群:221446216客服郵件:[email protected]"by a mysterious killer dressed in a love feastopened..."Love classic martial artsRPGmasterpiece "The God name - Soaring" will give you acompletelydifferent martial arts experience!Central Plains martialarts,precarious. Misunderstandings, the situationundercurrents.Foxwoods, Octagon money in this together! Kyushu heroin Sri Lankasink. Here is one of bliss, cardinal vices everythingisaway!Unknown, the bliss of theDepartment,is the City of the Dead! Merry forest a hidden secretkillers, killthe invisible. This time, they are targeting themartial arts amongthe supreme rights owner, people admire thesouthern Bo Yu theMartial. Precision deployment, the long latent,lingeringlove-hate, which started ......Mysterious, intense, bloody,excitingcareer killer, "The God of star - Soaring 'will present youamemorable martial arts feast!【friendly reminder】Note that often save your progress, so deal withunexpectedsituations.[Game Features]1, the classic martial arts RPG games, the original castfulldebut2, the main storyline breakthrough hundreds of hours once youplayto cool3, classic RPG gameplay, really Wuxia Mi choice!Games tariffs]Games free download free play and free to activate the fullstoryspecial launch event! Some special props can use GoogleWalletselective purchase, non-mandatory, pleaserestassured.[Support model]This game is full support for the resolution of variousterminalspopular models, especially for low-end models ofperfectadaptation. But some special screen (such as 960X540resolution)Show below appears incomplete, please selectivitydownload, you cancontact our customer service mailbox returnquestions, thankyou.[Gameplay]The arrow keys (or 2 key): Menu command Up / charactermovesupDown arrow keys (or 8 key): menu commands Down / charactermovesdownLeft Arrow (or 4 key): Menu instruction left / character movestothe leftRight Arrow (or 6 button): menu commands Right / character movestothe rightThe arrow keys (or 5 key): OK / dialogue / Open Database7 Key: Drama Tips9 Key: Imperial Eagle FlightLeft soft key: OK / game bring up the system menuRight softkey: Return / game menu to bring up the roleofproperty==================Raiders game (from friends)Story to go along with a start,andthen to 30 (30 is not difficult to rise, like a lot ofleveling)will not play the story, and then on to GanodermaWonderland (to 30when you should know that this is where, becausethe story go to)find the top right corner of the corner 50 of theDouble Tap,playing time to 500 yuan, so you hit 47-48, when (tousepatience!), about money, it probably 120,000 (which heardpeoplesay I did not have the patience ...), that's enough to beperfectending. Then still follow the story to go.Perfect ending conditions:1. The sky, Herd, Xiao Jie (Hong Yinv) to rise to the mostsuperiorweapons, that is filled to the left Ling died before risingabove80, and before burying left Ling, the meteor then rosemonthTop.2. Get the sky, Herd, Xiao Jie (Hong Yinv) and all packagesleftLing. Began to be filled in the hole to get clothesmarriageornaments. Xiao Jie get clothes in Nanling, Yang Wei Escortgetornaments, cave Herd in Nanling (obtained after 10 Feipeng ordertofind Bai Xiaosheng get into) get ornaments, get off at thelastbeat Yan clothes cloud front. NPC Ling left under the stairssuitfirst night of the murder in front of the hotel where to buy(whenoperating left Ling), or to find when the sky finally clearedatthe NPC Accord where to buy next.3. Set 齐飞鹏 order, (defeated flower aunt would get the last one)togive the final order to find Bai Xiaosheng Feipeng, and XiaoJiefind Herd suit in the cave.Players QQ group: 221 446 216Customer-mail: [email protected]
幻想神域 - 啟源女神
日系動漫手遊《幻想神域》,傳奇遊戲經典再現,打造全新MMORPG國民手遊,化身二次元動漫角色,進入幻想的英雄冒險世界啟源始者們開啟屬於你的異世界召喚吧►►►★ 轉動啟源方塊! 召喚命定源神末日龍王-巴哈姆特、九尾狐姬-玉藻前、月光女神-亞緹米絲、經典源神將陪伴玩家左右,輔助玩家進行戰鬥,快來與源神訂下契約吧!★ 攻略天空之塔即時多人在線,公會夥伴一起上線共鬥的地下城副本攻略,快與好友攜手一同熱血出擊。★與好友組隊副本玩家可選擇與好友、公會夥伴組隊,或是讓系統隨機配對,一起挑戰異界副本。★找尋你的冒險之路透過冒險之路系統,你可以學習各種被動技能來打造屬於自己的獨特能力,根據學習路線你將有機會學習到雙武器的強力組合技能,無論是培養暴力輸出或是攻防一體的角色皆能讓你自由選擇。★百變造型自由搭新增的「時裝收藏冊」功能中,玩家可以將獲得的時裝放入收藏冊中,並隨時切換外觀,不需要再放入背包內。「幻想神域」額外設計了釣魚、料理、採集、卡牌豐富有趣的小遊戲,提供玩家更多的遊戲樂趣,挑戰生產職人之路。【關注我們】官方粉絲團:《Android系統建議》支援CPU:SnapDragon 800以上內存:2G 以上作業系統:Android4.4以上存儲空間:推薦預留700MB剩餘空間
丐武俠 1.6
★★遊戲簡介★★正統武俠經典不敗手機遊戲,《丐武俠》結合全類型暢銷武俠名著,召集超過500名傳奇江湖高手同台較勁,北冥、六脈、降龍、獨孤等百家武學任你挑選,全新十四天書武俠大作!★★遊戲特色★★★十四天書再臨 丐世英雄千古流芳★「飛雪連天射白鹿,笑書神俠倚碧鴛」經典傳奇人物全員到齊!超過 500 名耳熟能詳的武林豪傑‧將東邪西毒、北丐南慕容盡收麾下★幫派跨服激戰 奪武林天下第一幫★有人的就有恩怨、有恩怨的地方就有江湖,人就是江湖你怎麼退出?幫派激鬥兄弟齊心,一同浴血江湖!★秘笈一鍵習得 失傳武學聲歷其境★蒐集失傳秘笈,成為武林高手無須苦練十年!全程聲優配音,更道地的台灣武俠!★俠客傳功灌頂 完美繼承武林絕學★俠客完美傳功如虎添翼,培養心血零浪費!更能隨心所欲的對俠客進行培養,跳出傳統模式!★改寫人物命運 締造專屬武俠傳奇★誰說葵花寶典贏不了獨孤九劍?百搭武學任你搭配修練,丐幫打狗、少林伏魔打出你的一片天!
金光群俠傳 - 魔世入侵·雙軍激鬥改版 1.1
OhMyGod HK
Eternal Crusade-永恒纪元 3.81.1
Rings of Power Rules Eternity, Start your fantastic ringhuntingjourney!
《聖城戰記》魔幻級史詩回合策略大作強勢來襲!!神魔之戰跨世紀重現,神話英雄變夥伴,組合變化隨你開心,精緻史詩寫實畫面,一手遊玩超便利,即刻加入!打造心目中的聖城傳奇!★★遊戲背景★★上古眾神時代,神魔大戰,曾經美麗富饒的諾亞大陸生靈塗炭。魔神皇魔威滔天,甚至對創世神發起了挑戰!為挽救大陸,創世神散盡自身神力將魔神皇封印於無盡混沌之中…在經過千年的和平之後,人們似乎淡忘了神魔大戰的殘酷,然而隱忍於荒蕪之地的魔族卻沒有忘記,獸潮現世,魔族降臨,異界勢力入侵,在這危機四伏的境地出現了<救世主>。千年聖戰跨世紀重現,現在,由你創造新神話!★★遊戲特色★★●陣營戰爭●獨特大型競技,自選陣營參戰。●多人副本●揪團輕鬆通關,大量虛寶隨你拿。●至尊神器●參加活動天天送,戰隊屬性瘋狂增幅。●莊園建設●自產金幣當首富,捕獲親友成為你的奴隸。●聖光裝備●全面屬性超進化,誰說花大錢才能有神裝。●惡魔之塔●Boss埋伏挑戰無極限,稀有寶物盡在其中。****************************************************※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
蜀山戰紀撼動天下 1.4.3
絕代武俠 撼動你的天下!哈燒戲劇正版授權《蜀山戰紀》撼動天下!戲劇與動作的完美結合,絕對超越的打擊爽感,原汁原味的劇情轉折,劍起興之所至,正邪唯你一念!【遊戲特色】《戲劇原版再現,極致視覺饗宴!》Unity3D打造磅礡世界,落花飄雨真實重視!原劇動畫引人入勝,小骨四爺聲聲入劇,給你一個劍起雲湧的新江湖!《陣營共生對峙,豪爽PK國戰!》逍遙天命縱橫各踞江山,策略聯盟獨佔先機,巧取轉換強者恆強,齊心幫戰浴血國戰,只為縱橫名門制霸蜀山!《大俠路不寂寞,捕捉Q寵GO!》經典玩法萌寵捕捉,百款寵物任君挑選,幻化成獸靈丹還童,共闖天涯隨侍幫打!劍俠戰力無敵可愛出陣!《真愛抱抱結婚,攜手愛戀雙修!》真人頭像一見鍾情,攬腰抱抱愛意滿滿!打王組隊愛在一起,攜手結婚愛不設限!許你專屬的劍俠情緣!《獨門絕技在身,乘劍馭風飛仙!》四系職業獨門絕技,攻守技能變化萬千,御劍飛行獨攬全景,乘風瓊樓唯我獨尊!無人能敵之武林任你行↓更多精彩活動請詳粉絲專頁:
仙劍奇俠傳-全新經典逍遙遊-問情篇 3.0.1
仙劍史上首款3D MMORPG回合制手遊全明星集合、唯美古風畫面、3D飛行坐騎、即時語音、雙盟對抗、更獨家引入“仙劍之父-姚仙”訂制的專屬劇情,全新仙劍命運之輪將再次啓動,就由你我再續御劍乘風21年的經典!-遊戲特色-【仙劍全明星 才叫真經典】說起仙劍,你會想起誰?這一次收錄了1-5代仙劍系列經典人物,在全新的時空中復刻曾經的生離死別、更有熟悉的蜀山、唐家堡、仙靈島、鎖妖塔。一樣的配方,不一樣的味道,但卻同樣的經典!【仙劍史上 首款3D回合】21年仙劍史上首款回合制手遊大作,仙劍之父姚仙全力監製,唯一跨歷代、唯一全劇情、唯一全角色、唯一完整世界觀、唯一回合制的3DMMORPG手遊。勿忘初衷,感動回歸!【緣定三生 輕鬆交友】完善的社群系統,及豐富的聊天系統,同時遊戲中還收錄了雙陣營對抗、幫派、結婚、社交圈、關係表等豐富多樣的社交功能,讓你愛怎麼聊天就怎麼聊天!【特色座騎 華麗時裝】在仙俠世界中就是要能掌握飛行,遊戲中將同時擁有著蒼龍、仙鳥、飛劍、葫蘆、祥雲等多樣豐富的座騎等著你來收藏,此外遊戲中還加入了獨特的外觀系統、除了可改變造型之外,還能夠增添華麗視覺特效的造型時裝,打造屬於你自己的客制化角色!【同屏互動 實時直播】遊戲中也引進了直播的功能,讓你在閒暇之餘還能夠開啟直播介面,一邊遊戲一邊收看直播,並讓你在直播節目中學習高階玩家的技巧與心得,讓你更能增添遊戲樂趣!遊戲中如有任何問題可至遊戲內的客服回報系統來進行反應,或亦至客服信箱來進行提問。客服信箱:[email protected] of the historyofthe first turn-based 3D MMORPG hand tourAll-Star collection, beautiful antiquity screen, 3D flyingmounts,instant voice, two League confrontation, moreexclusiveintroduction of the "Legend of the father - Yao Xian"customexclusive story, the new Legend of the wheel of fate willstartagain, and then I just made you Sword 21 years of continuouswindclassic!- Game Features -[Legend of the All-Star is really a true classic]Speaking of Legend, who would you think? This time, a collectionofclassic characters Sword series 1-5 generations, life to deathhadengraved in the new time and space, more familiar Shushan,TangJiabao, fairy island, Suoyao. The same formula, not the sametaste,but the same classic![Legend of the history of the first round 3D]Legend of the first 21 years of the history of turn-handtravelmasterpiece, father of the Legend of Yao Xian full producer,theonly cross-ages, 3D MMORPG hand only full story, only fullrole,the only complete world view, the only turn-based tour. Donotforget the original intention of moving back![Edge set whose son] friends easilyImprove community systems, and rich chat system, while the gamealsoincluded a double confrontation camp, gang, marriage, socialcircle,relational tables and other diverse social functions, makeyou lovehow on how to chat chat![Features mounts gorgeous fashion]In Xian Xia world is to be able to master the flight, the gamealsohas a rich and diverse mounts black dragon, fairy birds,Feijian,gourd, clouds, etc. waiting for you to collection, inaddition tothe game also added a unique appearance of the system ,in additionto changing the shape, but also can add visual effectsgorgeousfashion modeling, create your own customizedcharacter![Live] real-time interaction with the screenThe game also features the introduction of live and letliveinterface you can also turn in her spare time, while the gamewhilewatching live, and allows you to learn higher-order player'sskilland experience in the live show, the game allows you to addmorefun!If you have any problems in the game can return to thecustomerservice system to react within the game, or also toCustomerService to ask questions.Customer Service: [email protected]