Top 48 Games Similar to Idle West Journey-RPG Adventure Legend Online Game

封神再臨:捉妖錄 1.0.1
《大聖歸來M》由超人氣CG動畫改編的MMORPG手遊,熟悉的場景,遊戲原創的故事劇情,更有知名CV頂級配音!遊戲延續了CG主線劇情,並追加了遊戲原創的故事劇情,交代了在CG結尾處生死未卜的江流兒的扭曲〜同時新增“那個女孩”紫霞與大聖再續前世愛恨糾葛,彌補百年遺憾。(如果一切可以重來,我會對那個女孩說:我愛你!如果要我在這份愛上加上一個期限——那會是一萬年!)【遊戲特色】-還原經典劇情 官方團隊全程監修 -6種角色随心轉職 雙重身份 命運抉擇 -知名CV鼎力助陣 大聖原版配音打造聽覺盛宴-實時互動拒絕孤獨幫派圍爐而坐,暢談海闊天空 【溫馨提醒】 ※本軟體依據遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。 ※切勿長時間持續使用,並請適度休息。
Idle Legend War-fierce fight h 2.1.105
Idle Legend War-fierce fight hegemony massive multiplayeronlinegame
Blood&Legend:Dragon King idle
Casual Idle,Find gear through fighting or trade with other players.
少年趙子龍-三國卡牌 1.0.0
天下名將,盡在我手,感受前所未有的即時對戰技巧性,進入遊戲召集武將,展開改寫歷史的冒險吧! ★ ★ 遊戲特色★ ★【豐富的英雄獲取】英雄圖鑒系統,盡情享受收集帶來的無限樂趣卡池豐富,愉快養成,通過英雄招募輕鬆搭配出屬於自己的最強陣容,向更遠的地方出發,在千層塔上登得更高,在擂臺上走得更遠!【無需操作的放置戰鬥】組建你的作戰軍隊,你的軍隊將為你自動戰鬥!輕鬆等待即可獲得史詩裝備!即使離線也一樣獲得豐厚的獎勵!【善用搭配,殲滅一切敵人】數以百計的不同陣營的夥伴,種類繁多的個性技能!擊殺敵人!組建你的最強陣容,近戰遠程搭配攻擊、給予敵人致命一擊!【豐富的遊戲內容】放置、戰鬥、收集、養成千層塔、擂臺pk、押鏢大廳給你帶來暢爽的指尖體驗,披金帶甲,馳騁沙場,舍我其誰無盡的精彩內容等你來體驗! 【激情無限的公會】與其他玩家組建一個最強公會,打造一個傳奇的公會!結識更多志同道合的好友,通過不斷的探索新的未知領域,不斷的接納新的強大同伴,不斷地擴充著活動區域,挑戰強力的公會boss,佔領更多的地盤,探索三國世界的真相。
逐日戰神 10.0
多兰大陆 - 下载送VIP3! 1.0.3
《多兰大陆》集聚恢弘精美的场景,华丽特效的技能,致力为您打造美轮美奂的中世纪风情!更有激萌伙伴、炫彩翅膀、成长神器为您的勇士之路助战!战盟争霸热血澎湃、百变时装随心搭配、海量BOSS肆意挑战!命运之轮开始转动,多兰大陆已经岌岌可危,无畏的勇士正挺身而出,是时候擦亮手中的利刃,携手捍卫曙光圣殿,开启惊天泣神之路!Englishversion,searchfor LandofDoranAddress:【游戏特色】◆天神下凡无可匹敌 强大的天神之力降临,蜕变天神傲视大陆,伙伴究极进阶,助你开拓王者之路!◆酷炫技能流光特效三大职业形象,游戏中的场景、怪物、BOSS、宠物等,细节写实生动,效果逼真。多人PK副本中,满屏大招特效,爽快爆棚!◆百变造型闪耀个性幻彩流光的翅膀、极致酷炫的职业套装、个性定制的精美时装、风格多变的坐骑、可幻化诸神的独特伙伴,皆可随心搭配!◆自由交易玩转市场海量boss肆意挑战、极品装备公平掉落,道具装备自由交易、打宝赚钱两不误,无门槛轻松玩转市场!◆人怪混战激爽PK丰富的PVP、PVE活动趣味无穷,群雄鏖战的巅峰竞技、千盟争霸的王者联赛、充满财富的巨龙宝藏、兄弟携手的战盟狩猎等您战个痛快!【玩法介绍】1、狂战士、魔法师、神射手三大职业个性分明,技能组合千变万化,让每个职业在战场上都拥有各自的传奇2、跨服PK胜者为王,各种跨服战役,在PK对决中,还你追游初心,天神下凡,超凡入圣3、天神之路觉醒,王者持剑独行,为家园而战,变身天神,出战赴敌,翱翔天际,你是众人瞩目的焦点4、挑战强大的世界BOSS,也可随时随地PVP单挑绝杀。冰火雷电状态爆发,潮水般的大战震颤整片大陆!【联系我们】FB粉丝页:游戏官网:https://doran.turingame.com官方微信:Turingame
三国GO: 群英会 (Q版三國策略卡牌RPG手游) 4.0.2
Three famous players-Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang, CaoCao,Zhang Fei! It's up to you to fight to save the troubled world!Eachserver is opened to send the gods (optional)!
Young Gods 1.1.3
Chaos Planet war has been burned for 30 years, A clash ofheroesmadea magic box explosion and time travel to the ThreeKingdomperiod. Inorder to summon the magic box again, chaos Heroesteamup with ThreeKingdom warriors to start a Glorious battle.Hotblood gameexperience, massive amazing activities, return withhighreward, allwithin 《Young Gods》 ===Game feature=== - Globalfirstpaper 3D,Skeletal Animation for you to find out! -AmazingArtifact and Hero’scool dress! - Combined skill withteamstrategy, say goodbye tobrainless mob farming! - Thetwelvespiritual legendary beasts fighton your side! - Entertainingmainline with adventure & mining! -Best return reward, whatelsedo you want in your life? ===Contactus=== If you like ourgame,welcome to leave any comments or send usmessage, contact uswhenyou are facing any game issue.
屠龍破曉 15.0
《屠龍破曉》經典重磅歸來!開啟全民掌上千人在線攻城,戰鬥鑄就王者霸業!在這裏,重溫經典瑪法。無兄弟不熱血!一起鑄就輝煌!靠裝備,更靠技術!打造最強幫會!專屬套裝霸氣附體!外觀拉風屬性爆炸!【遊戲特色】◆青春熱血,經典升級傳世榮耀,百萬行會,千萬兄弟,一呼百應,再戰沙城!原版復刻端遊經典設定,戰法道三職業、打寶、爆裝、熱血攻沙,指間馳騁“傳世經典”。◆PK爆裝熱血攻沙自由PK,血戰紅名,殺人爆物,血性刺激!落霞奪寶、鏢車護送、領地爭奪、激情攻沙……豐富的PvP玩法,待妳一戰成名!◆千人同屏精準擊殺PK系統深度優化,UE體驗創新設定,操作手感超暢爽, 千人同屏熱血攻沙,一鍵鎖定精準擊殺,尋敵千裏取敵首級。◆激情打寶自由交易超激情打寶體驗,極品裝備、高級技能打怪爆,自由交易隨心所欲。 行會、紅包……多元化社交玩法,妳不是一個人在戰鬥!
Place the gods on an adventure journey, 5V5 fair battle,DIYpainting goddess intimately follow, refuse to crushnumericalvalues, genre is a flexible strategy, temple experiencefunadventure, five artifacts accompany combat, on-board benefitsarebursting, super high-yield godsend god will.
The new version is here! Jizo-Monk vs Zhenwu-Taoist! The battleforthe strongest class opens
蒼天英雄誌 1.0.73
Dubbing by luxury Japanese voice actors Full of benefits andeasyaccess to high-level generals Easily master the game to endtheliver burst and stay up late Xuan Q painting style brokenscreenspecial effects extremely cool battle Voice social, easychat, fullserver hi turn
Sword Legend-Jinyong Heroes Fairy RPG Online Games 1.0.9
Sword Legend-Jinyong Heroes Fairy RPG Online Games,DungeonKnightAFK World Sword Legend is a swordsman RPG mobile game,in thegameplayers will avatar a nobody, self-taught,recruitfamousswordsman, and run into the world. The game paysattention tothecombat array strategy with high degree of freedom,strengthensthecollection and the cultivation, changes the magicpower, thebloodcompetition, the peak traditional martial arts,experiencesthedifferent martial arts world. Game features: * themain plottwistsand turns. With a horse a sword, get to meet friendsin allcornersof the country, with a chivalrous spirit, challengegood andevilsupreme, save the world in danger. Super multi - linestory,hiddenstory waiting for you to explore. * classicmartialartscharacters, Qiao feng, Dongfang Bubai, Yangguo......Uniquemartial arts, military weapons,chivalroustenderness,confidante...... All kinds of heroes andheroines, thevast world,everything you want here have! * high freeplayerinteraction. Makegood friends, form alliances, andseekopportunities together.Heroes gathered, united from master,goodmaster accompanied byteaching kung fu; play togetherwithconfidantes and brothers. Thisis a flesh-and-bloodinteractivearena. * high free stunts. Thereare more than 100martial artsclassics to choose from. Eachfaction of the master ofmartial arts,the attributes of totalcontrol! A variety of schoolsystemcapabilities have their owncharacteristics, hundreds ofmartialarts moves, including sword,fist, leg, palm, finger, stick,gun,hidden weapon, high freecollocation, super strategic, helpyoudominate the martial arts! *high free line-up. Unique vitalenergy,strategy collocation,random combination! Personally matchthelineup, to obtain theswordsman's internal powertransmission,release the originalenergy. Random collocation martialarts moves,ten thousand kindsof routines for your combination, tocreate onlyfantasy dreambelong to you. * high degree of freedomexploration.randomgenerate the maze maps , refused to repeat, evencan go deepintothe adventure of wonderland, all kinds ofinterestinggameplay!Accept the reward task, enter the trial place,completethe world'sexperience training, a large number ofunknownmysterious mapwaiting for you to explore the secret, explorethelegendarytreasure, to obtain the ancient and modern knightleftbehind therare treasure. * high freedom, experience andgrowth.Automaticpathfinding, off-line growth, one-handed operation,stopplayinganytime. Meet your dream of buddhist martial artslife,enjoy thepleasure of rapid growth, and upgrade to zero burden!
Idle Three Kingdoms-RPG Hero Legend Online Game 1.2.28
Idle Three Kingdoms-RPG Hero Legend Online Game, AFK ClashEmpireAdventure War . [The Three Kingdoms in times of trouble,Unifytheworld] The Three Kingdoms are in turmoil. You can lead thegreatgeneral guan yu through five passes and beat six generals,fightingthe enemy like mowing grass! Or incarnated lv bu, and sablecicadaexperience life and death parting rear however awakening,fightingforce extraordinary five tiger general can not enemy! Morethan 100heroes, follow the switch! The world will be martial,challenge on,you can be famous in the world? [massive benefits,login and sendVIP privileges] · carry out high welfare in the end,it isnecessary to play cool! New players will get the VIP5 +millionscoins when they come online. The first recharge big rebate,SSR godwill give the hero wei yan. Open service seven days to enjoyorangebig Joe, a large number of coins, commanders, artifact onlinesend![god will form, and great minds will gather at the firstplace] ·hundreds of martial arts generals will meet your collectiondesire,liu bei, guan yu, zhang fei, zhaoyun, cao cao, sun quan,dong zhuogenerals will wait for recruitment, and SSR generals willwait foryou to command! Wei, shu and wu three forces, civilofficials andmilitary will gather, only such as the Lord to send,even if theunknown soldiers after careful training, can also becomparable tolv bu sanying! Prestige soul breakthrough limit,choose the bestgeneral, cloth battle array! [a fierce woman, amatchless lv budominates the battlefield] · in addition to a seriesof militarygenerals for you to fight on the battlefield, but alsohavepowerful women, leading lv bu to fight in the south! Doubleactiveskills, multi-point group attack injury, the enemy instantlyashesto ashes, super strong combo help you clear customs! Washandpractice special effects, wake up the strongest defenseskills,dominate the battlefield, gallop freely, break through thelimit!Rich skills and combination match, let your fighting forcegreatlyenhance, truly enjoy the deployment of troops, brandishingthewind! [female hero and lv bu dominates the battlefield] ·inaddition to a series of military generals for you to fight onthebattlefield, but also have powerful female hero, leading lv butofight in the south! Double active skills, multi-point groupattackinjury, the enemy instantly ashes to ashes, super strongcombo helpyou clear customs! Wash and practice special effects,wake up thestrongest defense skills, dominate the battlefield,gallop freely,break through the limit! Rich skills and combinationmatch, letyour fighting force greatly enhance, truly enjoy thedeployment oftroops! [life star medicine, to help you through] ·refiningelixir, training life star meridian, forging special magicweapon.Diverse gameplay to create the strongest fighting force,enhancecharacter attributes, being the world's top! A variety ofcopieswaiting for you to fight! Inherit the glory of The ThreeKingdoms,the achievements of the king! [brothers and friends playtogether]· make friends in different social situations, andbuildrelationships in the three countries! Group copy, manypeoplecampaign, the establishment of the corps trade union,recruitheroes, common construction home. Participate in thereal-timegroup meeting challenge battle, the central plains,brotherhood,love marriage, a total war peak. Close friendsrighteousness knotjinlan, next to each other and feelings fullhome! Together acrossthe server battle, brothers heroicachievements three domineeringindustry! [easy operation, freehands] · adopt automatic combatmode, no operation is required, andsay goodbye to tedious tasks.Daily, task, dungeon all through a keyoperation. Only need to putout the strongest fighting force, thenyou can play a good game.Fun but not tired, play whenever andwherever even on the bus andsubway!
亂世妖姬 1.4.1
東漢末年,群雄割據,戰火紛飛,百姓流離失所…各方有識之士,紛紛揭竿而起,以匡扶天下大義為己任!《亂世妖姬》完整重現三國歷史,帶你重回三國亂世,征戰四方,成就一方霸業!——遊戲特色——【100%還原】經典再現,超強代入感!-真實三國歷史,匠心巨制,重遊亂世!-獨創3D寫實沙盤副本,過關斬將,稱霸史詩戰場!-名將專屬武器,完美複刻,天降神兵!-火爆半回合制戰鬥,酷炫技能,超強合擊!【名將雲集】天下名將,盡在我手!-百位三國經典名將,任你挑選!-陣營搭配,打造你的三國銀河戰隊!-自由養成,我的武將屬性我說了才算!【妖姬美人】窈窕淑女,君子好逑!-特色妖姬系統,大喬小喬,陪你征戰四方!-更有妖姬專屬技能,危難時刻力挽狂瀾!-還可以和妖姬親密互動喔!【豪賭天下】群雄並起,鏖戰中原!-擂臺賽,錦標賽!誰才是真正的三國霸主?-首領戰,軍團戰,國戰!以軍團之名,討國逆,扶正義!——記得聯絡我們喔——如果您在遊戲內遇到任何問題,歡迎您透過以下管道聯絡我們,我們將在第一時間為您提供幫助:《亂世妖姬》官方粉絲團專頁:《亂世妖姬》官方支持信箱:[email protected]——親情小提示——※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷
三國戰神記 1.37.57
KunYue Game
Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a card adventure mobile game oftheThree Kingdoms. The classic Three Kingdoms background is achaoticworld and a large number of heroes and generals appeargorgeously.Download the game now and play!
Skull Arena: Idle Hero RPG Gam 1.5.461
Summon undead heroes to embark on an endless idle gameagainstmighty dragons!!!
2020 latest Q version of Three Kingdoms action card mobile game!Getfree VIP 9, S+ generals, ingots, ten consecutivedraws...massivebenefits will not stop! Fingertip operation,unparalleled mowing,and super-powerful generals' combined skillsare waiting for you toexperience!
将星召唤 1.28
The 3rd Anniversary Celebration of "Three Kingdoms KillingtheFamous General" opens! Three years of spring and autumn, thebloodis still there! Sign in to get "Chosen Gold"! There is alsoathree-year limited title for free!
永恆:宿命起源 25.1.3
The strategy card mobile game "Heroes of Brawl" is based onancienthistory and has a unique three-dimensional card system. Itwilltake you through time and space and fight against all kindsofheroes! Chi You picks Houyi, Guan Gong fights Qin Qiong, DiaoChanfights Yuhuan, and various combinations play unrestrainedly!
暗黑覺醒 9.0
少年三國志 3.3.64
Garden Photo Frame 20.0.1
Abela Simone
Garden Photo frames for you to make your memories and makethemunforgettable.
WestTourDefense 1.0.12
Tour to the west tower defense, a simple, fun and easy to usetowerdefense game
異界之鑰-夏日狂歡 48.0
Adorable and rich professional characters, together to explorethefuture world of brilliant technology X magic. Encounter sweetlovein this parallel world, a love over time and space, guard thestarcontinent on the verge of collapse, and defend the BOSSattacktogether!
永恆守護-戰神歸來 1.21.3
Popular magical MMO, the eternal guardian of 800,000 warriors,justwaiting for the return of the God of War!
三國名將傳:三國趙雲開局、七日領關羽,3D國戰策略卡牌SLG 1.8.904
Cool 3D Strategy Cards Popular national war, stimulate PKCreatelegends with the Three Kingdoms Download for free,worldwideservice!
惡搞三國 : Q版三国無雙策略卡牌
The classic Three Kingdoms theme RPG card mobile game, gatherallkinds of heroes to dominate the Three Kingdoms! Each serverisopened to send the gods (optional)! Novice package: EGSGXSLB
完美写实的画面特效,丰富多样的武器、时装,助你在游戏内统领战场。【游戏介绍】经典版本,热血攻杀。激战世界BOSS,神装全屏掉落,装备无绑定,自由交易无尽财富等你创造。沙城霸主已经归来,玛法大陆风云在线,你,还在等什什么........《斩神裁决》保留端游自由交易、跨服战、行会战等交互精髓,用高品质来传递我们满满的诚意。游戏中还能收获满地神装,尽享前所未有的收割快感,快来和兄弟一起热血攻城,奋战到底,重铸属于你们的热血霸业!【游戏特色】1、没有最强的职业,只有最强的玩家2、多重的时装,酷炫的翅膀,霸气的神兽引领时代的潮流3、超高爆率的副本,畅快的操作,多种趣味的副本玩法,带您走进本年度最高品质手游。【最近新版本更新】 1. 开启第四职业——刺客职业定位:爆发输出秒后排法师、道士刺客特色:血少,灵活,伤害高,突进和冲刺技能冷却时间短 2. 新增伙伴系统   通过消耗果实来提升伙伴等阶,伙伴前4阶不清空祝福值可随意食用3. 开放副职业系统   转职NPC:前往比奇城的转职NPC处进行   职业选择:除了自身主职业外,玩家可以转职其他三个职业,并且完美学习其他职业技能,用于以后在不同的战斗环境下来回切换。  游戏中可以通过消耗元宝在副职业NPC处切换主副职业注:一旦选择了副职业,将无法更改,需谨慎选择!4. 神龙帝国开放新海底战场—亚特兰蒂斯在神龙帝国增加一个全新地图-上古战场(包括寒鲨洞、章鱼洞、龙宫、失落沉船四个洞窟,每个洞窟有2层),进入该地图有特殊的条件限制(神龙能量),上古战场类似野外地图会定时刷新大量的BOSS,该地图内的联盟分为天选盟和普通盟,天选盟可以依赖地图机制在该地图占据较强的优势。上古战场地图选取海底世界场景(和怪物)5. 新增果实系统在果实系统中,一共有五种果实,生命果实、魔力果实、力量果实、强壮果实、抗性果实。每一个果实都会分有一、二、三阶一阶加的属性最多,三阶最少。生命果实对应的是增加生命值;魔力果实对应的是增加魔法属性;力量果实对应的是增加攻击属性;强壮果实对应的是增加物防属性;抗性果实对应的是魔防属性。食用了之后会增强你的法神的属性,同时也会提升主角的属性,从而又有多一个渠道来增强角色了,这是每个玩家最想方设法获得的东西。6.新增魔魂殿功能7.新增血月之夜功能   苍月岛里面更新了魔魂殿的玩法,在魔魂殿里面有个血月之夜的活动,在这里你可以通过跟苍月岛跨服的区服一同进入血月之夜抢怪PK,又可以再重温沙城争霸那种热血的氛围了。8. 新增灵珠系统  灵珠系统:灵珠是用来提升穿透的9. 新增神器系统  合成规则.需要三个相同类型的神器材料进行锻造.根据放入的材料祝福值总和随机产出不同品质的神器.品质分为精良.稀有.神圣.至尊.玄黄.品质越好基础属性越高.需要的祝福点数越高.可以加幸运符来提高产出品质.材料获得方式有商城购买.活动奖励.boss掉落.
Chaos Heroes 1.0.16
Immortal Raid 1.3.5
idle mobile game
Inherit the classics and cast eternity! Send a VIP at the start,youcan take full screen equipment! Bloody Tulong, continue writingyourown story!
Final Fate TD 29.0
An original take on tower defense, set in an animeworld!Lovelywaifus waiting to be pampered! Storyline A thousandyearsago,Demon King, the mastermind behind the Void Calamity,wasdefeatedby an alliance of Humans, Fiends and Deities. Hispowercoalescedinto three crystals scattered across Luna. Thoseimmenselypowerfulcrystals turned many Humans into Demon worshipers.Now acrisis islooming, foreshadowed by the recent mass emergenceofdemonicbeasts. As a Realm Walker and a guardian of Luna, thisisyour lastchance to save the universe! It’s time to save Lunaandunlock themystery of your birth! The adventure is about tobegin.Are youready? Features An immersive world of fantasyandadventure★Explore a fantastical world shared by Humans,Deities,Fiends andDemons, and defend Luna against demonic forces.★Joinworld-famousheroes in their adventures to unlock hiddensidestories.★Beautifully crafted character portraits andanime-stylemodels aswell as Live2D-enabled storytelling breathe newlifeintohistorical heroes. Rich gameplay where lovely waifus helpyousavethe world ★Over a hundred tactical maps ranging from iceandsnow,to forests and lava! ★Fend off invading monsterswhopossessstrategy altering abilities likeflying,splintering,shape-shifting, and magic resisting. ★Joinforces withepic heroesto outwit monsters and save the universe! Ablend oftower defensewith hack-and-slash ★Dominate the battlefieldbycombiningdifferent skills and classes. ★Build your owntowerdefense team toslaughter enemies and break records. ★Usecombos toslow down,gather, freeze and exterminate enemies. Enjoythe funofhack-and-slash. A card draw system where everyone can beawinner★Daily giveaway of Card Draw Tickets make sure you gettheheroesyou desire! ★Even casual players can gather free HeroShardsandmeet their beloved heroes in Luna City. ★A focus onstrategyandCharacter Builds means that if played right, an SRcharacter canbeas powerful as an SSR one. Build bonds with yourcharactersandunleash their potential ★Start a relationshipwithvariouscharacters ranging from Lunara and Beira to AthenaandLamia.★Deepen your bond with your beloved charactersthroughinteractionand gift-giving. ★Awaken your heroes with asingle tapto make themmore powerful and allow them dominate HeroBrawl,Mythic Hall,Ancient Realm and Realm War play modes! ContactUs:Homepage:
少年三国志2新马版 1.5.17
"Juvenile Three Kingdoms 2 New Malaysia Edition" was built bytheworld's first-class R&D team for three years. With the aimofhigh-welfare experience, players will be given 80 consecutivedrawsfor the generals after logging in. You can also receive VIPlevelsfor free without recharging!
丞相開戰啦 1.0
Easily placed the siege
Amazing Wizards 1.2.0
Amazing 3D Role Playing Leisure Mobile Game
魔龍覺醒 - 靈寵降臨 放置RPG 1.1.9
承襲經典,震撼來襲。邀您一同問鼎傳奇巔峰之路!熟悉的戰士、法師、道士黃金三角搭配;萌酷神獸、霹靂特效、炫酷翅膀,更有超多福利BOSS等您来战!FB粉絲頁:領取福利禮包  【神獸系統】最多可上陣四只神獸跟隨在您身後,一同作戰斬殺妖魔!珍寵白虎、奇寵深海三頭魔龍、變異青龍聖獸、神寵聖羽天狗……各種神寵等您捕捉!【拍賣系統】特有行會拍賣和全服拍賣,參與活動即可拍賣道具,跨服賺元寶!【BOSS系統】多種BOSS供您攻略,同屏搶怪,狂刷裝備!更有福利BOSS掉落元寶紅包!【跨服PK】邀請好友,兩人一起跨服征戰2V2。更有天平系統調節屬性,激情PK,稱霸全服!【掛機玩法】掛機離線仍可獲得打怪收益,遊戲生活不耽誤。閒時打怪PK,忙時掛機休閒,時時刻刻都在變強!
神圣军团 - 国际版 2.1.5
逍遙問情 1.0.0
Raid the Dungeon : Idle RPG 1.41.1
Indie Games Festival Winning Idle RPG Amazing Giveaway forNewClicker Heroes
"Dragon Babu Mobile Version" new expansion pack "Origin of Dali"isreleased today, and the new server "Dali City"debutssimultaneously! 100% restoration of Dali, the classic maincity ofend-game tour
御灵绘卷 36.0
Aesthetic and windy screens and top-notch Japanese seiyuuheavilycreated, the ultimate restoration of a safe world.Super-burningcross-service conquest, a new gameplay full-scalebattle, withgods, legendary weapons, folklore, and great men asprototypes, tomake new interpretations!
誰是大宗主 - RoA 1.0
Dust Gaming
不朽戰紀 11.2.9
"Imperial Warrior" is an upright placement RPG mobile gamefeaturingthe playing of the king.