Top 18 Games Similar to Radares de España

TomTom AmiGO - GPS Navigation 9.198.0
Online Maps, Live Traffic, Speed Camera & Android Auto
Speed radar detector 1.5.0
Warning system Free completely free fixedandmobile radars free, the best radar detector premiumWe have created a free radar detector with all the options fortheuser.No more warning fines thanks to free fixed and mobile radars,thebest copilot to drive without fear of fines, radar warningnotifiesyou:Speed camerasmobile radarscontrolled traffic lightsDanger zonesYou can view the camera location on a mapWhat differentiates us from other radar applications:you can use google maps and see him radars noticesoption controls speed display on a map within the appfully configurable from the distances to sounds warningradar warning voicesimple design horizontally and vertically android 5The audio warning system for ideal speaker or Bluetooth willnotdistract you while driving.Fully configurable, you can select if you want to just notifyyouabout the fixed and mobile radars or if you want to do it onlyoneof them, also set sound emitted by the application whenyouapproach a speed control or the warning distance the same(default1000m)the database of fixed and mobile radars is in continuousgrowththanks to contributions from users, you can bring your datasendingan email to [email protected] not forget toattachlatitude and longitude, soon we will include a system toprovidedirectly from the application.
CamSam - Speed Camera Alerts 3.7.6
CamSam - The speed and red light camera warning system!
Coyote System
Coyote is a community app which guides youandalerts you in real time about dangers on the road.>> GET A 15-DAY TRIAL FOR FREE! <<as soon as you create your account!THE PIONEER OF DRIVING AID SYSTEMSFounded in 2005, Coyote is European leader in dangerwarnings,proposing more than 30 kinds of roadsafetywarnings.  Coyote solutions are based on theexchange ofgeolocated information that enables drivers to warn eachother inreal time about road conditions and hazards.ALERTS IN REAL TIME FOR TOTAL TRAVEL SAFETYCoyote® patented technology analyses, filters, then sendsreliableinformation in real time to all members of theCommunity.// SPEED CAMERAS• Fixed speed camera ahead of you on your road.• Temporary mobile speed camera reported by the Community.// TRAFFIC INFORMATION• Slow-moving traffic// ROAD SAFETY• Accidents• Speed limits• Road incidents (a stopped vehicle, narrowing of the road,obstacleon road, dangerous weather conditions, damaged road,slippery road,reduced visibility and vehicle in the wrongdirection)NAVIGATION AND RECALCULATION OF EFFICIENT ROUTESCoyote offers you intelligent and intuitive functionalities:• Suggests the best route• Recalculates alternative routes as soon as conditions changeonyour journey (automatic re-routing in real time)• Your journey time is estimated according to thetrafficconditions• Setting your routes according to yourpreferences:motorway/toll/dirt tracks• A summary displays alerts to come on your route• Your current speed is compared with the applicable speed limitsonyour route• Your favourite destinations are easily savedA COMMUNITY OF MILLIONS OF USERSThe Coyote® Community is based on everyone's activeparticipation!Each Coyote scout reports or confirms dangers androad trafficincidents in real time, to improve the safety of allmembers of theCommunity!The active and interdependent Coyote® Community onaverageraises:• 13 events each second, that is 10 million alerts raised onaverageper month!*• More than 870 million km covered in Europe*• More than 20 million hours spent on roads*In your app, you will find:• The number, reliability score and distance of usersaroundyour• Verified alerts to ensure maximum reliability ofinformationWHY CHOOSE COYOTE® ALERTS?• Members of the community ensure the quality of the alerts• Each alert raised is analysed then filtered before beingconfirmedin real time by our service's algorithm• Coyote® technology is unique and protected by 7EuropeanpatentsYou are part of the leading Community of road scouts!----N.B.: the continuous use of the Satnav as a background taskcansubstantially decrease your battery life.With Driver Assistance Systems being prohibited incertaincountries, it is your responsibility to check if Coyote useisallowed in the country where you are driving.The Coyote app is also available in 7 European countries:France,Italy, Spain, Poland, Belgium, the NetherlandsandLuxembourg.*Monthly average recorded over the 1st half of 2016 from alertsandconfirmations of the presence of events by the CommunityinEurope.
Radarbot Speed Camera Detector 9.3.8
Speedcam alerts and navigation. 100% Legal and Reliable. Neverpayanother fine!
Speed Camera Radar 3.1.43
Road Soft
This application is used to detect hazards on the road, suchasspeed cameras (mobile ambush, static speed cameras, redlightcameras), speed bumps, bad roads and etc. This applicationusesdatabase of hazards previously detected by other users. Thelatestversion supports all the countries of the world! ⌚ Good news!Application supports smartwatches on Android WearOS ⌚GETTINGSTARTED 1. If you just installed the app you will need to gotomenu "Update databased" to download and install the latestdatabaseof speed camera for your region (country). 2. To run thehazarddetection mode, press the "Start" button. at the bottom rightofthe screen. 3. The application notifies only the dangers thatarealong your route. 4. You can call main setting, swiping fromtheleft edge of the screen to the right. 5. You can calldangersfilter that you want to discover swiping from the right edgeof thescreen to the left. 6. To add a new danger, tap on the SPEEDat thebottom of the screen. 7. Sign in to edit and remove currentPOI================= Starting with app version 2.0 user can sign-ininapp's community (using your Google Account). Registered usershavemore permissions to manage POI objects (danger) on the map,forinstance, user can explicitly delete irrelevant POI fromcommondatabase. ================= The workflow of the applicationdiffersfrom the hardware radar detector. Hardware radar detector -is apassive receiver that does not block the signal to which it isset,but simply notify the driver of the presence in the field oftheradar radio interference. This application works differently,ituses a database of hazards previously detected by other users.Forexample, if the application is informed about mobile ambush,itmeans that at this point can probably be mobile ambush. Anyusercan add new hazard to shared database. Also user can influenceonrating of hazard (when user get danger alert he can definewhetherdanger exists or not in fact). The application plays thesound andshows hazard on the map and distance to this hazard. Ifyou areconnected to the internet you will be able to monitor thetrafficjams. There is a feature update the database of the hazards.Theapplication may run in the background (even when the screenisoff), just enable option "Use speech when hazard detected".★★★Features ★★★ ★ Map or Radar view mode (no need Internet torenderdata) ★ Night mode for Map is supported (enabled in settings)★Night mode adjustment on screen ★ 3D tilt on map support(3Dbuildings) ★ Map auto zoom and rotation map along the way★Dashboard with current speed ★ 260 000 active hazards POIsaroundthe world (check your country in FREE version of this APP atfirst)★ Daily database updates! ★ Support voice alerts ★ Supportofworking in background or with other Navigation APPs ★ You canaddtheir own POI to shareddatabase=================================================================Becareful on the road and good luck! ==================
Blitzer & Radarwarner 1.1.1
Carmunis Verkehrs- und Radarwarner für mehrSicherheitimStraßenverkehr. Das moderne Design, ein zusätzlicherGPS-TachoundBussgeldrechner machen die App zu einem MußfürjedenFahrzeugführer. ★ über 90.000 Blitzer- und Gefahrenpunkte-Warnungvor festinstallierte Blitzer - Warnung vor mobile Blitzer-Warnungvor Verkehrskontrollen - Warnung vor BAG Kontrollen-Warnung vorGefahrenstellen - Warnung auch im Offline Modus(z.B.beiAuslandsfahrten oder Funklöcher) ★ AnzeigeBlitzersymboleoderSmileys - optische Warnung durch BlitzersymboleoderunauffälligeSmileys einstellbar ★ Hintergrundbetrieb -verwendenSie Carmunismit anderen Anwendung gleichzeitigimHintergrundbetrieb - derHintergrundbetrieb ermöglichtauchWarnungen bei ausgeschaltetemDisplay ★ GPS-basierter Tacho-modernes Design mit GPS basierterGeschwindigkeitsanzeige-Anzeigemöglichkeiten in km/h oder mph ★BußgeldrechnerfürDeutschland - errechnen Sie das Bußgeld fürVerkehrsverstöße★Zugang zur Carmunisgemeinschaft - Melden SieKontroll-oderGefahrenpunkte und profitieren Sie von Meldungenanderer Nutzer★Bußgeld und Kosten sparen (Premiumversion) -einmaliger Kaufpreis-keine monatlichen Kosten oder Abo ★ aktiveundgeprüfteBlitzeranzeige (Premiumversion) - aktive ErkennungvonmobilenGeschwindigkeitskontrollen (auch im Offline-Modus)-geprüftePremiumdaten ★ Widget Funktion (Premiumversion) - legenSieeinkleines Informationsfenster (Widget) über andereAnwendungen(z.B.Google Navigation) - das Widget kann an einebeliebge StelleamDisplay platziert werden ★ Querformat Anzeige(Premiumversion)-wahlweise Ansicht im Hoch- oder Querformat
Radares Saltillo 3.1.2
Prueba ahora la aplicación Radares Saltillo que sirve paraladetección de los radares de velocidad que se encuentran ubicadosenla ciudad de Saltillo, Coahuila. Radares Saltillo es elcomplementoperfecto para ser tu copiloto mientras conduces.Conectado aInternet usted podrá obtener su ubicación GPS mas rápidoy precisa,el mapa le mostrara la ubicación de todos los radaresinstaladoscerca de su ubicación exacta. La aplicación cuenta con 22radaresubicados en toda la ciudad los cuales le ayudaran acontrolar suvelocidad. ¿Cómo trabajar con la aplicación? 1.-Instale GooglePlay Service para poder mostrar los mapas. 2.-Encienda laubicación en su celular. 3.- Para el funcionamiento ensegundoplano necesitarás seleccionar la opción navegar, esperartulocalización y después de ésto, salir. 4.- Debe de tener encuentaque para mostrar la zona en la que se encuentra en el maparequiereinternet. 5.- El celular mandara una alerta de audio paranodescuidar tu conducción cuando te encuentres a 300 metros omenosdel radar. Cuando esté en riesgo de ser multado la alarmasonara yel área donde se encuentra se pondrá en color rojo con 300metrosde distancia para disminuir la velocidad. Gracias a losaportes delos usuarios la base de datos de radares esta en mejoracontinua,puedes aportar tus comentarios enviándonos un [email protected] , en breve incluiremos el nuevo radar,solorequerirá actualizar la aplicación. Link del tutorial enYouTube
TomTom GO Navigation 3.2.12
Get Offline Navigation, Online Experience with TomTomGONavigation:Downloadable GPS Sat Nav offline maps, preciselivetraffic, andspeed camera alerts*, both updated inreal-time.Download now usingthe 30-DAY FREE TRIAL offer to get thebestdriving experience. 😎KEEP YOUR MAPS UPDATED WHILE SAVINGYOURMOBILE DATA • Maps À LaCarte: Save your mobile data withofflinemaps available in 150countries, always ad-free. You decidewhichmap to download, basedon what you need. • Weekly Map Updates:Helpyou steer clear ofblocked roads and drive within speedlimits,even when you areoffline. • Moving Lane Guidance: Endtheguesswork - know what laneis yours and what exit totake.Proprietary maps coming from 20+years of experience, provideyouhigh-quality turn-by-turn guidanceon your ways. STAYCONNECTEDWITH REAL-TIME UPDATES: • TomTomTraffic: Avoid traffic anddangerzones in real-time withintelligent route • Speed CameraWarnings*:Helping you drive saferand hassle-free with speed alertsandwarnings for fixed and mobilespeed cameras. • Online Search:Yourgo-to destinations, as well aspopular attractions andessentialPOIs, are stored on the app. Onceconnected, you cansearchdestinations from the catalogue of TomTom.• Share ETA: Shareyourestimated time of arrival with coworkers,friends, and familyviathe messaging platform of your choice. DRIVESAFELY AND BE AWAREOFSPEED CAMERAS: • Points of Interest: Searchand finddestinations,scenic areas, and attractions on the way andwhen youarrive atyour destination. • Alternative Routes: See waysaroundtrafficcongestion backed by precise distance and timecalculations •Driveto Photo: Remember the name of that place?! Ifyou geotaggedthephotos you took there, the app will take youthere! • DrivetoContacts: Get easier route planning to the peopleyou know,withthe contacts stored on your phone. • Ad-Free: Avoidannoyingadsfor the most efficient journey without interruption. •NEW! :Nowworks with Android Auto After the free trial, you canselect oneofthe following auto-renewing subscription plans: $1.99- 1month$8.99 - 6 months $12.99 - 12 months Cancel or changeyourplananytime. Drive with TomTom Go Navigation, thestate-of-the-artGPSSat Nav around! 💯 If you have questions,feedback, or inputonsomething we may have missed, please follow us& share on:+Facebook @ TomTom + Twitter @ TomTom + Instagram@TomTomDriversDisclaimers: · The use of this app is governed bytheTerms andConditions at ·Additionallaws,regulations, and local restrictions may apply. Youuse thisapp atyour own risk. * The Speed Camera Services must onlybe usedinaccordance with laws and regulations of the country whereyouaredriving. This functionality is specifically prohibitedinsomejurisdictions. It is your responsibility to comply withsuchlawsbefore activating the services. You can enable anddisableSpeedCamera warnings on TomTom GO Navigation.**Offerlimited to one free trial period per user. At the end ofthetrial,your subscription will be charged unless you cancel itatleast 24hours in advance.
Atención Radar 1.2.2
Llega el avisador de radares definitivoparasusviajes. Tenga la tranquilidad de saber que con AtenciónRadarnovolverá a llevarse más sustos en forma de multas. Todoshemostenidomomentos de despistes al volante en el que, poralgunarazón, suvelocidad es algo superior a la permitida, y ahíestá eseradar capazde arruinarnos el viaje. Después de éstonuestra cabezaya no escapaz de pensar en otra cosa, las vacacionesya no seránlas mismas.A partir de ahora, no se tendrá quepreocupar de ésto.El detector deradares Atención Radar lo hará porusted, y leavisará de laexistencia de esos radares y la velocidadmáximapermitida, e inclusole aconsejará que disminuya si detectaqueusted conduce por encimade esta velocidad.No solo eso, también le avisará de aquellos tramosdecarreteradonde se concentran la mayoría de los accidentes ylospuntos decirculación peligrosa para que modere la velocidadyextreme laprecaución.La única que no necesita conexión 3G (internet). Podráusarlaentrayecto largos sin temer por el consumo de sus datos.Lo mejor, gratis.Atención Radar es capaz de localizar los siguientestiposderadares:- Radares fijos- Radares de semáforos- Radares de tramo- Radares camuflados- Tramos de concentración de accidentes- Controles de alcoholemia- Puntos de circulación peligrosa- Radares de túnel- Radares fijos de velocidad variable- Radares camuflados de velocidad variable- Radares de STOP- Radares de control de uso de móvil y cinturón- Cámaras de area de prioridad residencialRadares de tráfico de España, Portugal y Andorra(*) Base de datos obtenida de laradioBBS.netTodos estos avisos se pueden activar ydesactivarlibremente,configurando la aplicación a su gusto.Además dispone de una función de aviso de controlespolicialesenTIEMPO REAL, donde son los propios usuarios los queinformandeestos controles. Ésta función puede ser activadaodesactivadadesde los ajustes. Debe tener en cuenta que estaopciónse haañadido para que usted conozca los puntos de su zonadonde seestánrealizando algún tipo de control, de forma quetengaprecaución ymodere la velocidad puesto que puede encontrarsealgúntipo deretención. En ningún caso se debe usar para evitarestoscontroles.No nos hacemos responsable del mal uso que se ledé.Atención Radar dispone de un modo noche para que nolemolestecuando conduce en condiciones de poca luz exterior.Ademásdel modode pantalla estático, también podrá activar sufunción deAnimacióndonde la aplicación detectará su velocidad y susgiros ylorepresentará en pantalla, seguro que le gusta. Además porsisubatería está en las mínimas, tiene una opcióndeahorroenergético.Para los avisos elija voz masculina o femenina siprefiereuntrato más humano, tendrá la sensación de viajaracompañado deuncopiloto que vela por su seguridad y por subolsillo, o bienactivesolo sonido si quiere que se le avise conpitidos cuando hayaunradar cercano.Los programadores del detector de radares AtenciónRadarestamosconstantemente intentando mejorar la aplicación paraque austed nole falte de nada, pero por ahora y para ser laprimeraversiónpública creemos que no está nada mal.Si le ha servido, entonces nuestro trabajo hamerecidolapena.-----------------------------------------------------------------------Para cualquier duda sobre la aplicación, cualquierquejaosugerencia, por favor dirígete thefinalwarningradar for your trip. Rest assured knowing that withRadarWarningwill not take more shocks in the form of fines. We'veallhadmoments of absent-mindedness behind the wheel in which,forsomereason, its speed is somewhat higher than allowed, andthereisthat radar can ruin the trip. After that our head is nolongerableto think of something else, the holidays will never bethesame.From now on, you will not have to worry about this.Theradardetector Warning Radar will do it for you, and will warnoftheexistence of these radars and the maximum speed, and evenadvisetodecline if it detects that you drive above this speed.Not only that, it will also warn you of those sectionsofroadwhere most accidents and dangerous traffic pointsareconcentratedto moderate speed and use extreme caution.The only one that does not need 3G (internet) connection.Youcanuse it on long journey without fearing fortheirdataconsumption.Best free.Attention Radar is able to locate the followingtypesofradars:- Fixed Speed ​​Cameras- Traffic light camera- Radars section- Camouflaged Radars- Accident concentration Tranches- Controls breathalyzer- Points of dangerous movement- Radars tunnel- Fixed Variable Speed ​​Radars- Camouflaged variable speed Radars- STOP Radars- Control Radars use of mobile and belt- Chambers of residential priority areaTraffic Radars Spain, Portugal and Andorra(*) Database obtained from laradioBBS.netAll these messages can be turned on and offfreely,configuringthe application to your liking.It also has a warning function in REAL TIMEpolicecheckpoints,where users are reporting these controls. Thisfunctioncan beenabled or disabled from the settings. You shouldnote thatthisoption has been added so that you know the points inyourareawhere you are performing some control, so be cautiousandmoderatespeed as it may be some kind of restraint. In nocaseshould beused to avoid these checks. We are not responsible foranymisusethat is given.Attention Radar has a night mode for not to disturbyouwhendriving in low light outside. In addition to thestaticscreenmode, you can also activate the feature animationwheretheapplication will detect its speed and its twists andrepresentiton the screen, sure likes. In addition if your batteryis attheminimum, you have an energy-saving option.For announcements choose male or female voice if you preferamorehumane treatment, will have the sensation oftravelingaccompanied bya passenger that ensures their safety andfor yourpocket, oractivate only sound if you want to be alertedwith beepswhen anearby radar.Programmers Radar Warning radar detector are constantlytryingtoimprove the application so that you do not miss anything,butfornow and to be the first public version we think is notbad.If you have served, then our work has been worthwhile.-----------------------------------------------------------------------For any questions about the application, anycomplaintsorsuggestions, please go
Flitsmeister is on a mission to makedrivingyour car cheaper, safer and more enjoyable than ever before.Over 1million Dutch and Belgian users activate Flitsmeisterafterfastening their seatbelt when they get in their cars.By activating Flitsmeister in your car you will receive alertsthathelp you save money and time, but also improve the safety ofyouand others around you.Flitsmeister will alert you for:- Speed traps- Speedcams- Traffic jams / Delays on your route- Road reconstruction- Closed lanes- Incidents- Nearing emergency vehicles- And more to come…When you’re not driving your car you can use Flitsmeister to getthelatest traffic information for your route. How long does ittake toget to work? Are there any speed traps on the way home?Thosequestions are no longer your concern. Flitsmeister has alltheanswers.COMMUNITY & FLITSMEISTER EDITORSThe traffic information within the Flitsmeister app isgeneratedmostly by our users’ input. You can submit reports andcorrectreports of others. We improve this user generated content byusinggovernment provided data, images from camera’s on the side oftheroad placed throughout the country and our ownFlitsmeistereditors.RADIO BROADCASTING:Flitsmeister traffic information is broadcasted daily onQ-Music,BNR Newsradio, Traffic Radio and more to come.COVERAGE:Still not convinced?Check our website with all the traffic information we Or check the coverage for a live view of our users.CONTACT:Of course we’re on Twitter (@flitsmeister) andFacebook(flitsmeister). For any questions about the app you canreach us athttp://support.flitsmeister.nlREVIEWS:***** *****“People yet to discover the app will find a complete solutionwithFlitsmeister, an app that paves the way for manysimilarapps.”***** TopGear *****“Great app for people who like to hurry up without emptyingtheirwallets on the side of the road.”***** Autoweek *****
“Radardetector falls behind: Thisworksbetter!”***** Autoblog *****“Number 1 Autoblog automative app: “The only speed trap appthatmatters.”
***** *****“Flitsmeister is king among the speed trap and traffic-apps!”
Speed Camera Detector 7.7.0
Protect your Driver’s Licence. Speed Camera Detector. 100% legalandreliable
CamSam PLUS 3.7.7
CamSam PLUS - The speed and red light camera warning system!
Radares España 1.1.6
Radares España te permite estar al tantodetodas las incidencias de trafico que se produzcan en toda Españadeuna forma fácil y rápida.▶Esta App consta de dos funcionalidades principales:• El modo "Lista" permite estar al día de los nuevos radares quehansido avistados de una forma sencilla desde lista deincidenciaspudiendo filtrar por provincias.•El modo "Avisador" permite que conduzcas tranquilamente y siestascerca de alguna incidencia (Radares Fijos, RadaresOcultos,Helicópteros, Controles de Alcoholemia, Accidentes...)serasavisado para que puedas reducir la velocidad u optar por otraruta.("AVISO": ESTA FUNCIONALIDAD ESTA TODAVÍA DESARROLLÁNDOSEPUEDE NOSER MUY PRECISA EN ALGUNOS MOMENTOS )En las próximas actualizaciones se añadirán nuevasfuncionalidadescomo: Ver las incidencias sobre un mapa, poderreportar nuevasincidencias desde la app....Radars Spain allows youtobe aware of all traffic incidents that occur throughout Spaineasilyand quickly.▶ This App includes two main features:• The "List" mode allows you to keep abreast of new radars havebeenspotted in a simple way from event list can be filteredbyprovinces.• The "Chime" mode allows you to drive safely and if you arenearany impact (Fixed Speed ​​Cameras, Radars HiddenHelicopters,breathalyser tests, accidents ...) get advised so youcan slow downor choose another route. ( "NOTICE": This feature isstill underdevelopment may not be very PRECISE at times)In the next updates will add new features such as: View incidentsona map, to report new incidents from the app ....
Speed Cams Wikango HD v4.3.2
Welcome to the Smart Drivers communityofWikango, European leader in driving assist devices andservices,now available at an unbeatable price!!!!SPECIAL OFFER APP GRATIS!!!!!!Get 1 year of Wikango HD service for 0.99€!!!!Share the information with your friends!THE WIKANGO HD APP INCLUDES---------------------------- Mobile Speed Cameras (reported in live by theWikangocommunity)- Fixed Speed Cameras- Redlight Cameras- Potential Mobile Controls (locations with frequentmobilecontrols)- Black Spots- Danger Zones- Accidents- Roadworks- Traffic Congestions- Speed limit (in a warning zone)EXCLUSIVE FUNCTIONS--------------------------- UNIQUE DESIGN AND ERGONOMY!- Smart Drivers ranking: Gold, silver or bronze medal toindicatehow reliable the Smart Drivers are- Road works can be reported- New quick report mode- New GPS-signal management (Red / orange / green icon)- Revisited design to make the app easier to use (biggerfonts,clear interface)- Minimize mode: minimize quickly an alert- MyCar: Choose your vehicle, it is seen by thewholecommunity- MyMap: Speed Camera and LIVE-warning map- MyMusic: Manage your playlists- LIVE-Off-System: Take Wikango HD everywhere and receiveallinformation without 3G connectivity- Exclusive zone mode with Live preview- Road mode with Live preview for road hazards (up to 30mionhighways)- Road mode: indicates the number of Smart Drivers (in front ofyouand in the opposite direction)- Alert reliability: indicates the confirmation number ofthecurrent alert- The avatar and nickname of the next user in front of youaredisplayed in real time!- As you approach a LIVE warning, the name of the Smart Driverwhoreported the location is displayed in real-time- New automatic night mode- Overspeed beep during the alertsLIVE SERVICE FOR CONNECTED DRIVINGMobile speed cameras, road hazards… when somethingunexpectedhappens, and simply by pressing the ORANGE button, yourlocation issaved and the information is dispatched to all SmartDrivers aroundyou. The genuine spirit of the community!GENERAL INFORMATION- Exclusive functionalities are protected by patents- Forgot your password? Please contact usat:[email protected] Multitask: Wikango HD can run with your GPS navigation softwareatthe same time- How to leave the application: Double click the home button ofyouriPhone and shut the app in the task bar- Traveling to France? No problem: The declaration of conformityisavailable from the “Options” menuPRICE------ New price: 6 months Wikango service included!- Additional 12 months Wikango service: 5.49€Continued use of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life.More on www.mywikango.comFollow us on facebook and twitterWikango is a member of the AFFTAC professional associationContact: [email protected] (do not answer the week end)You must respect the local laws in the countries where you usetheapplication (Speed camera warning devices are illegal inseveralcountries – Germany, Switzerland…)v1.0.0
Radares Valencia 1.2
Radares Valencia ofrece la mayorreddeinformación sobre Radares y Tráfico en la zona deValencia(Spain).Con más de 60.000 miembros en las Redes Socialesahorapresenta laAplicación Móvil que ayudará a miles de conductoresa nosersancionados de forma injusta.Radares Valencia te permite alertas deradares,recibirnotificaciones Push de otros conductores y estarsiempreinformadode los nuevos radares disponibles en Valenciayprovincia.Más detalles:http://radaresvalencia.es Valenciaoffersthelargest network of radars and traffic information in theareaof​​Valencia (Spain). With over 60,000 members in theSocialMedianow presents the Mobile Application that will helpthousandsofdrivers not being penalized unfairly.Radar Valencia offers camera alerts, receive pushnotificationsofother drivers and always be informed of new radarsavailableinValencia province.More Details:http://radaresvalencia.es
Traffic Share 5.6.1
Gabriel Stef
Route,VideoRecord SpeedCams,TrafficEvents FixCamsFastCallerCarLocator ICE SMS
MyAmigo 1.1.0
Die MyAmigo Applikation wurde füralleVerkehrsteilnehmer entwickelt, damit sie immer rechtzeitigüberStau, fixe Unfallschwerpunkte und mobile Unfallschwerpunktemiteiner Sprachausgabe und einem Informationsfenster aufdemHandydisplay in ganz Europa informiert werden.Damit die MyAmigo Applikation, Stau oder Unfallschwerpunktemeldenkann, muss auf dem Handy GPS wie auch das Mobilfunknetzaktiviertsein.Haupte Eigenschaften:- Sprachausgabe und ein Informationsfenster auf demHandydisplayinformiert Sie über Stau in 10 Kilometer von derletzten unsgemeldeter Position- Sie werden auch mit fixe Unfallschwerpunkte undmobileUnfallschwerpunkte in einem Radius von 500 minformiert.- Jeder uns gemeldeter Stau ist in einem Radius von 10 km mitdemroten Pfeile in zwei Richtungen auf die Karte markiert.- Die Benutzer haben die Möglichkeit die Unfallschwerpunkte undStauzu melden.Jedes neue Mitglied muss sich im Internet Onlineunter„“ oder über das Registrierungsformularunter„“ registrieren.Neues in 1.1.0 Version:1. Implementierung von den neuen Funktionen:- Einstellungen für Empfang der Meldungen- Fixe Unfallschwerpunkte auf der Karte- Möglichkeit Ihre Geschwindigkeit anhanddesGeschwindigkeitsbalkens zu kontrollieren2. Optimierung der Verkehrsdaten3. Optimierung des Strom-Verbrauchs4. Verbesserte BedienungsfreundlichkeitThe MyAmigoapplicationwas developed for all road users so that they are alwayson timeabout a traffic jam, accident blackspots and fixed mobileaccidentareas with a voice and an information window on the mobiledisplaythroughout Europe informed.Thus the MyAmigo application, jam or accident black spots mayreportas well as the cellular network must be enabled on thephoneGPS.Head characteristics:- Speech output and an information window on the phonedisplayinforms you about traffic jam in 10 kilometers from thelastreported position us- You will informed with fixed safety camera points andmobileaccident areas in a radius of 500 m.- Each notified us of storage is marked in a radius of 10 km bythered arrows in two directions on the map.- Users have the ability to report the accident blackspotsandcongestion.Each new member must register online on the Internetunder"" or on the registration formunder"".What's New in 1.1.0 version:First implementation of the new features:- Settings for reception of messages- Fixed black spots on the map- Ability to control your speed using the Speed ​​Bar2 Optimization of traffic data3 Optimization of Power Consumption4 Improved Ease of Use