Top 23 Games Similar to 三国真龍伝

三国真龍伝ー覇王の大陸 1.0.2
■三国バトルRPG「三国真龍伝ー覇王の大陸」は新登場!登録不要!やり込み度MAX!初心者も楽しめる!乱世の英雄達を集め、、天下統一の戦場へ飛び込め!■「三国真龍伝ー覇王の大陸」の特徴■■いつでも手軽に!難しい操作は一切不要。いつでも誰でも手軽に遊べ、空いた時間で少しずつでも楽しめます。◆やり込み度満載!遊園地・競馬場・軍団戦・覇王大陸などのやり込みシステム満載、仲間同士と一緒にわあわあとプレーしよう!◆三国志の武将たちを集めて最強部隊を結成!クエスト中は、たおした敵武将が仲間になることも!武将同士を組み合わせて強化することで、武将が成長するよ!さまざまな三国志の有名武将を集めて、天下統一への道のりを駆け抜けよう!■大規模な軍団ギルド戦!仲間を集めて「軍団」を結成してゲームを進めよう!「軍団」に所属すると、いろんな恩恵が受けられるよ!更に週二回で「軍団戦」が開催され、同盟スキルを利用して、自軍の勢力を勝利に導くと、豪華な賞品が手に入る!多くのユーザーと戦友になって、一緒に乱世を切り拓こう!!■城を攻略して、軍勢を強化しよう!軍団同士と協力していろんな城を占有し、毎日資材をゲットします!◆壮大な三国志の歴史がキミの手の中で再現される!プレイヤーは真龍天子として、史実に基づいた三国志の世界を舞台に、さまざまな敵武将とバトル!【動作確認端末】Android4.0以上推奨端末以外でのサポート、補償等は致しかねますので何卒ご了承くださいませ。◆◇新バージョンにて更新された内容◆◇一部文字表示の修正新機能「覇王大陸」開放!新機能「飛昇挑戦」開放!新武将登場!新サーバー「三分帰晋」開放!【公式サイト】【公式ツイッター】@sangokusinryu【お問い合わせはこちらまで】[email protected]
姬鬥三國 7.0
【姬鬥三國】集三國題材、萌娘元素、爆衣特色於一體的創新卡牌遊戲。遊戲玩家作為一名穿越者來到這個世界,和這個世界中的少女們並肩戰鬥,制霸全國!遊戲畫面充滿了濃郁的日韓動漫風格,造型精美,色彩豔麗;並給予傳說武將更多的遐想!在這個女體三國的世界中,不論是豐圓玉潤的霸氣禦姐,還是嬌小玲瓏的蘿莉,都將身心一體為你所用,忠心附於玩家的身邊。納盡天下的絕色美女,組建自己的女將帝國盡在全新女體三國卡牌手遊。收穫佳麗囊中藏,闖蕩亂世贏天下。遊戲特色玩法:遊戲中提供武將系統、劇情系統、緣分系統、破甲系統。玩家可以在收集美女武將的過程中體驗不一樣的收集樂趣!更融合將魂附體、、星宿陣法、每日答題等多種趣味玩法百變進化,獨特破甲意猶未盡,熱血劇情,還原純正卡牌玩法。- 數百美女武將給您不一樣的收集樂趣!- 擊敗美女會破甲?讓你血脈賁張!- 一起來推倒超強美女霸主吧!---------遊戲活動-----------每天簽到:每日登入即有大禮相送,連續簽到30天還有金幣送到手!桃子妹妹:每天送你兩顆大桃子吃,補充體力不愁闖關無力!搶親大戰:誰說全是妹子的世界就無人搶親?強勢妹子駕駛機甲前來搶人,看你能否擊退強敵,保護自己的妹子!奶牛大戰:美女奶牛戰士前來突襲,戰勝她就能獲得大量經驗!迎財神:財神到送金幣,迎接財神就能讓你的金幣水漲船高,輕鬆1秒變土豪!夢回三國?這做的不是夢。國內外知名畫師精心繪製數百精美卡牌,三國各名將悉數化身各色美女!穿越三國了?為何會有一大波妹子舞著刀撲過來作為救世主降臨這個全是武將妹子的世界吧!
三國英雄聯盟-巔峰對決 4.2.3
===遊戲介紹===GooglePlay推荐,百萬玩家期盼的卡牌最新消除大作,經典日式畫風,知名畫家绘制,首創全球首款獨特的戰棋消除玩法,單手操作卻又大出意外的玩法,與以往傳統卡牌遊戲完全不同,給你極大驚喜。操作數百名超炫超酷三國武將與您一同征战天下,滿足你的收集慾望;數千種英雄技能组合,任你搭配;與其他玩家競技挑戰一決勝負,智慧完美體現。佈局決勝千里2014年不得不玩的另類戰棋消除巨作,立即下載一同享受吧!===遊戲玩法===遊戲中的戰鬥是由行動點數來實現的,每移動一名士兵即消耗一點,每三名士兵一行則視為一個戰鬥力,而英雄可以與兩個士兵形成一個特殊戰鬥力。玩家所要做的就是控制英雄和士兵合理分配部下將敵人的體力消耗至零即可獲勝。遊戲中提供了多樣性的戰法,比如連鎖攻擊,人牆,發動武將技等等。總而言之,本遊戲絕對顛覆你對消除類遊戲的看法,完美的結合戰旗與RPG,定會讓你不由自主的大點32個贊。★ 超爽快★個性化棋盤式手操!千百種戰鬥玩法,挑戰您智慧高峰!★ 超大方 ★ 天天送金幣!日日領元寶!不花錢也能享受!最大方手遊在此誰敢放肆★ 超耀眼 ★ 三國鼎立,神將呂布強襲!帶著您強力武將討伐吧!★ 超刺激 ★爽快刺激的PVP玩法,讓你體驗玩家相互激烈競爭的三國天下。★ 超細膩 ★採用各種武將特色技能及豐富將緣,充滿眾多將領配法!等您一同來率領。❤ FB官方粉絲團:日日活動滿檔!ξ( ✿>◡❛)-------------------------------------------------===遊戲特色===☆ 武将激斗,PK决胜,三國各路英雄征伐大作戰!☆ 另类消除、不一样的战旗玩法☆ 競技場,眾多強力武將配合,各路諸侯誰與爭鋒!☆ 回合奧義一鍵平天下!┌ 三國三軍鼎力魏國、蜀國、吳國、群雄四方勢力三國卡牌盡在掌握!┌ 個性化手操策略戰鬥啟發玩家諸葛周瑜般的智取謀略,手操棋盤顛覆思考┌ 眾多經典歷史關卡鬥曹操、攻劉備、剋孫權、戰呂布┌ 華麗武將裝備系統珍貴裝備寶物,等著各路諸侯開啟和升星進階之路┌ 獨創特色陣形配置武將技能各有千秋,領先群雄陣行等你來解惑┌ 萬人翻雲覆雨『 競技場 』招兵買馬儲備戰力稱霸競技場,跨服競技場更刺激-------------------------------------------------❤ 客服小寶貝”詩詩”信箱: [email protected]天天有問必答! ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ===適配機型===支持設備:三星、HTC、Sony、小米等品牌和機型作業系統:Android 2.3及以上存儲空間:推薦預留1G剩餘空間※ 依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。
一二三国志【見た目は可愛いのに本格RPG】 1.0
◆ゲーム紹介◆2015年の最高傑作《一二三国志》は三国志の世界が舞台。猛将の激しい戦いが3DディレクションRPGになって生まれ変わった!好きな武将を集め、チームを結成しよう!メンバーにペットを参加させることも……!【公式サイト】【公式Twitterサイト】【公式Facebookサイト】◆ゲームの特徴◆フル3Dで三国志の世界を体感!ゲーム内すべてが3D!武将たちが躍動する新しい三国志の世界をお届けいたします。キュートなペットを連れて一緒に戦へ!?なんと今回は幻想的でかわいいペットと一緒に戦えます。「ペット」だからといってなめてはいけません、いざとなったら必殺技で猛将以上の活躍も!?ディレクションRPGだから簡単操作!ボタンひとつで必殺技を発動!組み合わせによって敵将に大ダメージを与えることが可能!武将を自由に組み合わせ可能!史実ではありえない!?絶対に協力しないであろう武将との連携をゲーム内で体験!リアルな三国志武将では絶対に描かれないゲームならではのフィーチャーで目指すは三国統一!【問い合わせ・ご意見・ご要望はこちらへ】[email protected]
【封測版】來自星星的三國 13.0
★ 超大方★天天送金幣!日日領鑽石!不花錢也能玩!★ 超華麗 ★ 強力繪師操刀!炫麗卡牌閃爆螢幕!★ 超刺激 ★ 美艷後宮佳麗相伴!享受血脈噴張帝王浴!---------------------------------------------❤ 客服小天使"喬喬"信箱:[email protected]天天有問必答!ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ❤ FB官方粉絲團:日日活動滿檔!ξ(✿>◡❛)----------------------------------------------===遊戲特色===☆ 2014年超強時尚前衛動漫卡牌!☆ 超華麗日系畫風場景美輪美奐!☆ 百萬活動超值金幣鑽石豪禮相送!讓你暢快升級!☆ 猛將掌中養成!君征天下體驗亞瑟王般至尊的王權快感!┌ 空前『 穿越 』獨創劇情探索蒐集碎片,猛卡好禮收袋底三國穿越現代,曹操也能俘虜千頌伊和劉備、關羽、張飛一起Hold住沈佳宜┌ 絕世『 武將 』橫掃千軍神羿剋鐵騎、謀士剋劍豪周瑜搭都敏俊、孔明配李輝京超完美指尖格鬥擊出完勝的PK戰果┌ 香艷『 帝王浴 』佳人相伴美妃侍浴,玩轉後宮帝王體驗日日纏綿,左擁右抱紅袖添香挑逗感官極限,連都教授都醉心於此┌ 特效『 魔法 』加倍奉還魔法謀略珠搭配閃金卡牌在三國戰場上盡情舞刀弄劍熱血沸騰的落雷火焰都能爽快痛宰對方┌ 獨創『兵書羅盤 』寶石簡易排列玩法設計輕鬆組合出連消陣型享受經驗值狂飆的快感┌ 萬人『 競技 』回合格鬥排名、爭奪、群雄逐鹿三大競技智謀終極博弈,豐厚獎勵挑戰升級千名猛將聚集,全球玩家同服激戰----------------------------------------------===適配機型===支持設備:三星、HTC、Sony、小米等品牌和機型作業系統:Android 2.3及以上存儲空間:推薦預留1G剩餘空間※ 依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。
鬪三國之全民神將 1.14.56493
*** 官方網站:*** 粉絲團:年全新機甲三國RPG行動遊戲登場!極致感官的三國新體驗,橫版塔防戰鬥模式,最新的豪華50人軍團,拋棄單機時代,告別"假"連線噱頭,真正與好友協力作戰,率領千軍萬馬征戰天下!《立即下載五大理由》1、Q版萌翻畫風製作【好可愛】2、橫版塔防推塔戰鬥【最好玩】3、華麗技能即時施放【超快感】4、派遣特訓精英兵種【來鬥智】5、天天登錄好禮相送【超豐富】 《遊戲特色》1、卡哇伊武將--有夠Q的萌系人物,可愛滿分!2、WOW!機甲三國—小喬持續賣萌中,機械裝甲看張飛?!你無法想像的三國英雄新型態逐一登場!3、顛覆式劇情—你以為諸葛亮跟孫尚香是什麼關係?超展開的對話劇情,讓你捧腹大笑,絕對有趣!4、完美結合策略+塔防—遊戲百百款,喜歡三國志的經典策略玩法,又愛最潮的塔防遊戲,《鬪三國》讓你所有願望一起滿足!5、 華麗技能全屏呈現—武將獨有技能實時施放,酷爽打擊,如臨戰場的狂風暴雨般出擊夠過癮!6、培養兵種全面進攻—訓練「特種部隊」發揮實力,適時出陣大助力!7、豪華軍團戰—超威的50人軍團戰磅礡開打,真正的全屏協力作戰,讓你找回連線遊戲的熱血!8、知「天命」易—激活星宿提升主角能力,「逆天」一點都不難!9、經典玩法一點也不少—PVP、PVE超多精彩玩法,愛怎麼玩就怎麼玩!10、豐富副本等著你—防守、遠征副本,玩法大不同,體驗更多如臨沙場的刺激感!《鬪三國》將帶給你前所未有的三國遊戲新體驗,無論是征討黃巾之役,還是決鬥戰神呂布!三國霸業由你成就!好膽你就來!!更多《鬪三國》精彩活動,將會陸續在粉絲團展開,敬請關注喔!!
傲笑三國 1.2.9
三國題材搞笑首選──《傲笑三國》四大保證:【保證噴飯】Q萌造型×爆笑劇情,保證笑到無力!【保證精彩】近300位名將,打造專屬三國天團!【保證刺激】超過200座城池,攻城戰天天開打!【保證過癮】獨特友情組合隊,萬年雜魚出頭天!《傲笑三國》主打穿越時空惡搞三國,故事劇情圍繞著三國歷史,玩家穿越時空回到1800年前,與神一般的武將一起組隊打天下!在《傲笑三國》內,玩家可嘗試各種不同的玩法,根據不負責統計數據顯示,有33.33%的玩家會依照【超噴飯劇情】進行遊戲,仔細品嘗每句【有梗對白】;另外有33.33%的玩家喜歡在遊戲內四處奔波、【收集歷史名將】,享受廣納英雄豪傑,【打造專屬三國天團】的榮耀;最後,還有33.33%的玩家則是著重在發展個人勢力、熱衷於【佔領城池】,體驗三國時代四處征戰沙場的戰鬥快感!你,是哪種類型的玩家呢?這麼多精彩玩法等著你,現在立馬拿起手機,一起「穿越時空顛覆三國,擺脫魯蛇,逆轉人生!!」《傲笑三國》官方網站:《傲笑三國》官方粉絲團:《傲笑三國》客服信箱:[email protected]
PK三國-鐵膽の英雄 5.4
*超可愛的RPG三國遊戲!**無差別三國英雄大亂鬥,三國史詩由你創造!**現在首次充值雙倍贈送,充多少賺多少!*===遊戲說明===※KOF救援系統 – 格鬥天王,經典再現!※史實劇本 – 歷史經典戰役,身歷其境!※神獸系統 – 超萌神獸與你並肩作戰!※千人幫派戰 – 萬人同時在線,幫派戰即刻引爆!※超可愛畫面 – 最多妹子在玩的手機遊戲!※跨服對決 – 滿足你稱王的慾望!===特色玩法介紹===※萌寵神獸並肩作戰各種特色寵物,還能增加各種屬性。※機關塔兇險異常每一層都有不同特點的敵人,考驗你的隊伍配置和能力分配!※競技場、比武場豐富PVP玩法,用你悉心培養的角色碾碎對手,稱霸排行榜吧!※豐富的動態任務世界BOSS、 節日活動等特色玩法,徹底告別枯燥重複。※跨服戰、幫派大戰團隊PK對戰!用優秀策略與默契配合擊退敵人吧! ===交流回饋===如果您喜歡《PK三國》,歡迎隨時給我們留言或評價,您也可官方Facebook和玩家討論區與其他玩家一起討論遊戲經驗!粉絲專頁:問題回報便捷通道:[email protected]依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。   * super cuteRPGthree games! *  * Undifferentiated Fuzion three heroes, threeepiccreated by you! *  * Now for the first time to recharge double gift,howmuch profit charge! *=== ===Game Description  ※ KOF Rescue System & nbsp;-Fighting, classic reproduction!  ※ facts script & nbsp; -theclassic battle of history, immersive!  ※ animal systems & nbsp;-Super Meng animal on your side!  ※ thousands of gang warfare  - million people online, instantly set offgangwarfare!  ※ cute pictures & nbsp;-maximum sister playing mobile phone games!  ※ inter-service battle  - satisfy yourdesiresking!   === ===describes characteristics of play   ※ Meng petanimalfought  Various characteristics of pets, but also increasethevariety of properties.   ※ organ towerdangerousabnormal  Each layer has different characteristics enemies,testyour configuration and the ability to distribute team!   ※ ArenaTournamentGrounds  Rich PVP play, with careful cultivation of the roleyoucrush his enemies, now dominate the charts!   ※ rich anddynamictask  World BOSS, festivals and other special gamesareplayed, to bid farewell to boring repetition.   ※ inter-service war,gangwar  Team PK Battle! With excellent strategy and withthetacit understanding to repel theenemynow! === ===exchange feedbackIf you like the "PK Three Kingdoms", please feel free to give usamessage or comment,You can discuss district official Facebook and players alsodiscusswith other players gaming experience!fan page: = hlBug Report a convenientchannel:[email protected] management approach according to game software,thissoftware is counseling 12 years levels: people over the age of12may only use.The game is free to use, another offer to buy virtual gamecurrency,items such as payment services within the game.
操三國 0.16.0
◎◎◎【首款即時自由競技對操手遊,現在就一起操翻你的三國!】◎◎◎《操三國》 是一款魔幻三國題材的即時對戰RPG手遊。宏大的歷史背景,展現別樣的三國亂世。對比傳統同題材遊戲自動戰鬥、無腦刷兵的玩法,《操三國》拒絕無腦站樁,通過點擊,玩家可以自由走位、攻擊,隨心所欲操縱四位武將,盡情展示大神的微操實力!《操三國》特別設計的45章經典戰役,每一章都有出人意表的新型怪物、特殊關卡和獨一無二的BOSS戰設計,絕對讓玩家在燒腦的同時大呼過癮。天梯排位元採取非同步PVP的模式,比武則是真人線上PK,支援跨服匹配。真正的競技手游,真人熱血PK,帶玩家們盡情享受高手對決的爽快感!▶遊戲特色:登入送紫武,橘裝免費拿登入即可獲得紫色與更高階的橘色裝備,輕鬆闖關升級無負擔。自由走位戰鬥,拒絕無腦站樁即時戰鬥操作模式,自由操控所有武將,自己的戰爭自己決定!上千副本關卡,演繹魔幻三國特殊關卡與獨一無二的BOSS戰,關關都有出人意表的設計。真人即時對戰,跨服武道競技跨伺服器挑戰真人玩家,讓競技場不再只是數值高低決勝負!操三國官網:官方粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]
亂鬥三國志(英雄PK 決戰江湖) 1.01
"FINAL FANTASY IV (3D REMAKE)" has finally come to the Android!
軍師救我-火燒赤壁 1.2.303.0
首款唯一真3D三國策略手遊,三年打造次世代遊戲引擎全球玩家同服競技,爭取最強王者殊榮集結最強戰隊,運用錦囊秘策,一秒逆轉戰局新3D戰鬥視覺,真實還原三國古戰場全球首創全新秘策錦囊系統,戰局由你來掌控,武將必殺技爽度破表!全景3D戰場再現三國磅礡氣勢。《軍師救我》絕對是你最後一款三國手遊!★★《軍師救我》遊戲特色★★☆名將美女 征戰三國☆數百位三國著名武將,國內外最強畫師聯手打造,成名技完全搭載☆最強戰隊 等你創造☆沒有最強陣容,只有最強搭配,歷史陣法完全收錄,完整呈現歷史神調度☆完美謀略 無往不勝☆三國特有十五古龍陣,復原各名將熟悉兵種。搭配萬變錦囊讓戰況變化無窮★★《軍師救我》系統提示★★系統支援:ios 5.0版本或以上、android 4.0版本或以上,且記憶體在512MB以上的手機。建議於WIFI模式下進行遊戲。★★《軍師救我》官方網站★★官方網站地址:★★《軍師救我》客服信箱★★客服信箱:[email protected]★★《軍師救我》官方粉絲團★★※遊戲中如碰到問題,建議優先透過電郵或粉絲團與客服人員聯繫。※本遊戲為免費制,遊戲內另提供購買元寶、軍糧等付費服務。
Devil Twins: Auto RPG 3.6.7
Achieve 2 million downloads! Really fun RPG!
Pocket Three Kingdoms 1.1004.0
Xiao Junyun
《Pocket Three Kingdoms》Experience classicThreeKingdom characters such as Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and ZhaoYun.Also includes the famous Diao Chan, Zhen Ji, Xiao Qiao, andmanyother female Heroes, waiting for your command. Don't forgettheheavenly goddesses and fairies all eager to guide youtovictory!Summon Heroes, strenghten them with armors, enhancements,andawakenings. Battle demons in the earthly realms and rejuvenateinthe heavenly realms. Test your strength by challengingsummonersfrom across the world. Engage in Quests (with 3difficultysettings), Trials, and Missions to gain EXP and winrewards. Attendevents to obtain rare items. Whichever gameplay andactivities youchoose, there will be endless hours of fun andexcitement waitingfor you!Top 5 Reasons to Download:Three Kingdoms' Classic Generals ☆☆☆☆☆Battle of Strategy and Intelligence ☆☆☆☆☆Beautiful Fairies and Goddesses ☆☆☆☆☆Elemental Heroes and Generals at your disposal ☆☆☆☆☆Treasure-filled Quests and Missions ☆☆☆☆☆◎Game Features◎★Daily Free Rewards! Get Elite Heroes with Easy Summoning!★In addition to summoning, obtain high level 3-star HeroesthroughQuests and Missions.Fire, Wind, Water, Holy, and Evil! 5 Elemental Types, with over500Heroes to collect!★Best-in-class, Japanese Inspired Artwork★Each character and Hero is carefully crafted and drawn to matchitshistorical accuracy.Experience creative character designs, thrilling battleexperience,brilliant Hero skills, and customized battleformations!★Heroes Enhancing and Development★Cultivate your Heroes. Every Hero can be a top General! EvenZhangFei can defeat Lu Bu with proper training!Includes advance Heroes, new skills, and elemental effects.★Free-style Gameplay - Thousands of Heroes and ArmorstoEquip!★Abundant armor set system. Strengthen your Heroes throughstrategicarmor equipments!10+ Armor Types with 6pc sets to collect and assemble. Only youcandecide which Armor sets work best for your Heroes!★Unique Skills with Stunning Visuals★Heroes and their unique element types have their own uniqueskills!Over hundreds of unique skills to unlock and unleash onyourenemies!See your Heroes attack with their unique skills in stunninggraphicsand visuals!★Gameplay All Under Your Control!★Traditional-styled RPG in a well-designed combat system. SummontheHeroes and unleash their ultimate skills!Choose from auto and manual battles to maximize yourgameplayexperience!★Easy In-Game Instructions!★Introduction guided step-by-step by the lovely Fairy Roselle.Clear interface, easy-to-navigate UI. Waste no time ingettingstarted!★Over 500 Heroes to Collect!★Collect, battle, and share your most-prized Heroes withyourfriends!Extensive in-game activities and generous rewards to keepyouentertained for endless hours!────────────────Join 《Pocket Three Kingdoms》 website to participate.Stay updated on our official site for exciting events, updates,andgiveaways.Search Facebook: Pocket Three Kingdoms────────────────For latest updates, news, and tips, visit the site below↓:Official Site: ptk.carolgames.comOfficial FBFanpage:《Pocket Three Kingdoms》Support E-Mail:[email protected] value every player's opinions. Thank you for your support.
War of Three Kingdoms 4
"War Of Three Kingdoms" is a fightingepicaction game with five-star praise from the gamer! Perfecttouchcontrol without any virtual arrow keys and enjoy mostexplosiveaction experience! It's that simple and addict.# Game Features:- 8 heroes / team, enjoy a different operating experience;- Up to 100 kinds of barriers dungeons and theadventurebegins;- Reggie Warriors of all Aviva, stunning fighting,reproductionofthe classic.- Exquisitely beautiful images and roles# Language Supported:- Simplified ChineseContact us for further support on technical issues:[email protected] feedback about the game on:
ZENONIA S: Rifts In Time 3.5.1
The world’s most popular mobile RPG,ZENONIA®,is now online! !Travel across nine treacherous realms to uncover the mysterybehindthe portal.Assist the Celestial Kingdom and expose the horrifying truth.Chat and play with your friends in real-time! Join a co-opraidparty and fend off vicious monsters in Raid mode. EnterPVPmatchups to destroy your competition.[Real-time Action]Battle monsters, make friends, and punish challengers all fromyourmobile device.Explore the world of ZENONIA S: Rifts in Time across theninerealms.Test your survival skills in the Monster Wave mode.[Classes]Choose from your favorite ZENONIA® characters.Slasher/ Ranger/ Fighter / Magician / AssassinAwaken your hero and break the limit.[Customize]Customize you character with over 300 different piecesofequipment.Increase the effectiveness of your weapons, armor, andaccessoriesthrough various enhancementsPut your skills to the test in ZENONIA S: Rifts in Time.Becomelegendary!* This game requires the following permissions foroptimalgameplay.- Permission to sync your Address Book and access device statusforFriend Invites[READ_CONTACTS, READ_PHONE_STATE]- Permission to sync your Google account[GET_ACCOUNTS]- Permission to save necessary game data externally[READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE]** This game is available in English.** There may be additional costs when trying to obtaincertainitems.* GAMEVIL Official Website :* GAMEVIL Customer Support: ofService:
我的學妹不可能那麼萌:公測版 1.131.0
◎遊戲介紹◎《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》是2016紅遍全球華人圈的最佳手機遊戲。遊戲中加入並萌化了三國時代的英雄豪傑,還將其作為戰姬等你收錄旗下,同時將即時策略與手動操作等特色結合並融入其中。玩家們在《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中遨遊時,不僅要理解各個戰姬的特色技能的搭配、還要有裝備道具的合理分配和精細的操作,讓你除了收集知名武將之外,更能夠體驗豐富主線劇情及各個關卡帶來的征戰樂趣,同時享受與其他玩家互相競技的刺激快感。◎遊戲特色◎★ ★ ★ 不爽上頂樓,全國制霸由你書寫 ★ ★ ★《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》最大特色,遊戲中萌化了近百位富有傳奇色彩的三國英雄,追隨玩家們四處征戰。這些戰姬是《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中核心的遊戲特色,每個戰姬都有其不平凡的經歷和獨特的技能。若是想要在召喚師世界中稱霸,就需要深入瞭解每個戰姬的特色技能,運用你的智慧來搭配戰姬形成殺傷力極大的combo連續技組合,讓你輕鬆打遍天下無敵手。★ ★ ★ 微動作畫面,指揮戰姬釋放大招 ★ ★ ★遊戲中不僅有華麗且酷炫的絕招特效,同時各個戰姬的表情、動作都是由設計師通宵達旦所精心打造的。無論在戰鬥中或是在休息時,戰姬們的行走、揮舞道具和賣萌等每個動作,隨處可見其精細的3D畫面設計。在召喚師帶領戰姬征戰的過程中,都需要你的手指行動力,無腦跑畫面不再適合現在的遊戲了。★ ★ ★ 指尖微操作,勝負就在一瞬間 ★ ★ ★手動釋放技能的手遊已經過時了!在戰鬥中需要時時觀察戰況,並對戰姬進行微操作,像打斷敵方施法扭轉局勢或是變換施法方向運用策略欺敵等等。做為《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中的另一個賣點,為了不讓玩家覺得就是在玩遊戲數據,體驗真正的指揮樂趣,在遊戲中的戰鬥力只能作為參考,戰力低也能通過微操作改變劣勢,讓你一舉反敗為勝!★ ★ ★ 福利社投飲料,滿滿的校園元素 ★ ★ ★暑假過了一個月,是否想念福利社的早餐呢?在《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中,還有各種測驗來考較你的實力,除了豐富並龐大的世界觀外,還有無數的任務供你自由選擇發揮,不服氣?那就上頂樓單挑吧!將眼前所有的障礙掃除,朝著全國制霸的夢想邁進吧!────────────────加入《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》台灣官方臉書就可以參加官方舉辦的精彩活動, 贏取更多的禮物和重要訊息。(在Facebook搜尋: 我的學妹不可能那麼萌)────────────────攻略,活動等最新資訊!!請點擊官方網址↓☞官方粉絲團:☞《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》客服信箱: [email protected] ID:moemoegirls我們會認真聽取每個玩家的心聲,感謝您的支持。Game description ◎ ◎"My younger sister can not be so Moe" is popular in 2016globalChinese circle the best mobile games. Join the game andsproutingof the heroes of the Three Kingdoms period, which will bewaitingfor you as a war Kyi's inclusion, while real-time strategywithmanual operation and other characteristics combined into one.Whenplayers travel in "My school girl can not be so Moe", not onlytounderstand the characteristics of each battle Kyi mix ofskills,but also a reasonable allocation of equipment, props anddelicateoperation, so that you collect in addition to well-knowngeneralsoutside more can experience the rich storyline and thevariouslevels of the campaign to bring the fun with other playerswhileenjoying the stimulation of competitive mutual pleasure.◎ ◎ Game Features★ ★ ★ unhappy on the top floor, the national system ofhegemonywritten by you ★ ★ ★ "My younger sister can not be so adorable," the mostprominentfeature of the game Moe hundred legendary hero of theThreeKingdoms, players follow the campaign around. These war Kyiis "Myschool girl can not be so adorable" in the core feature ofthe game,each battle Kyi has its extraordinary experience andunique skills.If you want to dominate the world in the Summoner,you need tounderstand the characteristics of each battle Kyiskills, use yourwisdom to battle with the formation of highlylethal combo Kyicombos combination, allowing you to easily hottopic invinciblehand.★ ★ ★ micro motion picture, directed war Kyi releaselargestrokes ★ ★ ★The game is not only gorgeous and cool trick effects, whileeachbattle Kyi's facial expressions, movements are carefullycrafted bythe designer of the night. Whether in combat or at rest,war Kyi'swalking, waving to sell Meng and other props and eachaction, youcan see its fine 3D graphics design. In Summoner Kyi ledwarcampaign process, we need your finger action, no brain nolongersuitable now run the screen game.★ ★ ★ fingertip micro-operations, the outcome in the moment ★★★Manual release of the skills of hand travel has become obsolete!Inthe battle need to constantly observe the fighting and warKyimicro-operations, like magic to reverse the situation, ortointerrupt the enemy caster transform direction usingdeceptiontactics like. As "My school girl can not be so Moe"another sellingpoint, in order to prevent players feel that playingthe game data,experience the real fun of command, combat in thegame only as areference, but also low combat capabilitydisadvantages changethrough micro-operation, so that you win thegame in one fellswoop!★ ★ ★ canteen vote drinks, full campus elements ★ ★ ★After a month of summer vacation, whether canteen missbreakfastthen? "My sister can not be so adorable school", there areavariety of quizzes to test your strength compared, in addition toarich and vast view of the world, there are numerous you are freetochoose to play for the task, not convinced? then it singled outtheattic! remove all the obstacles in front, toward the dreamofbecoming the national system of hegemony it!────────────────Adding "I can not be so adorable school girl" Taiwan canparticipatein the official face bookExciting activities organized by the official, win more giftsandimportant messages.(In Facebook search: My school girl can not be so Meng)────────────────Raiders News, activities, etc! ! Please click on theofficialwebsite ↓☞ official fan group: https: //☞ "My school girl can not be so Moe" CustomerService:[email protected] ID: moemoegirlsWe will listen carefully to the voice of each player, thank youforyour support.
六龍御天 1.1.18
Inch Games
全台第一國戰手遊! 全台超過2,000,000下載 突破200,000 玩家同時上線獲Google推薦絕不可錯過的國戰MMORPG手遊
Three Kingdoms Hero 1.856.0
Xiao Junyun
◎Introduksi Game◎《Three Kingdoms Hero》 adalah sebuah game MMORPG bertipestrategi.Dilengkapi ratusan Hero klasik asal Legenda Tiga Negara,sepertiZhao Yun, Guan Yu, Lu Bu dan Zhang Fei. Juga tidakketinggalan HeroWanita yang terkenal akan kecantikan mereka disejarah Tiga Negara,seperti Diao Chan, Xiao Qiao, Da Qiao, Zhen Jidan masih banyaklagi.Variasi gameplay tiada duanya, dengan berbagai fitursepertiSummon Hero, Enhance, Awaken, Evolve, Armor, Faem dan masihbanyaklagi. Uji kekuatanmu dengan menantang jutaan pemain dariseluruhDunia di Arena, kalahkan juga Demon yang sedang menguasaiduniamanusia.Temukan juga komunitas permainan yang ramah dan meriah,disertaipersaingan sehat yang tidak kalah serunya.Semua pada ditemukan di “Three Kingdoms Hero”. Startyourincredible journey now!Download Sekarang:☆☆☆ Hero Klasik Three Kingdoms☆☆☆ Perang & Duel Strategi☆☆☆ Fairy Cantik Tiada Duanya☆☆☆ Strategi Elemental & Formasi☆☆☆ Bonus Unlimited Dari Dungeon◎Spesialisasi Game◎★Free Summon Hero★Gratis Summon Hero 3☆ setiap hari, yang juga bisa didapatkandariDungeon!5 Elemen Api, Air, Angin, Holy, Demon dengan total lebih dari500Hero!★Grafis Hero Memukau★Detil grafis yang spesifik, jaminan kualitas HD dengantingkatspesifik 99%!Grafik combat yang tiada duanya, mulai dari seranganhinggarecovery.★Enhance Evolve Awaken★Perkuat Hero dengan ribuan kombinasi mulai dari Enhance,Evolve,Awaken, Armor dlsb!Jadi Summoner terkuat di dunia, dengan kombinasi Armor danFormasiunik milikmu!★Kombinasi Ribuan Formasi★Ratusan total Armor yang dapat dikombinasi sesuai kebutuhandanstrategi.Puluhan set Armor, dengan bonus atribut tambahan. Ribuankombinasisesuai keinginanmu!★Strategi Penggunaan Skill★Setiap Hero, setiap Elemen, setiap Level, memiliki efek Skillyangberbeda, sesuai kebutuhanmu!Grafik Skill yang cinematic, membawakan impact visual yangtiadaduanya.★Strategi Nomor Satu★Turn-based RPG Klasik, semua sesuai perintahmu!Keseimbangan Game, mementingkan strategi Formasi dan Skill!★Easy to Play★Newbie Guide oleh para Fairy, langkah per langkah.Sistem Operasi simpel, cocok untuk Newbie hinggaHardcoreplayer!★Total Hero Klasik 500+★Kumpulkan seluruh Hero di Legenda Three Kingdoms!Jadilah Summoner terkuat, Raja Terkuat di Three Kingdoms Hero!Contact Three Kingdoms Hero @Line ID : threekingdomsheroEmail : [email protected] FB : Game ◎ ◎"Three Kingdoms Hero" is a MMORPG type of strategy.Equippedhundreds Hero Legend of the Three Kingdoms classic origin,such asZhao Yun, Guan Yu, Lu Bu and Zhang Fei. Women also do notmiss thefamous Hero will their beauty in the history of the ThreeKingdoms,like Diao Chan, Xiao Qiao, Da Qiao, Zhen Ji, and manymore.Variations gameplay is second to none, with a variety offeaturessuch as Summon Hero, Enhance, Awaken, Evolve, Armor, Faemand muchmore. Test your strength by challenging the millions ofplayers fromall over the World Arena, defeat the Demon also beingmastered thehuman world.Discover the community also play a friendly and festive,withhealthy competition that is not less thrill.All the found in the "Three Kingdoms Hero". Start yourincrediblejourney now!Download Now:☆☆☆ Hero Classics Three Kingdoms☆☆☆ War & Strategy DuelSecond To None None Beautiful Fairy ☆☆☆☆☆☆ Elemental Strategy & Formation☆☆☆ Unlimited Bonus From DungeonGame Specialties ◎ ◎★ ★ Free Summon HeroFree Summon Hero 3 ☆ every day, which can also be obtained fromtheDungeon!5 Elements of Fire, Water, Wind, Holy, Demon with a total ofmorethan 500 Hero! Riveting graphics ★ ★ HeroDetailed specific graphics, HD quality assurance with aspecificrate of 99%!Graph combat like no other, ranging from assault to recovery.Enhance ★ ★ Evolve AwakenStrengthen Hero with thousands of combinations ranging fromEnhance,Evolve, Awaken, etc. Armor!So Summoner strongest in the world, with a unique combinationofArmor and Formation yours!Thousands Combination ★ ★ FormationHundreds total Armor that can be combined according to the needsandstrategies.Dozens of sets of Armor, with the bonus of additionalattributes.Thousands of combinations as you wish!★ ★ Strategies Skill UsageEach Hero, every element, every level, has the effect ofdifferentskills, according your needs!Skill charts are cinematic, bringing unparalleled visualimpact.★ ★ Strategy Number OneClassic turn-based RPG, all in accordance orders!Game balance, centered strategy and Skill Formation!★ ★ Easy to PlayNewbie Guide by the Fairy, step by step.Operating system is simple, suitable for a Newbie to theHardcoreplayer!Total Hero Classics ★ ★ 500 +Collect the entire Hero in the Legend of the Three Kingdoms!Be Summoner strongest, King Strongest in Three Kingdoms Hero!Contact Three Kingdoms Hero @Line ID: threekingdomsheroEmail: [email protected] Fanpage:
我要瘋神-首款可愛御神遊戲 1.0.17
萌鬥武俠 再戰華山之巔 1.5.2
【粉絲團主頁】【新人好康免費領】持通關密語“我是武林盟主,功夫天下第一”粉絲團私訊小編,即可領取新人禮包一份!===特色系統====這個時代需要不一樣的活法,這款遊戲需要不一樣的玩法,《萌鬥武俠》武俠配緣系統現已開啟,這個江湖你可以最精彩。快來萌鬥武俠,這裏的梟雄豪傑,僅為你所知,俠為你而戰!追求這些大英雄,培養到武林至尊,讓你成為江湖盟主!====神獸系統====新增三大神獸皮膚:赤精、仙鹿、龍龜。神獸皮膚可通過幫派副本挑戰對應的BOSS獲得。最關鍵的是,整個遊戲內,少俠們只需要培養1只神獸就足夠了,想要不同的樣子,可以通過換膚來實現。神獸培養:升級:作為神獸,可是大胃王,除了最喜歡的經驗丹外,神獸還可以通過吞噬道具來升級。少俠們在竊喜小獸好養的時候,要記住一點,神獸等級是不能超過主人等級的,所以想要強力的神獸,還得加油提升自己的實力。升星:升星是神獸提升的最重要的環節,而且需求道具也較少。之所以重要是因為神獸的主動技能及被動技能都跟自身星級有關系。至於詳細的,還需要少俠們在遊戲內仔細琢磨。神級技能來相助,江湖一統不是夢:作為一只神獸,身上可謂渾身是寶。主動技能:通過升星來直接獲得,包括了【單體加血】、【單體驅散帶治療buff】、【單體復活術】、【群體嘲諷術】和招牌神技【禦氣真訣】,可瞬間將己方單位的氣槽集滿。被動技能:【戰吼】、【吐息】。戰吼類技能相當於是永久增益buff,而吐息類是首輪增益buff。被動技能可通過學習來獲得。看著這些厲害的技能,是不是很心動,快快去為神獸升星學習吧![Home][New] who receive free goodies passphrase "I was chief martialarts,kung fu in the world" fans private hearing small series, youcanreceive the new spree!=== ==== Characteristics of the systemThis era requires a different living law, the game is not thesameneed to play, "Moe fighting martial arts" martial arts withamargin system is now open, the rivers and lakes you canmostexciting. Come Meng martial arts fighting, where Lawrence ofhero,just you know, Man fight for you! The pursuit of these bighero,train to geochilmaru, rivers and lakes so that you becomethechief!==== ==== Animal systemThree new animal skin: fine red, fairy deer, dragon turtle.Animal skin can be challenging to get through gangsBOSScorresponding copy.The most critical is that the whole game, Shaoxia only need totrainan animal that is enough, you want to look different, canbeachieved through the skin.Animal culture:Upgrade: As animal, but big eaters, but the mostfavoriteexperience, Dan, the animal can also swallow props toupgrade.Shaoxia were in the small beast good chuckle when raised,toremember that animal level is no more than the master level, soIwant a strong animal that had come on to enhancetheirstrength.Rising Star: Rising Star is the animal enhance the mostimportantpart, but also less demand for props. Is important becauseactiveskills and passive skills related to animal stars have theirownrelationship. As for the details, you also need Shaoxia are inthegame carefully pondering.God-level skills to help, dominate the political arena is notadream:As an animal, who can be described as full of treasure.Active skills: to direct access by Rising Star, includingthe[monomer plus blood], [monomer to disperse with treatmentbuff],[monomer resurrection], [group] and signs mocking surgerynirvana[Royal Air true tactic] , you can instantly set the unit'sown gastank full.Passive skills: [Battle Cry], [Breath].Shout class skills equivalent to a permanent gain buff, andBreathclass is the first round of the gain buff. Passive skills canbeobtained by learning.Looking at these powerful skills, is not very excited, quicklygofor animal Rising Star to learn it!
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呂布!請留步(1天送5★神將,7天送5★坐騎) 1.4.5