Top 19 Apps Similar to Index Hémato

Lichtman's Atlas of Hematology 1.5
Usatine Media
Intended for the education of healthcare professionals
Hematology exam questions 8.0
It is a great Hematology exam questions collection. More than641exam questions. Possibility of random questions.
Hematology 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interestedonhematology,we feel in the obligation of providing informationaboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articlesthatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds fromMedicalNews Today
ASH Pocket Guides 1.8.1
Guidelines for diagnosis and management of a variety ofhematologicconditions
SMARTfiches Hématologie 1.00
SMARTfiches Médecine est la1èreencyclopédiemédicale numérique destinée aux professionnelsetétudiants desanté. Retrouvez l’intégralité de votre doctoratenmoins d’ 1minute ! Gardez dans votre poche ‘TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUTLETEMPS’ !L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte quivousestenvoyé par mail. Vous rencontrez un problème ? contacteznousàl'adresse [email protected] ou tentez de vousinscriredepuisnotre site web**Au programme dans SMARTfiches Hématologie**Item 115/185 - Déficit immunitaireItem 316/208 - Hémogramme : indications et interprétationItem 297/209 - Anémie chez l’adulte et l’enfantItem 335/210 - Thrombopénie chez l’adulte et l’enfantItem 339/212 - Syndrome hémorragique d’origine hématologiqueItem 334/213 - Syndrome mononucléosiqueItem 311/214 - EosinophilieItem 242/215 - (1/2) Pathologie du fer : HémochromatoseItem 242/215 - (2/2) Pathologie du fer : Carence martialeItem 291/216 - Adénopathies superficiellesItem 319/266 - HypercalcémieItem 332/272 - SplénomégalieItem 143/293 - Agranulocytose médicamenteuse : conduiteàtenirItem 162/312 - Leucémies aiguësItem 161/313 - Syndromes myélodysplasiquesItem 165/314 - Syndromes myéloprolifératifsItem 163/315 - Leucémies lymphoïdes chroniquesItem 164/316 - Lymphomes malinsItem 166/317 - Myélome multiple des osItem 178/325 - Transfusion sanguineAprès une inscription gratuite, les applicationssontconsultablesSANS connexion internet et peuvent êtreutiliséesPARTOUT, TOUT LETEMPS.L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte quivousestenvoyé par mail. Dans le cas où vous ne receviez pascemaild'activation dans les 24h, pensez à regarder dansvoscourriersindésirables avant de nous contacter. S'il n'y estpas,nous nousferons un plaisir d'activer votre compte.- Pour les médecins : retrouvez une information claireetvalidéeen moins d’ 1 minute.- Pour les étudiants en médecine : révisez avec desfichesconformesau nouveau programme ECNi.Plus de 90% des utilisateurs confirment que cesapplicationssontutiles pour réviser et se former (enquête desatisfaction,mai2013). De même, 85 % des utilisateurs utilisentSMARTfichesafind’actualiser leur connaissances à la suitedesnouvellesrecommandations qui sont intégrées lors desfréquentesmises à jourde l’application.SMARTfiches Hématologie, à 100% sur le sang !Vous appréciez les applications SMARTfiches Médecine ?Faiteslenous savoir en laissant une bonne appréciation etparlezdeSMARTfiches autour de vous!SMARTfiches Médecine,TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPSSMARTfiches Medicineisthefirst digital medical encyclopedia for professionalsandstudents ofhealth. Find all of your PhD in less than 1minute!Keep in yourpocket 'EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME!'Registration requires the activation of your account thatissentto you by email. You have a problem? [email protected] or trying to enroll fromourwebsite program ** in ** SMARTfiches HematologyItem 115/185 - ImmunodeficiencyItem 316/208 - Bloodlines: indications and interpretationItem 297/209 - Anaemia in adults and childrenItem 335/210 - Thrombocytopenia in adults and childrenItem 339/212 - Hemorrhagic Syndrome hematologic originItem 334/213 - mononucleosis syndromeItem 311/214 - EosinophiliaItem 242/215 - (1/2) Pathology iron: HemochromatosisItem 242/215 - (2/2) Pathology Iron: Iron deficiencyItem 291/216 - superficial lymphadenopathyItem 319/266 - HypercalcemiaItem 332/272 - SplenomegalyItem 143/293 - Drug agranulocytosis: what to doItem 162/312 - Acute LeukemiaItem 161/313 - Myelodysplastic SyndromesItem 165/314 - MyeloproliferativeItem 163/315 - chronic lymphoid leukemiaItem 164/316 - Malignant LymphomasItem 166/317 - Multiple myeloma boneItem 178/325 - Blood TransfusionAfter free registration, applications areavailableWITHOUTinternet connection and can be used EVERYWHERE, ALLTHETIME.Registration requires the activation of your account thatissentto you by email. In case you did not receive theactivationemailwithin 24 hours, be sure to look in your spamfolderbeforecontacting us. If it is not, we will be happy toactivateyouraccount.- For doctors locate clear information and validated inlessthan1 minute.- For medical students: Review with plugs conform to thenewEcniprogram.Over 90% of users confirm that these applications areusefultoreview and form (satisfaction survey, May 2013). Similarly,85%ofusers use SMARTfiches to update their knowledge as a resultofnewrecommendations that are built during the frequent updatestotheapplication.SMARTfiches Hematology, 100% on the blood!You appreciate SMARTfiches medicine applications? Let usknowbyleaving a good appreciation and discuss SMARTfichesaround!SMARTfiches Medicine,EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME
Prognosis : Hematology 4.2.5
Prognosis : Hematology offers a selectionofcases which will challenge your knowledge of hematology, andtestyour clinical acumen as you work your way from Hodgkin'slymphomato Waldenström's Macroglobulinaemia.Each case scenario is designed to be navigated in a matterofminutes, and is accompanied by a comprehensive discussion ofthediagnostic reasoning involved, and an elucidation of the keyfactsinvolved in the day to day management of such patients.The diseases covered include:1. Hodgkin's Lymphoma2. Multiple Myeloma3. Sickle Cell Disease4. Antiphospholipid Syndrome5. Protein C Deficiency6. Iron Deficiency Anemia7. Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia8. Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia9. Myelofibrosis10. Aplastic Anemia11. Waldenström's Macroglobulinaemia12. Acute Intermittent Porphyria13. Acute Myeloid Leukemia14. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia15. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria16. Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia17. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia18. Burkitt’s Lymphoma19. Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase(G6PD) Deficiency20. Immune Thrombocytopenia21. Von Willebrand Disease (vWD)22. Hemoglobin E/Beta-Thalassemia23. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura24. Hemolytic Uraemic Syndrome25. Polycythemia, Primary26. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia27. Hemophilia A and B28. Heparin Induced ThrombocytopeniaFor comments and criticisms, or to share ideas on newcases,please contact us at [email protected].
SMARTfiches Hématologie Free 1.05
SMARTfiches Médecine est la 1èreencyclopédiemédicale numérique destinée aux professionnels etétudiants desanté. Retrouvez l’intégralité de votre doctorat enmoins d’ 1minute ! Gardez dans votre poche ‘TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LETEMPS’ !L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Vous rencontrez un problème ? contactez nousàl'adresse [email protected] outentezde vous inscrire depuis notre site web**Au programme dans SMARTfiches Hématologie**Item 115/185 - Déficit immunitaireItem 316/208 - Hémogramme : indications et interprétationItem 297/209 - Anémie chez l’adulte et l’enfantItem 335/210 - Thrombopénie chez l’adulte et l’enfantItem 339/212 - Syndrome hémorragique d’origine hématologiqueItem 334/213 - Syndrome mononucléosiqueItem 311/214 - EosinophilieItem 242/215 - (1/2) Pathologie du fer : HémochromatoseItem 242/215 - (2/2) Pathologie du fer : Carence martialeItem 291/216 - Adénopathies superficiellesItem 319/266 - HypercalcémieItem 332/272 - SplénomégalieItem 143/293 - Agranulocytose médicamenteuse : conduiteàtenirItem 162/312 - Leucémies aiguësItem 161/313 - Syndromes myélodysplasiquesItem 165/314 - Syndromes myéloprolifératifsItem 163/315 - Leucémies lymphoïdes chroniquesItem 164/316 - Lymphomes malinsItem 166/317 - Myélome multiple des osItem 178/325 - Transfusion sanguineAprès une inscription gratuite, les applicationssontconsultables SANS connexion internet et peuvent êtreutiliséesPARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPS.L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Dans le cas où vous ne receviez pas cemaild'activation dans les 24h, pensez à regarder dans voscourriersindésirables avant de nous contacter. S'il n'y est pas,nous nousferons un plaisir d'activer votre compte.- Pour les médecins : retrouvez une information claire etvalidéeen moins d’ 1 minute.- Pour les étudiants en médecine : révisez avec des fichesconformesau nouveau programme ECNi.Plus de 90% des utilisateurs confirment que ces applicationssontutiles pour réviser et se former (enquête de satisfaction,mai2013). De même, 85 % des utilisateurs utilisent SMARTfichesafind’actualiser leur connaissances à la suite desnouvellesrecommandations qui sont intégrées lors des fréquentesmises à jourde l’application.SMARTfiches Hématologie, à 100% sur le sang !Vous appréciez les applications SMARTfiches Médecine ? Faiteslenous savoir en laissant une bonne appréciation et parlezdeSMARTfiches autour de vous!SMARTfiches Médecine,TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPSSMARTfiches Medicineisthe first digital medical encyclopedia for professionalsandstudents of health. Find all of your PhD in less than 1minute!Keep in your pocket 'EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME!'Registration requires the activation of your account that issentto you by email. You have a problem? contact us at [email protected] ortryingto enroll from our website program ** in ** SMARTfiches HematologyItem 115/185 - ImmunodeficiencyItem 316/208 - Bloodlines: indications and interpretationItem 297/209 - Anaemia in adults and childrenItem 335/210 - Thrombocytopenia in adults and childrenItem 339/212 - Hemorrhagic Syndrome hematologic originItem 334/213 - mononucleosis syndromeItem 311/214 - EosinophiliaItem 242/215 - (1/2) Pathology iron: HemochromatosisItem 242/215 - (2/2) Pathology Iron: Iron deficiencyItem 291/216 - superficial lymphadenopathyItem 319/266 - HypercalcemiaItem 332/272 - SplenomegalyItem 143/293 - Drug agranulocytosis: what to doItem 162/312 - Acute LeukemiaItem 161/313 - Myelodysplastic SyndromesItem 165/314 - MyeloproliferativeItem 163/315 - chronic lymphoid leukemiaItem 164/316 - Malignant LymphomasItem 166/317 - Multiple myeloma boneItem 178/325 - Blood TransfusionAfter free registration, applications are availableWITHOUTinternet connection and can be used EVERYWHERE, ALL THETIME.Registration requires the activation of your account that issentto you by email. In case you did not receive the activationemailwithin 24 hours, be sure to look in your spam folderbeforecontacting us. If it is not, we will be happy to activateyouraccount.- For doctors locate clear information and validated in lessthan1 minute.- For medical students: Review with plugs conform to the newEcniprogram.Over 90% of users confirm that these applications are usefultoreview and form (satisfaction survey, May 2013). Similarly, 85%ofusers use SMARTfiches to update their knowledge as a result ofnewrecommendations that are built during the frequent updates totheapplication.SMARTfiches Hematology, 100% on the blood!You appreciate SMARTfiches medicine applications? Let us knowbyleaving a good appreciation and discuss SMARTfiches around!SMARTfiches Medicine,EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME
Hematology - Medical Dict. 1.9
A collection 100+ Hematology related words explainedthroughanimated videos
Hematology for GP 1.1.1
Hematology for GP is a clinical decisionapp,to assist General Practitioners in screening patientsforhematology. For each pathology, the app employs quickdecisionalgorithms to determine case urgency, also providingguidance forinvestigations in non-urgent referrals.The aim is to facilitate better care to patients,streamliningthe practitioners’ workload and standardizingpreliminaryinvestigations, thus optimizing the referralprocedure.
ASH Pubs | Blood 5.5
Allows readers to access various ASH Publications with Blood&Blood Advances
HemCIS Hematology Calculator 1.9
Yaşar Dereli
HemCIS mobile application includes sometoolsfor hematolgy specialists such as:• BMI - Body Mass Index Calculator• BSA - Body Surface Area Calculator• CIRS - Cumulative Illness Rating Scale• R-IPI - Revised International Prognostic Index• MIPI - MCL international prognostic index• is available inside this application.LYMPHOID DISORDERSCLL: CLL score, Binet & Rai staging, response criteriaLymphoma staging: Ann Arbor, Lugano (GI), cutaneous lymphomaLymphoma prognosis: FLIPI, FLIPI2, Hodgkin early stage risk,IPS(Hasenclever Index), IPI, MIPI, MIPIb, R-IPIWaldenström: ISSWM prognosisPLASMA CELL DISORDERSMyeloma: Asymptomatic myeloma prognosis, myeloma diagnosis,ISSstaging, response criteriaMGUS: MGUS riskMYELOID DISORDERSAML: AML classification, relapse prognosisCML: CML EUTOS score, Sokal & Hasford scores,responsecriteriaMDS: MDS diagnosis, IPSS, IPSS-R, WPSSMPD: ET diagnosis & risk, myelofibrosis diagnosis,prognosis& response, PV diagnosis, SM diagnosisOther myeloid: AA classification, CMML diagnosis, CMMLMDAPSprognosis, HLH diagnosis, JMML diagnosisHEMOSTASIS & THROMBOSISBleeding: ISTH bleeding criteria, HSC bleeding criteria, type1vWD diagnosis, vWD types 2 and 3 featuresThrombosis: vWD diagnosis, HIT diagnosis (4T’s), Wells’ scoreforDVTSTEM CELL TRANSPLANTGraft versus host disease: aGVHD staging and grading, cGVHDriskscoreOther: EBMT transplant risk, VOD diagnosis & severitySUPPORTIVE CARE & CALCULATORSCalculators: body surface area, ideal & adjustedweightOther: ECOG/WHO performance status, Karnofsky performancestatusIn addition, HemCIS mobile application includes amobileinterface for Hematology Clinical
Haematologica is an open accesshematologyjournal, publishing articles in the broad field ofhematology,reporting on novel findings in basic, clinical andtranslationalresearch. Full access to all articles is availablethrough ourwebsite (, through PubMed Central(PMC), andthrough this app. Haematologica is the official journalof theEuropean Hematology Association (EHA). The journal wasfounded in1920 by Adolfo Ferrata and is owned and published by theFerrataStorti Foundation (Pavia, Italy).
BlooDroid Cell Counter 2.6
Appgraid Apps
Application for counting blood cells that are identifiedthroughmicroscope.
ABG Analyser 2.1 (Salman Farisy's Request)
Normal Lab Values++ 3.0
Normal Lab Values++ isafeatured-packedclinical lab value and medical referenceforAndroid! Containingover 300 of the most relevant and importantlabvalues and over1700 medical abbreviations forphysicians,pharmacists, nurses, andphysician assistants.#############Feature Categories#############Drug MonitoringElectrolytesHormonesRenal FunctionLiver FunctionHematologyMarkers**********Features**********- Quick and easy search function to find all of yourvaluesandabbreviations rapidly- Full featured citations for each lab valueandclinicalexplanations including low and high differentials- Over 300 lab values!- Over 1700 medical abbreviations!- Easy-to-use, quick and beautiful interface!
Cardio-FR 2.2.3
Precious help for the diagnosis and treatment ofcardiologicalpathologies.
Klinikleitfäden App 2.0.3
Elsevier GmbH
Ihr Klinikleitfaden-Fachwissen mobil: Sicher sein | Zeitsparen|Komfortabel arbeitenDie bewährten Klinikleitfäden – praxiserprobtesmedizinischesFachwissen auf den Punkt gebracht, tausendfach imKlink- undPraxisalltag bewährt! Im Shop der kostenlosen Basis-Appsind alleals App verfügbaren Klinikleitfäden enthalten.DerNotarzt-Leitfaden ist sogar komplett gratis!Leitfäden sind für die Zielgruppen Mediziner,Rettungsdienst,Pflegeberufe und Heilpraktiker verfügbar.Sicher seinAlle Klinikleitfaden-Inhalte sind leitlinienbasiertundaktuell.Zeit sparenDie Suchfunktion ermöglicht Ihnen ein schnelles undgenauesDurchsuchen sämtlicher Leitfäden. Durch die tausendfachbewährteStruktur der Klinikleitfäden kommen Sie im Handumdrehen zurAntwortauf Ihre Fragestellung. Und mit der Lesezeichenfunktionfinden SieIhre persönlichen Top-Inhalte jederzeit wieder –schneller geht‘snicht.Komfortabel arbeitenEin Smartphone wiegt ca. 120 Gramm. Der gedruckteKlinikleitfadenAllgemeinmedizin wiegt 942 Gramm. Ganz egal wievieleKlinikleitfäden Sie auf Ihr Smartphone laden – es wird immer120Gramm wiegen und Sie brauchen weder einen Kittel noch einenCoach,um es überall dabei zu haben.Derzeit sind folgende Leitfäden im Shop derBasis-Appverfügbar:• Praxisleitfaden Allgemeinmedizin, 6. Auflage, Stand01/2010,14,99 €• Praxisleitfaden Allgemeinmedizin, 7. Auflage, Stand 10/2013,41,99€• Klinikleitfaden Ambulante Pflege, 3. Auflage, Stand 09/2012,27,99€• Klinikleitfaden Anästhesie, 6. Auflage, Stand 03/20101,27,99€• Klinikleitfaden Chirurgie, 5. Auflage, Stand 10/2010,27,99€• Klinikleitfaden Dermatologie, 3. Auflage, Stand11/2010,34,99€• Klinikleitfaden Gynäkologie, 7. Auflage, Stand 04/2010,9,99€• Klinikleitfaden Gynäkologie, 8. Auflage, Stand 09/2012,27,99€• Facharzt Hämatologie Onkologie, 2. Auflage, Stand 10/2011,41,99€• Leitfaden Heilpraktiker Prüfungswissen, 1. Auflage, Stand03/2013,27,99 €• Klinikleitfaden Innere Medizin, 11. Auflage, Stand 11/2009,9,99€• Klinikleitfaden Innere Medizin, 12. Auflage, Stand 10/2013,27,99€• Klinikleitfaden Intensivmedizin, 8. Auflage, Stand 12/2012,27,99€• Klinikleitfaden Intensivpflege, 5. Auflage, Stand 05/2012,27,99€• Klinikleitfaden Kardiologie, 4. Auflage, Stand 06/2008,9,99€• Klinikleitfaden Kardiologie, 5. Auflage, Stand 10/2013,27,99€• Klinikleitfaden Labordiagnostik, 4. Auflage, Stand 12/2008,27,99€• Medikamente in der Pädiatrie, 4. Auflage, Stand 08/2013,15,99€• Klinikleitfaden Medizinische Reha, 1. Auflage, Stand09/2011,27,99 €• Klinikleitfaden Nachtdienst, 4. Auflage, Stand 05/2012,27,99€• Leitfaden Naturheilkunde, 6. Auflage, Stand 07/2012, 41,99€• Klinikleitfaden Neurologie, 4. Auflage, Stand 07/2009,27,99€• Notarzt-Leitfaden, 6. Auflage, Stand 10/2010, GRATIS!• Klinikleitfaden Ortho Unfall, 6. Auflage, Stand 07/2009,9,99€• Klinikleitfaden Ortho Unfall, 7. Auflage, Stand 05/2013,27,99€• Klinikleitfaden Pädiatrie, 8. Auflage, Stand 09/2009, 9,99€• Klinikleitfaden Pädiatrie, 9. Auflage, Stand 01/2014,27,99€• Klinikleitfaden Pallitive Care, 4. Auflage, Stand 09/2010,27,99€• Klinikleitfaden Pflege, 7. Auflage, Stand 06/2012, 27,99 €• Klinikleitfaden Psychiatrie Psychotherapie, 5. Auflage,Stand05/2013, 27,99 €• Leitfaden Rettungsdienst, 5. Auflage, Stand 04/2011, 27,99€• Klinikleitfaden Sonographie Common Trunk, 2. Auflage,Stand09/2011, 27,99 €• Leitfaden Physiotherapie, 6. Auflage, Stand 06/2012, 27,99€• Leitfaden Physiotherapie bei Sportverletzungen, 1. Auflage,Stand10/2012, 27,99 €• Leitfaden Akupunktur, 2. Auflage, Stand 6/2014, 41,99 €• Atlas Tuina, Stand 04/2013, 41,99 €• Leitfaden Tuina 3. Auflage, Stand 02/2013, 27,99 €• Leitfaden Ohrakupunktur 5. Auflage, Stand07/2011, 41,99 €• Leitfaden Chinesische Medizin 6. Auflage, Stand 07/2010,41,99€• Leitfaden Homöopathie 2. Auflage, Stand 08/2013, 27,99 €• Notarzt Leitfaden 7. Auflage, Stand 05/2014, 27,99 €YourKlinikleitfaden expertise mobile: Sure its | Save Time | WorkincomfortThe proven clinical guidelines - brought practically provenmedicalexpertise to the point, in thousands of everyday practiceKlink-and proven! In the shop the free basic app all available asan appclinic manuals are included. The emergency physician Guide isevencompletely free!Guides are available for the target groups physician,emergencyservices, nursing professions and healthpractitioners.Be sureAll Klinikleitfaden content is based guidelines and current.Save timeThe search function allows you to quickly and accurately Browseallguides. Due to the tried and tested structure of the clinicmanualscome in an instant answer to your question. And with thebookmarkfunction to find your personal Top Content at any time -couldn'tbe quicker.Work in comfortA smartphone weighs about 120 grams. The printedKlinikleitfadenweighs 942 grams general medicine. No matter howmany clinicalguidelines upload to your phone - it will always weigh120 gramsand you do not need a coat nor a coach to have iteverywhere.Currently, the following guidelines in the shop based appareavailable:• Practice Guide General Medicine, 6th edition, 01/2010,€14.99• Practice Guide General Medicine, 7th edition, Stand 10/2013,€41.99• Outpatient Care Clinic Guide, 3rd Edition, Stand 09/2012,€27.99• Clinical Anesthesia Guide, 6th Edition, Stand 03/20101,€27.99• Klinikleitfaden Surgery, 5th Edition, 10/2010, € 27.99• Clinical Dermatology Guide, 3rd Edition, 11/2010, € 34.99• Klinikleitfaden Gynecology, 7th Edition, Edition 04/2010,9.99€• Klinikleitfaden gynecology, 8th edition, Stand 09/2012,€27.99• Specialist Hematology Oncology, 2nd edition, Stand 10/2011,€41.99• Guide Naturopaths test knowledge, 1st edition, Stand 03/2013,€27.99• Klinikleitfaden Internal Medicine, 11th Edition, 11/2009,9.99€• Klinikleitfaden Internal Medicine, 12th Edition, Stand 10/2013,€27.99• Klinikleitfaden Intensive Care Medicine, 8th edition,Stand12/2012, € 27.99• Clinic Intensive Care Guide, 5th Edition, Stand 05/2012,€27.99• Cardiology Clinic Guide, 4th Edition, Stand 06/2008, 9.99 €• Cardiology Clinic Guide, 5th Edition, Stand 10/2013, €27.99• Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Guide, 4th edition, 12/2008,€27.99• Drugs in Pediatrics, 4th edition, Stand 08/2013, € 15.99• Medical Rehabilitation Clinic Guide, 1st Edition, Stand 09/2011,€27.99• Klinikleitfaden night duty, 4th edition, Stand 05/2012,€27.99• Guide to Natural Medicine, 6th edition, Stand 07/2012,€41.99• Klinikleitfaden Neurology, 4th edition, 07/2009, € 27.99• Ambulance Guide, 6th Edition, 10/2010, FREE!• Klinikleitfaden Ortho accident, 6th edition, 07/2009, 9.99€• Klinikleitfaden Ortho accident, 7th edition, Stand 05/2013,€27.99• Clinical Pediatrics Guide, 8th edition, 09/2009, 9.99 €• Clinical Pediatrics Guide, 9th Edition, Stand 01/2014,€27.99• Klinikleitfaden Pallitive Care, 4th edition, 09/2010,€27.99• Klinikleitfaden Care, 7th Edition, Stand 06/2012, € 27.99• Clinical Psychiatry Psychotherapy Guide, 5th Edition,Stand05/2013, € 27.99• Guide rescue, 5th edition, 04/2011, € 27.99• Klinikleitfaden sonography common trunk, 2nd edition,Stand09/2011, € 27.99• Physiotherapy Guide, 6th Edition, Stand 06/2012, € 27.99• Guide physiotherapy for sports injuries, 1st edition,Stand10/2012, € 27.99• Acupuncture Guide, 2nd edition, Stand 6/2014, € 41.99• Atlas Tuina, Stand 04/2013, € 41.99• Guide Tuina 3rd edition, Stand 02/2013, € 27.99• Guide ear acupuncture 5th edition, Stand07 / 2011 € 41.99• Guide to Chinese Medicine 6th Edition, 07/2010, € 41.99• Guide to Homeopathy 2nd edition, Stand 08/2013, € 27.99• emergency medical guide 7th edition, Stand 05/2014, € 27.99
Hematologie St. Antonius
Deze applicatie is bedoeld voor patiënten,hunfamilieleden en betrokkenen van het St. AntoniusZiekenhuisafdeling Hematologie. In deze applicatie kunt u algemeneenspecifieke informatie vinden over bijvoorbeeldverschillendeziektebeelden, onderzoeken, diagnoses, behandelingen,nazorg en hetHematologieteam van het St. Antonius Ziekenhuis.This applicationisintended for patients, their families and those involved in theSt.Antonius Hospital Department of Hematology. In thisapplication,you can find general and specific information suchdifferentdiseases, examinations, diagnoses, treatment, aftercareandHematology Team St. Antonius Hospital.
Medical News Online 2
The most popular current medical news from various sources.