Top 9 Apps Similar to Junior Maths Full

國中數學贏在起跑點-第一章 1.1
為什麼需要銜接教材?國中是知識膨脹的開始,具體逐步轉變抽象;大家學習速度不一,成績出現差距,最後只好放棄這科、放棄那科。本書針對學習數學的困難,提出解決的方法,本書章節1. 複習國小課程2.認識生活有關的數學名詞3.預習國中課程4. 生活上與數學有相關事情的解答5.給父母的話(回答父母的常見問題)。本書特色1.經由故事引導,抓住學生的注意力,培養學生的興趣與動力。2.提供一套將“具體數字算術”轉變成“抽象符號運算”的流程。3.父母能藉由書中故事與流程,自行教小孩,不必依賴補習班。達到1.增加小孩對數學的興趣 2.快速掌握數學概念 3.達到自行念書,4.進而數學成績穩定進步 5.有效降低父母的數學焦慮症。進而達到『國中數學能力贏在起跑點』的目標。同時作到1強化基本能力,徹底修補過去疑問;故事引導教學,具體學習抽象概念。2特殊單位乎你了解,克拉、坪、盎司等等3老師都不教的,你懂、我懂、他不懂的數學故事4 家長也能教數學,枕邊故事教小孩,消除父母的數學擔心。欲知更多內容至波提思數位學習股份有限公司 theneedforconvergence textbook?Country in the beginning of the expansion of theknowledgespecificto gradually shift to abstract; everyone to learnatdifferentrates, the achievement gap,This Section, finally had to give up and abandon Fanuc.Bookforlearning difficulties in mathematics, proposesolutions,Book chapters 1 review primary school curriculum. Know about the livesofthemathematical term 3. Prep junior courses 4. Their daily lives and answer math related things 5​​totheparents, then (FAQs) to answer parents.This book features Guide through the story, to seize the attentionofthestudents, develop students' interest and motivation. 2 provides a set of specific digital arithmeticintoabstractsymbolic computation process. Parents by the book story and process their own toteachkids,do not have to rely cram.Reach 1. Increase children's interest in mathematics.Quicklygraspmathematical concepts. Achieve their own school, 4 Furthermore math scores steady progress.Andparentseffectively reduce math anxiety disorders.Thus achieving the goal of "junior high math ability to winatthestarting point".At the same time done1 to strengthen the basic ability to completelyrepairpastdoubt;  Story to guide teaching and learningabstractconceptsconcrete.2 special units almost you know, carat, floor, ounces, etc.3 teachers do not teach, you know, I know, he did notunderstandthemath story4 parents can teach math, bedtime story teachchildreneliminateparents mathematical worried to.For more content to to Boti Si digitallearningCorporation
Beautiful Azan Adhan download 2.2
If you want to enjoy the most beautifulandfascinating voices of muezzins in the islamic world, you havetodownload Adhan or Azan application of diverse places athanfrommecca (makkah ) or medina or al masjid al-haram, Adaan Saudi,ezanfrom Egypt, Al quds ( Jerusalem ) Athan.Adhan application is a simple and quick software that worksonAndroid’s phones and allows to its users to listen to thelatestmuazzins’s incredible voices and enjoy the beauty anddeepwordsEzan is a call for prayer (Salat) and by using this freeapplicationyou will never skip a prayer and you will practice thefive prayersat the right time and the right place.For over than 1400 Athan are called out by the muezzins inthemosque to all muslims to pray to Allah 5 times a day. And wearetrying to help you to achieve prayer discipline by collectingmorethan 30 different sounds of adhan mp3 which you can setasRingtones or SMS or wake up sound for Fajr and sobh Salat Alarmorreminder.By downloading this ADAN application, you will be allowedtoaccurate prayer times based on your location with multiplesettingsavailable and you will have the right to choose yourfavouritemuezzin and listen to whom you like .The prayer call in Arabic :.Allah'u Akbar .(twice)Allah'u Akbar.(twice)Ash'hado ana la illa ila Allah.(twice)Ash'hado ana Mohammad'n rasool Allah.(twice)Haiya al'a al salah.(twice)Haiya al'a al falah.(twice)Allah'u Akbar.(twice)Ash'hado ana la illa ila Allah.(once)Translation :God is Great (twice)God is Great (twice)I testify that there is none worthy of worship exceptGod.(twice)I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God.(twice)Come to prayer!(twice)Come to success.(twice)God is Great.(twice)There is none worthy of worship except God.(once)The most known muezzins :Muazinines: al Ghamidi, abd el basset abd essamad, Ali ibn Ahmadalmala, issam Boukhari, Sheesha, Mahmoud al Khalil, et RashedMisharyAlafasy Ibrahim al Arkani mansoor Az Zahrani Hamad alDeghrerimajed hamathani nous fait en sorte de rassembler tousceuxmuadinine partir chaque coin de la Wold islamique:Arabie,algérienne, égyptienne, Sudani, irakienne, marocaine,yéménite,syrienne, Tunisiann somalienne, Émirats unis,Jamahiriya,jordaniens, palestiniens, mauitanian, Koweït, omanin,quatari,Bahreïn
أحكام الوضوء والصلاة 3.1
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ((وأقم الصلاة إن الصلاة تنهى عنالفحشاءوالمنكر)) صدق الله العظيم يحتوي هذا التطبيق على معلوماتمفيدةللكبار والصغار حول الوضوء واحكام الاذان واحكام الصلاةوكيفيتهاواركانها ويحتوي أيضا بعض المعلومات عن صلاة النوافل وصلاةالجماعةوصلاة الجمعة. تم جمع هذه الرسومات الجميلة من النت ولم استدلعلىمصدرها الأصلي ولكن تم مراجعتها من قبل المركز الإسلامي ... نسالاللهان يتقبل منا ومنكم صالح الاعمال. هذا التطبيق مجاني ولايحتويعلىإعلانات فأننا نبتغي به مرضات الله تعالى.
หลวงปู่มั่น ภูริทตฺโต 2.4
Profile LP Man Puritan belief in Toronto, including photos,audioand morale teachings.
Preschool Math Games for Kids
Preschool Math Games forKidsis all in one solution for kids math learning. It iscrafted afterproper research done on kids, how they can easilylearnmathematics. Different math practices, lessons are consideredwhilecreating this educational math game.  It also covers1stgrade, 2nd grade and 3rd grade math exercises.Preschool Math Games for Kids Features:Read 123/Count numbersKids can read numbers by counting objects displayed onthescreen.Trace 123 with PhonicsKids can write 123 numbers by tracing on designed patternsmentionedon the screen. When they complete the pattern, phonics ofthe letterwill be played for improving pronunciations.Counting ExercisesChildren can count the objects and then choose the correctanswerfrom three options while playAddition and Subtraction LessonsIn this part of preschool kids math games, toddlers have tosolvesmall math equations. There will be three option mentionedundereach equation, kids have to choose the correct answer.Dots and Sequence Pattern ExercisesBest part of this math game is toddlers have toconnect thedots and make sequences to solve mathpuzzles.Minimum and Maximum Numbers ExercisesIn this part of kindergarten math games, kids need torecognizeminimum and maximum numbers. It is the easiest and coolestkidsmath learning technique.Why must you have this amazing 123 Preschool Math GamesforKids?Research proved that this math game increase kids capabilitiestosolve math problems. Its Interactive design withmelodiousbackground music gains kids interest to learn math andhave fun.Phonics, reading, writing of numbers and different mathexercisesadd more versatility in preschoolmathgames.Preschool Math Games for Kids suitable for:- 2 years old kids- 3 years old kids- 4 years old kids- 5 years old kids- 6 years old kids- 7 years old kids- 8 years old kidsGreat math games for preschoolers and kindergarten as well asgreatmath games 1st graders, 2nd graders and 3rd graders!You can share it with your friends and family usingtwitter,facebook etc. Please share your valued feedback aboutthegame.  It will help us in improving masterpiece123Preschool Math Games for Kids.ARPAplus links (more games):💎 OUR GAMES AT GOOGLEPLAY:💎 Facebook:💎 VK:💎 Twitter:
GK - Know India Better (Quiz) 1.0.3
If you are interested in General Knowledgeandwant to know about India, it is the ideal app for you. Itincludesquizzes about India, Indian States, Indian culture,IndianMythology, Indian Civics, Indian History, cinema,sports,literature, the biggest, the highest, the first in India,IndianConstitution, about the famous people of India etc. Itprovides theoption to select one or multiple subject areas to playquiz. Youcan also keep 30 quizzes in your favorite list. Itprovides theoption to review the attempted quizzes at any time inquiz session.System also remembers the last quiz session to repeatit again.This is the 3rd app of my Dream Series. Hope you willlikethis.
Brevet Histoire 2016 niveau 1 1.4.6e-850ea2b
Capico App : Brevet repère histoire1:apprendre en s'amusant !Cette app aborde les repères des programmes d'histoire de6èmeet5ème nécessaire pour le brevet des collèges 2016.Les applications Capico App permettent des’entraîneretd'apprendre de manière ludique et divertissante. LesCapicoAppscouvrent les programmes de français, de mathématiquesetd'anglaisde la maternelle jusqu'au primaire.Chaque application Capico App teste une compétencebienprécisegrâce à des exercices divers et variés allant delareconnaissanceaudio jusqu'à l'écriture sur clavier en passantparleglisser-déposer qui participe également à la progressionmotricedel'enfant.Il existe des apps pour presque toutes lescompétencesdemandéespar les programmes officiels de l’ÉducationNationale pourl'écoleprimaire et une partie du collège.Portées par une équipe d’informaticiens, deprofesseursdiplôméset de graphistes, les applications CapicoAppconstituentunepasserelle vers l'enseignement de demain.Caractéristiques :Matières : Mathématiques, Français et AnglaisUne source inépuisable de questions grâce aunpuissantgénérateurDes graphismes soignésUn outil de feedback performantUne facilité d'utilisation: Téléchargez l'application, appuyersurlebouton « Play » et l'apprentissage peut commencer !Économisez votre crédit internet ! L'applicationpeutfonctionnersans connexion !Partagez vos progrès ! L'application est connectée àFacebook,vouspouvez permettre a toute votre communauté d'admirervosétoiles!Vous aimerez aussi :CapicoKids apprendre en s'amusant !CapicoKids est la toute premièreapplicationperformanted'apprentissage numérique sur tablettetactile. Du CP auCM2, dufrançais aux mathématiques en passant parl'anglais, lesscienceset la géographie, CapicoKids est la solutionpour sepropulser dansl'ère de l'apprentissage numérique !CapicoApp:historylandmark Patent 1: learn while having fun!This app covers the landmarks of history programs 6thand5thnecessary to patent the 2016 colleges.The App Capico applications can train and learn in afunandentertaining way. The Capico Apps cover theFrenchprograms,mathematics and English from kindergarten toprimaryschool.Each Capico App is testing a specific skill throughmanyandvaried exercises ranging from audio to handwritingrecognitiononkeyboard via drag and drop, which is also involvedindrivinggrowth of the child.There are apps for almost all the skills requiredbyofficialprograms of Education for primary school and partofcollege.Driven by a team of computer scientists, professorsandgraduatesof graphic designers, CapicoApp applications provideagateway toteaching tomorrow.Characteristics :Subjects: Mathematics, English and FrenchAn inexhaustible source of issues through a powerfulgeneratorPolished graphicsA powerful feedback toolEase of Use: Download the app, press the "Play" buttonandlearningbegin!Save your internet credit! The application canoperatewithoutconnection!Share your progress! The application is connected toFacebook,youcan allow your whole community has to admire yourstars!You will like also :CapicoKids learning fun!CapicoKids is the first powerful application ondigitallearningtouch pad. CP to CM2, the French mathematicsthroughEnglish,science and geography, CapicoKids is the solutiontopropelthemselves into the era of digital learning!
Quick Maths 3.0
Quick maths helps to keep your brain sharp.
VIO - Ung dung luyen thi toan 2.0
Ứng dụng VIO là ứng dụng hỗ trợ cuộc thi Toán Trực Tuyến trênnềntảng Android cho các khối lớp từ 1 đến 9. Ứng dụng cung cấp cácbàithi tự luyện đồng bộ với chương trình sách giáo khoa bậc tiểuhọcvà trung học cơ sở do bộ Giáo Dục và Đào Tạo quy định.Được sự tư vấn của các thầy cô giáo giỏi và có kinh nghiệmlâunăm đứng trên bục giảng chúng tôi thiết kế ứng dụng với 4 bàithisắp xếp, cặp bằng nhau, trắc nghiệm và tự luận điền với mụcđíchgiúp các em rèn luyện tư duy tính toán và phản ứng nhanh nhạyvớicác dạng bài từ dễ đến khó từ đó các em có thể giải quyết tốtcácbài tập trên lớp và tự tin với các vòng thi Giải Toántrêninternet.+ Kho đề với khoảng 10000 câu hỏi đồng bộ với chương trìnhsáchgiáo khoa bậc tiểu học và trung học cơ sở.+ Tiếp bước thành công ứng dụng luyện thi toán tiểu học vàtrunghọc cơ sở, chúng tôi đã ra mắt thêm ứng dụng luyện thi toánTHPTcho học sinh lớp 10, 11, 12. Các em down trên Google play vớitên"VIO - Thi toan lop 10, 11, 12".+ Ngoài ra chúng tôi ra một số cuốn sách hướng dẫn theochuyênđề+ Tuyệt kỹ phương trình luyện thi THPT quốc gia, down trênGoogleplay với tên "Luyện thi THPT Quốc Gia toán"+ Tuyệt kỹ bất phương trình luyện thi THPT quốc gia, downtrênGoogle play với tên "Luyện thi toán THPT QG bpt"+ Tuyệt đỉnh phương trình luyện thi lớp 9 lên lớp 10, downtrênGoogle play với tên "Phương trình thi lớp 9 vào 10"+ Chúng tôi hi vọng nhận được sự quan tâm của tất cả các bậcphụhuynh,các quý thầy cô và các em học sinh, mọi ý kiến đóng gópxingửi về hòm thư [email protected] that support application VIO contest online onAndroidplatform for Grades 1 to 9. The application providesself-exampreparation program synchronized with textbook primaryandsecondary schools basis by the Education and Trainingregulations.With the assistance of skilled teachers have long experienceandstanding on the podium we designed applications with 4testarrangement, the pair are equal, quizzes and essay filled withtheaim of helping them forge computational thinking exercisesandquick reaction to form from easy to difficult post from whichtheycan better solve the exercises in class and confidence withtherounds on the internet Solving.+ Warehouse deals with around 10,000 questions synchronizedwithtextbook program primary and junior secondary schools.+ Following successful application elementary math examandjunior high school, we have launched more high school mathexamapplications for students in grades 10, 11, 12. They are downonGoogle Play as "VIO - Execution toan lop 10, 11, 12 ".+ In addition, we place some guidebooks thematic+ Excellent engineering equations national high schoolexampreparation, down on Google Play as "National High SchoolPrepmath"+ Very carefully any equations national high schoolexampreparation, down on Google Play as "Prep high school mathQGBPT"+ Excellent peak equations Exam Grade 9 to Grade 10, down onGooglePlay as "equation exam grades 9 to 10."+ We hope to get the attention of all the parents, theteachersand your students, all comments should be sent to [email protected]