Top 17 Games Similar to 银河防御战2(中文版)

背水一战(塔防射击) 3.5
背水一战的玩法创意新颖,你可以说它是射击游戏,也可以说它是塔防游戏,总之是一款难度、挑战较高的爽快型写实游戏。武器系统多样,MP5、AK47、沙漠之鹰、格林机关枪,每把武器都有自己的特色,且都是现实中存在的枪支。步兵、骑兵、坦克、直升机,大量的敌人蜂拥而来,枪林弹雨,火爆的战场,而你作为孤胆英雄,要抵御来犯的敌人,守住自己的阵地,迎接背水一战。游戏特性介绍:一 游戏背景基于现代战争,丰富写实的武器系统,大量可用可升级的枪支武器,所有武器和升级都是免费的:1 手枪类:1911, Glock172 散弹枪(喷子): IthcaM37, XM10143 机关枪: MP5, AK47, 格林机关枪 *格林机关枪是终极武器,子弹超多4 狙击枪: BarrettM107, M110 *狙击枪很特殊,可以做到100%命中率5 大威力手炮: 沙漠之鹰, M500 *具有大威力的子弹--穿甲弹如果你喜欢第一人称射击类游戏,那么你会很快掌握本游戏的武器系统。二 丰富的敌兵系统,兵种繁多,体验一骑当千的感觉,让军事爱好者狂热:手拿工兵铲的炮灰工兵,凶恶的军犬,步兵,身背炸弹的自爆犬,空中飞行兵,盾牌兵,重装甲兵,悍马战车,战狼坦克,阿帕奇直升机,虎式坦克等等。让玩家可以充分体验到现代战争的陆战兵种。三 灵活的枪支升级系统:可提供的升级选项:攻击力,容弹量,上弹速度,散弹数量。掌握升级武器提升威力是通关的关键。手枪注重的是每一发子弹的攻击力和命中目标;散弹枪(喷子)可以升级每一发的子弹数量;机关枪很容易没有子弹,要优先升级弹夹容量;大威力手枪拿到手就是必杀,随意升级吧!四大量丰富的关卡,当前版本提供三种战斗场景一共36个关卡,后续版本关卡会不断增加,还有增加无限出兵用来刷金币的一骑当千模式。五极具挑战的游戏难度,随着关卡递进,游戏难度将不断增加,敌人将越来越凶悍,最后一关的难度会让你抓狂,通过后你会感动的流泪。六 含有部分策略塔防游戏的特性,必须根据敌人种类数量合理安排武器的升级和使用才能顺利通关。游戏的官方微博:游戏的官方博客: (这里后续还会提供游戏攻略)注意:游戏中1911,MP5,AK47,沙漠之鹰,格林机关枪这些经典枪支可以优先升级,他们都具有极高的性价比本游戏内容均为写实风格,相信喜欢各种第一人称射击类游戏的玩家一定会对这款游戏爱不释手。
Nexus Defense: Desert Storm 1.3a
This is the full version (paid version)ofTower Defense: Nexus Defense!Portable tower defense war has arrived on yourandroiddevice!This full version offers the following features:* Challenging campaign with 10 maps* Survival mode with 10 maps* Super High-Resolution graphics Mode: 1080x720 (Native,noupscaling!)* No advertisement* Maps offer even more gameplay: Multiple spawning points,morehighground, etc.* 2 free additional bonus maps next month for owners of thefullversion* free updates in the futureNexus Defense comes with the following features:* Mobile Sci-Fi tower defense* Very detailed high resolution graphics* Fast hardware accelerated graphics engine* Interactive terrain enhances gameplay experience* Online highscore ranking* Tower defense with open path* Both high and low terrain* 6 different upgradeable towers* Graphics engine supports also old devices (Android 1.6 orhigherrequired)* Highly strategic gameplay (be creative)
Little Tank Commander 1.0.0
Are you tired of hard core defensegames?Then,try this one!My Little Tank Commander - Friendship is Magic is freetodownloadand play.This is an easy-to-play tower defense game in averyattractivestyle.Take command of towers with special weapons to holdyourdefenseagainst endless waves of enemies. Tower defensetakesclassicdefense games to a whole new world.War has entered the intensified stage: the forest hasbeensurroundedby tanks; the guards have lost contact with themainforce. At thiscritical moment, how should you rescueyourcompanions as a littletank commander? Take your heart and youmaychange the war!Build a world-class global protective force andeliminatetheterrorist threat in modern command!Get behind the powerful tail guns in the turret of aB-17FlyingFortress bomber in this high-octane 3D 360 degree shooterandblastthe enemy in the forest. Experience theblistering-hot,immerseaction of aerial dog fighting as never beforewhen youbecome theLittle Tank Commander!In this game, you shall act as a little tank commander, whohastakencontrol of a small troop temporarily. Your goal is tofightagainstthe waves of enemies’ attacks!While fighting against your enemies, you should toimproveyourstrategy and become a better commander!There are 3 different types of upgradable tanks availableinthegame; you should arrange them wisely on the enemies’pathwaytoblock them.FEATURES:- Supports English, 简体中文 , 正體中文, 日本語, 한국의- Supported languages: English, French, German,Italian,Japanese,Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, SimplifiedChinese,Spanish,Turkish, Arabic and Thai.- The excellent sound effect.- Best Aerial FPS game on mobile.- Endless mode keeps the fight going as long as you canstayonground.- Three upgradable weapon options.- Five different battle scenarios withuniqueweatherconditions.- Military ranking system.- Top Secret: Additional package allows you to fightanunknown,futuristic opponent.- Touch and paste controls.- Stunning 3D 360 degree graphics with full Retina supportformostresolution.- Easy to operate: drag and drop to build units;- 5 well designed levels, and more are coming soon.- 3 different types of upgradable tanks.- 3 types of well designed enemy units.- Special Weapons: call bombers to destroy all enemiesbytanksbombing- 3 different eye-catching theme terrains.- Facility for newbie: enjoy the 'free and easy' casual mode!Your bomber is under attack from all directions, andtheonlything keeping it in the ground is a rain ofred-hotbulletsstreaming from your turret guns. Keep your tanks inbattle,and youand your colleagues alive as you battle it out inthegroundagainst dozens of enemy escaped.Survive through more than 5 different missions, keep fightingaslongas possible in endless mode, and work your way up tobecomingarenowned fighter ace. But most important of all, you musthoneyouraerial tank combat skills, improve your accuracy andgeteveryoneback on the ground alive.You are the little tank commander! If you like FPS game,thisonemust be yours.Research new defenses, deploy cunning strategies and putyourbattleon the line as you lead the fight for globalsecurity.In search of resources that are no longer provided onEarth,youfollowed a probe released by humans years ago inhopesofdiscovering an alternative planet. Take command oftowerswithspecial weapons to hold your defense against endlesswavesofenemies on the hostile alien planet.Tower defense takes classic defense games to a wholenewworld.This game is free to play.
Zombie High School 8.62
What is going on Zombie High School? Thrilling Chase betweenzombiesand humans!
Zombie Defense 3.0.0
Doomsday is near. Zombies invade thecitywasattacked. People can not fight against the zombies.Cityhellalike. Zombies are attacking the people. The city'ssecuritycanonly provide you. You're the only force in the defenseofzombies.You must repel the zombies inside the shelter.Noopportunity torelax. Develop a strategy and battle againstzombieswith greatweapons. Save the city from the zombie outbreakfor thesalvationof humanity. Prevent the global epidemic.Zombie City Defense game Your aim is to save the cityfromthezombie invasion. Spiders, you should clean the areaswherethefastest way against various monstrous creatures. You needtousetheir best shot. You can not change forever the magazine.Thecityto prevent the destruction of the zombies need toprotectimportantpoints. Prepared to challenge. Save the city beforethelight ofday. Zombie defense game you can both individual as wellasbe ableto hunt zombies in the air by helicopter. If youmustprotect homesdo not protect you lose the game. You have todestroyall thezombies to completely get rid of the city. Levelproceedswillincrease the number of zombies.FEATURES- 6 different weapons.- EXPLODING OBJECTS IN THE PLAYING inside.- Different zombies.- 28 DIFFERENT LEVEL cost.- SPECIAL AUDIO AND VISUAL EFFECTS.- CHANGING THE GUN CHARGE in, ZOOM AND FIRE MAY theirability.- ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF WEAPONS TO WIN headshot.
Missile Defense 1.0.5
Magma Mobile
Protect your city.
銀河飛機-雷霆天使 2.4
Hans Xu
Galaxy Conquest 1.5.1
Galaxy Conquest is an awesomefast-pacedrealtime strategy game set in space. Send swarms of shipstodefeatenemy planets and conquer the universe!You are one of several space dictators, struggling for powerinaplanetary system. All planets generate ships and playerscanusetheir ships to attack other planets. Conquer all planetsandkillall enemy fleets to win.Galaxy Conquest is of the known family popularizedbyGalcon.Galaxy Conquest features early infinite numberofrandomlygenerated unique levels and brilliant AI withseveraldifficultylevels.
Blender - Fruit Slice Game 3.0.0
Misvix Games
🍓 Stop the invasion of angry fruits in this super crazyfruitadventure game!
Defender Stone Age 1.4
Ne Zha Games
New Defender Game is coming! Bring you back to the Stone Age!The most exciting tower defense game is waiting for you!!--------------------The story began at the Stone Age. It was long, long time ago,peoplewas living a primitive life. The wise ancestors handeddownlegendary archery skills and the power of manipulating natural.Andyou inherit the legendary power. Now, the evil Black Stone tribeisinvading your village! Defeat them and protect our homeland!--------------------How to play?- Touch screen to shoot arrows.- Drag and drop magic icon to cast a spell.- Strength: Increase bow's base damage.- Agility: Increase frequency of shooting.- weapon: Select and equip proper bow to defend.- Thump: Repel monsters.- Critical: Double damage with certain possibility.- City Wall. Increases max HP.- MultiArrow: Your bow can shoot multiple arrows.--------------------Game Features:- Talent system: 27 talents to update your power.- Weapon system: 23 different bows to help you fightdifferentenemies.- 3 types of magic: Fire - higher damage; Ice - slows enemies;Wind- stuns enemies.- 18 different types of enemies.- 11 Bosses are waiting for your challenging.
Slime vs. Mushroom 2.6
Cute slime and Absorbing defense!
Stickman-TD 3.5
Players have to take good care oftheirowntower, do not let all kinds of matches removed. Therearemanyweapons to help let go. Ways to make money isnecessary.
Dragons Empire TD
Dragon Queen Liza has a best kept secretwhichis a majestic jewel from the outer world.Shimaroo the evil wizard needed the jewel to crown his Wandandacquire its power to rule the all four worlds. So he senthisminions to bring him the jewel die trying. But thewisequeen already knew the evil plans of Shimaroo and have hiddentheprecious stone in dense forest and secured it with magicaldragonguards..It’s a time when Vikings have attacked to get the preciousJewel.Guard and Protect the Jewel from enemies with the help ofDragons.Dragons Empire has the best elements of Defense games aswell as itincludes the original feature of controlling the Dragons& realtime strategy elements. Control your Dragons to move tothe keypoints. Upgrade to make them stronger.Use Power ups to stop the enemy from stealing the treasure&ultimately the Jewel to make your queen proud.Get the best dragon game now!
Kokok II Defense 0.0.1
Title: kokok II DefenseGenre: Action Adventure Step brother resourcefulness defense game- Jangdal rescue group al-Chicken male and female children is easy for anyone to enjoythecharacter that resourcefulness is an action game.Step-by-step consists of a total of 30 stages and 5Themeconsists mushroom neighborhood of six flower beds, grass,gravel,bamboo, bone, thorny, Cormier of the princess of monsters tostealfour warriors Chicky, Chica, Chikusa, Chico know rescue thatis..Is a way to shut out the worn equipment items and the stepstogrow up, I simply breaking steps in the way kokok kokok Ifyou'vefelt the excitement of the resourcefulness and II level.Also broadens even more fun by inserting a user modeandreal-time World War.^ ^ If you earn more score, ranking the features that youcanboast to your friends, it is.Once out on the excitement of the game's story and let'sps .. This game includes advertising and partial paywilltell.[Game talk]Here and there country kokok of chickens that live togetherinpeace!Many monsters can know the future kokok of them, but youstoppedkidnapped was going.Called Sarah 4 kokok country Chicky, Chica, Chico, Importcommand,and save the eggs of the queen to Chiku to get yours knowmost ofthe lovely princess Komi kokok to it than did the kingfinallywedded wife makes was to make an appointment.Thus, the four countries kokok jeonsaeun Al save the trekbegins.However ....4 Warrior's adventures were not so smooth.Too long and distant journey, do not know where you come frompopmonsters ...Welcome to Komi lovely finish this journey safely princess ashiswife??Various monsters first entered the steppes, theylookedembarrassed, but ....Chicky's powerful punch, a pair of Chico Chica Heart attack,arrows,Chikusa mortar attackAl Cormier's struggling eventually be regained.But ...Its War 4 eggs all know and grasslands meet the desert andsterileenvironment outside.Desert area was not confident , As well as the Sphinx, thebosswas heavily state-of-the-art racing Caro.Is equipped with state-of-the-art weapons, racing cars developedatthe end of the 4 jeonsaeun worry.Through the hard sand, wind, chase the fleeing monsters torescuethe eggs, but it was not easy catching monsteryorijoridashing.4 War gratitude without giving up all the eggs one by one,Cormierof the princess rescued by state-of-the-art weapons, andeven thelast boss Sphinx grab victory.Really all lovely Cormier and conquered the princess'spalacecountry, ice fields, volcanoes, the Devil even rescue togreet withhis wife???
Thunder Aircraft 1.4
It is your mission to battle againstintrudersand protect our home!Now drive the advanced thunder fighter to shoot out gorgeousbulletsto destroy intruders!Quite simple & easy operation; select your favoriteoperationfrom Touch Screen and Gravity Sensor. Pick up crystals from destroyed enemy fighters to improveyourfirepower!You must be careful to dodge enemy’s attacks, or you’llbehit.Upgrade or refit your fighter to improve firepower and protectionoryou can change a better fighter to battle!Thunder Aircraft deserves a try! Download it now!# Language Supported:- Simplified ChineseContact us for further support on technical issues:[email protected] feedback about the game on:
Tower Defense Heroes 1.6
Artstorm FZE
Protect bases from the enemies who do not want to pay for travelonyour road!
Army of Darkness Defense 1.1.1
Get out your boomstick and rev upyourchainsaw! From the makers of PAPER TOSS, STRIKE KNIGHT andNINJUMPcomes the definitive Army of Darkness game for Android.In this tug-of-war, casual defense game based on the MGMclassicmovie, you play Ash, the time-traveling, evil-fighting,S-Martsales clerk as you defend Lord Arthur's castle and theNecronomiconfrom the oncoming hordes of evil undead. Of course, youcan't do italone! Call upon multitudes of allies including LordArthur, DukeHenry the Red, the Wiseman, and many more to help youin your questto defend the unholy book and use it to return to yourown time.ARMY OF DARKNESS: DEFENSE takes the witty charm of thecult classicmovie and combines it with gorgeous graphics andinnovative casualgameplay that is certain to entertain any mobilegamer. So,remember the magic words and make sure your shoelace istied,because this is going to be an epic battle!Features include:-Bruce Campbell as Ash Williams-Beautiful, fully animated graphics-A wide variety of allies to summon including swordsmen,armoredknights, archers, and more-50 initial waves and an unlockable endless wave-More than 100 hilarious quotes from the movie-Countless hoards of deadites-Originally composed music score-Tons of special abilities including the boomstick, thechainsaw,the '88 deathcoaster and many more spells-All of your favorite characters including Arthur, Henry,Sheila,the Wiseman, Evil Ash, and many more!Making fun, high quality mobile games is what we strive foratBackflip Studios. We have seen nearly 100,000,000 downloadsacrossour suite of games and we greatly value your continuedsupport andfeedback.Also try some of our other games, including PAPER TOSS,NINJUMP,STRIKE KNIGHT or SHAPE SHIFT.Check us out on Twitter: @backflipstudiosThanks for playing!ARMY OF DARKNESS ™ & © 1992 Orion Pictures Corporation.©2012 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.