Top 24 Apps Similar to PRO-JEK

Uber Driver 4.298.10002
UBER DRIVER - THE APP FOR DRIVERS- Help people move around your city, and make money onyourschedule. Drive whenever you want—Uber offers a flexible waytomake extra cash on your terms. No offices, no bosses.- Download the Uber Driver app, and sign up to drive in theapp.We’ll guide you through the steps and notify you when you’reallset to drive.HITTING THE ROAD- The app offers the latest features that help you focus ondrivingand making money.- We’ll explain how to use the app, provide optional navigationandHelp support, and let you know when there are specialopportunitiesto make even more. Every trip you take is fullytracked by GPS forsafety and security.GETTING PAID- You can see how much you’ve made anytime after every trip.You’llbe paid directly to your bank account every week, or receivecashon each trip—depending on the country you drive in.*This app typically uses 2 GB of data per month. Usingnavigationcan decrease your phone’s battery life.
Cara Pesan Gojek Terbaru 8.0
Apps ini sangatlah memudahkan bagi para pekerja,mahasiswa/mahasiswi, siswa. ataupun para traveler yang sedangberkunjungkekota Jakarta ataupun ke kota besar lain diIndonesia.Informasiyang kita dapatkan di dalam apps ini sangatlahmudahdipahami dandicerna bahkan oleh orang umum sekalipun. Ya,denganpergerakandari manusia di kota - kota besar diIndonesiapastilahtransportasi sangatlah di butuhkan dan merupakanhal yangwajibselain sandang dan pangan. Ayo, tunggu apa lagi,panduannyasangatmemudahkan bukan? Selamat mereservasi Gojek..!
GO Maps for Gojek 2.3
KMB Team
Aplikasi ini untuk membantu Andamenemukanposisi driver GOJEK di sekitar wilayah anda.klik marker hijau untuk mengetahui koordinat driver tersebut.* Dan untuk driver bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menentukanperkiraantitik spot order yang baik, dengan melihat dimana banyakdriverberkumpul (titik hijau) disitulah biasanya titik spotyangbaik..cocok untuk driver GOJEK yang suka bolang dan yang tidak tahuspotorder didaerah yang belum paham.* Fitur baru GOFOOD MAPS buat mengetahui posisi merchant gojekdanresto rekanan GOJEK. sudah tersedia.. selamat mencoba...This application istohelp you locate the position of the driver GOJEK aroundyourarea.Click the green marker to determine the coordinates ofthedriver.* And for the driver can be used to determine the approximatepointof order is a good spot, to see where many drivers converge(greendots) and there he usually spot a good point ..GOJEK suitable for drivers who like Bolang and who do not knowthespot order area who do not understand.* New features for knowing the position GOFOOD MAPS gojekmerchantand restaurant partners GOJEK. already available .. goodluck...
GO Maps For Gojek Car (Gocar) 1.2
KMB Team
Aplikasi ini untuk membantuAndamenemukanposisi driver GOCAR di sekitar wilayah anda.klik marker biru untuk mengetahui koordinat driver tersebutThis application istohelpyou locate the position of the driver GoCar on the blue markers to determine the coordinatesofthedriver
On-Jek 1.1
Onjek adalah aplikasi ojek online ygtelahhadirdi medan untuk membantu dan mempermudah hidupanda.Layanan kami saat iniOn-bikeLayanan naik ojek dengan tarif murahOn-foodLayanan membeli makanan dengan partner lebih dari 1000 restoranOn-courierLayanan antar barang tanpa repot dan tentunya murahOn-marketLayanan belanja barang kebutuhan sehari2 dengan mudahFollow us:www.on-jek.comtwitter = onjekindonesiafacebook = onjek.indonesiaInstagram = onjek.indonesia
MyBluebird 6.3.1
Mobile Reservation for Blue Bird Fleets
GO BOX Panduan Terbaru 1.0
Gojek meluncurkan layanan jasaangkutbarangyaitu GO-BOX, kelebihan dari jasa ini adalah harganyamurahdandriver sudah tersebar di setiap lokasi terdekat anda.terdapat beberapa pilihan kendaraan yang dapat di pesanyaitu:Pickup Bak,Pickup Box,Engkel Bak,Engkel Box.Panduan ini berisi ulasan lengkap cara memesanjasatersebut.Untuk membantu masyarakat yang kesulitanmenggunakanaplikasiGO-JEK.Mohon dukungannya untuk pengembangan aplikasi panduanini,yaitudengan memberikan saran dan komentar serta rating.Terima Kasih.DISCLAIMER:gobox of gojek is not associated with the management gojekjust to let others know how to order goboxif there are parties who objected to these apps maynotifyviaemail belowGojek launchservicesthetransport of goods, namely GO-BOX, the advantages ofthisserviceis cheap, and the drivers are spread in everylocationclosest toyou.There are several choices of vehicles that can beorderedasfollows: Pickup Bak, Pickup Box, Engkel Bak, EngkelBox.This guide contains a full review on how to ordertheseservices.To help people who have difficulty usingGO-JEKapplication.Please support for application development guidelines,namelybyproviding suggestions and comments and rating.Thanks.DISCLAIMER:gobox of gojek is not associated with the management gojekjust to let others know how to order goboxif there are parties who objected to Reviews These appsmaynotifyvia email below
Cara Pesan GRABCAR 2016 1.0.0
Fast Guide
Naik GRABCAR lebih murah ketimbang taksi?yaitubenar, silakan baca panduannya dalam aplikasi ini.Panduan Cara Pesan Grabcar 2016 Terbaru, ini adalahsalahsatutransportasi online selain GoCar dari Gojek, Anda bisanaikmobilyang jauh lebih murah daripada naik taksi.Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan dalam memesannya makasilakanbacasemua panduannya disini.Anda akan mendapatkan informasi bagaimanamendapatkandriverterdekat, lowongan, dan promo diskon jika ada.Download sekarang dan buktikan sendiri.---------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is just a guide app, andunofficialfromGrabcar.Up GRABCAR cheaperthanataxi? yes it is true, please read the manual in thisapplication.Free How to Order Grabcar Recent 2016, this is one oftheonlinetransport apart from Gojek GoCar, you can take a car thatismuchcheaper than a taxi ride.If you are having difficulty in order then please readalltheguidelines here.You will get information on how to get theclosestdriver,vacancies, and promo discount if any.Download now and see for yourself.---------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is just a guide app, andunofficialfromGrabcar.
Bang-Ojek 1.3
Bang Ojek
Bang-OjekCari driver terdekat dari tempat anda danlakukanpemesanan.Pembayaran langsung kepada driver nya.Cara Pengunakan :1. Daftar sebagai penumpang dengan mengklik singup.2. Lakukan verifikasi email yang di kirim ke email anda.3. Login Menggunakan Email dan Password Anda.4. Pilih driver terdekat dari anda atau driveryangandainginkan.5. Pilih Lokasi Penjemputan dan Tujuan anda.6. Request driver.7. Menunggu Driver mengkonfirmasi pesananan.8. Bayar ke driver sesui biaya yang tertera.Harga mulai 1500/km1-10km=15rb.Cover wilayah- YogyakartaBang-OjeksFind the nearest driver from your placeandmakereservations.Direct payments to its drivers.How pengunakan:1. Register as a passenger by clicking singup.2. Verify the email that is sent to your email.3. Login Using Email and Password.4. Choose your closest driver or drivers you want.5. Select the location of your pickup and Objectives.6. Request driver.7. Waiting Driver to confirm the order is.8. Pay all costs within their driver listed.Prices start at 1500 / km1-10km = 15rb.cover the area- Yogyakarta
Panduan GO CAR GOJEK 1.0.0
Panduan Cara Pesan GO CAR.GOJEK memperkenalkan layanan terbaru merekaGO-CAR.Sesuainamanya, layanan ini merupakan transportasi onlineyangmenggunakanmobil. Dengan kehadiranna, mereka akan bersainglangsungdenganlayanan lain seperti UBER dan GrabCar.Dalam aplikasi Ini Anda akan mendapatkan informasi tentangGOCAR,diantaranya:- Cara Order- Lowongan- Tarif- Cara Bergabungdan Informasi bermanfaat lainnya.Instal sekarang.--------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is UNOFFICIAL app.Free How to Order GO CAR.GOJEK introduced their new service GO-CAR. As the nameimplies,isa transportation services online using a car. Withkehadiranna,theywill compete directly with other services such asUBERandGrabCar.In this application you will get information aboutGOCAR,including:- How to Order- jobs- Rates- How to Joinand other helpful information.Install now.--------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial app.
Order GrabCar Guide 2.1.0
Already know GRABCAR caronlinemessagingservices.That is one of the transport services online fromGrabsupposedlycheaper than to rent an ordinary car.Want to go anywhere without complicated and just a fewtouchesonthe smartphone Grab driver will pick you up in just afewminutes.interesting right.Want to try order GrabCar but still do not know how?Please install this application. It poses guide / tutorialandhowto order GrabCar.This application contains:~ History~ How to Order GrabCar~ Rates Grab The Latest~ Promo Codes and Discounts~ Jobs GrabCarand other helpful information.Install now.--------DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial app, endorsed and notrelatedtoany brand. But, you can get so many advantages fromthisapp.Download now!
Ojek Syari (ojesy) 1.0
Ojek pertama khusus untukwanitaindonesiaThe firstOjeksspecifically for women Indonesia
Panduan GO FOOD 1.0
Dalam aplikasi ini Anda akanmengetahuiCaraPesan Makanan menggunakan GO FOODGo Food adalah salah satu fitur terbaru dariaplikasiGojeksebagai one stop apps bagi para penggunanyakecanggihan teknologi dan perkembangan zaman yangbegitueratdengan dunia digital, menghantarkan merekamenghasilkanpenemuanterbaru nya dengan meluncurkan Go Food yangbegitu mudahdansimpleDengan layanan ini diharapkan semua produkmakananbisaterpromosikan melalui fitur suggest restaurant.Jadi tidak hanya restoran waralaba besar saja yang bisasuksesdisini, warung makan biasa bahkan tempat makan di pinggirjalanpunbisa sukses bersamanya jika makanannya enakdanberkualitas.Instal sekarang.-----------------------DISCLAIMER: This is unofficial app.In thisapplicationyouwill find How to order food using the GO FOODGo Food is one of the latest features of the applicationGojekasa one stop apps for its userstechnological sophistication and the times are so closetothedigital world, delivering their produce his latestinventionbylaunching Go Food is so easy and simpleWith this service expected all food products canbepromotedthrough the features suggest restaurant.So not only is a great franchise restaurant thatcouldbesuccessful here, the usual food stalls and even a place toeatonthe roadside can be successful with it if the food wasgoodandqualified.Install now.-----------------------DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial app.
Go Fake GPS 2.8
KMB Team
Gunakan aplikasi ini untukmensimulasikanlokasi telepon Anda sehingga Anda dapat mengelabuiteman Anda dijaringan sosial untuk berpikir Anda berada di tempatlain.setiap penggunaan salah dari aplikasi (termasuk kecurangan)tidakakan didukung oleh tim kami.* pastikan Anda menonaktifkan akurasi yang tinggi lokasi posisi/lokasi ponsel di bawah Android Lokasi Pengaturan danmeninggalkan"GPS HANYA" atau calle d "Device Only" padabeberapaperangkat!* pastikan mock location pada perangkat developer di aktifkan(terkadang jadi force close jika tidak aktif )* pastikan jika ada yang memasang module untuk hide mock harapdimatikan fungsinyaCara penggunaan :-Pilih lokasi yang anda inginkan lalu pencet tombol mulaidanaplikasi ini akan menjalankan lokasi palsu pada androidanda.- Untuk para Driver di Indonesia, Pilih lokasi gf yang ditujudanpencet tombol mulai sehingga lokasi palsu anda akanberadadisanaPENGGUNA AKHIR PERJANJIAN LISENSIAplikasi ini disediakan "sebagaimana adanya" dan kami tidakdapatbertanggung jawab atas penggunaan apapun oleh penggunaakhiraplikasi kami. Aplikasi ini gratis dengan fungsionalpenuh.Use this app tosimulatethe location of your phone so that you can fool yourfriends onsocial networks for thinking you were somewhereelse.each use one of the applications (including fraud) will notbesupported by our team.* Make sure you turn off the high accuracy of the location oftheposition / location of the phone with the Android locationsettingsand leave the "GPS ONLY" or calle d "Device Only" onsomedevices!* Make sure mock location on developer devices activated(sometimesso force close if not active)* Make sure if there is a module installed to hide mock pleaseturnoff functionHow to use :Select the location you want and push the start button andtheapplication will run a fake location on your android.- For the Driver in Indonesia, gf destination Choose a locationandpush button start making fake location you will be thereEND USER LICENSE AGREEMENTThis application is provided "as is" and we can not beresponsiblefor any use by end users of our apps. This applicationis free withfull functionality.
Tarif Grab Car Mobil Baru 2017 1.0
Fast Guide
Grab Car, siapa yang belum tahudenganlayananpesan mobil online yang sudah menjadi kebutuhanbanyakmasyarakatsaat ini?Sangat mengherankan jika belum tahu, mungkin orang itu hidupdizamanbatu.Jika sudah punya aplikasinya, tapi masih bingung carapesanGrabCar(Mobil)? Silakan download aplikasi ini.Sudah bukan rahasia lagi kalau naik Grab car ongkosnyalebihmurahketimbang naik taksi, silakan coba sendiri.Sekilas:Dalam aplikasi Ini Anda akan mendapatkan informasi carapesanGrabCar(Mobil) terbaru, info Diskon dan promo yang membuatandasemakinhemat setiap hari, cara menggunakan danmengordernya,bahkan andadapat membandingkannya dengan layanantransportasionline lainnya.sangat lengkap dan mudahdifahami.Aplikasi ini GRATIS untuk anda !Download sekarang juga.----------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This Grab Car Guide is unofficial app, but youcangetmany advantages from this app. Download now.Grab Car, who donotyetknow the car online messaging service that has become theneedofmany people today?It's a wonder if it does not know, maybe people that liveinthestone age.If you already have the app, but still confused howmessagesGrabCar(Car)? Please download this app.It is no secret that ride Grab car cost less than thetaxiride,please try it yourself.Glance:In this application you will get information on howthemessageGrabCar (Car) latest info Discounts and promos that makeyoumoreefficient every day, how to use and mengordernya, evenyoucancompare it with other transportation services online.verycompleteand easily understood.This app is FREE for you!Download it now.----------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This Grab Car Guide is an unofficial app, but youcangetmany advantages from this app. Download now.
Lyft, Inc.
Need a lift? Use Lyft to get an affordableridein minutes. Instead of hailing a cab or waiting for the bus,justrequest a car with the tap of a button, and get picked up byanearby friendly driver who’ll take you to your destinationrightaway. Enjoy a welcoming, affordable, and memorableridetoday.Our app is cheaper than a taxi, faster than the bus, and easytouse• Getting Started: After downloading Lyft and signing up,simplyopen the app and request a ride.• Paying: Never worry about having cash for a cab or the bus again—with Lyft, you pay through your phone. It’s easy, fast,andsecure.• Split the Cost: Easily split the cost of a ride withfriendsthrough the app. No more IOU’s.About Our Drivers• All Lyft drivers pass comprehensive background and DMVchecksbefore being approved for the service.• Drivers are rated by passengers and only the highest-rateddriversare allowed on the road.• Lyft provides a first-of-its-kind $1M liability insurancefortotal peace of mind.Join the millions who’ve chosen Lyft instead of a cab forcommuting,going out at night, and getting to events. Next time youneed aride, skip the bus, taxi, or car service and chooseLyft.Prices vary based on market condition.By downloading the app, you agree to receive communications fromus,including push notifications. You can opt out of receivingpushnotifications through your device settings
Info Tarif Grab Bike 2017 1.0
Fast Guide
Pakai GRAB BIKE lebih murahketimbangojekpangkalan? ya itu benar, silakan baca panduannyadalamaplikasiini.Inilah aplikasi Info Tarif Grab BIKE 2017 Terbaru, dimanaAndaakanmengetahuinya agar perjalanan Anda lebih hemat.Dengan adanya ojek online ini Anda bisa bepergian denganongkosyangjauh lebih murah daripada naik ojek pangkalan.Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan dalam memesannya makasilakanbacasemua panduannya disini.Beberapa info bermanfaat terkait GrabBike yang bisaAndadapatkandiantaranya:~ Sejarah~ Tarif~ Cara Order~ Lowongan~ Diskon~ Promo~ Update TerbaruDownload sekarang dan buktikan sendiri.---------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is just a guide app, and unofficialfromGrabbike.GRAB wear BIKEcheaperthantaxis base? yes it is true, please read the manualinthisapplication.It is the application BIKE Info Rates Grab The Latest2017,whereyou'll know that your trip more efficient.With the motorcycle online, you can travel with a cost thatismuchcheaper than riding a motorcycle taxi rank.If you are having difficulty in order then please readalltheguidelines here.Some helpful info related GrabBike you can get them:~ History~ Rates~ How to Order~ jobs~ Discounts~ Promo~ Latest UpdateDownload now and see for yourself.---------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is just a guide app, and unofficialfromGrabbike.
ComfortDelGro Taxi Booking App
The ComfortDelGro Taxi Booking Applicationisthe ideal taxi booking application for individuals on the go.Thisuser-friendly application offers convenience by allowing userstopre-set their favourite locations and journeys for theirtaxibookings. It even allows users to book a taxi at theircurrentlocation, determined by their phones’ GPS.What’s more? The users can also access and book from a list of10completed trips for ease of convenience. eReceipt can alsobeeasily viewed and emailed for each of the completed trips.Why wait? Download the application now!Functionalities AvailableNew Booking- Booking of current and advance jobs are available.- Automatically detect current location using GPS aspick-upaddress.- Add notes to driver.Favourites- Location: Preset and retrieve favourite locationsforbooking.- Journey: Preset and retrieve your favourite journeys withtripdetails (pick-up and destination addresses) for booking.Booking Status- In-app push notification for all taxi bookings.- Location tracking for confirmed taxi booking (immediatetrackingavailable for current bookings and tracking available 10minsbefore pickup time for advance bookings).- Check taxi status or cancel taxi bookings regardless ofthechannels.For example, user may book a taxi using SMS channel andsubsequentlycheck the status of the booking using thisbookingapplication.- Suggested journey route.- Estimated taxi fare.- Share trip details.History & eReceipt- A list of 10 completed bookings for the past 30 days isavailablefor reference.- Rebook from your previous trips.- eReceipt available for each completed trip.Rate Driver- In-app push notification to rate our driver after eachcompletedtrip.Survey & Feedback- Share your taxi experience with us via the survey andfeedbackfeature.News & Announcements- Be updated with the latest News & AnnouncementsfromComfortDelGro Taxis.System RequirementsComfortDelGro Taxi Booking application runs on Android 4.0andabove.Features of this application may vary according todifferentversions of operating system and the phone models.About ComfortDelGroComfortDelGro is one of largest land transport companies intheworld with a global workforce, a global shareholder base andaglobal outlook. ComfortDelGro’s businesses include bus, taxi,rail,car rental & leasing, automotiveengineeringservices, inspection and testing services, drivingcentres,insurance broking services, outdoor advertising and cardealership.Headquartered in Singapore, the Group also hasoperations in China,the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Vietnamand Malaysia. InSingapore, it operates a fleet size of close to17,000 taxis.
Meter for Uber and Lyft
Meter App LLC
Similar to a taxi meter, Meter for UberandLyft allows you to track how much you are paying as you ride inaride sharing service such as Uber and Lyft as well as displayahistory of all your rides.Allows you to set custom fares.Like on Facebook: on Twitter:
GOJEK Panduan Terbaru 1.0
Yes, Cantik adalah dambaan bagisetiapwanita,dan menuju untuk menjadi cantik perawatansangatlahdiperlukanselain dengan kecantikan yang sudah alami.Ketika anda memesan dengan aplikasi gojek GO-GLAM yangmasihbelumtersedia di GrabBike,mapunUbermotor, maka petugas akandatangkerumah anda dan melayani anda dengan sepenuh hatitentunyadenganservice yang memuaskan.Setelah perawatan goglam diberikan kepada anda, diharapkanandaakanmenjadi fresh sepanjang hari, tentunya dengan adanya appsiniakanmembantu anda dalam memesan GO-GLAM.Adapun pelayanan Gojek yang dapat diberikan kepada anda:-Layanan dengan mudah dari smartphone anda-Petugas yang ramah-Keahlian petugas yang cekatan-Layanan yang cepat dan anda tidak perlu keluar rumahMet happy today!DISCLAIMER:These apps are not related to other business - related orinappsThese apps are only helpful for readers to make it easiertobookgo glam - gojek
Grab A Cab 1.3
Sky Labs
Choose your origin and destination, andtheapplication will generate a simple list of each cabcompanyoffering that route, in order of cheapest first. Click onthecompany of your choice, and simply click to call or sendanemail!
Tarif Grab Bike Terbaru 2017 1.0
Wish Studio
Grab Bike adalah salahsatuarmadatransportasionline yang sangat membantu masyarakat Indonesiasaatini khususnyabagi yang ingin bepergian menggunakan motornamuntidakmemilikinya.Zaman telah berubah, gaya hidup pun ikut berubah. Kinisemuanyaserbamudah, termasuk dalam hal melakukan perjalanan.GrabBikeselalu hadirdan memberikan solusi murah dan praktisdalambepergian menembuskemacetan. Bahkan harga sewanya lebihmurahketimbang ojek biasa,silakan coba sendiri.Ini adalah aplikasi yang berisi panduan dalam menggunakanGrabBike(Grab Motor). Harus Anda coba karena sangatmenghematpengeluaranAnda.Download sekarang.----------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is unofficial app, but you can getmanyadvantagesfrom this app. Download now.Grab Bike is oneofthemain transport fleet online that help theIndonesiancommunitytoday, especially for those who want to travelon amotorbike, butnot have it.Times have changed, life style changes, too. Now everythingiseasy,including in terms of travel. GrabBike always presentandprovidecheap and practical solutions in traveling throughtrafficjams.Even the rents are cheaper than regular taxis, pleasetryityourself.It is an application that provides guidance in using BikeGrab(GrabMotor). You should try because it saves yourexpenses.Download now.----------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial app, but you cangetmanyadvantages from this app. Download now.
Book Ola Or Easy Cabs, Self Drive & DriveU Drivers 0.0.19
Welcome to Open Beta of Powercabs, which lets you Book OlaCabs,UberCabs, Easy Cabs, Self Drive & DriveU Drivers bycheckingthenearest cab and by showing you the transparentfares.However,Powercabs is not only Limited to Booking cabs, nowYou willbe ableto Book nearest Driver, book nearest Self-Drive andalsobooknearest Tourist cab or nearest outstation cab at thebestpossiblerates. We are committed to make your digital traveleasier,we areright now in open beta phase 1 where we are lookingforwardtobuild up a community who have the same goal as we do,i.e.“ToImprove the New Age Methods of Travel Easier” And Powercabsisjusta stepping stone to the vision ►Current Features. ☆ BookOlaCabs,Book Easy Cabs, Book Uber Cabs or Any other taxi Onceyoulogin toPowercabs, all your cab apps comes onto one singlescreenandwithout juggling between multiple apps you can bookanavailablecab which means you don’t’ have to wait anymore tobookyour cab.Powercabs is by Far the Best and Complete TaxiBookingApp. ☆ SOS –Emergency Help, your right to travel Safe. Verysoonwhether youare taking a rickshaw or taking a normal cab youwillhave thepower to call help at any time, we are committed tomaketravelsafer than it ever was. ☆ Book a DriveU Driver Not in amoodtodrive down on a busy day or want to relax in your own caronthatweekend outing. Now You can Book Drivers Powered ByourpartnerDriveU from Powercabs in just two clicks.►UpcomingFeatures. ☆Book a Self-Drive Your car might be in repairand youstill want totake a day off on the road with your lovedones. Youwill be ableto book a self-drive from Your cab app in justa fewmore days. ☆Outstation Taxi / Tourist Cabs For those who needtotravel longroad trips, we will be soon be coming up withOutstationCabs whereyou need to pay only for one-way travel. ►LocalTaxiStand / KaaliPeeli Taxi There will be times when even out ofsomany options youwill not be able to find a cab immediately justtosave that day weare getting all the information of the nearbytaxiand auto standfor you. Support / Feedback / Closed Beta Wearecommitted toconstantly improve Powercabs to help make your lifeandtraveleasier. If you have any issues or suggestions, pleasereachout tous via the following channels: Right now, you can bookOla,Uberand Easy cabs using Powercabs. Very soon you will be abletobookall the cabs available. We are also Working on Uber,Olaanddiscount coupons of other cab aggregators which we aretryingtogive you during Diwali 2016. The development team isdedicatingalltheir time to build in Surge Pricing of Uber Cabs andOla Cabs.So,that next time when you book an Uber or an Ola fromPowercabsyoucan also take the benefit of knowing the surgepricingandmodifying your booking. Yes, we have Been Busy andthereareexciting updates lined up for Powercabs 1. Very Soon youwillbeable to Book Meru Cabs, Mega Cabs, Savaari Rides, Tab Cab,WingsRadio Cabs , Easy cabs, cel cabs, Jugnoo Rides, Yorides,GrabTaxi, Lyft rides, Hippo cabs, Drive u drivers, Carz onrentandFrom the Complete Taxi Booking App. 2. You will have theoptiontoSelf-Drive using services like Zoom Car 3. You will getyourCabRide History all in one place 4. You will be able toseethebilling amount 5. Ola and Uber coupons will be soonfunctionalandyou will be able to get lot more discounts. CurrentlyPowercabsisin Open Beta and we need your feedback and suggestionsoranyfeature that you might want in Powercabs. Again,Powercabswhichlet you Book Ola Cabs or Easy Cabs & Drivers orSelf DriveorUber cabs is committed to make your travel easier andthefastestgrowing community of travelers. Please Connect withus.Facebook - Twitter -@Power_CabsWebsite –