Top 9 Apps Similar to Buku Saku Pramuka

Buku Saku Pramuka Lengkap 1.0
Buku Saku Pramuka Lengkap , Sandi sandi dan tali temali Pramuka- DASA DHARMA- TRISATYA- TALI TEMALI- SANDI MORSE- SANDI SEMAPHORE- SANDI KOTAK 1 , SANDI KOTAK 2- SANDI RUMPUT- SANDI KURUNG- DLL-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aplikasi OFFLINE , dapat berjalan tanpa koneksi internet- Aplikasi ringan- ukuran aplikasi hanya 2 MB- teks dapat di zoomCompleteScout Handbook, password and rigging Password Scouts- DASA DHARMA- TRISATYA- Rigging- PASSWORD MORSE- PASSWORD semaphore- PASSWORD BOX 1, PASSWORD BOX 2- PASSWORD GRASS- PASSWORD BRACKETS- DLL-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application OFFLINE, can run without anInternetconnection- Lightweight application- The size of the application is only 2 MB- Text can be in the zoom
Saku Pramuka 1.4
Salam Pramuka!Sebuah aplikasi buku saku pramuka elektronik yangdiharapkandapat membantu kakak - kakak dalam kegiatan pramuka.Aplikasi inimasih bersifat dasar mengenai materi-materikepramukaan, diharapkandalam pengembangannya kedepan dapat menjadiaplikasi yang berisisemua materi kepramukaan secara lengkap.Salam dari kami anggota Saka Bhayangkara KwartirRantingPrambanan Sleman.GreetingsScouts!A scout pocket electronic book application that is expectedtohelp the brother - sister in the scouts. This application isstillthe basis of the materials of scouting, development isexpected inthe future can be an application that contains all thematerial infull scouting.Greetings from our members Saka Sleman Police HospitalsKwartirTwig Prambanan.
Buku Saku Pramuka 1.0.4
Aplikasi Buku Saku Pramuka memuat Tentang Pramuka,Sandi-sandi,Tali-temali, Bentuk Barisan, Semaphore dan Morse.Sangat praktisdan kompak.
Buku Panduan Pramuka 6.3
Sejalan dengan zaman era globalisasiyangsemakin canggih ekstrakulikuler Pramuka kebanyakan para siswaatausiswi, mereka enggan untuk memilih ekstrakulikuler Pramukasebagaiorganisasi yang mereka pilih, mereka memilih OrganisasiPramuka itumonoton dan tidak asyik. Organisasi Pramuka itu adalahsalah satuwadah para siswa atau siswi untuk berkreatifitas sesuaidengankemampuannya dan FAKTA-nya Pramuka adalah Organisasi yangmasukseluruh Organisasi seperti : OSIS, PMR, PASKIBRA, CASPALAdanlain-lain.Kenapa saya dapat mangatakan demikian, Pramuka adalahOrganisasiyang memiliki banyak pelajaran didalamnya, Pramukamempunyai systemkerja menyusun dan menginferensi Administrasi, Ilmutentangkesehatan, Ilmu teori dan Praktik baris-berbaris, permainanbegituasyik dan perlu digaris bawahi bahwa Organisasi Pramukasangat eratsekali dengan Alam.In line withtheglobalization era of increasingly sophisticated Scoutsmostextracurricular student or students, they are reluctant tochooseextracurricular Scouts as an organization they choose, theychoosethe Scouting organization monotonous and not fun. TheScoutingorganization is one container of the student or studentsforcreativity according to his ability and FACT-Scout istheorganization that makes the whole organization such as:studentcouncil, PMR, Paskibra, CASPALA and others.Why I can mangatakan Thus, the Scout is the organization thathasmany lessons in it, Scout has a working system collateandmenginferensi Administration, health science, science theoryandpractice marching, the game is so fun and it should bestressedthat the Organization of the Scout very closely withNature.
Kumpulan Materi Pramuka 0.3
Aplikasi kumpulan materiPramuka,Kepramukaan,Gerakan Pramuka, dewan kerja, gugus depan,siaga,racana, ad/art,AD, ART,scout, scouting, contoh suratkegiatan,contoh id card, danmasih banyak lagi.Jika tidak ingin ketingalan dalam hal materi pramukakaka-kakawajibpasang aplikasi ini, karena materi didalamnya sudahlengkapmencakupgerakan pramuka. Aplikasinya di kemas dengan rapi,danlebih simpeluntuk kaka-kaka baca, semoga dengan adanyaaplikasiandroid inilebih mempermudah kaka-kaka dalam memperolehinformasitentangmateri kepramukaan.Jangan lupa berikan rating dan komentar kaka-kakasemua,berartidengan memberikan rating dan komentar kaka-kakapeduluterhadapkemajuan Gerakan Pramuka.Applicationscollectionofmaterials Scouts, Scouting, the Scout Movement, theworkcouncils,the front group, standby, Racana, ad / art, AD,ART,scout,scouting, sample letter of activities, examples of idcards,andmuch more.If you do not want ketingalan in material thingsscoutkaka-kakashall post this application, because the material init isalreadycomplete include the scout movement. Applicationpackedneatly, andmore simple for kaka-kaka read, hopefully withtheandroidapplication is much easier for kaka-kaka inobtaininginformationabout scouting material.Do not forget to rate and comment kaka-kaka all, meanttogiveratings and comments kaka-kaka pedulu the progress oftheScoutMovement.
Redbox Apps
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 12TAHUN2010 TENTANG GERAKAN PRAMUKADENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESA PRESIDENREPUBLIKINDONESIA,Menimbang :a. bahwa pembangunan kepribadian ditujukan untukmengembangkanpotensi diri serta memiliki akhlak mulia, pengendaliandiri, dankecakapan hidup bagi setiap warga negara demitercapainyakesejahteraan masyarakat;b. bahwa pengembangan potensi diri sebagai hak asasimanusiaharus diwujudkan dalam berbagai upaya penyelenggaraanpendidikan,antara lain melalui gerakan pramuka;c. bahwa gerakan pramuka selaku penyelenggarapendidikankepramukaan mempunyai peran besar dalam pembentukankepribadiangenerasi muda sehingga memiliki pengendalian diri dankecakapanhidup untuk menghadapi tantangan sesuai dengan tuntutanperubahankehidupan lokal, nasional, dan global;d. bahwa peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku saat inibelumsecara komprehensif mengatur gerakan pramuka;e. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksuddalamhuruf a, huruf b, huruf c, dan huruf d, perlumembentukUndang-Undang tentang Gerakan Pramuka;Mengingat : Pasal 20, Pasal 20A ayat (1), Pasal 21, Pasal28,Pasal 28C, dan Pasal 31 Undang-Undang Dasar NegaraRepublikIndonesia Tahun 1945;Dengan Persetujuan Bersama DEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYATREPUBLIKINDONESIA dan PRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN:Menetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG GERAKAN PRAMUKA.LAW OF THE REPUBLICOFINDONESIA NUMBER 12 OF 2010 ON THE SCOUT MOVEMENTBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLICOFINDONESIA,Considering:a. that personality development is aimed to developaself-potential and has a noble character, self-control, andlifeskills for every citizen to achieve the welfare ofthecommunity;b. that the development potential as a human right to berealizedin a variety of efforts to provide education, among othersthroughthe Boy Scout movement;c. that the scout movement as scouting education providers haveamajor role in shaping the personality of the young generationthathas the self-control and life skills to face thechallengesaccording to demands for changes in local, national,andglobal;d. that the legislation in force at this time has notbeencomprehensively regulate the scout movement;e. that based on the considerations set forth in paragraphs a,b,c, and d, need to establish the Law of the Scout Movement;Given: Article 20, Article 20A paragraph (1), Article 21,Article28, Article 28C, and Article 31 of the Constitution of theRepublicof Indonesia Year 1945;With the joint approval of THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OFTHEREPUBLIC OF INDONESIA INDONESIA and PRESIDENTDECIDE:Assign: LAW ON SCOUT MOVEMENT.
Animated Knots by Grog
Grog LLC
Named best knot-tying app by OutsideMagazine!Learn to tie knots the fun and easy way from the creatorsof theweb's #1 knot site. Animated Knots by Grog is simply thebest, mostcomprehensive teaching and reference tool for boaters,climbers,fishermen, scouts and hobbyists. Watch knots tiethemselves insimple step-by-step photo animations, or goframe-by-frame as youlearn each knot. Tap the info button to getdetailed descriptionsabout each knot's correct use, advantages anddisadvantages, andother information.["Insanely Great!" - Cult of Mac]INCLUDED KNOTS: (Knots go by a variety of names with the mostcommonshown here. App includes a complete, searchable list.):AlbrightKnot, Alpine Butterfly Bend, Alpine Butterfly Loop, DoubleAlpineButterfly, Anchor Hitch, Arbor Knot, Ashley Bend, AshleyStopperKnot, Australian Braid, Back Splice, Barrel Hitch, BiminiTwist,Blake's Hitch, Blood Knot, Bowline, Bowline on a Bight,One-HandedBowline, Running Bowline, Water Bowline, Braid SingleRope, LockedBrummel Splice, Brummel Demo, McDonald Brummel EyeSplice, BuntlineHitch, Butcher's, Carrick Bend, Carrick Bend Mat,Celtic Knot Mat,Chain Sinnet, Chain Splice, Care & Cleaning,Cleat Hitch (Deck),Cleat Hitch (Halyard), Clove Hitch (Loops),Clove Hitch (End), CloveHitch (Half Hitches), Cobra Lanyard Knot,Coil Attached Rope, CoilUnattached Rope, Common Whipping,Constrictor, Constrictor-Surgical,Cow Hitch (End), Cow Hitch(Loops), Crown, Crown Sinnet, Davy,Double Davy, Diamond Lanyard,Distel Hitch, Double Fisherman's,Double Overhand, Drapery TieBack, Dropper Loop, Duncan (Uni) Knot,Figure 8, Egg Loop Knot,Directional Figure 8 loop, Figure 8 Flake,Figure 8 Follow Through,Figure 8 Bend, Double Figure 8 Loop, Figure9 Loop, Flat OverhandBend, Flemish Flake (Spiral), Girth (Strap)Hitch, Gnat Hitch, HalfHitch, Half Knot, Halyard Hitch, HandcuffKnot, Hasty WebbingHarness, Heaving Line, Highwayman's Hitch,Hunter's Bend, IcicleHitch, Icicle Hitch (End), Improved Clinch,Klemheist,Lashing-Diagonal, Lashing-Round, Lashing-Shear,Lashing-Square,Lashing-Tripod, Ligature (Instrument), One HandedLigature, TwoHanded Ligature, Lighterman's Hitch, Long Bury Splice,MastheadKnot Mat, Double Matthew Walker, Midshipman's, Monkey'sFist,Mooring Hitch, Munter Hitch, Super Munter Hitch, NailKnot,Non-Slip Mono, Noose, Ocean Plait Mat, Orvis Knot, OverhandKnot,Packer's Knot, Palomar Knot, Tying a Package, Perfection Loop,PileHitch, Poacher's Knot, Prusik Knot, Purcell Prusik System,RadiumRelease Hitch, Rapala Knot, Rat-Tail Stopper, Square(Reef),Rolling Hitch, Rope Ladder, Round Turn & Hitches,Sailmaker'sWhipping, San Diego Jam Knot, Sheepshank, Sheet Bend,Shoelace Bow,ShoeLace Fieggen, Siberian, Grog's Sliding Splice,Slim Beauty,Slip Knot, Snell Knot, Spanish Bowline, Eye Splice,Short Splice,Stevedore, Strangle Knot, Surgeon's Knot, Surgeon'sLoop, SurgicalTie, Two Handed Surgical Tie, Surgical Slip Tie,Child's Swing,Tensionless Hitch, Necktie (Bow Tie), Necktie(Four-in-Hand),Necktie (Half Windsor), Necktie (Pratt/Shelby),Necktie (Windsor),Theodore Knot, Thief Knot, Timber Hitch, TrileneKnot, Trucker'sHitch, Tumble Hitch, Turk's Head, Underwriter'sKnot, Wall Knot,Wall & Crown, Water Knot, West CountryWhipping, ZeppelinBend
Saku Pramuka 1.0.0
Kata Pramuka merupakan singkatan dariPrajaMudaKarana, yang memiliki arti Orang Muda yang SukaBerkarya.Aplikasiini berisi materi mengenai kepramukaan yangdapatmempermudah dalamproses belajar anggota pramuka. Adapun isidariaplikasi ini yaitumengenai:- Tri Satya dan Dasa Dharma- Lambang Gerakan Pramuka- Salam Pramuka- Bendera Merah Putih Sebagai Bendera KebangsaandanPancasilaSebagai Lambang Negara RI- Sandi dan Tali Temali- Semaphore- Tuntunan Menyelesaikan SKU, dan- Pramuka Bernyanyi.Scouting isanabbreviationof the word Praja Muda Karana, which means thatSukaYouth Work. Thisapplication contains material concerningscoutingthat can facilitatethe learning process scout members.Thecontents of this applicationis about:- Tri Satya and Dharma Dasa- Coat the Scout Movement- Scout salute- Red and White Flag as the National Flag and the PancasilaastheState Emblem RI- Passwords and Ropes Rigging- Semaphore- Completed Guidance SKU, and- Scout Singing.
Tali Simpul Pramuka 1.0
Aplikasi "Tali Simpul Dan Ikatan Pramuka" ini adalahsebuahaplikasiyang membahas mengenai tata cara pempuatan talitemalipada talisimpul atau jenis tali simpul lainnya padakegiatanpramuka yangdapat di terapkan dalam penggunaan kehidupanseharihari, semogaaplikasi ini bermanfaat dan berguna buat kitasemua.Kritik dansaran kami tunggu di email kami:[email protected] ataudapat anda sampaikan di ulasanandamengenai aplikasi kami. fiture :1. aplikasi ini OFFLINE,yaituanda tidak harus terkoneksi denganiinternet untukdapatmenjalankannya 2. aplikasi ini ringan, karenaukurannyarelatifkecil, dan memudahkan ruan penyimpanan anda dalamRAM 3.aplikasiini terdapat fiture skrol otomatis yang dapatmemudahkanandadallam menggunalkannya Salam prmauka inodesia