Top 19 Games Similar to 最強王者

王者之怒 1.19
2015最受期待魔幻动作手游火热上线,打造视觉盛宴,点燃魔法梦想!自主引擎打造,细微粒子特效,华丽唯美画质,独具匠心剧情,缔造你自己的魔幻传奇!- 公会之战,全球共赏- 耀世争霸即将开启!- 不花钱就能成为高富帅- 你敢玩,我敢送!- 海量英雄自由选择- 你的战队,你做主!- 世界BOSS觉醒- 更有远古宝藏出世!- 鲜花互赠,盛大婚礼- 开启手游征婚时代!我们非常乐意为您解决游戏中遇到的任何问题,欢迎联系我们!关注我们的Facebook粉丝页和微信即可领取礼包:Facebook:微信(weChat): eyouwzznEmail: [email protected]'s mostanticipatedaction fantasy fiery hand travel on the line, to createa visualfeast, lit magic dream!Independent engine build, fine particle effects, gorgeousaestheticquality, originality story, create your own magic legend! - Association of the war, global Dramas - Yao Shi hegemony is about to open! - No money can become rich handsome - Do you dare to play, I'm sent! - Massive hero freedom of choice - Your team, you call the shots! - World BOSS awakening - More ancient treasures out! - Give each other flowers, grand wedding - Open hand tour marriage age!We are very happy to help you solve any problems encounteredinthe game, welcome to contact us!Follow us on Facebook fan pages and micro-channel canreceivegifts:Facebook: (weChat): eyouwzznEmail: [email protected]
刀劍物語 3.0
《刀劍物語》采用全新的圖像引擎打造精美的遊戲畫面,再度展現了遊戲酷炫的畫面,並加入種類繁多的具有獨特技能系統,經典pvp玩法。不壹樣的英雄收集,不壹樣的策略戰術,是2015最值得期待的2D橫版回合制手遊。【日系畫風,唯美畫面】  《刀劍物語》憑借著獨特遊戲內核思維和日漫畫風美術畫面,以奇幻的故事背景構建了壹個宏大的“魔域”世界。在二次元的熏陶下,遊戲采用日系風格渲染出精美細致的人物造型,並根據角色設定采取貼合角色的裝扮和場景。遊戲內不同地圖的場景各不相同,既有日系簡單清新的畫工,又吸收了西洋畫的光色處理方法,善於通過對比和渲染的變化,精細刻畫了場景的聲色動靜,讓人猶如置身唯美場景之中,色調統壹,清新迷人。【排兵布陣 華麗戰鬥】  主角擁有七個不同的技能,合理的技能搭配是取勝的關鍵。戰鬥中通過攻擊來獲得能量,不同的技能需要消耗不等量的能量,在制衡遊戲的同時也加強策略性玩法。遊戲中主角和每張卡牌英雄的音效都會在戰鬥中展現,使遊戲代入感豐富。技能特效也讓人很驚艷,主角、怪物和英雄們的技能特效都各不相同,華麗而不刺眼,符合整個遊戲的畫風。指尖輕觸,即時釋放強力技能;簡單操作,輕松體驗排兵布陣,更可開啟自動戰鬥,解放雙手暢快遊戲!《刀劍物語》以“輕回合”為創新理念,獨家輕策略、輕任務、輕目標、輕社交等“輕”設定,將昔日讓玩家覺得心累的手遊設定推翻,將玩家從“任務式遊戲”中解脫出來。遊戲職業豐富,公會、坐騎、黑市、團隊、BOSS戰等玩法壹應俱全。英雄養成,打造最個性的無敵陣容;冰火爭霸,成就最巔峰的王者榮耀;神獸坐騎,樂享最炫酷的遊戲人生,還有魔典爭霸、奴隸爭奪、天使惡魔等諸多創新玩法。熱血激昂爭霸戰場,正邪交鋒壹觸即發。"Swords Story" with anewgraphics engine to create a beautiful picture of the game,onceagain demonstrated the cool game screen, and join a widevariety ofunique skill system, the classic pvp play. One kind ofhero is notcollected, not One kind of strategy and tactics, is themostanticipated 2015 cross-version of turn-based 2D mobile games.[Japanese style, beautiful picture]"Swords Story" with a unique core gaming cartoon style thinkingandJapanese art picture, in order to build a fantasy storybackgroundOne a huge "Demon" of the world. Under the influence ofthe secondelement, the game uses the Japanese style renderbeautifullydetailed character modeling, and to take the role of thedress fitand according to the role of setting the scene. Differentmaps ofdifferent scenes within the game, both simple and freshJapanesepainter, but also absorbs light and color processing methodWesternpainting, good contrast and rendering through changes,fineportrait of a sensual movement of the scene, people likeexposureto the beautiful scene among the hue EC One, freshandcharming.[Formations] gorgeous fightingProtagonist has seven different skills, reasonable mix of skillsisthe key to victory. The battle to gain energy byattacking,different skills need to consume varying amounts ofenergy in thebalance of the game while also strengthening thestrategicgameplay. Each game protagonist and hero of the sound cardwouldshow in the battle to make the game into a sense of wealth.Skilleffects also makes it amazing, the protagonist, monsters andheroesare different skills, special effects, dazzling gorgeous andnot inline with the style of the game. Fingertips, immediatereleasepowerful skills; simple, easy to experience formations, butcan beopened automatically fight, hands free fun game!"Swords Story" to "light round" of innovative ideas,exclusivelight strategy, task light, light target, light social andother"light" setting, will allow players to feel the heart of theoldtired hand tour set to overthrow the players from the "tasktypegame "freed. Rich professional game, guild, horse, black,team,BOSS warfare gameplay One should taste. Hero to develop, tocreatethe most personalized lineup invincible; Addict hegemony,thepinnacle of achievement king of glory; animal mounts, fun inthecool of the game of life, there Grimoire hegemony, slaveryfight,Angel and devil, and many innovative gameplay. Bloodpassionatehegemony battlefield confrontation between good and evilOne-touchinstant.
六龙御天(Loong Craft) 1.1.18
Been wondering why there are no equivalent PC version ofTheThreeKingdoms games in smartphones?! Why no real strategicbattlegamesof The Three Kingdoms game?!Here comes theLoongCraft.ExperienceThe Ultimate 3D MMO RPG Now! **Country warformillions ofplayers!Join us now! ** Multiple heroes!Chooseyourfavorite one!**Best 3D experience!Feel the rush! ** Unifytheempire of threekingdom! Fight against the heroes of legendandunite all in "LoongCraft". And become the new hero ofthisera!___________________________________________ Hundreds oftheThreeKingdoms heroes in your smart phone! Cao Cao "I throwtheworldthat does not bend. The world is not going to throw me!"ZhouYu"Heavens! Why must we have been placed here together?"ZhugeLiang"There is no eternal winner in the world of battle. CaoCaowill bedefeated one day. We will be the one to achievetheunification ofthis world!" Zhang Fei "I'm still waiting for arealchallenge!"Cao Hong "You can conquer the world without me, butwecannotconquer this world without my Emperor! " Three Kingdoms,apopulargame background, which was chased by many threekingdomsfans. 1800years ago, Warlords were tangled fight. Manythreekingdoms’ heroeswere famous at then. The Battle of GuanDu, CaoCaodefeated YuanShao army of 80,000 to 20,000 troops andestablishedthe basic ofunified of the north. Another less is morecampaign,red cliff, dueto the careless and proud, CaoCao weredefeated byunite of Shu andWu. Those historic heroes and campaignwill vividdisplayer in thegame. Come on, now join the game havechance to winamazing prizeand talking with famousattractivegirls.___________________________________________Fanpage:* Please NOTE: This isanonline game only. Your mobile device mustbe connected to WiFiinorder to play.
少年三國志 3.3.64
横扫寰宇秉生死、怒斩乾坤杀仇人,让你踏在敌人的尸首上向天下怒吼:“就凭你能奈我何?有话等你死了再说吧!”仙域争霸2,再续经典,让你一路PK到底!他不死,你就不要睡了!==游戏背景==光明之后必有暗流涌动。接连两次惨遭大败的魔教中人暗中蛰伏,等待时机一雪前耻。魔教一败涂地。魔尊欲复原元灵却终被封印。…………如今魔教逐渐恢复,笼罩了整片魔境二十四年的封印已经濒临崩溃,原本富丽丰饶之地,也随着魔教复苏,彻底沦为荒陲绝境。魔教徒众欲撕碎封印屠戮仙域,正道弟子则死守险关血染碧宵。一切故事还没完,带上你仇人的头颅,让这片土地充满血腥味吧!==游戏特色==★这里没有安全区,小心你脚下的头颅!在万人世界里,随心所欲地让你PK,24小时杀个不停!听说杀人可以转运!践踏别人的灵魂去征服这块土地,成为最强王者吧!★打BOSS还能掉装?!BOSS你来揍,装备归你所有!只要你能干掉BOSS,大量装备就是你的!就怕你干不掉!★兄弟结拜,带上你的帮会一起杀!帮会战!联盟战!武道会!各种帮派约战等你来!只要够兄弟,就能上场杀个片甲不留!★对了!还可以结婚转生!动动手指,美妻到手!让你可以实现荣誉美女双丰收!★坐骑宠物统统都可以拥有!最萌宠物、酷炫坐骑,你的伙伴由你决定!实力魅力双丰收,从此王者不寂寞!客服邮箱:[email protected] Universal Lawoflife and death, anger cut heaven and earth to kill the enemy,soyou tread on enemy corpses roar to the world: "? Naiwo alone,youcan have if you die, then we'll talk!"Sin domain StarCraft 2, adjourned classic, so you all the way PKinthe end! He die, you do not sleep!== Background == GameAfter the light must be simmering. Evil Man brutally defeatedtwosuccessive secretly dormant, waiting for the opportunitybeforeshameful.Evil failure. To recover Mozun spiritual element buteventuallyseal.............Evil is now gradually restored, enveloped the whole pieceMagicLand, twenty-four years of the seal on the verge of collapse,theoriginal richly fertile land, along with the recovery ofEvil,completely reduced to barren frontier impasse. Evil followerswantshredded seal killing cents domain disciples the right way tohangon insurance clearance bloody Bi Xiao.All the story is not finished, bring your enemy's head, so thatthispiece of land full of the smell of blood it!== Game Features ==★ There is no safe area, be careful of your feet head!People in the world, want to let you PK, 24 Xiaoshi kill non-stop!Iheard that murder can be transported! Trample on someone else'ssoulto conquer the land, it has become the most powerfulking!★ playing BOSS can swap device? !BOSS beat you come armed with all yours! If you can kill BOSS, alotof equipment is yours! Afraid you can not afford to dry!★ sworn brothers, bring your gang to kill together!Gang warfare! Coalition warfare! Budokai! Various ganggatherswaiting for you! Brothers long enough, you can play tokillPianjiabuliu!★ Yes! You can also get married reincarnation!Fingertips, American wife hand! So that you can honor the beautyofthe double harvest!★ mounts all pets can have!Most Meng pet, cool horse, your partner is up to you!Strength charm double harvest, from the king not lonely!Facebook: Service Email: [email protected]
每一段傳說,都跟一個傳奇人物有關——皓月大陸上,也同樣有著這樣一個傳說。他是第一個,也是唯一成神的人類。領悟了星辰運轉軌跡,人獸生老病死,草木繁榮枯萎,冷暖四季變換的他擁有呼風喚雨,撼天震地的異能。他通曉古今,預測未來,因此被尊為先知之神。然而皓月歷331年,炎魔現世,生靈塗炭!先知之神被打敗,靈魂被封鎖在地底深處。炎魔身上,有著什麼秘密?國王派遣了一匹部隊前往營救,隊伍中包刮前線勇者「魔劍士」,吟誦自然之力的法術使「元素師」與攻其不備的黑暗隱者「潛行者」,冒險者們阿!快拿起武器,跟上腳步,為榮耀而戰。遊戲特色系統介紹【全新組隊玩法,各職業出頭天】可以加入別人的隊伍成為隊員,也可以創建隊伍成為隊長。在隊伍中,您能自如地和隊友交流,團隊作戰,享受一起打BOSS的樂趣。【坐騎跑酷副本,搭乘拉風坐騎】操作搖杆移動來獲取金幣,寶箱來累計積分,同時還要小心避開路上的障礙物,要是被撞倒可是會受傷扣血的。【百層勇者之塔,挑戰自我極限】冒險者們逐級而上,站在塔頂便是無上的榮耀。勇者之塔無層數限制,只要你行,只要你敢,便給你無限挑戰。【獨特翅膀系統,搭配華麗裝飾】系統贈送翅膀達到10級後即可啟動穿戴,隨著等級上升還會越變越華麗呢!穿戴翅膀不僅僅是為了酷炫,還能為人物增加額外屬性。【勇闖遺跡金庫,實現千萬富翁】冒險者們打敗遺跡中的寶箱怪,可獲得大量金幣,俗話說出門在外雖然錢不是萬能,但沒錢卻萬萬不能阿~【金銀島大探險,搜尋珍貴寶物】金銀島是護送帆船,主要能獲得聲望和金幣,也可邀請好友協助或搶奪其他玩家,點擊刷新可以刷新出海的船隻,越好的船隻收穫越大哦~※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
Fantasy Chronicles 3.4.0
>> Thousands of players realtimePKof3Dframes, unique pets and bloodline shapeshift!<<[Game Information]Fantasy Chronicles is a 3D fantasy MMORPG masterpieceofcuteversion.It creatively allows you to ride those lovely,uniquepetsandprovides plenty functions such as BloodlineAwakening,DynamicAIInstances, Real-time Day and Night. Thousandsof skillsareavailablefor free combination; peerless Halidom, GearsandSuitsare all yours;Single mode, Team mode and Legion skirmishinWildPK immerse playersin a brand new MMORPG world.[Game Features]--Unlocked realtime wild battles allows thousands ofplayerstofightin one screen;--Inimitable pets are not only your rides butalsoassistantsinfight!--Legion War realizes a 60V60 realtime battlefield;--No limitation! Free fight, free trade, free wild PK!--Awake your ancient Bloodline: one role, two shapes;--A giant world map, alternation of day andnight,dynamiclighting,world's top image quality;--Plane system makes it possible to shuttle indifferentscenesandenjoy various combat styles;--Brilliant collection of multiple luxury fashionswilldisplayyourrefined taste!A pinnacle of mobile games in 2016, acartoonish3DMMORPGmasterpiece——Fantasy Chronicles, a hit of thisyear![Gameplay Introduction]--Exciting PVP: Innovative World Boss, PillageandEscortquests,magnificent Legion Wars, Arena, Wild PK… Allofthemwilldefinitely satisfy your killing appetite, fulfillyourdesireforglory and show your overwhelming glamour asadynast!--Conquest: One server VS one person! Legendary Red Gearswillshowuphere!--Pet Expedition: Our innovative gameplay! Pets willgetnewabilitiesthrough bloodline evolution and team upforexpedition.They overcomeall the difficulties to bring backraretrophy fortheir owner!Tips: You can choose Chinese or English version freely.————◆Customer Service◆————Visit Facebook Fans Pageformoreactivities: emails to CS for more services: [email protected] our homepage for more
Battleheart Legacy 1.5.3
Mika Mobile
Explore a rich and detailed fantasy world in Battleheart Legacy!
蘭陵王King of Lanling 1.0.01
电视剧正版授权改编的史诗ARPG!百人团战、阵营实时PK,无间战火一触即发!结识知心轻松摇,摇到美女一起聊!官方网站:官方粉丝团:【游戏特色】★史诗壮丽的《兰陵王》原著剧情完美重现。根据收视人口达1700多万的热门影剧正版授权改编的ARPG手机游戏!★三大阵营爽快实时PK竞技,技能、轻功等多重搭配衍生丰富战术。为了国家霸业及自身的荣耀,投身著名战役撼动天下大势!★互动交友轻松摇,摇到美女一起聊,全新的语音聊天模式,让你只需动口不动手。不再一个个文字输入,透过摇一摇以及全新语音系统,让你聊天交友更轻松!★全新的操作设计理念,一根手指即可轻松游玩的ARPG游戏。跨世代手游操作模式,随时随地轻松玩!★强大的角色养成系统,技能招式、内功和侍宠等多种培养路线。游戏蕴含丰富的养成方式,进化ARPG角色培养的真髓!★颠覆手游的PVE系统,独有创新的“摇一摇”组队模式。崭新的组队模式,不仅能邀请战友一同战斗,更有有趣的互动小游戏!★华丽渲染特效,紧张刺激的战斗感官盛宴。顺畅华丽的战斗画面,古代战场的激烈厮杀跃然呈现于掌间!★酷炫坐骑究极进化!尊贵视觉突显王者霸气。丰富的坐骑养成系统,乘上外观与能力不断进化的坐骑,衬托出您的王者尊容!★丰富副本玩法,等您来挑战。多元多种类的副本玩法,一直玩一直玩一直玩,天天都有新挑战!===========================================================================【Statement】Epic RPG bases on a famous TV program with officiallicensing.MMO Action game includes real-time PK, 1v1 arena, andmultiplayerbattlefield.Find best teammates anytime and anywhere.Official website: Page:【FEATURES】★Experience an epic story completely in accordance withmagnificentTV drama Lan Ling Wang.★Three forces againts each other. Ten Battlefields on fireeveryday. Improve yourself with plenty skills and gears to fightwithother players.★Easy to find friends. Realtime match and chat with text orvoicemessage.★Brand-new concept of semi-control game experience.
奇蹟MU-王者歸來 18.0.0
【開啟全新玩法-魔龍紀元】 ★新的章節!新的任務!迎接王者們回歸★●王的戰爭-魔龍之島嶄新的紀元,最激烈殘酷的戰爭一觸即發!「魔龍之島」百人爭奪戰,唯有對魔龍之主造成傷害最高的隊伍或獲勝者,才能取得最終的魔龍寶箱,並榮獲「魔龍終結者」最強頭銜!●新地圖-尼克西斯湖跨服18轉地圖「黑暗沼澤」,五條冒險路線,探索最新主線任務!●打造夢幻重生裝備重生套裝類型分為兩種,分別為「重生防具套裝」、「重生飾品套裝」,促使勇者們再創巔峰,提供戰力加成的一大福音!==適配機型==設備:三星、HTC、Sony等大部分品牌和機型 作業系統:4.0版本及以上,有獨立GPU處理器剩餘存儲空間:600M以上依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為:輔導15歲級本遊戲涉及角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾,有打鬥、攻擊等未達血腥之畫面本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務===關於手機許可權SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW使用的聲明===當用戶使用Facebook賬號登入遊戲時,遊戲內會出現Facebook懸浮視窗,該視窗的功能包括Facebook社交分享功能,這時會啟動SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW許可權
《花千骨》仗打三生三世! 3.1.0
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Dungeon Quest
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Eternium 1.13.2
Making Fun
A tribute to classic RPGs, made with passion by old-school gamers.
Dungeon Hunter 4
Venture forth into the mostimmersive,accomplished, and addictive chapter of the acclaimedaction RPGsaga!***** REDISCOVER THE THRILL OF DUNGEON CRAWLER GAMES- Hack your way through an EPIC STORYLINE & a darkfantasyadventure- SLASH hundreds of enemies and massive bosses- LOOT countless items***** EXPERIENCE A TRUE RPG- Choose from 4 types of warriors with unique combat styles- UPGRADE your battle skills- CUSTOMIZE, craft and charm your gear- Throughout the game, unveil the mysteries surroundingyourwarriors***** GO FOR MULTIPLAYER ACTION- Fight along your friends in the CO-OP arenas- Show off your battle skills in the action-packed PVP mode- Gather up and fight other warriors in TEAM DEATHMATCH gamesThe Demons, a race thought to have been extinguished eons ago,havereturned. You awaken from what seemed like a nightmare to findyourkingdom, Valenthia, decimated. Unharmed from the battle, youaremysteriously gifted with tremendous new power and skills. Youcouldbe your people’s only remaining hope…Embark on an epic adventure and get ready to fight your waythroughintense solo and multiplayer levels in this new freeinstallment ofthe iconic dungeon crawler game.This free fantasy game is best suited for fans of: hack 'nslash,action RPGs, dark fantasy games, multiplayer and freeadventuregames.If you are one of them, get the game now for free!_____________________________________________Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at or likeuson Facebook at to get more infoaboutall our free upcoming games.Check out our videos and game trailerson our blog at fortheinside scoop on everything Gameloft.Privacy Policy : of Use : User License Agreement :
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War of Guardian 1.1.4
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