Top 50 Apps Similar to Ventus

Acctery - Your Journal to buil 2.2.1
Self-care diary to track your mood and battle your anxiety.
Minima Pro Live Wallpaper 3.3
Minima brings an endless range of shifting shapes and colors toyourhomescreen!
Humanforce – Get ready for the next shift 10.4.40
Enjoy the power and functionality of Humanforce fromtheconvenienceof your mobile device. Humanforce helps employersgetready for thenext shift: • Stay on top of your mobileworkforcewith a singleoperational view from your mobile device,easilycheck late startersand fill absent worker shifts • Stay uptodate, approve employeeleave and availability on the go •Easilyoffer shifts to employeesbased on their skills andavailability •Quickly fill open shifts bysending alerts to yourmobile workforce• Approve and managetimesheets on the go • Manageemployeecommunication with one-one orone-to team messaging •Broadcastimportant communications to yourteams Humanforce helpsemployeesget ready for their next shift: •Quickly clock in and outof workfrom your mobile device • Submitleave requests and manageyouravailability • View your timesheetsfor the shifts and hoursyou’veworked in a pay period • Have theflexibility to bid on shiftsthatsuit you • Manage all your shiftsusing your calendar •Receivenotifications when shifts are offeredto you • Easily stay ontopof shift changes with alerts andnotifications • Receiverosteredshifts straight to your mobile assoon as they’re published• Stayup to date with company or teamannouncements • Stay in touchwithyour colleagues with one-one orone-to team messagingAboutHumanforce app Almost every shift hasits no-shows, latearrivals,and special requests, but, you’ve alsogot to deal with thebigshifts in how people work – everything fromnewemployeeexpectations to new technologies, new regulations, andothermajorchanges. Humanforce brings a whole new approach tomanagingyourteams and the way you work where you can simplify theprocess,seeeverything at once, and stay ahead of the curve.That’swhythousands of businesses of all sizes – hotelstohospitals,resources to recreation, stadiums to shops and more–useHumanforce to get ready for the next shift.
Inspiration plus education, all in the palm of your hand.
Graphie - EXIF editor 2.0.2
Pavlo Rekun
Metadata managing tool for your images!
Mindfully: Improve Your Mood 5.0.12-56
Improve your mood by monitoring your emotions and changingyourhabits.
EnneaApp 6.3
EnneaApp – A complete mobile Enneagram guide *Includes afreeEnneagram test
ProcessMAP Mobile 23.1.03
Environmental Health Safety (EHS) Sustianability (SCM)LearningCompliance (ELC)
A Numerology 1.2.279
Learn about your life secret and potential from your Date of birth.
SellHound - The Reseller's Lis 2.4.8
The Fast-Growing Reseller's Secret Weapon
This version of the app is discontinued
Practical Magic Store 2.20.60
The official way to shop with Practical Magic Store on Android!
Glaze Icon Pack 9.8.6
Stark Designs
Icons that will love you back!!
ConsiderBeyond 1.2.31
the Guide to Conscious Lifestyle
What's it worth on eBay? (ad-f 7.1.8
What is your item worth on eBay? Find out!
COMPLETE ASTROLOGICAL PORTRAIT (an Astral Mirror) Aldebaran-83.0
Analysis and interpretation of a birth chart from the sky chart.Theinterpretation includes the following chapters: ➊ Temperament➋Character and personality ➌ Psychological analysis ➍Professionaldiagnosis ➎ Spheres of personal realization ➏ Summaryand advice ➐Astrological Dominants ➑ Astro-psychological profile ➒Technicaldata astrological ➓ Chart map of birth sky - European orAmericanformat For a total of about thirty pages of astrologicalanalysis.➽ TEMPERATURE The analysis of temperament is based ontheastrological elements that characterize the primordial vitalforcesin which the development of the subject is inscribed. Morethan aformal description, this chapter describes the "operatingmodes"that seem to dominate the dynamics of the native. ➽ THECHARACTERThis second chapter is a description of the differentfacets of thesubject's personality. Based on the position of theplanets in signand on the position of the ascendant and his"master", he describesthe various instinctual and behavioraltendencies, endeavoring todraw the modalities - arduous or easy -of their integration intowithin the whole that seeks to synthesizethe individuality of thesubject. ➽ PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS Thepsychological study uncoversthe basic structure of the native'spersonality. The followingfacets are discussed: self-ideal,affectivity and sexuality, mentalabilities and dynamic resources. ➽PROFESSIONAL DIAGNOSIS Afterhaving identified the underlyingmotivations of the subject, theessential psychological functionsthat contribute to his social andprofessional integration, thestudy then completes this descriptionby a behavioral analysis andadvice on the best behavior to take inthe face of social reality. ➽SUMMARY AND ADVICE In this chapter,it is the complex astrologicalfigures that draw the specificity ofthe subject that are studied.From their analysis follow generaladvice and warnings. ➽ SPHERES OFPERSONAL REALIZATION Thischapter, analyzing more particularly theterrestrial position ofthe planets, sets out to define thedifferent areas of life wherethe subject will meet the majoropportunities to grow and develop.➽ ASTROLOGICAL DOMINANTSReturning to the more general and'archetypal' aspects, this chapterdiscusses astrologicaldominants. ➽ ASTRO-PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE Thischapter draws agraphical profile with 17 opposing pairs offundamentalpsychological components. This graph sketches thepsychologicalprofile of the subject. Each of the elements composingthis profileis then the object of an explanatory commentary. ➽CONCLUSIONSeveral readings are usually necessary to grasp themeaning of sucha study; We also advise you to keep it and read itover the comingmonths, in order to have a bigger perspective.Following thisreading, you can also get in touch with an astrologerfor an oralconsultation - direct contact is often valuable. Thefree versionof the app is fully functional. The interpretation ofthe secondchapter (Character and personality) is issued to you freeof chargeso that you realize the richness of your "Astral Mirror".You canacquire online as much interpretation of astral themes asyou want.We loath commercial advertisements concerning our work.But, if youare enjoying this app, we would appreciate that you tellto peoplewho could have a use of it and interest to it, how muchyou didenjoy it yourself.
Invaluable 3.0.0
5,000+ auctions in your pocket
Paperland Pro Live Wallpaper
A fantastic paper cut-out landscapescrollsacross your screen! Choose a fixed time of day, or let thesun andmoon rise and set according to real world around you.Live local weather is now available around the world, poweredbyAccuWeather. We've added an interactive billboard tosupportglobal, hourly, accurate conditions, so that users who wantto takeadvantage of live weather can do so at no additionalcost.Choose from a variety of built in themes:+ Valentine's Day+ Christmas+ Thanksgiving+ Halloween+ Easter+ St. Patrick's Day+ New Year's Eve+ Silent Night+ Desert Migration+ Beach+ Balloon Festival+ Big City+ Autumn+ Tundra+ Papery Land+ Wilderness+ Sunset+ Silhouette+ Road Trip!+ Marina+ Amethyst+ Rainy Day+ Winter DriveTo configure all the colors and objects and save your ownthemes,download Paperland Pro!Take screen shots of your creations and share them withyourfriends!Use the Randomize feature to come up with an infinite numberofnew themes!If you like to change settings a lot, be sure to addthePaperland settings widget to your home screen (Home > Menu>Add > Widgets > Paperland).Permissions:+ Internet permission is used for fetching localweatherinformation.+ SD card permission required for screenshot saving.+ General location permission is required for live weatherandaccurate sunrise/sunset time calculation.
MyCollections 13
Altova GmbH
MyCollections makes it fun and easy to catalog your collectiblesandkeepsakes! Construction App 4.30.10
OpenSpace provides ground truth for your construction jobsite.Whileother 3D capture tools require dedicated setup andcapturetime,OpenSpace is special because it’s 100% labor free.Simplyattach the3D camera to the top of your hardhat with theincludedmount, thencontinue as normal - our proprietaryartificialintelligencealgorithm does the rest! It’s easy aswearing aFitbit. Think of usas a visual time machine, allowingyour team tocreate 360 degreeprogress photos and visit aparticular place atthe job, at anymoment in time. Resolveconflicts, validate WIP,add visual contextto DCR’s and RFI’s andsave needless travel tothe site. WhyOpenSpace? It works as youwork: our advanced (andpatent pending!)AI transforms the raw videodata into a complete,easy-to-navigateGoogle Streetview style 360degree map of yoursite, with no efforton your part. Fullyautomated: As you movethrough the site, our AIautomatically mapsthe video feed to yourblueprints and creates a360 degree record ofprogress. WithOpenSpace, you hit record and go.We capture datawhile you work,so there is no labor cost. Othersystems require youto assignsomeone a time-consuming “photo capturetask” - and thoselaborcosts adds up. Time machine: Visit any pointin time throughaninteractive 360 degree map of your site. Zoom andexploreeverydetail and see progress as it happened. What do ourcustomerssay?Darin Peters Vice President, Hathaway Dinwiddie“OpenSpacesolvessome simple but necessary requirements of theconstructionprocess:progress photos, site documentation andworkstreamcoordination…OpenSpace has made it easy - and easy is key- for usto have aliving visual record of the jobsite progress,which hasradicallyimproved the reporting we have today. The futureof whatwe can dowith this data is exciting.” Ready to get started?Contactus [email protected]
Skit Premium - apps manager 3.2
Pavel Rekun
Simplest and most intuitive app manager!
I Ching: App of Changes 14.2.2
Code Poetry
Wise guidance to life's turning points from an ancient text.
Boundo: App API Checker
Clifford Liu
A tools bundle bound to do things for you
A virtual paint rack for miniature, hobby, and wargamer painters!
Laluna: Horoscope & Numerology 3.1.16
Astrology Zodiac Compatibility
Koi Shopping 2.1.5
Shopping doesn't have to be a pain in the 🍑
FastTech Mobile
* Android 5.x and below: camera permissionisasked for taking product photos and attach them to yoursupporttickets in-app.----- Russian, German, and French app interfaces are comingsoon! carries and ships over 100,000 electronics andgadgetsall over the world.This official app allows you shop, track packages, andcontactsupport. All order, support, and account data issecurelytransmitted via SSL/TLS encrypted connections.Shopping- Browse, search, sort, and view products- Full access to your wish lists- Get notified of new arrivals- Read customer reviews- Access customer forums- Directly add products to shopping cart and check out ordersTrack & Support- View and track status of placed orders- View package snapshots and track delivery as soon as theyareshipped- Quickly open and reply to support tickets- Capture and upload photos along with your support tickets- Push notifications for staff responses* FastTech does not SPAM. To receive new arrivals pushnotification,you must opt-in to the newsletter subscription whichis available inyour FastTech Account (via browser) > Profilepage. Direct link:
Papersea Pro Live Wallpaper 1.3
An amazing undersea adventure awaits!
Color Street Stylist App 2.89.5
Krato Inc.
Introducing the new Color Street Stylist Appmobileapplication.Start your path to success today and be connectedlikeneverbefore. Stay informed with corporate messagesandnotifications.Complete challenges to earn points andrewards.Access companydocuments through the Resource Library.Growing yourbusiness hasnever been so easy with our new mobileapplication.
Castro - system info 4.6.1
Pavel Rekun
Learn the vast amount of system information about device andmonitorit's state
HexShaders Premium 2.2.2
Animated live wallpaper shows hexagonal pixels with shaderprograms.
Auction Sniper 3.17.0
Snipe and bid to win eBay auctions with Auction Sniperusingautomatic bidding!
Nebula Mobile 17.01
The Nebula Mobile let manage your network from the palm ofyourhand, anywhere.
Keep Home® by Framework 5.0.1
Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned homeowner,theKeep by Framework™ self-paced courses, tools,resources,checklists, and support will help you navigate homebuyingand homemaintenance management confidently. --Get to know your homeAssessyour home and quickly add suggested tasks to your to-do list,soyou can plan for maintenance and care for your investment.--Planyour seasonal home maintenance needs Give your home a healthcheckwith seasonal home maintenance management checklists. Keepyourhome in order and protect it from unexpected repairs, from falltospring and everything in between. --Manage your homemaintenanceto-do list Stay on top of home-related tasks andprojects. Usecustom tags and filters to organize. Set due dates andget emailand push notification reminders to keep on track. Loghomemaintenance details for easy access when talking withcontractorsor shopping for tools and materials. --Keep yourself oncourse withKeep Homebuyer Ed Your journey starts wherever you are.We’ll guideyou through wondering if you’re ready, looking atlistings, andsearching for a lender. Ready to buy? Let us help asyou put in anoffer, finalize a purchase, and move into your newhome andmaintain it like a pro. --Create your home profile in 'MyHome'Keep your home details in one helpful place. Organizeeverythingfrom roof types to important warranties and documents.Keep trackof your paint colors, contractors and more. As warrantyand policyexpiration dates approach, set a reminder to look intorenewal,service or replacement. --Tackle your next home projectLearn howto plan your first home renovation, how to pay forprojects, hirecontractors and get hands-on with home projects youcan DIY.--Tools to take control From equity to escrow, learn tospeak thelanguage of homeownership with confidence. Accessdownloadablechecklists, worksheets, and a glossary of need-to-knowterms,always on hand when you need them. --Build financial securityforgenerations to come We believe that homeownership is foreveryone.Owning a home creates possibility, freedom, and securityfor thefuture. A well-informed choice brings peace of mind. A placetocall your own establishes stability and belonging. Let’screatemore confident, successful homeowners and strongercommunities forgenerations to come. Access Keep on any device. Forlaptops andtablets, use the web app at moreinformation on our terms of use and privacy policy, pleasevisit
Planit Pro: Photo Planner 10.4.17
A must-have app for landscape photographers
Blossm - Social Plant Market 2.8.3
Blossm, Inc.
Buy, Sell, and Trade Plants
Gardroid - Premium 1.17.0
The app that helps you to grow your own crops in yourkitchengarden!
Vent Tools 1.2.4
Lindab Vent Tools is a collection of useful tools fortheventilation business.
Field Guide to Life: Recovery
Daily meditations and tools to support your recovery and helpyoustay sober.
3C App Manager 1.5.0
The most powerful app manager for Android
Gardenize: Garden & Plant care 6.3.7
Gardenize AB
Organize your Plants. Grow your Garden with the Gardening&Plant Care Journal
Golden Thread Tarot 0.0.1
Lessons, Readings, Journals, Meanings & more. Learn Tarot&Learn about Yourself
What's it worth on eBay? FREE 7.1.4
What's it worth on eBay? That's what you want to know beforesellingyour stuff on eBay or anywhere else. The What's it worth oneBay appdetermines a realistic average price from itemssuccessfully sold inthe past weeks. Perfect to find out what youcan earn sellingsomething, or to check if a promising bargainreally is one. Theideal app for any powerseller, sales agent,ambitioned eBayer andfor use on flea markets, yard sales and more... Experience witheBay website (completed listings) is advised tofully take advantageof this app! Features: ===================== *FREE version containsads * Supported eBay country sites: USA,Germany, Australia,Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Ireland,Italy, Malaysia,Netherlands, Philippines, Singapore, Spain,Switzerland, UK * Showsestimated price, shipping, price range andnet profit at a glance *Statistics show price by day of week andprice distribution graph *Search by condition (new, used, ...) andin subcategories * Browsethe completed listings found for yoursearch * Adjustable filter:Ignore items containing certain words(eg, defective) Copyright:=================== eBay (R) is aregistered trademark of eBay Inc.This app is a private project andis in no way related to eBay Inc.,Important: ===================Since April 2010 search in completeditems is possible without aneBay account on most country sites.This might change again in thefuture, in which case the app willinform you. Until then the loginonly gives you advantagescalculating the shipping to your personallocation. Of course youraccount data remains on your deviceexclusively and is never sent tome, or to other third parties! Itis only used to securely login tothe eBay website via HTTPS/SSL.Just use the app without login, ifyou still have concerns! Thisapp is under active development!Suggestions and bug reports arewelcome! Reviews of course too ;-)Please note that due totechnical reasons this app may be updatedquite often! Do notinstall if this is a problem for you.
FidoLED 1.9.1
A Calculator for LED Pixels and wall sizes, complete withGridGeneration.
Unusual Wallpapers 2022ABD
Welcome to land of Hand crafted vector wallpapers.
SmartRock 7.4.1
SmartRock™ is the world’s #1 wireless sensor formonitoringthecuring and hardening of concrete. Unliketime-consuminganderror-prone break tests, or cumbersome wiredsensors,Giatec’spatented SmartRock sensor is fully embedded andsecured ontherebar, making it completely maintenanceandhassle-free.Temperature data is collected, and the strength ofyourin-placeconcrete is calculated automatically based on thematuritymethod,a highly accurate ASTM-approved strength test.SmartRock hasbeenequipped with dual-temperature monitoringcapabilities.Thisenables users to measure temperature values attwolocationssimultaneously allowing users to easilymonitortemperaturedifferentials between the concrete’s core andsurface.Theseresults are accessible in real-time andremotelythroughthe SmartRock mobile app, which can collect datafrom up to40 feetaway, and on the Giatec 360 desktop dashboard.SmartRock’sAIassistant, Roxi™, sends smart notifications and alertstohelpproject managers make informed decisions andoptimizetheirconstruction schedules. Together with theSmartHub™remotemonitoring device, SmartRock has enabled faster,safer, andmoreeconomical concrete construction in over 6,200projects across45countries. SmartRock can be used to: •Measuretemperaturedifferentials • Accelerate formwork removal •Controlquality inthe field • Speed up post-tensioning • Open roadstotraffic faster• Optimize curing conditions • Improve sawcuttingtime
WaterExpert 12.38.1
WaterExpert™ is an all-in-one solution for digitizingyourplant.Combining asset management, maintenancemanagement,alarmmanagement and real-time data monitoring into oneeasy touseplatform. Login to your account from your own device andkeepyourwhole team connected in the office and in thefield.AssetManagement Track the valuable information andpredictlife-cyclesof your important plant assets. Prolong the lifeof youragingassets and plan for future capital expenses. Map outyourplant andremote sites. Knowledge Capture & LibraryDigitizeyour O&Mmanuals and SOP documentation. Use yourexistingsmartphone ortablet to record processes, then upload to theapp forall users toaccess across all devices. Videos are linkedtospecific equipment,so the right video is always with therightequipment. MaintenanceManagement Automate tasks requiredformanaging and reportingmaintenance and work orders. Giveyourtechnicians convenient andtimely access to the appropriateO&Minfo and/or videos.Implement an effective preventivemaintenanceprogram to extend thelife of your equipment. OperatorRounds Createoperator roundsforms, then assign them to your team.Users cancheck off tasks,enter readings directly in the app, attachphotos,trend recordedreadings in charts and more. Multiple peoplecancollaborate onrounds sheets and logs are created automaticallyuponcompletion.Alarm Management Get immediate notifications ofproblemsandquickly make informed decisions based on yourknowledgelibrary.Set custom alarm notifications withdetailedresolutioninstructions. Start building compliance foralarmindustrystandards such as ANSI / ISA 18.2 Data Monitoring Knowwhatishappening in real-time. Simply create customized HMIwidgetstoprovide live machine monitoring or water qualitymonitoring foranypart of your plant. See historical trend chartstoanalyzeperformance or build reports.
iCollect Everything 7.9.1
For collectors of Movies, Books, Music, Video Games, ComicBooks,and more!