Top 4 Apps Similar to History Of England

سيرة الصحابة والتابعين بدون نت dor100
تطبيق جديد يقدم لكم معلومات عن قصص الصحابةوحياة الصحابة، من حسيث نسبهم واسلامهم وملخص عنهم ومرتبتهمصحابة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقصد به من صحبوا رسول اللهمحمدوآمنوا بدعوته.رجال حول الرسول شاركوا في أغلب فترات حياتهبعدالدعوة، وساعدوه على إيصال تاريخ الاسلام ودافعوا عنه في مراتعدة.وبعد وفاة رسول الله قام الصحابة بتوليالخلافة في الفترة التي عرفت بعهد الخلفاء الراشدين ( سيرةالخلفاءالراشدين و تاريخ الخلفاء و قصص الخلفاء ):هذا التطبيق في تطور مستمر لإضافة عدد أكبر من صحابة ومعلومات أكثرعنكل صحابي مثل- ابي بكر الصديق- علي بن ابي طالب- عمر بن الخطاب- عثمان بن عفاننقدم لكم عزيزي القاريء بعض الكتب التي يمكنك قرائتها فيالموضوع:- كتب السيوطي- كتاب تاريخ الاسلام- نهج البلاغة- كتاب حياة الصحابة كاملمن خلال هدا التطبيق يمكنك ايضا معرفة :- قصص الصحابة رضي الله عنهم- قصص الصحابة والصالحين- حياة الصحابة رضي الله عنهم- سيرة الصحابة- اقوال الصحابة- خطب علي بن ابي طالب- سيرة عمر بن الخطاب- اقوال عمر بن الخطاب- قصة عمر بن الخطاب- المبشرون بالجنة- قصص الصالحين- omar ibn khattab- kisas sahaba- sahaba- hayat sahaba- 3omar ibn khattab- othmanنرجو في الاخير ان يتم تقييم التطبيق ب 5 نجوم تظراللمجهوذالمبذول.للتواصل معنا او لطرح تساؤلاتكم راسلونا على :[email protected] new applicationoffersyou information on the stories and life companionscompanions, Hsetof their lineage and their Islam and a summary ofthem and theirorderCompanions of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him means ofhadaccompanied the Messenger of Allah and Mohammed believeBdaute.rjalabout the Prophet participated in most periods of hislife after thecall, and helped him to deliver the history of Islamand defendedhim in several times. After the death of the Messengerof Allah hiscompanions to take overSuccession in the period known as the era of Caliphs (thebiographyof the Caliphs and the history of the Righteous Caliphsandstories): This application is constantly evolving to add a greater numberofCompanions and more information about all such Sahabi- Abu Bakr- Ali bin Abi Talib- Omar bin al-Khattab- Othman bin AffanDear reader offer you some of the books that you can read onthesubject:- Wrote Suyooti- Book on the history of Islam- Nahj- A book full of life companionsThrough Hedda application you can also learn:- Stories companions, God bless them- Companions and the righteous Stories- Life companions, God bless them- Biography Companions- Sayings of the Companions- Speeches of Ali bin Abi Talib- The biography of Omar ibn al-Khattab- The words of Omar ibn al-Khattab- The story of Omar Ibn al-Khattab- Missionaries Paradise- Righteous Stories- Omar ibn khattab- Kisas sahaba- Sahaba- Hayat sahaba- 3omar ibn khattab- OthmanWe hope that in the fourth application is a 5-star TzeraMjhozeffort to assess.To communicate with us or to ask your questionsopportunitiescontact us on:[email protected]
Drawchill app
Brightly written; there is not a dullorunnecessary line from beginning to end. The amount ofinformationis surprising, and it is sure to be popular.”—CatholicEducator.“This careful summary of English History is intended forpupilsin the middle forms of public and private schools; it iswelladapted for this purpose.”—Educational Times.
Life of Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A 1.0
Urdu Apps
Al-Farooq (الفاروق-علامہ شبلی نعمانی) is the biography ofHazratUmarFarooq (R.A). Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) was one of themostpowerfuland influential Muslim caliphs in history. Most oftheUrdu appsdeveloper use scan images of book and that maketheirapps big insize but i use unicode in my Urdu Apps so it uselessspace.This urduislamic app doesn’t need any external datadownloadafterinstallation. This is only a single file download,justinstall andread the biography of Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A).Nointernetconnection is required to use this Islamic app. ThisUrduApp worksoffline too. This Urdu app is also compatiblewithtablets. You cancustomise every thing including font size,fontcolor and page color.You can add and remove book marks.Foreasynavigation use catalog.You can search any thing in this urdunovelapp if your phone ortablet support Urdu language- ForUrdulanguage support install UrduKeyboard , compatible with yoursmartphone or tablet from Googleplay store. We warmly welcomeyoursuggestions and support, send yourfeedback and suggestionstoDeveloper's email address.