Top 2 Apps Similar to G-module

Magnetic Error Calculator 1.2
- компас;- инклинометр;- оценка погрешностей магнитныхинформационно-измерительныхсистем.- Compass;- Inclinometer;- Assessment of the errors of the magneticinformation-measuringsystems.
Groundwater Flow Calculator 2.2
Hydraulic gradient and direction of flowofaquifers can now be found on site with the help of your phone'sGPScapabilities. Automating the hand-drawn hydraulic gradientapproachdescribed by the USGS in Basic Groundwater Hydrology,theGroundwater Flow Calculator quickly calculates thehydraulicgradient and direction of flow of an area where at leastthreegroundwater monitoring wells are set-up in a triangularpattern.Once you begin the program, three input screens willappearone-by-one. Each screen represents one of threegroundwatermonitoring wells and will require five inputs. The fiveinputs arethe latitude and longitude of the monitoring well, theelevation ofthe land surface where the monitoring well is located,the lengthof the monitoring well casing from the land surface tothe top ofthe well casing, and the depth from the top of the wellcasing tothe groundwater. The latitude and longitude for each ofthemonitoring wells can either be input manually or canbeautomatically input using your phone's GPS coordinates.Results from the calculations are automatically shownaftercompleting the inputs for the third monitoring well.Hydraulicgradient information will be given in units of m/m andthedirection of flow will be given in degrees clockwise fromTrueNorth. The corresponding map shows the location of thethreemonitoring wells.For more information please visit our website: