Top 15 Games Similar to 疯狂猜脸

1+1猜猜猜2 11.0
Small Factory
1+1猜猜猜2代推出囉!!更具有聯想力、更加趣味的題目!這是一款看圖片猜謎遊戲,題目由兩張圖片構成,玩家可依照圖片給與的提示或雙關語等去猜答案,趕緊來動動腦筋吧。遊戲特色:★ 完全免費玩!不花錢也可以享受動腦樂趣★ 更多豐富的梗,新鮮趣味不枯燥★ 親和的美術風格,最貼近大眾化的娛樂★ 請把你的聯想能力發揮到極致吧,題庫設計由淺而深,難易適中★ 題目逗趣、圖片可愛,不定期會更新擴充新題目★ 超過20種類的題目類型,變化多端,除了聯想還要具備觀察力★ 精心規劃在地化主題,更多好玩的梗等你來發現
疯狂猜成语 11.06
疯狂猜成语,支持繁体字,古典木式风格设计,让您在悠闲静谧的时间,畅玩于猜成语的快乐!古典木式风格设计,优美动人,温馨舒适,让您体验不一样的猜成语!共有650多个成语,绝对是最新最全猜成语游戏。更设有各个里程碑等您来获取!初入江湖,小有名气,名动一方,江湖少侠,一派掌门,武林盟主,独孤求败,看猜成语你能到哪一级?软件功能:1.答对有奖,每对一题,奖励2金币2.关毕游戏音效,安安静静猜成语3.智能提示功能,猜不出来,可以让系统智能提示哦!4.好友分享功能,如果觉得本游戏好玩,更欢迎分享给您的亲朋好友。让大家一起来猜成语如果您喜欢本游戏,欢迎给我们五星好评,谢谢。Crazy guessidioms,support Traditional, classic wood style design, allowing youtoleisurely quiet time, play to guess the idiom of joy!Classic wood style design, beautiful and moving, warmandcomfortable, allowing you to experience a different idiomguess!There are over 650 idioms, the absolute latest and mostcompletegame guess idiom.More features waiting for you to get each milestone! Enteringthearena, a minor celebrity, were moving party, rivers andlakesShaoxia, faction head, Martial, isolated situation, see whereyoucan guess the idiom level?Software features:1. The correct answer wins a prize, each pair a title, 2goldaward2. Guan Bi game sound, quietly guess idioms3. intelligent prompts, give it up, you can make the systemsmarttips Oh!4. Tell a friend function, if you think this game is fun, andwewelcome you to share with friends and family. Let us worktogetherto guess idiomIf you like this game, welcome to our five-star praise,thankyou.
瘋狂猜謎語 v1.2
爱猜动漫 1.0.2
FastIDEA Inc
疯狂猜系列之爱猜动漫,专注于二次元世界分析,鄙视三次元生物!2015年最好玩的猜图游戏!开动你的脑筋,回味你的童年!Crazy guessguessloveanime series, focusing on the world's secondelementanalysis,contempt for three yuan creatures!2015 guess the most fun puzzles!Start your brain, the recollection of your childhood!
가로세로 낱말퀴즈 3.1.0
★강려크하게 돌아온 가로세로 낱말퀴즈!★전작 [가로세로 낱말퀴즈]에 대한 꾸준한 사랑 감사드립니다.성원에 보답하고자 가로세로 낱말퀴즈가 대폭 리뉴얼되었습니다.손맛이 있는 퀴즈게임! COMBO 효과탑재!!▶매일매일 새로운 퀴즈가 출제되며 EASY 모드 클리어 시 HARD 모드로 고득점을 노리세요!▶구글게임플레이 로 연결하여 랭킹대결에 참여하세요!▶힌트, 오답방지, 점수버프 등 아이템추가! (결제가 필요없습니다.게임상에서 코인을 얻으세요.)▶연속정답 시 COMBO 효과로 점수UP! 지능UP!▶업적달성으로 구글게임플레이 레벨을 올리세요▶글자가 열리지 않은 단어를 풀 경우 추가되는 노력정답!단어완성에 따라 자동으로 완성되는 자동정답! 으로 보너스 점수를 얻으세요.▶요구되는 키워드만 입력하면 편리하게 정답이 완성됩니다.※ 네트워크(WiFi, 3G) 신호가 약한 곳에서는 퀴즈다운로드가 정상적으로 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.※ 오류 발생 신고 및 문의: [email protected][전체이용가] CC-OM-111014-001호가로세로낱말퀴즈 버전 3.0.1----개발자 연락처 :서울 강남구 도산대로24길 7씰컴퍼니 주식회사02-3446-6771★ ryeokeu river back to verticalandhorizontal word quiz! ★Thank predecessor, steady love for [Aspect word quiz.To repay the support aspect has been renewed considerablywordquiz.The hands quiz game! COMBO effect equipped !!▶ Every day a new quiz questionsandyour high score to Norwich City HARD EASY modeClearMode!▶ Connect to Google Playandparticipate in rankings showdown!▶ hints, error prevention,scoreadditional items such as buff! (Payment is required. Get thecoinsin the game.)▶ score in consecutive correctanswerswhen COMBO effects UP! Intelligence UP!▶ Place the achievementsaccomplishedin Google Play Level▶ If the word is not open lettersfulleffort answers are added!  Auto answer is automatically completed according totheword completion! Get a bonus score.▶ only required if you enter akeywordthat is conveniently the answer is completed.※ network (WiFi, 3G) in a weak signal area, you can downloadthequiz does not function properly.※ error reporting and inquiries: [email protected][Everyone] No. CC-OM-111014-001Aspect Words Quiz Version 3.0.1
Cheney Hsu
Guess the word on the card from your friends’ clues before thetimerruns out!
What's the Brand 1.1
Words Mobile
COME ON DOWN! Take a trip back to memorylaneto guess the brand in the world's #1 logo quiz game.The concept of What's the Brand is very simple, can you guessthebrands based on part of the logos shown on the screen?Game Features:- A visual Trivia game for your family and kids with allyourfavorite brands- Innovative touchscreen controls, stunning graphics, and richemojisound effects make replay irresistible- Unlimited Fun: 1,000+ of brands to guess and more to comeLots of Help Options:- Use hints to guess the brand based on the company/productsummaryof the brand- Expose a letter of the brand or remove some wrong letters- Finally, use our 'Show Logo' feature to clear the coveringwhitetiles in case you get really stuck!
疯狂猜歌 儿歌版 9.7
猜猜樂 1.0
Synn Wang
限時2分鐘內輸入4位數的數字,且4個數字不得重複,2分鐘內猜中數字,即可獲勝!A代表數字和位置正確,B代表數字正確位置錯誤。例如:1A3B數字與位置正確的有1個,其他3個則是數字正確位置錯誤。Enter within thetimelimit2 minutes 4-digit number, and the four digit shall notberepeatedwithin two minutes to guess numbers, you can win!Arepresents anumber and the correct position, B representsthenumber correctlocation errors. For example: 1A3B numbers andhavea correctposition, the other three are numeric correctlocationerrors.
猜猜ABC 1.2
Monkey Pill
Guess the country 1.0
Guess the country Guess the country - brand new thrilling gameforcountry fans. Hundreds of questions will never make youbored.Guess the country features: - hundreds of questions withcountryimages - the correct answer turns green - more than 200flags -different game modes - randomly generated answer variants -50/50option - skip question option - frequent updates -detailedstatistics - share with friends option to arrangecompetitions -suites for phones and tablets Please rate and commentour app tohelp us to make it better. For real fans of the country -someinteresting facts about country: A country is a regionidentifiedas a distinct entity in political geography. A countrymay be anindependent sovereign state or one that is occupied byanotherstate, as a non-sovereign or formerly sovereign politicaldivision,or a geographic region associated with sets ofpreviouslyindependent or differently associated peoples withdistinctpolitical characteristics. Regardless of the physicalgeography, inthe modern internationally accepted legal definitionas defined bythe League of Nations in 1937 and reaffirmed by theUnited Nationsin 1945, a resident of a country is subject to theindependentexercise of legal jurisdiction. The word country comesfrom OldFrench cuntrée, itself derived from Vulgar Latin (terra)contrata(“(land) lying opposite; (land) spread before”), derivedfromcontra (“against, opposite”). It most likely enteredEnglishlanguage after the Franco-Norman invasion during the 11thcentury.In English the word has increasingly become associatedwithpolitical divisions, so that one sense, associated withtheindefinite article – "a country" – is now a synonym for state,or aformer sovereign state, in the sense of sovereign territoryor"district, native land". Areas much smaller than a politicalstatemay be called by names such as the West Country in England,theBlack Country (a heavily industrialized part ofEngland),"Constable Country". Many people currently do not have asovereignstate, have been engaged in so-called liberation war, ortakeaction (often a terrorist) other organizations. In thepresentexample is fighting for the independence of Kurdistan fromTurkey,Eastern Turkestan, China, and Tibet, Basque Country, EastTimor (inthe latter case, already restored state) and others Insome casesit's former state, in other countries, did not havestatehood. Themismatch between the boundaries of countries andStates, a commonenough phenomenon in Asia. Also decided to allocatethe country'sdifferent scale, calling the smaller the territory ofhistoricareas (for example, Eastern Turkestan consists of twocountries:Kashgaria and Dzungaria). At the same time, a largenumber ofexamples of countries outside of the state borders can befound inEurope: Lapland (territory divided between the kingdoms ofNorwayand Sweden, the Republic of Finland and the RussianFederation),Transylvania (fully included in the Romanian Republicof),Occitania (part of the French Republic). Countries usuallyhavedifferent names (Germany and the Federal Republic ofGermany,France and the French Republic, Russia, and theRussianFederation). Disclaimer: Any images are under copyright oftheirlegal owners. All the images in this application are notendorsedby any of the owners, and are used only for aestheticpurposes. Nocopyright infringement is intended, any request toremove any imagewill be honored. This game is unofficial andcreated for countryfans.
猜燈謎 3
猜燈謎在中秋節是必玩的玩樂, 適合大人小朋友一齊動腦筋,在這有超過50題燈謎,簡單操作,内含答案, 有難有唔難五十多題任君選擇! 中秋節必備遊戲!
猜數字達人 1.6.2
ling app
1A2B simple fun guessing game.
粉丝猜歌名 1.0
Desert Flower
精心挑选耳熟能详,余音绕梁的流行怀旧200首歌曲,供大家来欣赏和追忆。通过聆听歌曲的旋律猜歌名,正确输入歌曲名称,歌手名或影片名才能进入下一关。如果你是歌迷、是音乐爱好者、是音乐达人,那就来一边玩一边欣赏这些美妙的歌曲吧!Carefullyselectedfamiliar buzzing pop nostalgia 200 songs for everyone toenjoy andreminisce.By listening to the melody of the song title to guesscorrectlyenter the song title, artist name, or the name of themovie to thenext level.If you are a fan, music lover, music up to people, then to thesideto play these wonderful songs while enjoying it!
Riddle Me That - Guess Riddle
Riddle Me That! Do you like guessingriddlesand playing riddle quiz game? Can you guess theseriddles?Riddle of the day:What do you call a dog that sweats so much?What falls but never breaks?Try this "Riddle Me That!" game! It's the best riddle quiz game,andIt's free!For every riddle, you will have 12 or 14 mixed lettersforcandidate, and you will be shown the number of letters foranswers.These are already the hints for you, so it's easierthantraditional riddles.There will be lots of levels for you to unlock if you answerenoughriddles, so you can guess futher riddles without having toguessthe current one like other riddle games.Go Go Go! So now let's begin this riddle game - Riddle MeThat!Riddle me this, riddle me that, Riddle Me Brains!The answers of two questions: hotdog and night.Don't try to search the riddles and answers online, since itwillreduce the fun!