Top 18 Apps Similar to 享溫馨庭院自助式KTV

K歌达人(K歌達人 ) 5.4
* K歌达人-K歌动人心弦,达人无处不在,天天K歌唱不停。* 实时美音,魔声编辑 ,集唱歌、录歌、交友、直播间为一体的唱歌app。* 专业的手机唱歌软件,除了手机K歌,自带精确的评分和音调引导,练歌神器让你秒变KTV歌神。* 专注追求录音棚的录歌效果,魔幻极致的美音处理, 手机也是录音棚。* Kge圈子大神多,以歌会友,天天遇见爱唱歌的人。* 丰富的伴奏,轻松点歌,免费欢唱----------------------------------------------------------Ta不仅仅只是个练歌神器,Ta还可以酱紫玩。。。* 唱歌分享 (海量K歌曲库,KTV唱歌热榜,最新流行嗨歌,无论爱唱男星女星,唱歌录音上传一键分享)* K歌房(音乐K吧,仿佛置身移动KTV,与爱唱歌的kg朋友实时K歌,轮流点歌,一起唱吧,移动的卡拉ok带回家)* 每日精选(Kge小编精选,搜罗最新K歌好声音,好声音的粉丝交友热线)* 星打歌(用海报宣传我的歌~从此唱K米(木? :))有白费的心)* 我是星探(其实每个人都是星探,这里全是好声音,天籁之音,由你发现)* 赠送礼物(好好唱歌,礼物多多,唱歌交友,温情互动)* 合唱(深情对唱、多人合唱,一起唱吧)* 手机里的伴奏(K达这么多伴奏,还嫌不够多?用自己手机的伴奏来过瘾,kg无极限)* 家族K歌房(交友,社区,天天K歌在一起,每个人都属于一小簇人,既是k吧,也是家)特色:* 麦子电台(达人的官方电台,实时搜索并推荐全民关注的好声音)* 每日精选(天天筛选和推荐优秀达人好歌,不听不知道~民间高手声音好美妙)* 活动赛事(丰富的唱歌赛事,我的歌声我做主)* 我是歌手第四季 (同步推出我是歌手2016第四季每期最新曲目, 我是歌手曲目唱歌方便快捷,快来k吧)* 我们从未停止过对给K歌爱好者带来最好的唱歌软件的追求,对我们而言,最好的K歌体验是我们永远不会放弃的追求*不论您有任何疑问或是建议,我们都非常乐于与您交流、沟通。请警惕任何以‘K歌达人’名义索取财物的通知与消息,如发生此类情况,可以通过以下渠道与我们取得联系哦新浪微博:@K歌达人herook(电子邮箱:[email protected]另:欢迎关注我们的微信订阅号:kurooke* K song Daren -Ktouchingsong, reach people everywhere, every day, non-stop singingK.* Real-time beautiful sound, sound editing magic, singingsetbetween recorded songs, friends, live as one of thesingingapp.* Professional singing phone software, in addition to mobilephonesK song, comes with accurate rating and tone guide, karaokeartifactseconds to let you change KTV Song of God.* Focus on the pursuit of the studio recording the song effect,theultimate magical beauty of voice processing, mobile phone isthestudio.* Kge large circle of God more, singing friends, love to singeveryday to meet people.* Rich accompaniment, easy song, sing for free-------------------------------------------------- --------Ta is not just a karaoke artifact, Ta Jiang Zi can also play...* Singing share (K massive music library, KTV singing Hot List,thelatest popular song Hey, whether actor actress love to sing,singUpload recordings to share a key)* K song room (music K it feel like being mobile KTV, andlovesinging kg K song friends in real time, turn the song, singittogether, moving home karaoke ok)* Daily Picks (Kge selection of small series, collecting thelatestK song sounds good, sounds good fans dating hotline)* Star hit song (with a poster from my songs to sing K ~meters(wood? :)) Have wasted heart)* I'm a scout (in fact, everyone is a talent scout, where allthegood voice, soothing, to you find)* Gift (good singing, a lot of gifts, singing friends,warmthinteractive)* Chorus (soulful duet of voices, sing with it)* Phone accompaniment (K accompaniment of so much, not enoughmulti?Use their mobile phones to the accompaniment of fun, kgnolimit)* Family K song room (friends, community, day K songtogether,everyone belongs to a small cluster of people, both k it,is alsothe home)Features:* Wheat Radio (Daren's official radio, real-time searchandrecommend good sound universal concern)* Daily specials (daily Daren screening and recommendedexcellentsongs, I do not know - do not listen to folk masterswonderfulsounds good)* Events Events (rich singing competitions, my voice I calltheshots)* I am a singer in the fourth quarter (I'm a singersimultaneouslaunch in the fourth quarter 2016 the latest trackseach issue, Iwas quick and easy track singer singing Come kbar)* We never stopped to K song enthusiasts pursuit of the bestsingingsoftware, for us, the best K song experience that we willnever giveup the pursuit* Whether you have any questions or suggestions, we are verywillingto communicate with you, to communicate. Please be alert toany 'Ksong Daren' nominal obtain property and notificationmessages, suchas this occurs, you can contact us through thefollowing channelsohSina Weibo: @K song Daren herook ( [email protected]: welcome to our micro-channel subscriptionnumber:kurooke
歡歌——人氣超高的移動KTV,是潮人掌上必備の練歌神器。隨時隨地,唱你所想!獻給每個熱愛唱歌,熱愛音樂的你!天籟歌聲,盡在歡歌!【歡歌優勢】史上最輕巧的移動練歌房, N種清唱新玩法。拒絕渣音效!歌聲竟然可以如此完美!告別音癡!歡歌幫你找回唱歌的自信!細膩音質!聽感一流!耳朵超滿足~【關於歡歌】歡歌榜:只要歌聲夠動人,獲推薦、上首頁、萬人點讚不是夢!還能與忠實聽眾進行在線交流,積攢人氣。編輯推薦:每日好聲音推薦,這裡集中了一大波清新的天籟,總能尋找到讓你聽後無法忘懷的聲音。魅力榜:明日之星集中營,高顏值、好聲音統統不在話下。集讃收禮物就能獲得魅力值,考研個人魅力的時刻到了,有膽你就來!點歌台:你可以深情清唱,也可以自彈自唱、更可以來一段脫口秀!這裡就是你的專屬練歌房+個人電台,錄製之後還可以分享給歌友增添人氣唷!怎麼玩:海量K歌活動每月玩出新花樣,無論是愛唱或是愛聽,總有一種適合你!海量免費禮物簽到就送,為喜歡的那個“他/她”添魅力吧!【最新活動】歡歌新秀賽:這裡是新晉歌手的舞台,實力大咖作為你的專業評委,只要你有“料”歡迎來挑戰!脫穎而出的參賽選手不僅可以獲得首頁推薦,更有機會獲得麥克風等豐盛好禮~還不快快加入我們?Song - high popularityofmobile KTV, is the influx of people necessary の handheldkaraokeartifact. Anytime you want to sing! Each dedicated to loveto sing,the music you love! Teana songs, all in song![Advantage] songHistory of the most lightweight mobile karaoke rooms, N kinds ofnewways cappella.Refuse slag sound! Even singing can be so perfect!Farewell sound crazy! Carol singing help yourecoverself-confidence!Detailed sound! Excellent sense of hearing! Ear supersatisfied~[On] songSong list: long enough singing and moving, were recommended onthehome page, people thumbs is not a dream! Also with a loyalaudienceto communicate online, the accumulation of popularity.Editors: Good Recommended Daily Sound, where the concentrationofa large wave of fresh sounds of nature, always looking to hearyoucan not forget to let the sound.Charm list: Rising Stars camps, high color value, good soundallmention. Set Zan received a gift can get Charisma, charismamomentto PubMed, the courage you have to!VOD platform: You can affectionate cappella can also sing,butalso to some talk show! This is your exclusive personalradiostation after + karaoke rooms, recording can also share songstoadd to the Friends of popularity yo!How to play: Massive monthly K song activities play newtricks,whether it is love to sing or hear, there is always a rightforyou! Mass attendance send free gift, for the likes of that, "he/she" Tim charm of it!【latest events】Carol Rookie Game: Here is the budding singer's stage, thestrengthof a large coffee as your professional judges, as long asyou havea "material" Welcome to the challenge! The contestantsstand outnot only get home recommended more access to microphonesand otherrich gifts - not just join us?
錢櫃KTV 3.23
【新功能】 1. 「錢櫃VIP」提供行動支付新功能,包廂結帳更便利 2. 點數兌換品項調整囉,新增人氣餐飲會員獨享3.問題除錯,包括重覆綁定、效能優化等
好樂迪APP除提供更便捷的訂位、點歌服務外,特別增加設計2項創新功能:1. 威力E卡:即時秀卡、即享優惠,手機在手、想唱就唱。2. 點數兌換:卡友消費即可累積點數,獨享商品優惠價換購或兌換。※ 即日起下載APP並加入威力E卡,另享加碼200元歡唱金。(活動相關內容依官網公告為準,本公司保留活動變更權利)**** KTV達人專屬利器 ***** 好便利 * 【APP搖控點歌】>與包廂點歌電腦連線,輸入電腦驗證序號即可同步點歌,不用再跟大家搶遙控器,更不用一堆人擠在點歌螢幕前,想唱什麼歌就唱什麼歌!!!* 好快速 * 【APP立即訂位】> 只要登入你的網路會員帳號,即可立即訂位,不需電話預約更不用在門市現場苦等。* 好實用 * 【最新優惠、門市查詢、我的歌本】> 全省好樂迪門市活動及歌曲資料庫,直接點選就能立即查詢,實用度100%。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~【威力E卡專區】威力E卡相關內容請至活動官網查詢:【APP問題】可利用APP「設定服務」內意見信箱:[email protected],簡述您的問題、消費門市、裝置及聯絡資訊,我們將儘快為您處理。
UBest KTV 2014/08/29 12:00
WiFi and karaoke machines to connect, easy to use yourcellphone,Tablet PC to upgrade the remote control.
KTV 練習曲 2.0
Lonely Man
KTV練習曲可協助您找到想要的 MV、歌詞、歌單號碼
唱吧 - 你的手机KTV 4.0.0
唱吧 - 最时尚的手机KTV人气最高的手机K歌社区--------------------------------------------唱吧6.0,在音乐的世界肆意妄为--------------------------------------------手机K歌:尽情歌唱,纵享欢乐- 曲库丰富、曲目更新及时,唱你所想,享你所唱- 有趣的合唱模式,尽享和朋友一起对唱或者大合唱的欢乐- 炫酷MV模式,成为MV的主角,秀出你的表演才能、搞怪天赋- 自然流畅的K歌体验、特别的混响特效,让你的歌唱天分尽情释放人气社区:只要你想,就有舞台- 全国榜、地区榜、附近歌王、单曲排行、合唱排行,这里的舞台足够大- 如果你天赋歌喉却沧海遗珠,独具慧眼的音乐编辑会发现你、推荐你- 粉丝寥寥,那就唱给最在乎的那个Ta听,一样的美妙无限- 包房K歌秀,还原最真实的KTV包房体验,绽放你的现场魅力好友互动:让欢乐在彼此间传递- 赠送礼物,还有什么比礼物更令人满心欢喜呢- 发表评论,留下看法就是给予关注- 发送私聊,适合害羞的你悄悄表达- 加入群组,和志同道合的小伙伴一起愉快玩耍唱吧的最新动态请关注唱吧官方微博新浪微博: @唱吧腾讯微博: @唱吧========================================如果唱吧里的内容侵犯了你的权益,请联系[email protected]更新内容:唱吧改版了,界面更美观、功能更易用,全新唱吧等你来玩~Sing - the moststylishmobile phone KTVThe most popular mobile phones K song Community--------------------------------------------Sing 6.0, in the world of music acts recklessly--------------------------------------------Phone K Song: enjoy singing, enjoy the joy vertical- Music Library rich repertoire timely updates, sing what youwant,enjoy what you sing- Interesting chorus mode, enjoy friends and duet or chorus ofjoytogether- Cool MV model, become the protagonist of MV, show youractingskills, talent Funny- The natural flow of K song experience, especially reverbeffectslet you enjoy the release of singing talentPopular Community: as long as you want, there is a stage- National List, regional standings, near the King,singlesrankings, ranking the chorus, where the stage is largeenough- If you're singing talent but sea Pearl, discerning musiceditingwill find you, we recommend you- A handful of fans, then sing the most care to listen that Ta,thesame wonderful unlimited- K song show rooms, KTV rooms to restore the mostrealisticexperience, blooming charm your siteFriends Interactive: Let joy be passed between each other- Gifts, there is nothing better than a gift it is even more fullofjoy- Comment, leaving the view that attention- Send whisper for you quietly shy expression- Join the group, and the like-minded partners happy littleplaySing the latest developments please pay attention to singtheofficial microbloggingSina microblogging: @ singTencent microblogging: @ sing========================================If you sing in the content violates your rights,[email protected]:Sing a revised, more beautiful interface, functional and easiertouse, the new waiting for you to play and sing ~
歌神KTV 1.8
Song of God 24H parity Buffet KTV, standing in Chiayi City(West)bustling friendly way. (Limited use in this KTV box)
移动练歌房 V3.1.11
移动练歌房★第三次接触,唱出自己★全新界面带来蜕变强大的直播功能更好的演唱体验更多的歌曲发现更动听的混响效果更有趣的互动方式最专业的k歌社交软件,私人专属录音棚-用最专业的录音效果,演唱万首经典曲目-用ktv专业的词曲同步技术,保证你的演唱完美无暇-随时保存,随地播放,你的演唱会永不落幕-ktv专家级点歌系统,瞬间找到心仪的曲目最全面的对接,把ktv拿到手机上-进入ktv包房,移动练歌房把手机变为点歌台-同步把ktv演唱的歌曲上传到你的移动练歌房,ktv就是录音棚-用移动练歌房分享你在ktv录制的每首金曲,-无界限的与全国的k歌达人一起唱翻天覆盖最广泛的k歌社区-用手机演唱,在ktv演唱,天下都是你的录音棚,用移动练歌房把它们分享给全世界的朋友听-在这里发布你的专业单曲,制作你的个人专辑,举办你的全国演唱会!-通过演唱,成为千万人关注的明星,你就是歌手!-分享ktv的活动信息,不分地域成为所有人的演播现场再次加强的专业级音效支持-经过专业录音室调校的混响系统-提供专业级别的调音台功能-完美实现录音棚的演唱效果,抓住你的每一次演唱-手动平衡,精确控制歌声与伴奏的同步完美的合唱功能-专业混响带来完美的合唱作品-专为合唱优化的字幕显示-上万首曲库等着你和ta去激情演绎我们一起唱吧!最优秀的手机k歌应用,出色混音效果,完胜各类K歌软件。小伙伴儿们,快来唱歌吧!Mobile karaoke★ third contact, sing their own ★Metamorphosis bring new interfacePowerful features liveBetter concert experienceMore songs foundMore pleasant reverbMore interesting interactionK song most professional social software, privateexclusivestudio- With the most professional audio effects, singing tenthousandclassic tracks- With lyrics synchronized ktv professional technology toensureyour perfect concert- Saved at any time, anywhere to play, you'll neverendingconcert-ktv expert VOD system, and instantly find your favorite tracksThe most comprehensive docking, to get on the phone ktv- Enter ktv rooms, mobile karaoke song sets the phone into- Synchronize the ktv singing songs uploaded to your mobilekaraokerooms, ktv is studio- With a mobile karaoke rooms share your ktv recorded in each ofthefirst songs,- No boundaries with the national song of people together to singkearthshakingCovering the widest range of k song Community- Using a mobile phone singing in ktv singing, the world isyourstudio, with a mobile karaoke rooms to share with the worldtheirfriends listen- Here publish your professional singles, making yourpersonalalbums, concert organized by your country!- Through singing, millions of people become concerned aboutthestar, you're a singer!- Share ktv activity information, regardless of geographicalbecomeeveryone's studio sceneStrengthen the professional level audio support again- After a professional recording studio reverb tunedsystem- To provide professional-level mixer function- To achieve the perfect effect studio concert, grab every timeyousing- Manual balanced, precise control of synchronized singingandaccompanimentPerfect Harmony feature- Professional reverb brings the perfect choral works- Designed for chorus optimized subtitles- The ten thousand music library for you and go tapassionateinterpretationSing it with us!K song best phone application, excellent mix effect, win allkindsof K song software. Small partners children who come tosingit!
Tamil Movies Comedy 4.8
Watch Latest Super collection of Goundamani senthilvadivelusanthanam comedy!
歌曲王國-歌手 專輯 歌曲 歌詞 MV 1.9.11
『歌曲王國』提供你所有的音樂資訊提供1.最新歌詞:每天更新歌詞, 中文歌詞, 英文歌詞, 日韓歌詞2.最新歌曲 MV:每首歌曲皆可連結 youtube 的影音3.歌手資訊:可以 "收藏歌手", 看歌手的最新新聞, 影音4.查詢歌詞:可以查找歌曲的歌詞5.專輯資訊:查找專輯的資訊,包含 專輯介紹, 歌詞.....6.歌曲排行 : 最新流行歌曲排行榜你想要知道最新專輯的歌詞嗎?歡迎使用『歌曲王國』你想要知道最新偶象的新聞嗎?歡迎使用『歌曲王國』你想要看最新歌曲的 MV 嗎? 歡迎使用『歌曲王國』不論是熱門的男歌手 (周杰倫,林俊傑....), 熱門的女歌手(張惠妹,梁靜茹,蔡依林),還是熱門的團體(五月天,蘇打綠...), 甚至是懷舊系列(鄧麗君,林憶蓮,蔡琴...), 西洋(比吉斯合唱團BeeGees,披頭四Beatles),『歌曲王國』皆有收錄!
UBEST KTV Cloud 1.4.3
*ReadMe 1. Don't download if you don't have the machine.2.Supportmachine: Datawn DA-168HD, Haikelasi HC-588
Watch Tamil TV 6.2
This application provides you to watchtamilchannels.Tamil TV contains tamil channels and tamil news papers.Inorderto watch live news, make sure that your phone has thelatestversion of youtube app installed.The application provides:-+Popular newspapers.+Live News+Film News+Health+Sports+Tourism... etcChannels :-+Captain TV+Jaya TV+Kalaignar TV+Makkal TV+Mega TV+Polimer TV+Puthuyugam TV+Raj TV+STAR Vijay+Sun TV+Vasanth TV+Zee Tamil+Movies Channels+KTV
KaraRemote 1.1.1
KaraRemote 是一個專為手機設計的 KTV 選歌系統,貼心的設計讓用家更容易選取心愛歌曲! 此程式需配合專用的KTV點唱系統。
UKTV 1.0.7
The program applies to enjoy digital technology belongs KTVVODsystem, VOD and control functions provide Pocket KTV insidethebox.
MyArirang KTV 1.01
Nikmati pengalaman baruberkaraokedenganmenggunakan aplikasi MyArirang KTV. Pilih lagukesayanganmudenganmenggunakan Android smartphone dan Android tabletdanrasakansensasi yang berbeda dalam berkaraoke.Aplikasi MyArirang KTV memberikan banyak sekalikemudahandiantaranya:- Login aplikasi menggunakan PIN atau barcode Scan- Pemilihan lagu sangat spesifik berdasarkan,namapenyanyi,judullagu, nama negara, kategori lagu danfavoritesong- Control volume music dan pengaturan vocal ON/OF- Navigasi player berupa replay dan next song- Tampilan emotion untu menambah keceriaan suasanaKunjungi website kami :Official Website : http ://www.myarirang.comEnjoy thenewexperiencewith using the application MyArirang karaoke KTV.Selecta song youlove; using Android smartphones and Android tabletsandfeeldifferent sensations in karaoke.KTV MyArirang application provides a lotofconvenienceinclude:- Login application using a PIN or barcode scan- Selection based on very specific song, singer name,songtitle,name of country, track and favorite song categories- Control the volume of music and vocal arrangements ON / OF- Jump to players in the form of replay and next song- Display untu add to the fun atmosphere of emotionVisit our website:Official Website: http :/ /
You can download this application for GOGOKTVsystem with your mobile device to control the KTV system viawificonnection.